National Self-Perception

National Self-Perception

by Jeff Thomas, International Man Communique


National Self-Perception


"This above all: to thine own self be true."

Bill Shakespeare had a talent for phrasing basic truths well, and this quote is no exception. (Even if you lie to others, don’t lie to yourself, or you’re in real trouble.)

Much has been said about the American self-image, going back to its inception as an upstart nation that imagined it could succeed as a republic, as Athens had failed to do. And, indeed, the US encountered the same basic problem as Athens: having once created a republic – a nation in which the rights of the individual are foremost. Maintaining that condition is not only a constant battle but extremely unlikely over time.

As a form of governance, a republic serves its people well; however, since it doesn’t provide its leaders with much in the way of aggrandizement or profit, its leaders are likely to do all they can to degrade the republic into a democracy. Once having accomplished that, they’re likely to do all they can to degrade it to tyranny.

As Thomas Jefferson said, "History hath shewn that, even under the best forms, those entrusted with power have, in time and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." He anticipated that, given enough time, the nascent United States would devolve into a tyrannical oligarchy. It has now had that time and has become a tyrannical oligarchy.

It must be said that the US still displays the accouterments of a proud republic, but, at this point, it’s for show only. The inner workings of the US are not that of a republic, nor even a democracy. The US is a quasi-capitalist/quasi-socialist amalgam that’s run by a corporatist oligarchy. Whilst it still has an elected president and congress, those individuals are, at this point, cardboard cutouts who are only allowed to pursue their personal pet projects if they fit in with the unelected Deep State that’s truly in charge.

It’s important to mention that the challenge to the republic began in George Washington’s first cabinet, through regular squabbling between the three cabinet members. But, although the deterioration continued for another hundred years, the US did not abandon its principle to stay out of world affairs for its first hundred years. That occurred by 1900, under the voracious nationalist appetite of one Teddy Roosevelt. The US government began its foray into the empire and never looked back.

Through two world wars, the US wisely held back as European nations beat each other to pieces. Instead, they supplied the combatants with armaments and charged them in gold. In each war, by the time the US jumped in to win the day, their troops were fresh, their armaments were substantial and much of the wealth of Europe had been transferred to them, assuring that they’d prevail at the end of the war. Consequently, they ended the war as the richest nation on earth, whilst the other nations lay in ruins, both physically and economically.



And So Began The Next Era

One in which Americans saw themselves as the "winners" of the wars, as well as the king of the mountain. By 1958, Eugene Burdick and William Lederer had written their novel, "the Ugly American," which accurately presented American diplomats as presumptuous and arrogant. Although Messrs. Burdick and Lederer were both American, they were highly objective and made the effort to see the US and its government as outsiders saw them.

Since that time, the US government has, if anything, expanded upon its presumption and arrogance, declaring in no uncertain terms that it regards itself as the world’s policeman and will enforce its power wherever it sees fit, globally.

In recent decades, it’s demonstrated that conviction, by invading numerous far-flung nations, often for flimsy reasons and, indeed, sometimes for reasons that later proved erroneous. Tellingly, even when the US has been caught destroying a country for a trumped-up reason, the US offered no apology but continued its aggression.

Americans themselves appear to be of mixed opinion on this behavior. Some Americans recognize the presumptuous and arrogant manner of their leaders and decry such behavior and even fear where it may ultimately lead the US. Yet, others parrot their government’s position that a bit of milk may need to be spilled if the US is to "make the world safe for democracy." (They often proudly take this stance, even though invading a country halfway around the world, destroying its cities, killing its people and destroying its economy, only to install a puppet government, can hardly be called democracy.)


How Does The World Outside The US See The US?

Well, many assume all Americans resemble their leaders – dangerous sociopaths, who represent a threat to the rest of the world. Others are more objective and recognize that the American people and the American leadership are not one and the same. This latter group tends to have greater sympathy for Americans themselves, whilst remaining guarded about their leaders.

However, generally speaking, the world at large observes US national behavior and sees the US as a whole as a potential (if not current) threatAmericans who might nod their heads at this statement are likely to think in terms of the Middle Eastern and Asian countries and they would be correct. However, it goes further than this.

As the "world’s policeman," the US government frequently decides to punish nations that fail to kowtow to it by applying economic sanctions. The US then advises its allies that they will be expected to do the same. It is at this point that those who had thought themselves allies of the US say, "Hang on, it may not cost you anything to apply these sanctions, but it costs us a great deal."

