Unleashing the Power of Force Multipliers: How Markethive Amplifies Your Business Success

Unleashing the Power of Force Multipliers: How Markethive Amplifies Your Business Success

Entrepreneurs encounter many challenges that can impede their businesses' progress and prosperity. However, force multipliers such as technology, tactics, resources, software, and partnerships can enhance effectiveness and achieve significant results even with limited resources. Markethive, a social neural network, provides a range of force multipliers, including information and content sharing, user-generated content, blockchain technology, storefronts, campaigns, brand ambassadors, awareness of the market, and network connectivity. These force multipliers can expand a business's reach, influence, and development, making Markethive an invaluable asset for entrepreneurs.

The challenges that entrepreneurs encounter can hinder their businesses' long-term success and growth. One common obstacle is figuring out how to effectively utilize the limited resources at their disposal, whether time or money, to achieve the most significant impact and profitability. This is where force multipliers come into play. It is essential to understand what force multipliers are and how powerful they are in addressing these challenges.

The armed forces have long understood the importance of force multipliers. A troop multiplier, for instance, enhances an existing military capability by either increasing its size or utilizing machine guns as force multipliers for rifles. The military would integrate sniper training into various subjects to enhance the value of snipers as a force multiplier and ensure their survival in combat.

Force multipliers are a means to accomplish more remarkable results with the same or reduced amount of effort, similar to how using a drill instead of a screwdriver can make tasks more manageable. These force multipliers can be vital in ensuring the business's survival.

What Are Force Multipliers In The Online World?

In the digital realm, force multipliers refer to the various methods, techniques, technologies, and resources that can significantly enhance your business's competitiveness and give you an edge over your rivals. These force multipliers can help amplify your online presence, streamline operations, and ultimately drive success in the digital marketplace.

Utilizing force multipliers has enabled many entrepreneurs to experience rapid and substantial growth, leading to outcomes that would have been unattainable through other means. By leveraging these tools, you can rapidly scale your efforts and unlock opportunities that otherwise remain out of reach.

Combining these elements creates a powerful effect and dramatically enhances the outcomes for the company, its clients, and the overall economy. By leveraging its strengths, a smaller entity can gain an unfair advantage over a larger, more established competitor with a similar business model, creating a force multiplier effect.

The military interpretation mentioned earlier emphasizes the importance of enhancing capability. Markethive, on the other hand, prioritizes the addition of processes as we aim for the combined marketing elements to unite and surpass the overall marketing endeavor synergistically. Unlike in many other institutions, force multipliers typically serve to optimize store operations or manufacturing productivity.

Marketing force multipliers stem from strategic and procedural innovations that enable businesses to adapt to the rapidly transforming landscape. Outdated linear approaches are no longer practical in today's dynamic market, where retailers and brands must respond to changing consumer behaviors and technological advancements. By embracing new strategies, marketing teams can capitalize on the explosive potential of force multipliers, allowing them to stay ahead of the curve and achieve tremendous success.

Any company seeking expansion must discover its unique Force Multiplier. The hurdle is determining which specific factors will boost your business's growth.

The marketplace is in a state of constant flux, with no shortage of influences impacting it. This highlights the importance of recognizing the factors that can amplify the growth of your brands. These factors must be identified and nurtured. Listed below are Markethive’s force multipliers, which are crucial for online businesses. 

Image: Markethive.com

Force Multipliers In The Digital Realm 

Sharing Info And Content On Social Networks

The speed and interactivity of sharing information and content on social networks is an essential tool for Markethive entrepreneurs. The diverse range of social media platforms available allows for extensive reach and connectivity. These platforms work harmoniously with the Markethive social media platform, enabling a tailored, individualized, interactive collaboration experience.

User-generated Content Attracting Feedback and Reviews

Entrepreneurs can benefit from the immediate sharing of user-generated content, but they must also be prepared to handle feedback and ratings from online users. While this can be a powerful tool for growth, it can also be detrimental if the entrepreneur is not receptive or dismissive of their customers' opinions. To effectively manage online feedback, being attentive and understanding of one's audience is crucial.

Fostering Advocacy: A Key to Success

Advocates should be nurtured. It is vital to cultivate advocates as they serve as an invaluable asset. They are passionate supporters and allies who strongly believe in your brand, cause, or product. These individuals willingly put in the effort without compensation. They become influential figures who can sway the opinions of undecided individuals. They engage in conversations with others and act as a catalyst in building customer loyalty and involvement.

Real-time Situational Awareness and Strategic Network Connectivity 

By leveraging a robust network of connected individuals and groups, your business can stay ahead of the curve and respond promptly to evolving market trends. With the right people and information in place, you'll be empowered to make informed decisions quickly, giving you a competitive edge. 

This proactive approach is a potent force multiplier that enhances your company's situation awareness in real-time, allowing you to stay adaptable and responsive in an ever-changing landscape. This strategic networking capability is an indispensable component of your marketing strategy, enabling you to stay ahead of the competition and achieve long-term success.

Harnessing the Power of Predictive Insights

The ability to forecast forthcoming changes holds immense potential, yet many organizations still need to catch up to adopt data-driven strategies. While some industries, such as law enforcement and healthcare, have embraced predictive analytics to anticipate security concerns and resource needs, many companies still need to utilize this powerful tool. By harnessing the capabilities of predictive intelligence, organizations can gain invaluable insights to preempt changes and stay ahead of the curve.

