Two Types of Leadership Seeking To Emerge

Two Types of Leadership

There are two types of leadership looking to emerge right now. One leads to total enslavement. The other has the potential to set you free. Just listen to this extracted clip up to the 4min mark, from a speech by Barack Obama several years ago, which captures the summary of the conflict. 

It lays out two forms of power, one whose central theme is the empowerment of the people, as underpinned in the Constitution of the USA. The other is a top down centralized form of world power, based on the concept that mankind needs to be controlled by man’s version of a sovereign power.

The Old Guard

Image Source: The Old Guard

If the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Vatican have their way in their control of giant corporations, we will be moving to a new world order, which means everything is centralized and controlled by the few. This includes the governments whom I exposed in a previous article as being corporations, not service entities. 

See if you can make the connection between their stated relationship with ‘other financial ‘ institutions, and how this connects to the current asset stripping that is going on with the land and the farmers, as one example. Their control will be accompanied by a disdain and dislike for ‘we the people’ and will result in more rules that stack the cards in their favor so to speak. It has already been happening.

For those who can read the signs of the times, and go beyond the conflicts of mainstream media reporting, it is becoming more evident that this is what is in play. If you still think we are reverting to getting our life back after the latest global events read this from the Vatican News.

Troubled Waters

The traditional leaders of our times have largely led us into troubled waters, and many are now awakening to the realization that this is far from accidental. Rather it was orchestrated to enable the few to benefit while the majority plunge deeper into modern day slavery in all aspects of their lives.

If that still feels like a dramatic statement to you, simply take your research beyond the mainstream media and all governmental authorities who have conflicts of interest with their puppet masters and the general public, and you might start to think differently.  If you conduct more independent research, a pattern will emerge that cannot continuously be put down to error or incompetence, and clarity will emerge. 

Self-Serving Leadership is Not Leadership

It seems that money continues to do the talking, with politicians and many big corporate CEOs selling their soul to line their pockets, serving money and profits, while behaving duplicitously toward the public, and claiming ignorance on the repeated errors that play out in governance.

This is their model as David Icke eloquently put it. To create money they find a way of robbing the people. They create a problem, they watch the reaction, and then come up with a solution for the problem they created, which, by the way, they blame on the population. Usually that solution requires you to part with money in some shape or form. The energy crisis is a great example of this in action.

Self Serving Leadership Characteristics Exposed

My submission is that what we are witnessing from a leadership perspective, is a style of leadership that is based on a scarcity mentality, and a disregard for mankind as being worthy of equal consideration. Current politics is based on a hierarchical structure with ‘divide and rule’ being its modus operandi.

Mental Characteristics

At a psychological level scarcity mentality is playing out. This is based on the belief that there is not enough to go around, which of necessity leads to a survival strategy, marked by competition

An example of this is Bill Gates' Ted Talk, where he talks about the world being overpopulated and how vaccines within a CO2 formula can help to reduce the world populationIt’s no surprise that the Climate Agenda is now taking stage at this moment, and how everything that is happening is being connected in such a way as to help them impose the new world order.

If you think that the airport and train strikes are simply about wage protests, think again. We are in a different version of lockdown where freedom to travel is being curtailed, and not by virtue of ’vaccination’ status alone. In a previous article I shared a university piece recommending that by 2030 all UK airports should be shut, and that we should only be able to eat certain things.

The thinking behind this also points to a purely convergent thinking which focuses on narrowing down a problem toward a solution. In this case it is a biased form of convergent thinking, proposing a one-size fits all solution that gives huge benefits to the few who are pulling the strings. 

The population does not really get to have a say. Ask yourself why Bill Gates talked freely about vaccines being part of a depopulation strategy, and why he is buying up huge amounts of land in the USA. The key strategy used by big corporations and certain politicians is through competitive thinking showing up in the monopoly of industries. Competition, when done fairly, can be healthy. 

Monopoly on the other hand is a divide and rule strategy, where an attempt is made to effectively wipe out the opposition, so the few rule the roost. Ask yourself why Dr David Noakes and his business partner were extradited to France under the corrupt European Warrant, which allows someone to be thrown in jail without evidence. 

Their so-called crime was that they were helping so many people to put cancer into remission through a naturally occurring protein called GC-MAF. They got hounded under the guise of regulatory investigation, and were then extradited to a French prison. 

The last thing I gleaned was that they were not allowed daylight for more than about 20minutes, and their health was suffering greatly – unsurprisingly. They represented a significant threat and opposition to Big Pharma because they were getting huge and better results. They had to be removed.

The mental attitude is to manipulate and shape thinking through the advertising of fear and propaganda, based on their false narratives. The goal is to disempower the people so the few can asset strip with less and less resistance until the people are at zero. 

It is a top down thinking and approach to governance, which dictates to people what they can think, say or do. In this scenario they are the puppet masters and we are the puppets. That has become evident in the censorship and de-platforming of several thought leaders on youtube, who challenged the status quo. It is plain to see that this type of thinking and leadership does not serve the people and the planet on which they live. This is the old guard of current leadership. It’s time for a changing of the guard.

The Cross Roads

The world is at a major crossroads right now, and the decision that each of us makes from here will determine the destiny of the planet. There are more of us than those seeking to impose their control. We pay for the government through our taxes. Therefore we are not powerless.

However it involves more than words or just voting for another politician. For example in the UK we now have a new leader of the conservative party. We did not get to vote, it was all done internally.

Ask yourself though, given the choice, who would you vote for who is truly all for serving the people? If they are, does the current structure of governance allow them to operate freely to do so? It’s not as simple as just getting rid of Boris Johnson.

I have not voted for a politician since the days of Jeremy Thorpe, the former Liberal party leader, not because I do not care, but because I believe that a different governance structure which truly supports humanity needs to exist. Over in the USA Donald Trump and company are urging people to get out and vote.

Again the same question arises, as above in the example of the UK. If the current underpinning flawed structures remain, it doesn't matter who you vote for. It’s not so much that we need a new governance and leadership that has never been thought up before. We do, however, need a leadership that is going to mirror the opposite of the old guard, and lift humanity to new levels of life and freedom.

Building the Bridge of A New Leadership

It starts with you and me, and it takes presence and courage! We need to decide what principles and values will shape our lives and world moving forward. Then we can plan to embody it in practice. 