As Thomas Jefferson said, "History hath shewn that, even under the best forms, those entrusted with power have, in time and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." For example, when the US applied sanctions to Russia, then required those sanctions to be supported by countries in the EU, and some in Europe said, "But we get most of our gas from Russia. If we support US sanctions, they may understandably cut off our gas. Unless the US can replace that gas, our people will freeze this winter." Further, the US government is becoming increasingly pointed in its threats of warfare to those perceived adversaries that they’ve not yet invaded – a development that’s increased the nail-biting by both the governments and peoples of US allies.


So, What Are We To Make Of All This?

Well, such developments are nothing new historically. Throughout the ages, whenever an empire has become like the pawn in the photo above and has come to see itself like a king, arrogance and presumption have tended to have become the rule. As tensions build, old allies attempt to hold their positions, but, when the volcano eventually does blow, they tend to head for the hills. It’s for this reason that, if and when an empire makes the fatal mistake of seeing itself as omnipotent, it learns (the hard way) that, first, it’s not as strong as it presumes and, second, that its allies were not prepared to be sacrificed for the sake of the self-proclaimed king.

It’s for this reason that "Countries fall from grace with amazing speed." This can also be said for empires, and the US presently displays all the behavior of an empire that’s teetering on the brink of its own fall from grace. Economically, politically, and socially, the United States seems to be headed down a path that’s not only inconsistent with the founding principles of the country but accelerating quickly toward boundless decay.

In the years ahead, there will likely be much less stability of any kind.


New Opportunities Are Emerging For Citizens of The World.

Freedom and democracy may appear to be struggling to stay alive in America, but there may be a knock-out punch ready to be released. The evolution of the blockchain-enabled metaverse is going to enable the 'Citizens of the World' to gain their own Freedom by democratizing power and creating a new world with new rules, new players, and new opportunities. For 99.99% of us, the metaverse will improve our real-world lives through the democratization of power and opportunity.

Along with the major long-term trend of society towards decentralization and smaller-scale organizations, there are new opportunities developing to help 'Preparers' in the cryptocurrency sector. Businesses are beginning to issue their own Crypto Coins that can be traded on Cryptocoin Exchanges. for example will be releasing its HiveCoin (HIV) in the coming weeks. It has tremendous upside potential that is outlined in a Video by Founder Tom Prendergast, "Entrepreneur Advantage…".

Not only that, if you go to their website and register as a FREE Member, you will be given 500 HiveCoins for "FREE" along with access to several Earning Opportunities and online tools to increase your HiveCoin balance.

Be sure to check it out today –


Tim Moseley

World Bank outlook for 3 years

World Bank outlook for 3 years

From Wiki:

The World Bank (WB) is an association of two specialized United Nations (UN) organizations that provide financial and technical assistance to developing countries to reduce poverty and improve living conditions around the world.

Already more than two years ago WB warned that the number of people in poverty could increase by as much as 11 million.
It was supposed the financial shock caused by the pandemic will also have serious effects on poverty, which is defined as an income of less than $ 5.5  per day. The World Bank initially expected the region to lift almost 35 million people out of poverty this year, including more than 25 million in China. 
Five years ago in 2017 there was much more optimism, the overall economical growth was supposed 2,9%. In june 2020 the optimism was away: " World Bank announced: World economy down 5.2% this year due to coronavirus"

In April 2022 the World Bank, based in Washington, has lowered its global growth forecast for 2022 from 4.1% to 3.2%. He points to several problems that have a negative impact on the global economic situation. In addition to the aforementioned inflation and war in Ukraine, the World Bank also sees problems in the progressive isolation of the Chinese market from global trade and the creation of the "Eastern Economic Pact" between China and Russia.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF), part of the World Bank, has cut the UK's economic growth outlook from 4.7% to 3.7%. The global growth forecast was also reduced from 6.1% to 3.6%. The IMF sees the main problem as an inefficient approach to raising interest rates, which on the one hand may slow inflation, but on the other hand will slow down economic growth even more.

The war in Ukraine will cause high food and energy prices, which will last three years, the World Bank warned on Tuesday last week. Her statement raises fears that the situation will return during the oil crisis in the mid-1970s, when economic growth was weak and inflation was high at the same time.
According to the World Bank's dark outlook, persistently high commodity prices lasting until the end of 2024 could lead to so-called stagflation, a dangerous combination of high inflation coupled with meager economic growth.

This year, the bank expects energy prices to rise by 50 percent, with the price of North Sea Brent crude being around $ 100 a barrel, the highest since 2013. Compared to 2021, it has risen by 40 percent. In 2023, Brent oil prices are expected to fall to $ 92 a barrel, but that is still more than the five-year average of $ 60.

According to the World Bank, the price of gas will double this year compared to 2021, and the price of coal will be 80 percent higher.