A network must capitalize on emerging trends and directions. Predictive analytics, such as analytics for anticipating short-term and long-term change, is a powerful tool to recognize trends and requirements at all times. It embodies a culture of innovation.

Storefronts and Campaigns

At Markethive, we offer powerful tools to help entrepreneurs amplify their reach and impact. Our storefronts and associated marketing campaigns are designed to work together seamlessly, providing a force multiplier effect that helps businesses grow and thrive. Additionally, we have integrated broadcasting capabilities that allow group administrators to easily share information with the entire group's social network, further expanding the reach of your message.

The blogging platform is designed to streamline team collaboration and provide comprehensive management reports for administrators. These reports offer visibility into individual team members' activities, including blog posting, autoresponder creation, capture page development, news feed posting, ad management, and new member sponsorship. Additionally, the system features a group rotator that showcases the collective traffic generated by the team and a cooperative mechanism for raising funds and shares to support group advertising campaigns.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain and smart contracts offer a pivotal advantage by amplifying the impact of crowdsourcing. These innovative methods provide a cost-effective way to incentivize and reward individuals contributing to crowdsourcing initiatives. Entrepreneurs can bypass traditional sources such as professional investors and venture capitalists by obtaining funding directly from the crowd. This enables them to finance the development of new platforms that cater to users' requirements. The Incentivized Loan Program (ILP) serves as a prime illustration of this concept.

Image source: Gotco.in


Users are rewarded with cryptocurrency micropayments for participating in various activities just using the systems on the platform. It creates a fun, engaging, rewarding, and profitable experience. This approach also utilizes gamification elements, with loyalty and bounty programs, to incentivize users and make their engagement even more valuable. The result is a dynamic that amplifies the impact of users' efforts and transforms how they interact with the platform.

Markethive’s Hivecoin (HVC) is alive and well on the official Hivecoin mainnet faucet. Increase your HVC portfolio by visiting the Hivecoin Faucet website daily to receive your free crypto. You just need to paste your Markethive wallet address in the bar, fill in the capture, and claim. You’ll receive 0.00001 HVC in usually a few minutes, up to 3 days. Also, be sure to bookmark the site and visit it daily to accumulate your HVC. This is a powerful force multiplier that increases the transactional activity required to meet exchange protocols. 

Amplify Your Reach with Force Multipliers

It is essential to utilize force multipliers to achieve expansion. Suppose you solely focus on targeting one customer, market, or partnership at a time. In that case, your growth will be limited, and you won't be able to compete effectively, especially against larger competitors with a well-established market presence. By employing force multipliers, you can accelerate your growth, increase scalability, and capitalize on opportunities that would otherwise be out of reach.

Constantly seeking ways to enhance productivity is crucial for businesses and marketers. Given our limited resources and time, it's essential to identify the most effective multipliers for each element to optimize results.

Infographic: Markethive.com

Markethive: What’s In A Name? 

The term "market" encompasses a comprehensive collection of effective inbound marketing resources, such as automated email responders, social media broadcasting tools, landing pages, blogging platforms, search engine optimization tools, lead management systems, and analytics.

The term "hive" refers to the social network present in the system. It is an innovative form of social network known as a Social Neural Network. This concept of a "Hive" offers unparalleled potential for campaigns to capitalize on the network effect, with effortless management and unbridled impact.

Irrespective of your motivation level, Markethive will enhance your schedule, expand your outreach, and create a larger and more impactful sphere of influence than any other platform has ever tried to achieve.

Markethive is an innovative platform that fuses the features of LinkedIn, Facebook, Marketo, and Fiverr, all while utilizing the cutting-edge technology of Blockchain. By doing so, it offers a comprehensive set of Inbound Marketing tools seamlessly integrated into a user-friendly social network. And the best part? It's free to join and even rewards you for participating!

Within Markethive, a thriving cottage industry has given rise to numerous independent businesses as the Markethive entrepreneurs capitalize on the opportunities presented by the platform. Markethive's money machines, such as the Banner Impressions Exchange (BIX), empower associates to harness the system's potential and achieve financial success.

Markethive is in the throes of incorporating more revenue-generating components, such as the E1 Exchange and Promocode. Additional components, referred to as hubs and portals, will be integrated in due course. They are diverse in nature and can also be considered force multipliers, amplifying earning potential.

Just like any other platform, upgrades offer additional features, such as the Entrepreneur One Upgrade, with more entry-level upgrades coming, like the Premium Upgrade launching soon. As a free member, you'll have access to various essential tools for inbound marketing. Plus, you'll be in our thriving social network and even earn crypto rewards, such as micropayments in Hivecoin for your activity on the platform, once you refer three friends or colleagues to join markethive. This article explains more about the referral program. 

We have here the world's first entrepreneur business person's social network, with the entire system offered predominantly for free to the worldwide entrepreneurs market. With the integration of the new streamlined dashboard and various newsfeeds currently in development, the complete system is next-level, clean, and intuitive, delivering every function and aspect available, fitting for the entrepreneur, business, and corporation. 

It encompasses a diverse range of entities, from small, local businesses to global corporations, including cottage industries, real estate and mortgage agencies, insurance providers, affiliate marketers, software developers, musicians, religious organizations, political parties and candidates, distributors, network marketers, innovators, and visionaries.

