What Has The World Health Organization Been Up To Lately? WHO Knows Best??

What Has The World Health Organization Been Up To Lately? 
WHO Knows Best??

There is so much happening in our GOD-given world, and many are distractions to keep us occupied for many reasons. One reason could be that proposals and treaties were being discussed and perhaps even approved by the globalist few without our knowledge or consent. 

Last week, from May 22 to May 28, 2022, the WHO (World Health Organization) held its 75th annual assembly in Geneva. In this assembly, one of the things on the agenda is a proposal for amendments to the international health regulations. Titled – 

Image source: Geneva.usmission.gov 

You can also find the Proposal for Amendments document on the World Health Organization’s website under A75/18.pdf. All excerpts in this article are from this document. Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies. Proposal for amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005)

The results of this proposal will directly impact our lives, especially with what we’ve been through over the past two years. The United States proposed the amendment in January of 2022, and in this article, we’ll briefly interpret the sections in the amendment.

The regulations are not new, but the amendment reinforces some key elements. Some are crucial in what many people think and interpret as a very aggressive chunk into our civil rights and dangerous to our democracies.

Article 5 refers to surveillance and is a requirement for each country to develop its ability to identify, evaluate, inform, and report events according to the regulations within five years.

In layman's terms, besides monitoring medical information, they're asking countries to develop a system that monitors and reports data from airports, border crossings, and water and food infrastructure directly to the WHO surveillance team. 

This system should be able to surveil containers, suitcases, and equipment and isolate potential suspects in spreading disease. They also say that countries that cannot create this infrastructure for surveillance will be able to get assistance in funding.

Article 6: Notification. This section discusses the requirements for countries to notify the world about an event and its source, requiring all information to be routed through the WHO. It also lists organizations that must report to the WHO and requests genetic sequence data reports. 

Article 9: Other Reports. This section is one of the important ones, and I'll come back to it later when explaining the system they're implementing here. This section says that the WHO will no longer depend on the country itself to verify the occurrence of an event in its territory, and it can rely on other sources from other places. 

It’s basically saying that it can declare an event even if the country itself denies it or contradicts the information if the WHO claims to have other sources of information. It also retains the right to maintain the confidentiality of the source so that it can declare an event in any member country without the country's consent and without revealing the source of information. 

Article 10: Verification. This section is also curious about the language's meaning, where they move the language, and the tone to one of a threat, a motif that keeps reoccurring throughout this amendment. This is about the response time of the country once an event or even a suspicion of one is declared either by the country itself or by the WHO.

The country is requested to give an initial reply or acknowledgment within 24 hours and to provide initial information. The WHO will issue recommendations that may include an offer to mobilize international assistance. This means the people from the WHO may descend on the country and act. What is their status legally? What is their Authority? It’s unclear.

After 48 hours from the initial offer to collaborate with the WHO, if the country fails to respond or collaborate, the WHO shall (and that's a new term) immediately share with other member states the information available to it while encouraging the affected state to accept the offer of collaboration with the WHO. 

This is where they're crossing into the threat area, and the language being used is typical of organized crime. It seems like a message with a “cooperate, or else” tone.

Article 11: Provision of information by the WHO. This section is a direct continuation of the previous article, keeping the right to share information about the country suspected of having an event with other countries and parties. Any information can now be shared without consent, including medical cargo flights, passengers, the flow of commodities, etc. 

Article 12: The Determination of the public health emergency of international concern. It also adds public health, emergency of regional concern, or intermediate health alert to the title. 

This title is a long one and probably the most significant red flag in this entire Amendment. It is about who can declare an emergency event or suspicion of one, and it is just one person. That one person, in this case, is the Director-General of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

He can determine that a potential or an actual public health emergency of international concern is occurring. Take note of the word, potential used – it’s vague language. So the fate of an entire country is in his hands; just one person can shut down an entire country with a nod of his head. Of course, it says, he will consult with the emergency committee and relevant State parties, but that is just to keep the appearance of a democratic process. When in fact, he has all the power to do that by himself. 