The price of wheat will rise by more than 40 percent this year, which will have a severe impact on developing countries that are dependent on grain exports from Ukraine and Russia.
The World Bank's economic outlook for commodities shows that energy prices have risen the most in the last two years since the oil crisis erupted in 1973. Fertilizer prices have risen the most since 2008. Although the bank says energy and other commodity prices will fall from current highs, they are expected to remain above the current average. They will be above average until the end of 2024, including the previous two years, ie a total of five years.

The question remains to what extent these predictions are reliable. Many experts are more pessimistic and the development of some prices in the first months of this year is alarming.

We can only hope that there will be no significant deterioration and that we will recover from this situation strengthened.

                         Thanks for reading


Tim Moseley

The Worst Decision Investors Could Make Right Now

The Worst Decision Investors Could Make Right Now

by Jason Bodner, editor, Outlier Investor


The Worst Decision Investors Could Make Right Now



Right Now, Investors Are Scared

Inflation is going through the roof, and the Fed just approved a 50 basis-point rate hike at this week’s meeting. Stocks have taken a beating. Russia and Ukraine are still at war. And some people are even beginning to mutter the word recession.

As a result, some readers may be thinking about selling stocks, cashing out, and stuffing money under the mattress. And I get it. I really do. We live in uncertain times, and the media endlessly pushing panic on us doesn’t help.

But don’t go shoving your money into holes in the backyard or even just sticking it in the bank just yet. Because that’s the worst mistake investors can make right now. Let me explain why…


The Worst Mistake

My name is Jason Bodner. I’m the editor of Outlier InvestorI spent over 14 years on Wall Street and another four years in “The City” – London’s Wall Street. And since that time, I’ve started two hedge funds and created a proprietary stock-picking system to track the markets.

That’s given me an inside view of the way the financial system works… and shown me how to identify opportunities most people can’t see. And now I like to use my experience to help everyday investors. That’s the purpose behind today’s topic… because I can see the trap waiting for investors right now.

Despite the temptation to “play it safe” amid the current uncertainty, the worst mistake that you could make right now is to leave your money sitting as all, or even mostly, cash. As of writing, the best “high-yield” savings rate I can find is 0.75%. More often, they’re still sitting at 0.5%. Yet if we have $100,000 invested at even a 0.75% rate… over the course of a decade, we’ll only earn a paltry $7,758 on our cash. (Of course, stuffing your money under the mattress won’t make you a penny in that time frame.)

The truth is, if your money isn’t invested, then it’s guaranteed not to grow – especially with inflation hitting 8.5% as of the last Consumer Price Index (CPI) report. Inflation is the ultimate killer. Without investing, inflation will erode your cash and its buying power.



Consider This…

If inflation stays where it was just last month, then in five years, our buying power would decrease by over 40%. A nearly $10 gallon of gas could become the new normal. Now, I’m not saying that’s going to happen. But with the current trend, inflation is here for the foreseeable future. The Fed can’t raise interest rates to fight inflation too much or too quickly without shooting itself in the foot. The national debt levels are simply too extreme for it to do so. As a result, we need to acknowledge inflation as a deadly threat to our money. So if cash isn’t a good option… what should we be doing with our money right now?


What Should We Be Doing?

Here are a few tips for folks looking to protect and grow their money in the current environment. (Keep in mind – This is money that’s not being used for daily needs or saved up for a new car or vacation. This is the money intended for retirement or other long-term plans.)

First, if you’re working for a company that offers it, max out your 401k – especially if you have an employer contribution match. That’s when employers will match the money you deposit into your account up to a certain percentage. For example, if you contribute 6% to your 401k, your employer might match up to 3%. In that case, it’s basically free money, and you can start pulling from this account at the age of 59½.

Another great way to plan for the future is by putting money in a Roth IRA. These are the “pre-taxed” accounts that you may have heard about before. You pay taxes on the front end when you put your money into the account. But when you pull your money out in retirement – after it’s grown multitudes from your investments – you can do so tax-free. In 2022, the annual Roth IRA contribution limit is either $6,000 if you are under 50 or $7,000 if you are 50 or older.

Over the last 100 years, stocks have gone up 10% per year on average. In some years, the market goes up less. In others, it’s more. But it all averages out to 10% growth per year. If we invest just $5,000 per year from the time we’re 25 until age 65, then we could amass over $2.4 million – and not have to pay taxes on a single cent of our gain if it was held in a Roth.

That’s the power of reinvesting and compounding that growth over time. And like 401ks, investors can also start pulling from their Roth account without penalty at the age of 59½. So if you’re not yet using these two investment vehicles, I recommend getting started now.