Cut expenses, boost profits, and expand your online presence with Markethive. This powerful platform allows you to amplify your reach, grow your audience, and increase your revenue stream without breaking the bank. There is no need for expensive internet marketing costs but an increasing need for a more efficient and effective way to achieve brand and financial success and sovereignty in the parallel economy. Markethive is the ultimate Social Market Broadcasting Network and the home of technology-driven Force Multipliers. 

May the force be with you. 



Editor and Chief Markethive: Deb Williams. (Australia) I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech. I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people to accept and move forward with enthusiasm. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.





Tim Moseley

Modest price gains for gold as bulls still have strength

Modest price gains for gold as bulls still have strength

Gold prices are mildly higher and silver mildly lower in midday U.S. trading Wednesday. Chart consolidation is the feature in both metals this week, but the bulls still hold the upper technical hand at present. December gold was last up $5.10 at $1,991.90. December silver was last down $0.111 at $23.005.

Trader and investor attention is no longer keenly fixated on the Israel-Hamas war. That means more normal market factors are in play. Today, the precious metals markets are seeing buying interest limited due to this week’s rally in the U.S. dollar index and an uptick in U.S. Treasury yields at mid-week.

  Gold prices consolidating just below $2,000, caught between opposing forces

The key outside markets today see the U.S. dollar index slightly higher after solid gains Tuesday. Nymex crude oil prices are higher and trading around $85.00 a barrel. The yield on the benchmark U.S. Treasury 10-year note yield is presently fetching 4.914%.

Technically, December gold futures bulls have the overall near-term technical advantage. Prices are in an uptrend on the daily bar chart. Bulls’ next upside price objective is to produce a close above solid resistance at the October high of $2,009.20. Bears' next near-term downside price objective is pushing futures prices below solid technical support at $1,920.00. First resistance is seen at $2,000.00 and then at $2,009.20. First support is seen at today’s low of $1,973.60 and then at this week’s low of $1,964.60. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 6.0

December silver futures bulls have the overall near-term technical advantage. Prices are still in an uptrend on the daily bar chart but bulls need to show fresh power soon to keep it alive. Silver bulls' next upside price objective is closing prices above solid technical resistance at $24.05. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid support at $21.60. First resistance is seen at this week’s high of $23.505 and then at last week’s high of $23.88. Next support is seen at today’s low of $22.69 and then at $22.50. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 6.0.

December N.Y. copper closed down 245 points at 359.95 cents today. Prices closed near the session low today. The copper bears have the solid overall near-term technical advantage. Prices are in a choppy, three-month-old downtrend on the daily bar chart. Copper bulls' next upside price objective is pushing and closing prices above solid technical resistance at 378.60 cents. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at 340.00 cents. First resistance is seen at today’s high of 364.90 cents and then at 367.45 cents. First support is seen at Tuesday’s low of 356.25 cents and then at this week’s low of 351.95 cents. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 2.0.


Jim Wyckoff

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

Gold prices pull back as Middle East tensions ease silver maintains bullish bias – DailyFX’s Snow

Gold prices pull back as Middle East tensions ease, silver maintains bullish bias – DailyFX's Snow

Gold prices have come off their recent highs due to successful diplomatic efforts which have allowed for a near-term de-escalation in the Middle East, according to Richard Snow, Strategist at DailyFX.

In his analysis, Snow noted the recent agreement that will see aid flowing to the civilian population in Gaza after two Israeli hostages were released. “This and other ongoing conversations could result in a momentary respite in what has otherwise been a frantic war with the potential to spillover into a regional conflict,” he wrote.

Snow said he believes that the gold market has taken this an opportunity to take some risk off the table and reassess the next move. “Panic buying of the safe haven metal led gold higher, only showing a loss of momentum around the $1985 level,” he wrote.

The 30-day expected gold volatility index (GVZ) has escalated towards levels not seen since the collapse of SVB amidst the regional banking turmoil earlier this year. “Such a surge in expected volatility suggests gold is likely to remain well supported as GVZ tends to rise more when gold prices accelerate,” he said.

Silver has risen as well, Snow noted, but not to the same degree as the safe-haven yellow metal.

“XAG/USD rose and breached the 200-day simple moving average, posting a close marginally above the line,” he wrote. “The long upper wick provided the first clue of waning bullish momentum and since then, silver has been on the decline.”

Snow pointed out that the temporary reprieve highlights the 38.2% Fibonacci retracement of the 2021 to 2022 major move around 22.35. “However, the bullish bias remains intact, with a return to 23.20 not out of the question and even a possible advance towards the 50% Fibonacci level as a guideline,” he wrote.


Ernest Hoffman

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

In terms of online advertising what are the advanced techniques and tools used to optimize ad campaigns for maximum return on investment?

In terms of online advertising, what are the advanced techniques and tools used to optimize ad campaigns for maximum return on investment?


One possible reason for a high click-through rate (CTR) but low conversion rate in an online ad campaign is a poorly designed landing page or a disconnect between what is shown in the ad and what is presented on the landing page.[1] If the ad promises one thing, but the landing page doesn't deliver it, visitors may quickly leave without converting.