Source Image: Bridge Over Troubled Water 

This creates a new infrastructure which is first imprinted from within, ready to morph into being in the external world. So far, more people are making their voice heard, as seen in the many global demonstrations taking place, and the world has witnessed what could happen as the people of Sri Lanka chased their government out of official residence, causing them to flee the country.

However as that article suggests this is only one layer of addressing the crisis. There is evidence of a new leadership emerging where small groups of people are building infrastructure in technology and land, to replace the old. They are effectively building a parallel society where peaceful means of living and support can exist.

Agorism comes from the ancient greek work  equivalent 'agora', meaning an open place for assembly and market. Whether through agorism, or fairness and consideration for the welfare of all living things, projects are being established based on principles of living in an interdependent manner of sharing and caring.

Gandhi’s quote on ‘be the change you wish to see in the world’ gives a powerful insight into the sort of leadership that can change the world in a positive manner, while recognising all as leaders, not simply by virtue of status and title, but based on inner transformation, life experiences and the demonstration of wisdom attained throughout.

If everyone embraced and embodied that quote, the world would change overnight, because the collective energy of the will to change from the inside out would affect the collective consciousness, out of which something new and constructive would morph.

So ask yourself what sort of values and principles you wish to embody as part of a different world. What are you willing to be and do to become that leader in your life? After that I would like to recommend a book I have been reading over the summer which can help you embed your answers within a framework that builds from root principles.

That is Steven Covey’s well known book from the 80’s, The 7 Principles of Highly Effective People. While reading it, I recall thinking that this was more than just about effectiveness. It was about leadership. He has written a book on this too. It is well worth revisiting this book as there is timeless wisdom in there which needs resurrecting, and would serve as a great practical guide to build on Gandhi’s exhortation.

Effectiveness and Empowering Leadership

Steven Covey proposed that effectiveness is built on certain habits which permeate all areas of our lives, and that when those habits have their roots in life principles, rather than personal growth tactics and techniques alone, it has a far reaching effect that is akin to empowering leadership. His 7th Principle of Sharpening The Saw integrates the first 6. Let’s look at what constitutes that saw and how to sharpen your saw. 

Image Source: Sharpening The Saw

Empowered Leadership

Empowered Leadership is the ability to raise individuals up to express their potential in ways that go beyond self-service to that of service to humanity. It is a transcendent path and an interdependent path, which goes beyond the ego and its desires, to mastering the art of connection of  ‘we’, not just “i’ and ‘you’. He divided his principles into two domains, private victory and public victory and posited that what you build in the internal private world affects what shows up in the external world.

Private Victory

His first three habits come under private victory:-

Be Proactive

The basic theme here is that you are the creator, and do not have to wait for circumstances to be right in order to create. Therefore you can develop proactiveness rather than being reactive to circumstance.

Ask yourself:  ‘How proactive am I when it comes to my life principles?’ Do I wait for circumstances to be favorable or do I create resourcefulness?’

Begin with the End in Mind

You may be aware of the study in Australia where a group of people with terminal illness were asked about their regrets. Not one of them said they wished they had worked harder, because for most their jobs were a means to an end, rather than fulfilling of itself. All of the answers spoke to the quality of life, such as spending more time with loved ones, having the courage to go for their dreams, and so on.

Steven uses this to suggest a more accurate compass to designing our lives moving forward. He suggests a powerful visualization. However I will adjust it here to its core essence. Imagine if you can, that you do not have long to live.

Ask yourself “If today were my last day, what would I regret not being and doing?’

Use this as a guide to adjusting your life from today moving forward. To get his version of the visual he proposed, do read his book, and get a version of the book that is between 1989 and 2012 when he died because those versions will have his personal edits, not someone else's.

Put First things First

This section is all about scheduling priorities according to what is most important in our lives, not what is urgent yet not so important. Most people build around the urgent in reactive fashion.

Ask yourself: ‘ How well do I prioritize and attend to those things that are important to me?’

The remaining 4 habits come under Public Victory based on interdependent living:

Think Win-Win

This is about thinking in terms of cooperation to attain the highest good for all those involved. Win-win is not always possible and there are different variations to this scenario. Win-win types of scenarios fall under the banner of mastering the art of ‘we’.

Ask yourself: ‘ How well do I operate from the level of win-win in my relationships and work?’

Seek First to Understand Then to Be Understood

This is about the desire to understand the depth of a person and their world through listening and empathy, rather than to be preoccupied with what you want to say.

Ask yourself: ‘ What is the quality of my listening and empathy like?’


This is about integration and bringing all the moving parts together in the private internal world to merge with the activities in the external world. It is about the being and doing aspects coming into alignment with each other.

Ask yourself: ‘How aligned and harmonized do I feel in my being and doing?

Sharpen The Saw

This is all about cultivation. This means taking the time out to reflect on the whole, and the moving parts where the seven habits are concerned. It is about asking the right questions, answering with honesty, and adjusting accordingly.

One of the interesting things Steven posed in his book is how it is possible to be efficient while doing the wrong things. Leadership he says is doing the right things, and management is about doing things well. So it is possible to be using your skills in the wrong place, for example. This provides an appropriate reference to reflect on the topic of new leadership.

Ask yourself: ‘Where would be the best application of my skills and talents right now, which would make my heart sing, while providing a significant contribution to humanity?’

This ties in with habit 2, Start with the End in Mind. Create your own personal constitution, using the seven habits as a structure for your thoughts and plans moving forward, so that your life becomes based on root principles, which can give way to a new form of governance in your life and beyond.

The great thing about this is that you don’t have to be perfect. Leadership is for all who are willing to correct error, incompetence and corruption, starting within, with a view to serving mankind. I like to look at current reality as a mirror and ask, for example, ‘where have I contributed to the error, incompetence and corruption I am observing?’ 

I then look at what values and principles I wish to bring forth in myself and beyond, so that my inner infrastructure can pave the way for new structures to form on the outside for the benefit of all. Steven Covey provides two recommended resources of people who were willing to bridge those gaps, from within their prison surroundings.

They are Viktor Frankl’s autobiography ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’, and Anwar Sadat’s autobiography, ‘In Search of Identity’. For a current inspirational example of someone standing in the gap between the old guard and new emerging leadership, take a look at the documentary The Seeds of Vandana Shiva, an activist in India who embodies fearlessness with the courage and integrity to serve humanity in a way which reflects their sacred identity.