The power of investing is an incredible thing… and you’re guaranteed to lose out to inflation if you’re not taking advantage of it. And whether it’s in a 401k or a Roth IRA, investing in dividend stocks of businesses poised to benefit from inflation will trump anything else over the long run.


New Opportunities Are Emerging For Citizens of The World.

Freedom and democracy may appear to be struggling to stay alive in America, but there may be a knock-out punch ready to be released. The evolution of the blockchain-enabled metaverse is going to enable the 'Citizens of the World' to gain their own Freedom by democratizing power and creating a new world with new rules, new players, and new opportunities. For 99.99% of us, the metaverse will improve our real-world lives through the democratization of power and opportunity.

Along with the major long-term trend of society towards decentralization and smaller-scale organizations, there are new opportunities developing to help 'Preparers' in the cryptocurrency sector. Businesses are beginning to issue their own Crypto Coins that can be traded on Cryptocoin Exchanges. for example will be releasing its HiveCoin (HIV) in the coming weeks. It has tremendous upside potential that is outlined in a Video by Founder Tom Prendergast, "Entrepreneur Advantage…".

Not only that, if you go to their website and register as a FREE Member, you will be given 500 HiveCoins for "FREE" along with access to several Earning Opportunities and online tools to increase your HiveCoin balance.

Be sure to check it out today –


Tim Moseley

Here’s why gold is ‘the most confusing’ commodity right now

Here's why gold is 'the most confusing' commodity right now

The latest comments from the Federal Reserve triggered a massive selloff across all risk assets. But why is gold still below the $1,900 level? Here's a look at Kitco's top three stories of the week:

3. Gold and bitcoin jump as Fed's Powell takes 75bps hike off the table in June

2. Bitcoin price plummets, gold gives up gains and stocks plunge in post-Fed trading

1. Gold is 'the most confusing' of all commodities right now, here's why


By Anna Golubova

For Kitco News

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips

Tim Moseley

What You Need to Know About the ReferLife Co-Operative referlifeorg

What You Need to Know About the ReferLife Co-Operative


ReferLife Co-Op offers a host of services and products for people who are interested in entrepreneurship and the power of referral marketing. Interested people can sign up for the ReferLife Co-Op at and gain access to its benefits. Here's what you need to know about this cooperative business opportunity. Read on to learn more. We have highlighted a few key features of the ReferLife Co-Op below.

ReferLife Co-Operative
Those who have never heard of ReferLife Co-Operative are missing out on an exciting opportunity to earn a commission while helping people live better lives. Using their system, you can earn up to $200 for every person you refer who upgrades their business package. If you have been unable to earn enough money in your current job, this is the perfect opportunity to make an income that is more than enough to live the life you've always dreamed of.

As a member of ReferLife, you'll have access to a variety of products and services. The ReferLife Marketplace is like an online member mall, with products and services from the Co-Op and participating businesses. You can also earn rewards for referring others to specific businesses. The ReferLife Marketplace is a valuable resource for those who would like to grow their business. But how can you start earning rewards from the ReferLife Marketplace?

The ReferLife Co-Operative system is a powerful, comprehensive marketing platform that gives members access to a number of useful tools. Its digital library is well-organized, and each member has access to their own control panel. This control panel enables members to manage their referrals, track their own activity, and send money to others. Members are rewarded for referring friends and family, which can add up to significant earnings potential.

Services services are designed for the convenience of both referral and co-op marketing professionals. With flexible membership packages, affiliates can build and grow their business through the ReferLife Co-Operative. Affiliates are given a variety of marketing tools and can sell, donate, fundraise, and share referrals to earn more income. They can even make money while helping people in need. If you're interested in joining ReferLife, check out the services and benefits below.

ReferLife Marketplace: This website works like a member mall. It features products and services from the Co-Op. The marketplace also lists special offers from participating businesses. As a result, associates are rewarded for referring others. And the products and services they refer are rewarded by the referrals. That means increased cash flow and business opportunities for members and associates. ReferLife is not only a referral program, it's a true partnership.

Back office
The back office has everything you need to earn money online. The website also includes training for affiliate marketers. You can create your own account and earn commissions by selling products, donating or fund raising. To create a referral program, you can create a profile, select your income level, and manage your payments. You can also view your sales and referral history to see how much you've made in a month.

The back office for the ReferLife Co-Op is easy to navigate. Here, you'll find products and services you can sell to your members and receive rewards in exchange. The system is coded so that rewards are earned for making purchases through your referrals. The ReferLife Co-Op was built for members, so it has a variety of benefits for any organization. To make money online, you can use its affiliate marketing system.


Tim Moseley

Is the Fed facing a credibility problem and why is gold price the ‘punching bag’?