Other possible reasons include targeting the wrong audience, over-promising in the ad, not optimizing the ad for the right keywords, or having a complicated conversion process that discourages users. [1][2]

To determine the specific issue with the ad campaign, it might be helpful to analyze the data and identify where users are dropping off in the conversion process. [2] Once the issue is identified, steps can be taken to improve the ad campaign and increase the conversion rate.

ecosystem for entrepreneurs



When it comes to optimizing online ad campaigns for maximum return on investment (ROI), there are several advanced techniques and tools available. Here are some strategies to consider:

Targeting and segmentation: Instead of casting a broad net, implementing precise targeting and segmentation allows you to reach a highly relevant audience. By narrowing down your target audience based on demographics, interests, and behavior, you can optimize your ad campaigns for better performance and higher ROI1.

A/B testing: Testing different variations of your ad campaigns can help identify the most effective elements. By testing different headlines, ad copy, visuals, and call-to-action buttons, you can optimize your campaigns based on real-time data and insights2.

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Conversion tracking and analytics: Implementing conversion tracking tools and analytics platforms enables you to measure the success of your ad campaigns. By tracking conversions and analyzing data, you can identify which campaigns are generating the highest ROI and make data-driven decisions to optimize your future ad spend3.

Remarketing: Utilizing remarketing techniques allows you to target users who have already shown interest in your products or services. By displaying ads to users who have previously visited your website or interacted with your brand, you can increase the chances of conversions and improve your ROI4.

Bid management and optimization: Advanced bidding strategies and tools can help optimize your ad spend for maximum ROI. Implementing strategies such as automated bidding, bid adjustments based on device or location, and utilizing bid management tools can help ensure that you are bidding efficiently and getting the most out of your budget5.

Ad fraud prevention: Ad fraud can significantly impact the ROI of your campaigns. Implementing ad fraud prevention tools and ensuring that your ads are being displayed to real, engaged users can help maximize your ROI by avoiding wasted ad impressions and clicks6.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of these techniques and tools may vary depending on your specific industry, target audience, and campaign objectives. Continuously monitoring and optimizing your campaigns based on data and performance metrics is key to maximizing your return on investment.

Nielsen. How to Maximize Marketing ROI at Every Budget Size ↩

HubSpot. A/B Testing ↩

Google Analytics. Track your goals with conversions ↩

Google Ads. Remarketing ↩

Google Ads. Bid simulator and adjusting bids ↩

IAB. Ad Fraud ↩


Tim Moseley

Another one bites the dust: gold price hits a record high against Aussi dollar

Another one bites the dust: gold price hits a record high against Aussi dollar

The gold market continues to attract attention as prices push back to $2,000 an ounce, with many analysts now saying that the precious metal could be on its way to all-time highs.

However, as a global monetary metal, gold has already hit all-time highs in some currencies this year, with the latest being the Australian dollar, rallying briefly to A$3,159. Reflecting the broader market, gold has been pushing higher against the Aussie dollar as Israel’s war with Hamas continues to create significant chaos in the Middle East.

“The conflict between Israel and Palestine over the Gaza Strip is still deteriorating, prompting the flight to gold,” said Dr. Sandra Close, a director for Melbourne-based gold consultants Surbiton Associates. “Time and again, gold has proved to be an important safe haven during times of international conflict and uncertainty.”

Analysts note that gold’s all-time high will provide solid support for Australia’s gold mining sector. The country is the world’s third top gold producer.

In a report published last month, Surbiton said that Australian miners produced 80 tonnes of gold in the third quarter, an increase of eight tonnes, or 11%, from the second quarter.

“The gold output for the 2022/2023 financial year totaled around 306 tonnes, some 10 tonnes, or nine percent, lower than in the previous financial year,” Surbiton said in the report.

Close noted that better weather through Australia’s winter months allowed gold producers to process higher-grade ore. She added that at current prices, the sector is worth around $30 billion.

The Australian dollar is just the latest currency to lose value against gold.

The precious metal continues to hit fresh new highs against the Japanese yen on a daily basis. One ounce of gold is now worth ¥296,735.90.

Gold is also trading at record highs against the Chinese yuan at CNY14,488.70 an ounce.

Gold has seen significant Asian demand in recent weeks. Analysts note that Japanese investors want to protect their purchasing power as the yen has seen substantial weakness in global currency markets.

At the same time, Chinese investors are turning to the yellow metal to protect themselves from a slowing economy.

In a recent interview with Kitco News, market strategists at the World Gold Council said that global investors should monitor these growing trends in these two Asian Markets.

  Gold prices ending the week around $2,000 as geopolitical uncertainty overshadows rising bond yields

“I think what is driving gold demand in Asia is global geopolitical risks and capital flight being triggered by the prospect of a weak Chinese economy,“ said John Reade, chief market strategist at the WGC.

“Many Chinese investors have built massive real estate positions in their portfolios and now they are looking to diversify and gold is the next logical asset to own,“ added Joseph Cavatoni, North American market strategist.

The two analysts also said that Japan could be a major source of physical demand in the new year.

“This could become a significant trend for the global market as Japanese consumers have a lot of cash savings, which makes sense when you have decades of deflation,“ said Reade.

Although the global gold market is priced in U.S. dollars, both Read and Cavatoni noted the fact that the yellow metal has hit record highs in multiple currencies this past year is a strong signal that global demand remains healthy.