Article 13: Public health response. Again, the WHO is offering assistance to any state party in the case of an event, giving only a short time of 48 hours to respond. In case of a rejection, the information will be passed on to other state parties. The WHO can immediately send the team, and in the event of a denial, the state party must provide its rationale for the denial or rejection. 

Article 15: Temporary recommendations. This is more about the deployment of expert teams by the WHO. These teams will have access to basically everything; every site, border crossing, harbors, and data. 

Article18 is about traveling and travel restrictions. It underlines the free passage to health personnel and equipment, exempting themselves from any restrictions and giving themselves a free pass to go everywhere with no interference. 

Articles 48 and 49 are about the one-man show named Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. He will pick the committee members, the duration of their service, pretty much everything. The committee, according to this, is nothing more than a rubber stamp and only gives the appearance of due process when in reality, he decides everything. 

Here we have a new chapter – Chapter 4: The Compliance Committee. Each member state that signs this amendment must establish a compliance committee, which would monitor the level of compliance in the state and report to the WHO. 

It has the right to give the WHO any information regarding the level of compliance, which could include information about vaccinations or any data that measures how much and to what extent the country's people are following the rules and orders of the WHO.

It states the compliance committee shall strive to make its recommendations based on
consensus. This section looks, sounds, and feels like a page from George Orwell’s book, 1984! This is the world they are preparing for us. 

Article 59: Entry into force; period for rejection or reservations. Last but not least, Article 59 says that any state party has only six months for rejection or reservation. Usually, this period is set for two years, but not in this case. 


In Summary

So to reiterate all of the above, countries that are members of the WHO are being asked to vote, to hand over their sovereignty to an unelected entity consisting mainly of one person, maybe two, who can decide to declare that there is a health emergency or even a suspicion of one in their territory.

The WHO can then threaten to share all information with other countries if they do not get full cooperation and compliance. For example, if that country's authorities do not agree with the WHO assessment or recommendations, they can send teams to the most sensitive places in your country. They can monitor food and water distribution, inspect the equipment and shipments and perform any test they see fit. 

They can shut down airports and harbors, stop the country's economy, and hold its fate and citizens in their hands. All they need to do is to declare an event. Every aspect of your life will be in the hands of a small group of people that was not elected in any democratic process. 

This type of power that is so concentrated and centralized with such a small group of people is unprecedented and extremely dangerous to what we thought was a free world, particularly in western civilization. 

The technique they use is sophisticated. Firstly, the language keeps it as vague and opaque as possible. What is an event? What is a suspicion of an event? What are the criteria? 

Every aspect of this amendment says one thing, one person will decide. Based on “the WHO knows best,” he will determine the definition of an event. That way, nobody can blame him or the WHO for not following an exact rule and also keeping all the definitions to themselves. 

In 2009, the WHO redefined the term pandemic to suit their needs making it easier to declare it. But the true genius in what and how they're doing it is in a false notion that countries have a choice. Even when they are taking your freedom, they have to maintain a false sense of democracy, as these NGOs know they have no true powers over a country that prides itself as free and democratic. 

Nobody elected them, and of course, they cannot just declare that they are, in fact, in power, and establish a dictatorship like in China, because the collective minds of citizens in the western world are that of freedom, or so they've been told. If they declare anything that contradicts that, people will rise and resist. 

So they need to act more subtly. First, by using fear, anxiety, and constant state of emergency and panic. People living in fear for their lives will be consumed by that and enter into a compliance state. Using the ultimate fear, the fear of death is the perfect leverage. As long as people are in a state of fear, those in power can demand and get anything they want. 

We have seen it in the covid years from the numbers of death attributed to the virus, which was later found to be massively exaggerated. Through to nothing less than crimes and lies surrounding the vaccine that turns out not to be nearly as effective as they claimed, not safe, and not relevant for most people.

As far as the country itself is concerned, they just need to threaten the government. Threaten to take it all away, to close everything. Like a mobster that enters your business, that in a polite voice tells you that you “better play nice or else.” It is extortion, and it’s s clear as day.  

This whole Amendment, everything that preceded it, and everything that will follow all come down to one thing. Like the Godfather stated, “I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.” They are making us an offer we can't refuse. Why? 