Is the Fed facing a credibility problem and why is gold price the 'punching bag'?

Extreme volatility in the marketplace in reaction to the latest policy shift by the Federal Reserve has many risk-on assets in a downward spiral, but why is gold — a safe-haven asset — once again 'the punching bag'?

Gold failed to hold above the $1,900 an ounce level this week as markets had a very erratic reaction to the Fed raising rate by half-a-point Wednesday while ruling out a 75-bps hike at the June meeting. The precious metal is ending the week down 1.6%, with June Comex gold futures last trading at $1,883.30 an ounce.

The Fed had one of the most highly anticipated announcements this week, and markets showed it, with the Nasdaq reversing all immediate gains and plummeting 5% on Thursday in its worst one-day sell-off since June 2020.

The markets wonder if the Fed has made a mistake – making a recession in the U.S. inevitable, OANDA senior market analyst Edward Moya told Kitco News.

"Wall Street now believes that the Fed is on a set course of delivering half-a-point rate hikes over the next couple of meetings, and at then Jackson Hole, they'll have to decide whether to continue or change course," Moya said. "Many traders thought that the Fed needed to keep all options on the table to aggressively fight inflation. But the Fed is signaling they believe inflation is peaking. There is this fear that possibly the Fed made a mistake and might have to send the economy into a recession a lot sooner."

After stating they are "not actively considering a 75 basis-point hike, the U.S. central bank has locked itself into slightly more gradual tightening. In response, the bond market has resumed its sell-off, pushing the U.S. dollar index back close to 20-year highs, which is bad news for gold, added Moya.

This market reaction could also signify that the Fed is losing its credibility, especially after underestimating inflation as transitory last year.

"My reading is that the Fed faces a credibility problem with market participants. There's concern that the Fed could cause a recession by hiking rates," Gainesville Coins precious metals expert Everett Millman told Kitco News. "Important to consider an inverse relationship between interest rates and unemployment. Unemployment is very low right now. If markets perceive the Fed as willing to let unemployment rise to tame inflation, that is still not a great outcome. There is fear of causing prolonged periods of unfavorable conditions for risk assets."

Uranium price has a lot more runway left and needs to double for supply to meet demand – Sprott's Ciampaglia

There has been massive liquidation of risk assets in the post-Fed trading, with many investors moving into cash, Millman pointed out. "That's why all markets crashed together," he said.

It is important to remember that gold held reasonably well considering how high the U.S. dollar is. And even though gold remains vulnerable to pullbacks, Millman remained bullish.

"The pullback gives gold plenty of room to run," he said. "Plus, the highs of the U.S. dollar index could be near the top. That would be good for gold as it sets up a macroeconomic environment favorable to the precious metal. But prices are still likely to experience elevated intraday volatility."

Gold has been "a punching bag for quite some time," Moya described, adding that until the U.S. dollar comes down, the precious metal will continue to struggle.

"If we continue to see risk aversion across equities and if the dollar appreciation is not as strong as we've got used to seeing, gold should start to stabilize. There is still a big risk that we could have another major move in the bond market, and gold could still be vulnerable to the last major sell-off before things bottom out," he explained.

Key resistance for next week will be the $1,900-$1,920 an ounce, and the $1,850 level will be the first support target, which, if breached, could send prices to $1,800, Moya stated.

Markets will be extra data-dependent next week, and the critical dataset to watch will be the U.S. inflation numbers from April.

One significant risk is the longer the supply chain problems last and the war in Ukraine persists, the more it puts a drag on growth, Moya added. And China is not budging from its zero-COVID policy. "That is difficult for the inflation outlook. I am not convinced that we'll see it significantly ease," he said.

Market consensus calls are expecting the annual inflation in the U.S. to slow to 8.1% in April after accelerating to 8.5% in March.

"Consumer price inflation is the key number out of the U.S. next week and it should hopefully show inflation has passed the peak with the year-on-year rate slowing … and core inflation edging down," said ING chief international economist James Knightley. "Lower gasoline prices will be a big help, as will a drop in second-hand car prices as heralded by data from the Mannheim car auctions. However, it will be a long slow descent to get to the 2% target."

Data to watch next week

Wednesday: U.S. CPI

Thursday: U.S. jobless claims and PPI

Friday: Michigan consumer sentiment

By Anna Golubova

For Kitco News

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips



Tim Moseley

Reversals across many markets while gold remained resilient

Reversals across many markets, while gold remained resilient

This week the Federal Reserve addressed revisions to its current monetary policy in its attempt to reduce the current levels of inflation to an acceptable target. The statement released after the FOMC meeting, coupled with Chairman Powell’s press conference, resulted in extreme volatility in many financial sectors.