Neils Christensen

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

Gold price to see wild 100 daily gains Bitcoin rally to follow if Middle East tensions escalate and spillover into ‘unmitigated disaster’ – Larry Lepard

Gold price to see wild $100+ daily gains, Bitcoin rally to follow, if Middle East tensions escalate and spillover into 'unmitigated disaster' – Larry Lepard

Turmoil in the Middle East is keeping investors on edge, and gold is one of the first assets to react — rising above the critical psychological level of $2,000 an ounce and trading near 2.5-month highs on Friday.

It won’t be surprising to see gold witness daily gains of $100+ as the Israel-Hamas war escalates, Larry Lepard, Managing Partner and Founder of Equity Management Associates, told Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News.

"Gold has gone up a lot in a very short period of time," Lepard said Thursday. "And that’s a combination of the war and also sniffing out the underlying problem in the bond market. When geopolitical trouble arises, gold tends to smell it first."

Gold has gained over $160 since the terrorist group Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, killing more than 1,400 people, mostly civilians. Since then, the conflict has been escalating, with gold crossing the $2,000 an ounce level Friday and December Comex gold futures last trading at $2,005.90, up 1.28% on the day.

Markets are digesting the latest developments ahead of another uncertain weekend, including the Pentagon stating that the U.S. Navy warship intercepted three cruise missiles and several drones launched by the Iran-aligned Houthi movement from Yemen. Also, Iran called for an embargo against Israel, including an oil embargo on the country. Iran has also warned that if Israel proceeds with a ground operation into Gaza to retaliate against Hamas and rescue the hostages, it will activate its terrorist proxy groups on multiple fronts.

There is a 20% chance that this conflict will escalate into an "unmitigated disaster," said Lepard, with economic consequences that would "probably be bigger than 2008, and it's probably bigger than in 2020. What could happen that would be bigger than those two things? It'd be a really major war. It doesn't strike me as impossible," he pointed out.

The United States has been living in a false narrative that everything is well. But the regional banks still have $600 billion of commercial real estate losses, according to Lepard.

"You know something is going to break, and then it's going to cascade very similar to the way it did in 2008," Lepard described. "It would be an unmitigated disaster. And I don't think there's any way the Federal Reserve wouldn't be called upon to quote-unquote do the patriotic thing and print the money necessary to keep the system going, inflation be damned."

This could mean a major stock market selloff between 30% and 50%. For gold, this would translate into $100+ daily price moves, with Bitcoin likely following at some point.

Lepard envisions similar-sized price moves as in March 2020 after the Federal Reserve stepped in to support the U.S. economy, and gold surged, hitting record highs. "Gold went up a hundred dollars a day, two days back to back. You never see that. And that's what would happen again this time. So I think everybody has to be prepared for that," Lepard noted.

  The monetary system today: 'Council of elders deciding the price of money' – Lyn Alden

Best-case and worst-case scenarios

Even in the best-case scenario, in which the Israel-Hamas war does not escalate into a major regional conflict or a WWIII-type situation, gold is looking to hit $2,500 an ounce after it goes through $2,100, Lepard told Kitco News.

"Gold will get through $2,100, which is a very important level. And when it goes through that, people will chase a new all-time high. We'll be at $2,500, maybe even $3,000," he said. "Assuming an absolute best case in the war, we're still screwed monetarily and economically."

Bitcoin will also likely catch the safe-haven bid and follow gold’s rally. "My target for mid to the tail-end of next year is $2,500 to $3,000 gold and $50k-$100k Bitcoin," he added. "That’s assuming a best case scenario in the war — that things calm down and nothing gets worse."

To learn when Bitcoin is likely to start rallying, watch the video above.

At the same time, the worst-case scenario, in which the Israel-Hamas conflict turns into a major war, is not all that implausible either, according to Lepard.

The Fed’s easing cycle is near, what it means for markets

There's a high probability that the Fed is done hiking because the bond market is signaling that something is close to breaking, Lepard said.

The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury, which moves inversely to prices, is trading above 4.9% — a level last seen in 2007.

"The Fed knows that if they continue to raise rates, they're going to break the bond market. They may have already broken it, but they're going to break it to the point that it's irreparable. So I think what we're moving towards is monetary easing," Lepard said. "And that's what gold smells. Gold also smells war, and gold always goes up when there's instability."

Watch the video above to get Lepard’s take on the Fed’s next step and what the central bank’s Chair Jerome Powell is afraid of going into the year-end.

Lepard also explores the idea of sound money and which safe haven assets are the best to hold during heightened geopolitical uncertainty and makes the case for Bitcoin as well as gold. Watch the video above for details.


Anna Golubova

For Kitco New

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

Opportunity with Godesanacom: A Detailed Description

Opportunity with Godesana.com: A Detailed Description

GoDesana.com is a company that offers an income opportunity for those interested in the wellness industry. The company claims to provide pure, organic, and wild-crafted essential oils and other wellness products. GoDesana.com has eliminated the hurdles to getting started with no sign-up fees, no auto-delivery requirement, no investment, and no personal purchase requirements to earn.

The company's compensation plan is designed to reward affiliates for their efforts in building their business. According to the company's website, affiliates can earn money through retail sales, team commissions, bonuses, and incentives. GoDesana.com claims that their compensation plan is one of the most lucrative in the industry, paying out every day of the week.