With this type of leadership, everyone can become a light dispelling the darkness of the old destructive guard, through how they are being and what they are doing, while bringing about a new golden age, where all can shine and thrive.

Which of these two types of leadership emerges, is down to ‘we the people’, whether we choose by default and keep to the old guard, or get proactive as Steven Covey encourages, bringing in the new guard.



About: Anita Narayan. (United Kingdom) My life's work is about helping individuals to greater freedom through joy and purpose without self-sabotage, so that inspirational legacy can serve generations to come. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.







Tim Moseley

The Two Obstacles to Achieving Success

The Two Obstacles to Achieving Success


There are two major obstacles that stand between you and achieving success. These are self-awareness and time management. Without the right mindset, it's easy to get sidetracked. The best way to overcome these obstacles is to develop the proper mindset and focus.


When we are consciously aware of our actions, we can make better decisions and progress toward our goals. Self-awareness can also be an important part of problem-solving, which will help us to persist in the face of difficulties and maintain the readability of our goals.

Developing self-awareness is one of the most important aspects of personal and professional success. By being more aware of your actions, you'll be able to solve problems more efficiently and effectively, and you'll be less likely to blame others for your failures. Furthermore, self-awareness promotes self-responsibility, which supports positive behaviors and relationships. It is essential to master this skill, because it can have a lasting impact on your personal and professional lives.

ecosystem for entrepreneurs


Prioritization is essential for successful project management. However, it can be difficult to know how to prioritize your projects when you are working in a team. In such cases, using a prioritization matrix can help you make the most effective choices. The best approach is to involve the team members in prioritization decisions, and avoid putting the focus on individual contributors.

A good prioritization process ensures that projects are aligned with the strategy of the organization. This helps reduce project failures. A project that is aligned with the strategy increases its chances of success by 57%. A good prioritization process can make the most of resources and help ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.


Accountability and responsibility are two of the most common barriers to success in the workplace, yet they don't have to be one-and-the-same. The two concepts are very different, yet they both require the same types of actions. Accountability involves being responsible for your actions and reporting on the results. Responsibilities are more task-oriented.

To improve accountability, organizations must change the dynamic between managers and employees. Instead of micromanaging employees, leaders must create a culture of ownership and self-motivation. This helps reduce confusion, increase productivity, and improve customer satisfaction. Accountability also reduces the burden of supervision on managers.

ecosystem for entrepreneurs


One of the biggest obstacles to success is the inability to prioritize tasks. Most people shy away from pursuing big goals because they don't feel they're "stable enough." But there's no better time to achieve what you want than now. In order to achieve success, you need to prioritize and share responsibilities. Life is too short to try to do everything.


Perfectionism can prevent you from taking risks, generating new ideas, or taking advantage of opportunities. It also stifles your creativity. To overcome perfectionism, you can seek professional help. The first step is to make a list of all the things that must be perfect, and then challenge those behaviors or beliefs.

Perfectionists often fear rejection and are defensive when others criticize them. They may lash out, be judgmental, and refuse to admit their mistakes. By disclosing your flaws, you can let others perceive you as more human and likable.

Tim Moseley

The Controlled Demolition of Food and Energy Supplies

The Controlled Demolition of Food and Energy Supplies

 by Doug Casey, editor, International Man Communique

The Controlled Demolition of Food and Energy Supplies


International Man: Russia is one of the largest producers of fertilizer in the world, and tensions with the US and EU are disrupting supplies.

In addition, it seems there is a deliberate effort to sabotage the global agriculture industry.

For example, in the Netherlands, the government is restricting the use of nitrogen fertilizer under the ridiculous pretext that it's needed to combat so-called "climate change." Dutch farmers have protested the measures because they believe they will destroy their livelihoods and cause food shortages.

In Canada, the Trudeau government has announced a similar policy. Other governments will likely follow.

What's your take on this? Is this a deliberate plan to disrupt food supplies?

Doug Casey: This meme has been circulating, along with three related ones, for a couple of years.

It's as if the world's governments decided to unleash the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Pestilence, War, Famine, and Conquest). The Covid hysteria and subsequent Vax mania can stand in for Pestilence. The US proxy war against Russia in Ukraine has every chance of getting much worse. Vastly higher commodity prices caused by central bank inflation and State dictates will cause famine in poor countries. As for the Fourth Horseman, Conquest? That's best translated as State Power. Kings and rulers, of course, but it evidences itself as socialism and authoritarianism today. We're in for tough times. The Four Horsemen are saddling up.

But let's look at Famine. Few people realize that before the Industrial Revolution, which only started in the 19th C, the world was perennially on the edge of mass starvation. Privation and hunger were normal. Hobbes was accurate when he said that life was "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." The Industrial Revolution, powered by coal and then oil, changed the nature of life itself. Food has become abundant and is now, by far, at the cheapest levels in history.

That may be changing. Basic commodities like wheat, soybeans, and corn have doubled in the last couple of years—incomes haven't. I doubt this is just a cyclical self-adjusting fluctuation. It's much more serious.

So what's going on? What's the deeper cause behind it?

The great Covid hysteria was the catalyst that put WEF's "Great Reset" in motion. Even though the flu itself turned out to be a big nothing, it brought on a collapse in economic activity. The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, a place few think about, seemed to lead the way. Its rulers decided to make it the most ESG-compliant country in the world at the very time tourism collapsed because of the pandemic hysteria. The government banned imported fertilizers in 2021, and production of tea and rice collapsed 50%. Sri Lanka made the news because of the depths of its self-caused disaster. I wonder, since Sri Lanka is an island with a very authoritarian government, whether this was an experiment to see what happens if you cut off all fertilizers and create an agricultural crisis in a country. Does it sound crazy? I think it's a real question. It's crazy—but it's exactly what happened.

Is it possible that the world's elite has decided, among themselves, that the world has too many people and that too many of them are what the WEF's court intellectual, Yuval Noah Harari, has called "useless mouths"? With few exceptions, all the world's leaders are members of the World Economic Forum. They all have common interests, share the same elitist/collectivist philosophy, promote each other, and have a common party line.