Market participants witnessed one of the strongest knee-jerk reactions and complete market sentiment reversal over 24 hours. The initial market sentiment was extremely short-lived as it was followed by a complete turnaround from the initial reaction the following trading day.

The release of the Federal Reserve’s FOMC statement, coupled with Chairman Powell’s press conference, resulted in a major rally in U.S. equities. The Standard & Poor’s 500 gained almost 3%, the largest daily gain in two years. Equities overall experienced the best Fed-day return since 2011. It significantly impacted gold, moving the precious yellow metal higher. Concurrently, the dollar had a significant decline losing almost 1%, and yields on U.S. Treasuries were also significantly declining.

Yesterday market participants had 24 hours to digest the information presented by the Federal Reserve through the May FOMC statement and comments from Chairman Powell during the press conference. This resulted in a 180° reversal from the reaction on Wednesday. U.S. equities declined sharply, declining more than Wednesday’s gains. The S&P 500, which gained almost 3% on Wednesday, declined by 3.56% on Thursday. On Wednesday, 95% of the stocks contained in that index had daily gains. However, on Thursday, over 95% of the stocks included in the index experienced sharp declines.

Extreme price volatility was also evident in the U.S. dollar and U.S. Treasuries and bonds. The dollar index had a significant decline of just under 1% Wednesday, followed by gains of 0.96% yesterday. On Wednesday, investors also witnessed sharp declines in U.S. Treasuries yields, followed by a complete 180° reversal yesterday. Yesterday yields on the 10-year Treasury Note advanced to 3.043%, and 30-year Treasury bonds gained 17 basis points yielding 3.176%.

However, it was gold that seemed to have price stability resulting in three consecutive days of higher pricing. As of 6 PM EDT gold futures basis, the most active June 2021 contract is currently up to $7.10 or 0.38% and fixed at $1882.80. Unquestionably this was a week that will be remembered for quite some time, considering the major price reversals on Wednesday and Thursday.

By Gary Wagner

Contributing to

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips



Tim Moseley

Soluna’s Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Mining 2022 Forecast amp Predictions

Soluna's Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Mining 2022 Forecast & Predictions


The Soluna team has their finger on the pulse of the crypto industry, working at the intersection of mining, sustainable development, and data centers. With this knowledge, they've provided their 2022 forecast and predictions for crypto. Here are some of the most important predictions:

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Stronghold Digital Mining (SDIG)

This article examines the outlook for Stronghold Digital Mining (SDIG) in 2022. Currently, the company is making plans to purchase spot-market miners to minimize risks associated with relying on open-market miner purchases. In addition, the company plans to invest in mining equipment from manufacturers that have a strong track record of producing high-quality equipment. Nevertheless, the outlook is not perfect and investors should be aware of certain risks and uncertainties.

In addition to the risk factor, it is important to note that there are no major governments or central banks that regulate virtual currencies. Hence, losses are not insured. It is advisable to hedge your exposure to SDIG through put options rather than direct investment in Bitcoin. However, it's still risky to procure that many mining rigs for a single investment. Thus, it's best to focus on the fundamentals of SDIG before making a decision on the stock.

Ethereum shift to "proof of stake"

With the Ethereum shift to "proof of stake" in mind, the blockchain is moving from its existing Proof of Work consensus mechanism to a new one. The switch promises to use 99% less energy and allow the Ethereum network to scale, allowing it to reach up to 100,000 transactions per second. While this transition will likely take some time, the change is already boosting the price of ether, as the new system will make participating in the Ethereum network more convenient for everyday users.

Earlier this month, CEO of Uber said the company is considering accepting crypto payments in the future. The company is joining a growing list of other large tech companies to get involved in the space. The shift to proof-of-stake protocol is expected to free Ethereum from the tight correlation with Bitcoin. Beiko didn't respond to requests for comment. Ethereum's market capitalisation is less than half that of Bitcoin. However, it represents 60 per cent of the crypto market.

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Bitcoin price may reach $1M by 2025

According to market analysts, the price of Bitcoin will hit $1 million by 2025. However, most of these predictions are bullish. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency with a maximum limit of 21 million coins. As a result, a network of miners processes each transaction using vastly specialized computers. Bitcoin proponents say the network is the strongest computer network in the world. Despite its lack of centralized control, Bitcoin has the potential to skyrocket in price.

A panel of 33 market analysts from Finder predicted that the price of bitcoin will hit $192,800 by 2025. Among the prices they predicted were $206,351 by October 2021 and $406,400 by the year 2030. However, these predictions aren't backed by historical data and are just predictions. The price of bitcoin will likely rise dramatically before reaching its ultimate goal – to replace all fiat currencies.