Key Takeaways

  • GoDesana.com offers an income opportunity for those interested in the wellness industry.
  • The company provides pure, organic, and wild-crafted essential oils and other wellness products.
  • The compensation plan is designed to reward affiliates for their efforts in building their business.

About GoDesana

GoDesana is a company that offers essential oils, personal care, weight loss, nutrition, and home products. The company was founded by Paula Scarcella and Alexandria Brighton in 2007, and its headquarters is located in Chandler, Arizona, USA.

Founders and History

Paula Scarcella and Alexandria Brighton are the founders of GoDesana. Scarcella has over 30 years of experience in the network marketing industry, while Brighton is a certified aromatherapist with over 30 years of experience in the field of natural health. Together, they created GoDesana with a mission to provide pure, natural, and organic products to people around the world.

GoDesana has been in business for over a decade and has built a reputation for providing high-quality products to its customers. The company has received positive reviews from customers who appreciate the quality and effectiveness of its products.

Affiliation with Green Organics International

GoDesana is affiliated with Green Organics International, a company that specializes in organic and natural products. Green Organics International is a network marketing company that offers a variety of products, including health and wellness, personal care, and home care products.

As an affiliate of Green Organics International, GoDesana offers its products through a network of independent distributors. This allows customers to purchase GoDesana products directly from distributors and also provides an opportunity for individuals to earn income by selling GoDesana products.

Overall, GoDesana is a reputable company that offers high-quality products and an opportunity for individuals to earn income through its network marketing program.

Product Overview

GoDesana.com offers a wide range of products that are designed to cater to different aspects of health and wellness. Their product line includes essential oils, aromatherapy, tea and herbal products, nutrition and supplements, personal care, and weight loss products.

Essential Oils and Aromatherapy

GoDesana.com offers a variety of essential oils that are 100% pure, organic, and wild-crafted. Essential oils are derived from plants and are used for aromatherapy, massage, and other therapeutic purposes. They are known for their calming and soothing effects and can help relieve stress, anxiety, and other emotional issues.

Tea and Herbal Products

GoDesana.com offers a range of tea and herbal products that are designed to promote health and wellness. Their tea blends are made from organic and wild-crafted herbs and are designed to support different aspects of health, such as digestion, immune system, and relaxation.

Nutrition and Supplements

GoDesana.com offers a range of nutrition and supplement products that are designed to support overall health and wellness. Their products are made from high-quality ingredients and are designed to provide essential nutrients that may be missing from the diet.

Personal Care and Weight Loss Products

GoDesana.com offers a range of personal care and weight loss products that are designed to support overall health and wellness. Their personal care products are made from natural and organic ingredients and are designed to be gentle on the skin. Their weight loss products are designed to support weight loss goals and are made from natural and organic ingredients.

Overall, GoDesana.com offers a wide range of products that are designed to support overall health and wellness. Their products are made from high-quality ingredients and are designed to be safe and effective.

Compensation Plan

GoDésana offers a generous and fair compensation plan that provides its product consultants with multiple ways to earn. The plan is based on a unilevel compensation structure that allows consultants to earn commissions on their personal sales as well as the sales of their downline.

Unilevel Compensation Structure

The GoDésana compensation plan is based on a unilevel structure that allows product consultants to earn commissions on up to 10 levels of their downline. This means that consultants earn a percentage of the sales volume generated by their downline, with the percentage increasing as they move up in rank.

Affiliate Ranks

GoDésana has ten affiliate ranks, each with its own set of requirements. The ranks, in ascending order, are: Product Consultant, Silver, Gold, Jasper, Amber, Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, Double Diamond, and Platinum Diamond.

To move up in rank, consultants must meet certain requirements, such as achieving a certain amount of personal volume (PV) and group volume (GV), and sponsoring new consultants. As consultants move up in rank, they become eligible for higher commissions and bonuses.

Commissions and Bonuses

GoDésana pays its product consultants in eight different ways, including retail profits, preferred customer bonuses, and cycle bonuses. The cycle bonus is a unique feature of the GoDésana compensation plan and provides consultants with a proven formula to quickly earn $750.00 or more on a daily basis.

In addition to the cycle bonus, GoDésana offers other bonuses, such as the rank advancement bonus, which rewards consultants for achieving higher ranks, and the leadership bonus, which rewards top leaders for their efforts in building and supporting their downline.

Overall, the GoDésana compensation plan is designed to provide its product consultants with a fair and equitable way to earn income while promoting the company's high-quality, organic products.

Opportunities for Success

Building a 6-Figure Business

At goDésana, there is an opportunity to build a successful business and achieve financial freedom. With the right mindset and dedication, it is possible to create a 6-figure business. The company's compensation plan offers several ways to earn income, including retail sales, team commissions, and bonuses.

One way to grow a successful business is by building a team of like-minded individuals who share your passion for wellness and natural products. By mentoring and supporting your team members, you can help them achieve their goals while also growing your own business.

Another key to success is staying up-to-date with the latest products and industry trends. goDésana provides ongoing training and resources to help consultants stay informed and grow their business.

Partnering with Local Businesses

goDésana also offers opportunities to partner with local businesses and expand your reach in the community. By collaborating with spas, fitness centers, and other wellness-focused businesses, you can introduce your products to a wider audience and build valuable relationships.