The elite are to blame for the problems that we have now, the release of the Four Horsemen.

This isn't a conspiracy theory. This is just a recognition of the fact that birds of a feather flock together. And once members of the elite become internationally influential or control a government, they become a "class."

I hate to sound Marxist talking about class interests, but it's true. The people who run most governments are much more loyal to their class—the international elite—than they are to their constituents or their countrymen.

They think alike. They went to the same schools, they go to the same clubs, read the same books, go to the same conferences, have the same worldview, and become friends with each other. They're influenced by the same influencers. So what's going on right now is not just an accident.

International Man: The Biden regime recently passed the Inflation Reduction Act. It aims to reduce inflation by creating more inflation.

A large part of this Orwellian spending bill includes an astronomical $369 billion for boondoggles related to "climate change."  

What do you think about this? 

Doug Casey: The names of legislation in today's Orwellian world will do just the opposite of what it says it will do.

The trillions of government spending we've seen in the last few years is the practical application of what is Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). It came out from under a rock as a meme a couple of years ago. But it never really caught on, perhaps because the theory itself is so outrageous and radical.

The "Inflation Reduction Act" is the practical application of MMT. What does it mean?

It means that the hundreds of billions of dollars that the Biden regime has authorized itself to spend will go in through the top of the funnel. It will all go to people that they favor, the projects they favor, and the ideas they favor. A giant amount of money is being given to the elite and people who toe the line.

But how is this immense giveaway supposed to reduce inflation, theoretically?

MMT says that the government can counter the effects of the money supply increase by taking it back out of the economy through taxes. But who's going to pay those taxes? Elements of the society that are not in favor. People that they consider to be unnecessary, politically unreliable, or deplorable.

In today's world, taxes are paid mainly by members of the middle class. People in the lower classes don't pay income taxes. Taxes are somewhat irrelevant to people in the upper classes—apart from the fact that they're the ones who'll get most of the new MMT money. It's the middle class who will be taxed to withdraw the money that comes in the top of the funnel.

The theory is that the $400 billion the bill authorizes will go into society where the elite say. Then $400 billion will be withdrawn through taxes from the middle classes, aided by 87,000 new IRS agents. That's exactly what they're going to do, and that's exactly what MMT intends.

The State puts money in at the top, in "smart" places, and they extract money from the economy from places, and people that they don't think are worthy. It's a catastrophically dangerous way for the government to totally capture and manipulate the economy. That's what the perversely named Inflation Reduction Act is really about.

And they'll do it without making it seem that way. It's diabolically clever.

International Man: The US government has been draining its strategic petroleum reserves in a big way recently. At the same time, the Biden Administration has made it difficult for oil and gas producers in the US. 

What is going on here?

Doug Casey: In the first place, I'm opposed to any strategic petroleum reserve run by the US government. Apart from the fact it amounts to the government speculating in commodities, it gives lots of extra power to the State and the bureaucrats who control it. Adequate petroleum reserves are something the market could, should, and would do—if we had an unrestrained free market. Which we don't.

Entrepreneurs, oil companies, and private speculators are immeasurably better at figuring out if oil will be in shortage or if it will be in glut. The government's debasement of the dollar is hurting the average guy, but the average guy votes. And he idiotically blames inflation on the oil producers—the very companies that are fighting the effects of inflation.

Of course, the Bidenistas want oil as low as possible before the election. They'll paint themselves as the good guys and oil producers as the bad guys. They're trying to reduce the effects of inflation by making oil more available. But once the reserve is gone, what's going to happen?

The elite absolutely hates fossil fuels. They hate coal, oil, gas, and uranium because they've empowered the common man since the start of the Industrial Revolution. They don't want to see more energy produced, they want to see energy conserved, then allocated ideologically, not economically. But the free market, not them, should decide if it makes sense to conserve energy or not.

They hate the fossil fuel industry and want to direct capital towards so-called green technologies, basically solar and windmills.

There is nothing wrong with these so-called alternative forms of energy production in select places and at certain times. But as a source of mass power generation, they make no sense at all. They're a disaster in the making and totally inappropriate for a prosperous industrial economy. These idiots are playing with fire on a global scale.

The climate change agenda is another form of psychological mass control. The more fear and hysteria the elite create, the more control they have. The brainwashed hoi polloi will beg for a strongman with promises to set everything right.

The fact is that there are many, many decades of oil, gas, coal, and nuclear power available. New technologies will eventually replace most of them, much as the internal combustion engine replaced the horse and electricity replaced wood 100 years ago. The stone age didn't end because we ran out of stones, and the fossil fuel age won't end because we run our fossil fuels. But trying to force these things for political and ideological reasons runs a genuine chance of collapsing the economy completely.

International Man: The European Union is similarly instituting self-destructive policies threatening to destroy its food and energy security.

It seems Western governments are deliberately sabotaging their economies. What is really going on here?

Doug Casey: It's like watching the controlled demolition of a building right before your very eyes. These people have declared war on Western Civilization. Releasing the Four Horsemen could bring on what amounts to a new Dark Age.

The global elite really does think they're different, better, and wiser than the plebs. They've become so bold that they're actually explaining what they're doing. They believe in authoritarianism because they believe they're the ones that should be on top. They don't understand economics, history, science, or technology—but they like being on top. 

They're trying to justify what they're doing. They want to look smart by saying, "Well, we're going to be in for some unavoidably tough times. We're going to have some cold winters. We're going to have some food shortages." I suppose they can spin it, so they look wise for having seen these things in advance and predicting them—but it's fairly easy to predict something that you cause. 

This is about the continuing collapse of Western Civilization, which these people see as an evil thing. At this point, the US is the last real bastion of Western Civilization. But Jacobins now control the apparatus of the State in the US, and they're not going to let go of power easily.

Western Europe has totally rolled over. It's totally controlled by socialist ideology. So we can expect more controls, more laws, and more regulations as we move into the gigantic financial and economic crisis that's right around the corner. It's no longer in some theoretical future. It could be in a matter of weeks or months. 

International Man: What can the average person do to protect themselves—and their money—from the consequences of these destructive measures?