ETH staking could become a "prime rate" of the crypto asset market

As the crypto asset market becomes more popular, ETH staking will likely continue to enjoy exceptional potential. The current staking contract, Ethereum 2.0, has 8,699,604 ETH, representing 7.32% of the total supply. It is estimated to remain locked for one year. The ETH price continues to outperform BTC on risky moves, but investor confidence may be waning into the future. ETH's price action is likely to depend on the risk environment, its use in the DeFi ecosystem, and its role in emerging Web 3.0 themes.

Staking ETH may become a "prime rate" of cryptocurrency assets by 2022, as its value increases. With the rise of the cryptocurrency market, the number of people who own ETH is growing rapidly. However, the amount of ETH in circulation is still far from the USD 3 trillion that it was last year. Ethereum alone now holds more than USD 100 billion.

Tim Moseley

Enjoying alone – the power of being alone

Enjoying alone – the power of being alone

Being alone is not constantly easy, yet spending time just with on your own holds great power.
Why, as well as just how you take care of to be satisfied alone, I will certainly tell you below and delight in analysis.

One of the most vital connection is the connection with ourselves
We respect every little thing as well as everybody and sometimes concerning every trivial point, occasionally without recognizing what for. Yet the most important connection is the relationship with ourselves. Yet because we are frequently on the move on the outside, our psyche atrophies. The frantic presence ends up being a self-runner, spinning in circles as long and so quickly that it makes us dizzy. Then we tip over and also are thrown back on ourselves.
And then we lie there …

Getaway from oneself – or being alone to create directly
There are minutes when you really feel deserted not just by the globe, but also on your own. After a separation, a loss or at a few other turning point in life, being alone can feel extremely lonesome.
Sustaining this, or rather withstanding oneself, is difficult, however important for our individual growth.

Being happy alone can be hard
We have a tendency to want to avoid undesirable things immediately: Let's get away from this gloomy place that presently knows no laughter as well as no joy, that no one brows through which is always hurrying from one to the other, so as not to need to endure as well as feel one's own feelings therefore as not to be plunged into the depths by one's own voids, we assume, numbing ourselves with stimulations as well as running faster and much faster in an effort to outrun ourselves and also the obstacles of life.

But this will not prosper. We can not flee from life's tests due to the fact that they are intertwined with us to the very depths. We must solve them.
If we escape from them, they will certainly always appear prior to us. They force us to immerse ourselves to make sure that we can develop in the strings of life as well as go our method.
For that reason, we should not intend to escape from loneliness, yet satisfy it courageously.

Why being alone is very important
Being alone is essential. Perhaps all the more important the lonelier it feels. In a world where one is completely obtainable, one ought to make oneself briefly unreachable. We do not need to sink into complete isolation and penalize ourselves with holding cell. It is just an issue of not continuously avoiding our very own encounters with interruptions in the midsts – as well as also the heights – of life.
The truth is: also the best interruption can not separate us from ourselves. We constantly remain true to ourselves. Also when we have actually not been true to ourselves and our mindsets or resolutions.
The reality is: we are never alone in the world.
It's all the even worse when this sensation really feels so real – joy just superficial and also yet any kind of human closeness seems far-off.
When everything is vibrant however shows up to us in black and white, when everything is animated however only emptiness sprouts for us, when we are worn out since the inner fire has headed out, we must throw the emphasis back on ourselves. Place our life in point of view, lean back into ourselves and also take a look at what is wrong today.

Enjoy alone? Get in touch with yourself
When our storage tank is vacant as well as only a sticky trail of oil drips behind us, we need to refuel – fill ourselves back up with ourselves. Infuse ourselves a spirit of life that speaks our voice, walks in our rhythm, defeats our beat and also provides us a cozy embrace from within.

We don't have to transform the whole globe upside down or travel around the world to do this – all it takes is time with ourselves.

Inner security when it's rainy outside
We can anchor our roots deep inside to ensure that we persevere in the storms of life. Gentle winds will certainly come, tornados will certainly come, yet hurricanes will additionally move over us, sometimes altering our whole lives.
And after that?
One thing is particular, the a lot more securely we stand in ourselves, the much less can bring us down.

Aloneness transforms
We do not always need to have the ability to bound through the world with a beaming smile, bubbling over with happiness or feeding on our own endorphin cocktail. We are allowed to be weak – however we have to be strong in order to gain new toughness. Due to the fact that real strength is to endure one's own weak point, to study it, to draw from the midsts and also to grow from it.