Partnering with local businesses can also lead to new opportunities for growth and expansion. For example, you may be able to co-host events or workshops to promote your products and services. This can help you connect with potential customers and build a loyal following.

Overall, goDésana provides a range of opportunities for success, whether you are looking to build a 6-figure business or partner with local businesses. With the right mindset, dedication, and support, you can achieve your goals and create a thriving business in the wellness industry.

Educational Resources

goDesana provides its members with a wealth of educational resources that can help them grow their business and improve their knowledge of essential oils.

One of the key educational resources available to goDesana members is Alexandria Brighton, the company's exclusive formulator. With over 30 years of experience in the Ayurvedic Medicine, Aromatherapy, herbal, and natural remedy world, Alexandria Brighton is a deeply intuitive and knowledgeable educator who can help members learn more about the benefits of essential oils and how they can be used to improve health and wellbeing.

In addition to Alexandria Brighton, goDesana also offers a range of training materials to help members learn more about the company's products and compensation plan. These materials include webinars, training videos, and other resources that can be accessed through the goDesana website.

Finally, goDesana members can also benefit from the resources available through the Brighton Institute of Botanical Studies. Founded by Alexandria Brighton, the institute offers a range of courses and programs in aromatherapy, herbalism, and other related fields. By taking advantage of these resources, goDesana members can deepen their knowledge of essential oils and related topics, and gain the skills they need to succeed in the essential oils industry.

Is GoDesana a Scam or Legitimate?

When it comes to MLM companies, there is always a concern about whether the company is legitimate or just a scam. With GoDesana, there are mixed opinions on the matter.

On one hand, GoDesana has been around since 2014 and has a variety of products, including essential oils, personal care, weight loss, nutrition, and home products. They also have a compensation plan that claims to offer many earning opportunities for their affiliates.

On the other hand, there are some concerns about the company's practices. For example, some people have reported that GoDesana heavily incentivizes 31-day affiliate purchases, which could be seen as a red flag. Additionally, there have been accusations of GoDesana being a pyramid scheme, which is illegal in many countries.

Despite these concerns, it's important to note that GoDesana is still in business and has many satisfied customers and affiliates. It's up to each individual to do their own research and decide whether they want to get involved with the company.

Overall, while there are some concerns about GoDesana, it's not fair to label the company as a scam without further evidence. However, it's important to approach any MLM opportunity with caution and do thorough research before investing time and money.

Tim Moseley

Gold Price News: Gold Leaps Ahead on Heightened Risk Aversion

Gold Price News: Gold Leaps Ahead on Heightened Risk Aversion

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Gold continues to rally strongly, with recent gains taking the price to a three-month high of $1,979 per ounce. For now, the appetite for safe-haven assets is trumping stiff rate headwinds.

Market drivers for gold remain under significant tension. US economic data is still largely beating expectations, helping to sustain inflation and higher interest rates to combat it. US rates continue to climb with 10-year US Treasury yields now testing 5% – a level not seen since mid-2007. This is clearly a challenge for non-yielding assets, such as gold.

gold kau price on kinesis exchange

However, the risk environment also remains elevated. Geopolitical risk has risen in the Middle East. However, the muted rise in crude oil prices thus far suggests that the market is still pricing in a low probability of Iran being drawn directly into the regional conflict. As such, the risks here still arguably lie to the upside. Equity markets are also uneasy, with the VIX (‘Fear’) Index of implied S&P 500 volatility at the highest levels since the US banking scare in March.

In the meantime, the much-awaited speech by Fed Chairman Powell has done little to move the dial. While the probability of a rate pause until the end of 2023 seems to have improved, the chances of one last rate hike in Q1 2024 have hardly moved. Until greater clarity, bonds will be handicapped in their ability to attract safe-haven flows from gold.

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

The Entrepreneurial Odyssey: Navigating the Uncharted Waters of Business

The Entrepreneurial Odyssey: Navigating the Uncharted Waters of Business

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is often likened to a thrilling adventure, an odyssey filled with twists, turns, and uncharted waters. It's a journey that requires a unique blend of passion, grit, and innovation. In this blog, we embark on a storytelling voyage into the world of entrepreneurship, where dreams are born, challenges are met, and destinies are forged.

The Birth of an Idea

Our story begins in a cozy coffee shop, where Sarah, a young marketing professional, sips her latte while scribbling ideas on a napkin. Her mind teems with a vision – a vision of a product that could change people's lives. The napkin, now filled with doodles and notes, becomes the birth certificate of her entrepreneurial dream.

The Leap of Faith

The path to entrepreneurship is paved with uncertainty. Sarah's decision to leave her stable job was a leap of faith. She took the first step into uncharted waters, driven by her unwavering belief in her idea. It's a leap that many aspiring entrepreneurs make, knowing that there's no turning back.

The First Stumble

Like any great odyssey, Sarah encountered her first stumbling block. Building her product proved more challenging than anticipated. She faced technical issues, design dilemmas, and countless revisions. But she persevered, fueled by her determination to overcome these obstacles.

The Mentor's Wisdom

Every great explorer needs a mentor. Sarah was fortunate to find one – an experienced entrepreneur who offered guidance, advice, and encouragement. Through their mentorship, Sarah learned to navigate the treacherous waters of business, avoiding some pitfalls and embracing others as valuable lessons.