Doug Casey: As the Greater Depression deepens, the average guy is going to clamor for somebody to solve his problems. The public will demand more controls. About half the country voted for the Bidenistas, and in Biden's recent speech, he practically declared war on the other half of the country. It's as if Biden has decided he, too, wants to be a War President, like the criminally stupid Baby Bush. Except Biden may wind up being a Civil War President.

What can you do about it? 

One possibility is that you can simply not play the game. As Timothy Leary said in a different context, "Turn on, tune in, drop out." Perhaps you can imitate the Amish, but I don't think they'll leave anyone alone; at best, you'll be left behind. Or perhaps you can be like Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind" and get out of the way of stupid people.

One thing seems certain: we're facing a major turning point in world history. It's really serious.

What's going to happen in particular? What are the elite going to do, and what is the public going to do in response? It's a complex guessing game, like predicting the next turn of a kaleidoscope.

My bets at the moment are on commodities, in general. They're very cheap relative to all other financial assets. There will be shortages because of what the elites are doing with things like ESG and DEI and their general attitudes towards business, private capital, and entrepreneurship. 

Buy gold, silver, and energy, while looking for smart places to speculate. They exist.

Pay heed to the French expression Sauve Qui Peut—let he who can save himself. That's the situation as we move into increasing economic, financial, political, and social chaos. 



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Tim Moseley

Gold silver bounce as USDX Treasury yields decline today

Gold, silver bounce as USDX, Treasury yields decline today

Gold and silver prices are higher and near daily highs in midday U.S. trading Wednesday, on short covering in the futures markets and perceived bargain hunting in the cash markets, following recent losses. The U.S. dollar index and U.S. Treasury yields backed down from their higher levels today, which also encouraged some buying interest in the metals markets. However, a big drop in crude oil prices to an eight-month low today did limit the upside in the precious metals. October gold was last up $11.50 at $1,714.90 and December silver was up $0.352 at $18.26.

U.S. stock indexes are higher at midday but still trending down on the daily charts. Risk aversion remains somewhat elevated in the general marketplace. China reported today its imports and exports fell more than the trade expected in August as the world's second-largest economy continues to stall amid Covid lockdowns, a wobbly property market and a weaker yuan. "The headwinds facing the Chinese economy are becoming increasingly fierce and recent efforts to shore it up have appeared inadequate," said an email dispatch from analyst Craig Erlam with OANDA.

The Bank of Canada monetary policy meeting today saw the central bank raise interest rates by 75 basis points. The European Central Bank meets Thursday and many expect the ECB to raise its main interest rate by 75 basis points.

Gold bears remain in control as short squeeze runs out of momentum

The key outside markets today see Nymex crude oil prices sharply lower and trading around $82.65 a barrel. The U.S. dollar index is a bit weaker after hitting another 20-year high in early U.S. trading. The yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note is fetching around 3.2%.

Technically, October gold futures bears still have the solid overall near-term technical advantage. Prices are in a four-week-old downtrend on the daily bar chart. Bulls' next upside price objective is to produce a close above solid resistance at $1,750.00. Bears' next near-term downside price objective is pushing futures prices below solid technical support at the July low of $1,686.30. First resistance is seen at this week's high of $1,727.00 and then at $1,740.00. First support is seen at $1,700.00 and then at $1,686.30. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 2.0.

December silver futures bears still have the solid overall near-term technical advantage. Silver bulls' next upside price objective is closing prices above solid technical resistance at $19.50. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid support at $17.00. First resistance is seen at this week's high of $18.465 and then at $18.80. Next support is seen at today's low of $17.74 and then at last week's low of $17.40. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 2.0.

December N.Y. copper closed down 345 points at 342.70 cents today. Prices closed near mid-range today. The copper bears have the firm overall near-term technical advantage. Copper bulls' next upside price objective is pushing and closing prices above solid technical resistance at the August high of 378.35 cents. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at the July low of 315.55 cents. First resistance is seen at this week's high of 350.00 cents and then at 360.00 cents. First support is seen at this week's low of 336.10 cents and then at 330.00 cents. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 3.0.

By Jim Wyckoff

For Kitco News

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips


Tim Moseley Is A Fake Dating Website That Makes Use Of Fantasy Pages

Web Site Details:


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This image is actually taken from and certainly will be located on numerous web sites had by them such as:



This exact same picture can available on numerous web sites including

“Fantasy Profiles” Developed By The Dating Site

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We now have included the main part of the conditions and terms below so that you could review.

This can be one of the most incriminating proof, whenever a violent admits into the act that he / she did. In such a case the dating website is actually admitting precisely how they defraud and scam people directly on their site.


Yes, we would. A number of the user profiles posted about this web site are fictitious, and therefore are associated with our very own “Fantasy visibility” (FP) solution. We designate these pages with a written “FP” about profile details web page. The FP service falls under the initiatives to promote conversation with users, to encourage additional and broader engagement in most of one’s web site’s services, including the posting of additional information or images with the people pages.

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  • A single FP could be connected with several (1) profile on the Website. You can easily determine and distinguish FP service profiles from user users because of the FP appearing on each FP profile, therefore the absence of any “interests” or geographic “location” identifier contained in the FP profile.

Is there whatever else i must know about the fantasy profile feature?

On one or higher occasions, FP profiles may get in touch with both members and members through computer-generated immediate messages or email messages to encourage additional or broader involvement from inside the web site’s solutions or even to keep track of user activity. These messages is likely to be sent to numerous recipients while doing so. Communications from FPs will support the uniform designation “FP” to inform the user that user has received a note from a FP.

You understand that no bodily meeting is ever going to happen between you and the people offering the FP service, which the trade of emails between both you and the FP is for enjoyment handbags, and to promote more or broader participation during the site’s solutions or even supervise individual activities.

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Gold bears remain in control as short squeeze runs out of momentum

Gold bears remain in control as short squeeze runs out of momentum

Gold bears remain firmly in control of the market as prices have been unable to hold gains above $1,750 and a short squeeze on hedge funds has proved to be short-lived.

According to market analysts, hedge funds remain pessimistic about gold as markets shift expectations that the Federal Reserve will quickly pivot from its current aggressive monetary policy strategy.

Further rate hikes through the rest of the year and in the first quarter of 2023 continue to support the U.S. dollar at a 20-year high and bond yields above 3%, two significant headwinds for the precious metal.

According to the CME FedWatch Tool, markets see a 74% chance that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates by another 75 basis points later this month.