Aloneness is the key to ourselves
Being alone is constantly what we construct from it. The vital to transform can lie in truthfully and lovingly letting ourselves in, since after that we can open up the many (protective) shells as well as identify who we actually are. What we need and also where we wish to go.

Having time for ourselves offers us strength and also contentment
Without outside impacts we become calm. We connect with ourselves, refine the past and charge our batteries. We provide ourselves time as well as attention as well as take care of ourselves.
And in the moment when we are content with ourselves – not requiring any type of stimuli, events or verification from outside, accepting our very own shadow sides as well as not blaming any person else for our joy – an effective pressure packed with self-reliance, personal obligation and real satisfaction awakens.

Enjoying alone – this is how it works
For that reason: If life overruns you or is a self-runner as well as you no more understand whether you are following your own life or away from it, after that simply stand still.
Sit back.
Not do anything or what is good for you.
Hang on, capture yourself and also capture on your own once more when you have run as well far. Take on your own by the hand and also choose on your own up where you are – by doing this you become yourself once again and being alone ends up being not only less lonesome, however your source of strength.

Tim Moseley

Gold firmer but loses altitude as USDX bond yields spike up

Gold firmer but loses altitude as USDX, bond yields spike up

Gold prices are posting modest gains in midday U.S. trading Thursday but the bulls are fading fast after solid early gains have been erased. The precious metals markets are being buffeted today by strong gains in the U.S. dollar index and a big spike up in U.S. Treasury yields. June gold futures were last up $5.70 at $1,874.30 and May Comex silver was last down $0.037 at $22.33 an ounce.

Traders Thursday were still digesting the Federal Reserve move Wednesday afternoon to raise its key interest rate, the Fed funds rate, by 0.5%, which was expected by the marketplace. After some initial exuberance by the marketplace that the Fed was becoming less hawkish on U.S. monetary policy, traders and investors came to their senses and realized nothing has changed: the Fed will have to remain aggressive and hawkish in its fight to tame inflation that is presently still out of control.

The key outside markets today sees Nymex crude oil futures prices down and trading around $107.00 a barrel after trading above $111.00 earlier today. The U.S. dollar index is solidly higher at midday and hit a new 20-year high. The yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note is presently fetching 3.082%, which is a 3.5-year high. It’s been quite a while since Treasury bond futures prices were down over 3 full points in a day.

Gold remains on track as Federal Reserve lays out path for 50-bps rate hikes – State Street's Milling-Stanley

Global stock markets were mixed overnight, with European shares mostly up and Asian shares mostly down. U.S. stock indexes are sharply lower at midday and have taken back all of Wednesday’s big gains and then some. The keener risk aversion in the marketplace should keep a floor under the safe-haven metals prices at their present levels.

The Bank of England is at its regular monetary policy meeting raised its interest rate by 0.25%. The BOE raised its annual inflation forecast significantly, to 10.25%. A rate hike was expected but the inflation forecast was a surprise on the upside.

Traders and investors are now awaiting Friday morning’s U.S. employment situation report for April. The key non-farm jobs number in the report is expected to come in at up 400,000, which compares to a rise of 431,000 in the March report.

Technically, June gold futures see a downtrend is place on the daily bar chart. Bears have the overall near-term technical advantage. Bulls' next upside price objective is to produce a close above solid resistance at last week’s high of $1,935.50. Bears' next near-term downside price objective is pushing futures prices below solid technical support at $1,800.00. First resistance is seen at $1,900.00 and then at today’s high of $1,910.70. First support is seen at Wednesday’s low of $1,861.10 and then at this week’s low of $1,849.70. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 4.0

May silver futures see a steep price downtrend in place on the daily bar chart. The silver bears have the solid overall near-term technical advantage. Silver bulls' next upside price objective is closing prices above solid technical resistance at $24.00 an ounce. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid support at the December low of $21.445. First resistance is seen at $23.00 and then at today’s high of $23.245. Next support is seen at Wednesday’s low of $22.135 and then at this week’s low of $22.12. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 2.5.

May N.Y. copper closed down 495 points at 427.90 cents today. Prices closed near the session low today. The copper bears have the firm overall near-term technical advantage. A price downtrend is in place on the daily bar chart. Copper bulls' next upside price objective is pushing and closing prices above solid technical resistance at 450.00 cents. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at the December low of 411.65 cents. First resistance is seen at Wednesday’s high of 438.55 cents and then at today’s high of 442.00 cents. First support is seen at Wednesday’s low of 424.00 cents and then at this week’s low of 419.00 cents. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 3.0.

By Jim Wyckoff

For Kitco News

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips

Tim Moseley

The Artist that came out of the Winter