The First Glimmer of Success

After months of hard work, the day came when Sarah's product was ready to launch. The satisfaction of that moment was immeasurable. As the first customers' positive feedback rolled in, Sarah's vision became a reality. Her product was solving real problems for people.

The Pivot

In the world of entrepreneurship, change is inevitable. Sarah soon realized that her product needed adjustments to reach a wider audience. The decision to pivot was a challenging one, but it showcased her adaptability and commitment to growth.

The Entrepreneurial Community

Entrepreneurs don't journey alone. Sarah discovered a supportive entrepreneurial community where she found camaraderie, shared experiences, and collaborative opportunities. This network helped her overcome obstacles and find new pathways to success.

The Sleepless Nights

Every entrepreneur knows the restless nights spent worrying about finances, competition, and the future. Sarah's sleepless nights were marked by anxiety but also by resilience. These difficult moments fueled her determination.

The Triumph

After years of hard work, sacrifices, and learning experiences, Sarah's entrepreneurial odyssey bore fruit. Her business thrived, her product became a household name, and her vision had come full circle. Sarah's triumph was a testament to her unyielding commitment and her unwavering belief in her dream.

The Ongoing Journey

Even as Sarah achieved her initial goals, she realized that the entrepreneurial journey was far from over. It had evolved from a solo odyssey into a team expedition. Her role as a leader had grown, and she was now steering her ship towards new horizons and uncharted waters.

The Lessons Learned

Through this storytelling journey, we learn that entrepreneurship isn't just about making money; it's about creating something meaningful, about changing lives, and about personal growth. It's about resilience, adaptability, and a steadfast belief in your dreams.

In closing, entrepreneurship is a thrilling adventure, an odyssey that tests one's mettle and rewards perseverance. It's about embracing the unknown, learning from each challenge, and ultimately triumphing over adversity. Whether you're just starting your entrepreneurial journey or have already set sail, remember that every step, every stumble, and every pivot brings you closer to your destination. So, brace yourself for the odyssey of a lifetime, and remember that it's not the destination, but the journey itself, that defines the true essence of entrepreneurship.

Tim Moseley

Gold a bit firmer as Fed Chair Powell on deck

Gold a bit firmer as Fed Chair Powell on deck

Gold prices are slightly up and near the daily high, while silver is modestly down in midday U.S. trading Thursday. The markets are seeing some price consolidation following recent solid gains. Mild profit-taking from the shorter-term futures traders was featured in earlier trading. Still-keener risk aversion in the general marketplace as the Middle East crisis continues to play out will very likely keep a floor under the two safe-haven metals for at least the near term. December gold was last up $2.20 at $1,970.60 and December silver was down $0.079 at $23.01.

The U.S. marketplace highlight of the day Thursday is the midday speech by Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell to the Economic Club of New York. Powell’s remarks will be closely scrutinized by the marketplace, to see if he wavers from his heretofore hawkish tone on U.S. monetary policy.

Rising bond yields and high tensions in the Middle East are squelching the equities market bulls late this week. Reports said Hamas is firing more missiles into Israel. This comes after an explosion at a Gaza hospital killed over 500 people earlier this week. U.S. and Israeli intelligence say the explosion was caused by Palestinian militants.

Asian and European stocks were mostly lower overnight. U.S. stock indexes are slightly down at midday. Downbeat quarterly earnings from EV maker Tesla has dampened Wall Street spirits Thursday.

  Time to increase allocation to gold – JPMorgan's Kolanovic

The key outside markets today see the U.S. dollar index lower. Nymex crude oil prices are slightly up and trading around $88.50 a barrel. The yield on the benchmark U.S. Treasury 10-year note yield is closing in on 5.0% and is presently fetching around 4.9%.

Technically, December gold futures prices hit a six-week high Wednesday. Recent price action suggests that a market bottom is in place. The bulls have the slight overall near-term technical advantage. A five-month-old price downtrend on the daily bar chart has been negated and prices are now trending higher. Bulls’ next upside price objective is to produce a close above solid resistance at $2,000.00. Bears' next near-term downside price objective is pushing futures prices below solid technical support at $1,875.00. First resistance is seen at this week’s high of $1,975.80 and then at the August high of $1,980.20. First support is seen at today’s low of $1,957.00 and then at $1,950.00. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 5.5.

December silver futures bulls have the slight overall near-term technical advantage. A three-month-old downtrend on the daily bar chart has been negated and prices are now trending up. Recent price action suggests a market bottom is in place. Silver bulls' next upside price objective is closing prices above solid technical resistance at $24.00. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid support at $21.60. First resistance is seen at today’s high of $23.185 and then at this week’s high of $23.49. Next support is seen at today’s low of $22.785 and then at this week’s low of $22.535. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 5.5.

December N.Y. copper closed up 45 points at 359.15 cents today. Prices closed near mid-range today. The copper bears have the solid overall near-term technical advantage. Prices are in a choppy, 2.5-month-old downtrend on the daily bar chart. Copper bulls' next upside price objective is pushing and closing prices above solid technical resistance at 378.60 cents. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at 340.00 cents. First resistance is seen at this week’s high of 363.05 cents and then at 367.45 cents. First support is seen at this week’s low of 353.15 cents and then at 350.00 cents. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 1.5.


Jim Wyckoff

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

The Artist that came out of the Winter