Commodity analysts at TD Securities noted that gold's dismal performance through the summer indicates that the market has priced in higher interest rates; however, they added that the next wave of selling will be driven by expectations that a much-anticipated pivot is further away than initially thought.

"While gold prices may now have accurately captured the expected level of interest rates, they are not reflecting the implications of a sustained period of restrictive policy. Further, we see odds of a major capitulation event growing with every tick lower in gold prices," the analysts said in a note. "Gold markets still feature an extremely concentrated and bloated position held by a small number of family offices and proprietary trading shops, which are increasingly at risk as prices approach their pandemic-era entry levels."

The CFTC disaggregated Commitments of Traders report for the week ending Aug. 30 showed money managers decreased their speculative gross long positions in Comex gold futures by 4,089 contracts to 91,761. At the same time, short positions rose by 6,234 contracts to 79,973.

Gold's net length now stands at 11,788 contracts, down 46% from the previous week. During the survey period, gold prices briefly rose above $1,750 an ounce but could not hold those gains.

Platinum remains well supported even as surplus grows to 974k ounces – WPIC

Since then, gold prices have been stuck near support just above $1,700 an ounce.

Commodity analysts at Société Générale noted that the entire precious metals complex saw bearish flows of $2.5 billion.

"These flows came as Jerome Powell delivered his Jackson Hole speech. As the US Fed chair reiterated that the focus of the central bank is to tame inflation, precious metal prices fell, as higher interest rates erode the appeal of the non-interest-generating, safe-asset, bullion," the analysts.

As bearish as the sentiment is in the gold market, it is being outpaced by silver. Hedge funds made significant bearish bets in silver, according to the latest trade data.

The disaggregated report showed that money-managed speculative gross long positions in Comex silver futures fell by 564 contracts to 31,139. At the same time, short positions rose by 4,643 Analysts note that gross long are at their lowest point since Nov. 18, demonstrating how little contracts to 52,170.

bullish interest there is in the precious metal.

Silver's positioning remains net short by 21,031 contracts, up nearly 33%. During the survey period, silver prices dropped below $19.00 an ounce.

The sentiment in the silver market has continued to sour as prices have dropped below $18 an ounce.

Some analysts have said that growing recession fears continue to weigh on silver prices as 60% of demand comes from industrial uses.

Recession fears can also be seen in the copper market as hedge funds liquidate their bullish bets.

Copper's disaggregated report showed money-managed speculative gross long positions in Comex high-grade copper futures fell by 3,126 contracts to 37,617. At the same time, short positions rose by only 63 contracts to 46,284.

Positioning in the copper market remains solidly bearish with a new net short position of 8,667 contracts. During the survey period, copper prices hovered near support around $3.60 an ounce.

By Neils Christensen

For Kitco News

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips

Tim Moseley

Study Shows More Than a Third of Africa’s 53 Million Cryptocurrency Holders Are Nigerians

Study Shows More Than a Third of Africa’s 53 Million Cryptocurrency Holders Are Nigerians

Cryptocurrency and blockchain are hot topics in the news these days. Due to its growth and adoption, many people have become interested in digital money worldwide. However, Africa is making tremendous progress when it comes to cryptocurrency adoption. Cryptocurrency is transforming African economies through payments, international trade, and government functions. As countries look to embrace this new technology, Africa is poised to take advantage of its many benefits.

Several African countries have embraced cryptocurrency and blockchain technology by regulating crypto trading or creating state-backed crypto. For example, Kenya's Central Bank (CBK) classified crypto as a virtual currency and regulated its trade. South Africa also has plans to regulate crypto trading when it issued an amendment to its financial services regulatory framework this year. Uganda introduced a regulatory framework for blockchain development and Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), which has led to increased investor interest in the country. Several other African countries are looking into similar strategies, further expanding the continent's cryptocurrency adoption rate.

Businesses in Africa typically use local bank accounts to conduct business with other nations. This allows African companies to make international payments using locally stored funds instead of transferring funds from abroad using foreign exchange dealers (FEDs). All thanks to the introduction of cryptocurrency. Many businesses across Africa now use cryptocurrency for international payments since it's cheaper than FEDs and doesn't require additional paperwork or conversions. This frees up time for other tasks while increasing profit margins simultaneously. The adoption of this technological development makes it perfect for casual businesses without extensive staff resources.

Image Source:

African countries are also looking into blockchain technology to increase government transparency and accountability across the continent. Blockchain is secure and can transfer data quickly without any loss of accuracy like traditional computer systems do. This makes it ideal for keeping records such as land registries safe and easily accessible by all users on a decentralized platform like the Internet instead of an authoritative centralized system like governments have traditionally used.

Some African countries are already implementing this strategy, such as Zambia, which has created several pilot programs with international tech partners. These programs will bring government services online for the first time by allowing citizens access to their records online. Cryptocurrency has revolutionized African economies by making daily transactions cheaper, easier, and more secure than before, something any business would love!

Applying existing technology effectively can improve citizens' lives in developing areas far faster than simply throwing money at problems could ever achieve. Therefore, while developed countries wait to "catch up" with digital currency innovation, things appear to be changing in Africa, and Nigeria is leading the way and will be leaps ahead!

Nigeria Championing Crypto Adoption in Africa

According to the latest crypto-proprietary data from Triple-A, the African continent now has an estimated 53 million cryptocurrency holders. This is about 16.5% of the estimated global total of 320 million people. Interestingly, of all cryptocurrency holders in Africa, Nigerians account for more than a third of the total, or just over 22 million.

Image source: 

Nigeria has the fourth largest cryptocurrency holder globally, while the United States is the highest-ranked country with 46 million cryptocurrency holders. According to statistics, India and Pakistan are close behind, with 27 million and 26 million crypto owners, respectively.

While Nigeria ranks fourth in cryptocurrency ownership, the country is still considered the world leader in the number of people who Googled the keywords 'bitcoin' and 'cryptocurrency.' These findings are supported by the report of another study. The study shows that Nigeria is one of the most crypto-obsessed countries in the African continent.

Meanwhile, data from Triple-A shows that South Africa has the second largest cryptocurrency holder population in Africa at 7.7 million. This figure is equivalent to about 12.5% ​​of South Africa's population. Kenya has the third largest cryptocurrency owner in Africa, with 6.1 million or 11.6% of the country's population.

The top 5 countries in Africa with the most cryptocurrency owners are Egypt and Tanzania, with 2.37 million and 2.32 million holders, respectively. Seychelles is the lowest-ranked African country, with an estimated 1,257 cryptocurrency owners.

Bottom Line

The future belongs to those who will seize it today. No doubt, African countries like Nigeria are doing just that. By embracing cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology early on, the country has created an optimal environment for businesses and investors alike. Boosting their local economies significantly via increased investment and revenue generation opportunities through the adoption of innovative technologies such as these is something they have been doing at a rapid pace and with much success so far!



About: Prince Chinwendu. (Nigeria) Rapid and sustainable human growth is my passion, and getting a life-changing opportunity into the hands of people is my calling. Empowering entrepreneurs provides me with enormous gratification. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.







Tim Moseley

Dating Horoscope for July

Want to understand what movie stars ready for your online dating sites for singles life this month? Talk about the horoscope and then determine about your own future. 

You never know, possibly this month will make you the passion for lifetime. Or your commitment usually takes an urgent change.

Here is your private matchmaking horoscope for July.


Could you be finally over your ex lover? This month you might get some vibes out of your past that may advise you of the missing really love. It’s advisable that you have these recollections, however, don’t get too weighed down because of it. Should you decide fulfill your ex lover in-person, there might be some sparks between you two. Before you take any activity, look at it two times.

It is gonna progress and you may do some healing whenever Chiron goes retrograde in your indication after July 8. Just remember that , you may not be completely delighted until you release the past and move forward.


A full moon and limited eclipse in other planet sign Capricorn is in the air throughout the sixteenth, that will be the top of the month and will deliver some brand new exciting minutes towards online dating life.

Discovering a balance between your work and private life is extremely important. After the month, you may feel pressured and mentally fatigued, thus utilize dating as a way for one to loosen up.


The start of the thirty days may seem very difficult obtainable. You are likely to feel a-sudden desire getting by yourself, ’cause it feels difficult understand and keep in touch with other folks.

The fun Leo sunlight comes throughout the twenty-second, providing your own online dating life the exciting playfulness this has been lacking. It is the greatest time for you to get back in to the dating share and fulfill new people. Many of these new activities can result in one thing extremely fun.


You have been feeling quite down recently but it’s planning to transform pretty soon. In the center of the thirty days, Mercury gets in your sign to take more fun to your internet dating life. It’s not only about really love and romance, however. The communicative abilities will be over the top this July which will help one solve a lot of the issues connected with work and fulfilling new-people. Should you decide satisfy special someone, you shouldn’t expect to belong really love instantly, but much better spend more time with each other and get to understand both safer to establish the sensation.


Whenever Mars comes into the fiery to remain July 1, incomparable some explosive electricity! You should not hold-back, Leo. Romance is actually electric now. You can easily enjoy beginning new connections throughout brand new moon within outgoing to remain July 31, specifically if you have actually many on your social calendar already. You may have a straightforward time chatting and flirting with complete strangers and acquaintances.


The energy environment Mercury converts retrograde inside Lion’s prideful sign up July 7, which makes it further awkward when you stumble over your own words or say the wrong thing. Producing a good basic effect is important, therefore make sure you think what you want to state earlier. Though, towards the end on the thirty days, could at long last do not hesitate of any constraints linked to your romantic life. There is nothing incorrect with showing you’re excited to see or perhaps be with some body, Virgo!


This month, you prefer to keep your relationship’s moments to yourself. There’s nothing bad about being private regarding the personal life, just don’t close up for some time, it could be rather difficult to get from this condition later on. It is exciting when sensuous Venus fulfills up with fiery Leo on July 27, mainly because you have been missing out on that enthusiasm in your romantic life lately. If you’ve already been anticipating a night out together with someone brand-new, pull out all of the stops.


Jealousy is a significant element in intimate relationships while in the sun-Pluto opposition in the thirty days, and passionate triangles may become an issue. Don’t worry, though. You are able to deal with this case.

The sun pairs with Leo, the indication it rules, on July 22, making the month in advance exciting and fun. This transportation urges one end up being a tad bit more impulsive and reminds you that matchmaking is supposed are fun. You could be surprised how much cash fun you may be when you disappointed the safeguard.


This thirty days you’re proficient at picking right on up on options that other individuals skipped. If you don’t have any guidelines against matchmaking everyone’ exes, you could find your perfect match among them! The complete moonlight and limited lunar eclipse in challenging Capricorn in the sixteenth desire you to simply take a relationship one step more, however they are you really prepared? Behaving too soon can be your downfall today. Do not compromise a sure thing for a maybe.


This month you are not prone to date outside your typical “type” or take to new experiences now, and is okay but notably restricting. Newer and more effective constraints and limitations are coming towards internet dating life by the end for the month. The option of your lover may influence your own relationships with your loved ones or folks in your area. Remember not-being on a single web page along with your cherished one won’t meet your needs. So, even if you cannot really go along with them, look for techniques to compromise.


Your house environment is having significantly mismatched energy since it uses the month in regular Taurus, so you might not as experimental and nontraditional whilst usually are when it comes to love.  Exploring a lot more traditional connection roles offers advisable of what you are actually – as they aren’t – thinking about. The long-term plans are the focus now.


Your home earth Neptune is retrograde all month, that could create some self-doubting moments. Why are situations constantly a great deal much better in your thoughts? Getting a step toward experiencing reality is a fantastic move though it may well not look like it at that time. Passionate Venus uses amount of time in fiery Leo beginning on twenty-seventh, meaning your relationship sizzles with possibilities. If single, pick people that complement your thing. Opposites attract, but having at least one part of common benefits.

Read additionally: What Your Horoscope Claims: The Most Appropriate Partners by Their Unique Zodiac Indications

And if you are nonetheless trying to find true love, do not forget to put in Meetville app on Android and iOS today and carry on a go out with neighborhood singles!

Characteristics Of Entrepreneur

Characteristics Of Entrepreneur


Important Characteristics Every Entrepreneur Must Have

Are you planning to start and run your own business? Do you know the right qualifications and characteristics an entrepreneur must have to succeed? Does your profile match that of a successful entrepreneur? In this article we will explore and discuss the essential characteristics that every entrepreneur must have. There are several important traits and values that are common among successful entrepreneurs. Before you go and start your enterprise, it will be very helpful to think and reflect whether you have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. If not, you can also start developing these character traits.

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

1.  Successful Entrepreneurs are Self-Confident – to succeed in the highly competitive business world, confidence and trust in oneself is an indispensable trait. Self-confidence means trusting your own powers and capabilities. The world of entrepreneurship is not alien to failure and disappointments. To survive in such a cutthroat world, an entrepreneur must have the ability to look within himself and find the drive and persistence to pursue his enterprise. An entrepreneur must have the gumption to face any adversity and tackle any problems that may be encountered in the world of business. 

2.  Successful Entrepreneurs are Risk-takers – being an entrepreneur means having the ability to trust your hunches and acting on them. Great business ideas sometimes start as a hunch which enterprising individuals acted upon. There is always the risk of loss in any endeavor, and entrepreneurs have just the right confidence to take calculated risks to achieve their objective.  However, an entrepreneur’s risk-taking does not depend on luck, but on sheer effort and hard work.

3.  Successful Entrepreneurs know the value of money and are careful about their finances – to succeed in any business; an entrepreneur must understand the value of money and the cost of things. Typically, successful entrepreneurs learned how to earn and value money at a young age. Most of them started out by earning loose change as teenagers mowing lawns, doing groceries, babysitting for neighbors, etc.

4.  Successful entrepreneurs have the so-called head for business – many entrepreneurs are gifted with intuition: they know what product or service is going to ‘click’ next. However, this ability does not involve clairvoyance or extra sensory powers of some sort, but rather, keen observation and understanding of what is going on around him. A good entrepreneur is always on the look out for new ideas and new ways to make money.

5.  Successful Entrepreneurs are competitive – the world of business is a very competitive environment. An entrepreneur must be aggressive enough to pursue his goal despite having many rivals and competitors. An entrepreneur must know how to stay ahead of his competitors, either by introducing new ideas and exploring new ventures, all in the spirit of expanding his business.

6.  Successful Entrepreneurs are honorable and have a good work ethic – although it is a fact that the business world is ruthless, but the successful entrepreneur will strive to make every business deal honorable. The mark of a successful entrepreneur lies in a good personal work ethic that ultimately leads to good business practices, excellent reputation and good association with industry peers and business partners. 

7.  Successful Entrepreneurs know the importance of leisure time – hard work and determination are very important values every entrepreneur must have. However, a good entrepreneur knows when it’s time to take a step back from all the rigors of business and enjoy some downtime with their family. Besides, we all do need a little relaxation to refresh the body and mind before plunging back into the challenging (and stressful) world of business.

These are just seven of the most important characteristics of an entrepreneur. Of course, the characteristics every entrepreneur must have are not limited to the ones mentioned. Having these characteristics is not a guarantee that an entrepreneur will be successful. But with these characteristics, an entrepreneur has just the right ingredients for success. All one needs to do is to find the right mix of these values, excellent timing, perhaps a bit of luck and, of course, faith in oneself. So, do you have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur? Go over these characteristics and values mentioned and reflect if you do have these.


ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Tim Moseley

50000 gold is likely once the monetary system returns to a gold standard John Butler

$50,000 gold is likely once the monetary system returns to a gold standard – John Butler

s the world transitions to a gold standard monetary system, the price of gold will skyrocket to $50,000 per ounce, said John Butler, Head of Treasury at TallyMoney and author of The Golden Revolution, Revisited.

“Today, the gold price is too low to allow markets to clear, because assets are over-valued vis-à-vis gold,” he said. “According to my calculations, you’re talking about something in the region of $50,000 per ounce being [reasonable] if you go back to a gold-backed international monetary system.”

Butler claimed that the process of transitioning to a gold standard is inevitable as the U.S. loses its economic dominance and the world become multipolar.

“Gold solves for the game-theoretic monetary equilibrium for a multipolar world that is, nevertheless, hugely dependent on international trade,” he explained. “At the end of the Second World War, the U.S. economy was roughly half the entire global economy. By activity today, it’s only 20 percent… If you just extrapolate this trend, ultimately, it’s going to tip the balance regardless of whether the U.S. retains military superiority or not.”

Butler spoke with David Lin, Anchor and Producer at Kitco News.

Fed policy and gold

On August 26th, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell gave a hawkish speech at the Jackson Hole Symposium, stating that it would require “pain” to bring inflation down to 2 percent.

The latest data show that U.S. inflation was 8.5 percent in July.

Opinion is divided on whether the Fed will pivot on its tightening cycle. Butler said that Powell would reverse rate hikes, which could benefit gold.

“[The Fed’s hawkish moment] is taking place right now,” said Butler. “When it goes, and markets reassess in a substantial way that central banks are far more powerless to act on inflation than they thought, I think gold is going to recover all of its losses this year, and indeed reach new highs.”

He added that Powell’s hawkish Jackson Hole speech was merely a “credibility restoration exercise,” and that “The U.S. economy is unable to last with strength if interest rates continue to rise,” which would cause “The Fed to blink sooner than most people believe.”

BRICS: a new reserve currency?

The BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) are allegedly developing a new reserve currency, based on a basket of BRICs currencies, to rival the U.S. dollar.

Butler said that although the claim of a new reserve currency “has been a rhetorical talking point for an awfully long time,” that “a heightened degree of geopolitical tensions around the world” could mean more progress towards the BRICS’ goal.

“If [the BRICS] decide to somehow come up with a way to trade bilaterally, and to use each others’ currencies as reserves, or to create a basket of their own currencies and use that as reserves… that would be a world historical event,” he said.

In his book, Butler wrote that the BRICS countries would likely choose “a gold-backed currency of some sort” as “an objective reference currency that can be trusted and accepted by all.”

“The fact is that nobody can print gold, and nobody can create gold,” said Butler. “It’s nice to know that Mother Nature determines how much gold is available… [Gold] facilitates all the good things about international trade while mitigating the potential bad things about monetary manipulation.”

To find out Butler’s thoughts on Bitcoin, watch the video above

By Cornelius Christian

For Kitco News

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips


Tim Moseley

The Artist that came out of the Winter