Let’s Pretend…

Let's go into the state of mind of a prime minister or a country's president, and let's just assume that they are honest and not corrupt. Let's assume you lead the country that is probably already in debt to the World Bank. You are dependent on commerce, and business with other countries, and your whole infrastructure, economy, and security depend on your connection with other countries. 

Then one day, according to the WHO, there is an event in your country, some kind of an outbreak. And let's say that no such thing is happening according to your knowledge and investigation. The WHO, which is basically one man, the Director-General, backed by Bill Gates and all the people and entities behind them, tells you that you have 48 hours to decide if you will follow their recommendations—also notifying you that they're sending teams to your country. 

Let's say you try to resist. You disagree, and you do not follow the advice. According to WHO’s document, they can now share this information with other countries. What does it mean? They can warn them that you are a threat and dangerous and that no traffic of either people or commodities should occur in and from your country. 

In effect, you are isolating your country from the rest of the world and bringing everything to a halt. Would you take that risk if you were the leader of that country? Of course not. You’d never get elected again! (Remember, you’re honest and not corrupt. One of the very few, if any.) 

When South Africa signaled Pfizer that they wanted to stop buying vaccines, there was a declaration about a virus mutation called Omicron, which they immediately announced came from, you guessed it, South Africa. The mentality of what they're creating is a herd mentality that no individual, country, or person can leave; the perfect mechanism. 

This is the same mechanism they used with the vaccinations, only in that case, instead of a country, it was the individual. The authorities did not physically coerce people into getting the shots; instead, they were threatened they’d lose their jobs, livelihood, and freedom to travel and attend school. There were fired or dismissed. 

They had their name smeared by the media, calling them anti-vaxxers, and were blamed for everything. That's why so many agreed to get the shots, not for health reasons but for fear of losing everything. 

Ironically, their fear of losing their freedoms caused them to lose their freedoms on a much bigger scale. And that is precisely what this WHO amendment is all about; the same mechanism and covid-19 is just phase one. 

So why is it happening? It's just another brick in the wall of what has occurred over the last couple of years and started long ago. A small, rich, and influential group of people, who actually own most, if not almost, all the commerce in the world, are using these bodies, like the UN and the WEF led by Klaus Schwab, who wants to shape the future. In his own words, “to globalize the world,” he is also not elected by anyone. 

And by the WHO is being used to create this control over countries and people and maintains a state of medical emergency as an excuse to take more freedoms and civil rights away and give governments and corporations more power.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) and their almost insane vision of the world of top-down control. Transhumanism, loss of privacy, total control over the exchange of money, digital passport, social ranking systems, collapsing the middle class, relying on a fixed income provided by them that will be only be given with the demand to agree to any terms they dish out. These are different branches of the same tree, and behind it, all is a group of very wealthy and powerful people who have a plan. 

The current world population of 7.3 billion people who seek freedoms and rights is something that scares them deeply. (And expected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030) They cannot afford anything but complete control over our lives, and the use of technology is one of the ways to implement that. As we've seen throughout the past two years, they used covid as an opportunity, as an excuse to escalate their plans. 

The sheer amount of lies, corruption, and nothing less than crimes against humanity, as far as false information, the vaccines, the way they ignore all vaccine injuries and death. Labeling people who are not playing ball and resisting their agenda as ‘anti-vaxxers’ or “corona deniers” looks like a playbook from every dictator’s manual. 

Bill Gates’ foundation and his Gavi initiative are one of their tools and the biggest donor to the WHO. His foundation is behind every action being taken by the WHO. Gates made billions from investing in covid tests, and he has holdings in what are deemed very unhealthy corporations, such as  McDonald's and Coca-Cola. 

Here’s a snippet of the TED Talk Bill Gates presented in 2010 on the topic of climate issues, CO2, vaccines, and how they plan to slow population growth. He also talks relentlessly about the next plague or disease, which always miraculously shows up immediately after his predictions. He is currently creating a “GERM team.” More control, more fear, and more power. 

Additionally, The world population of 500 million is blatantly displayed and first on the list etched into the monument of the Georgia Guidestones. It seems that it may be all part of the elites’ Agenda 21/30


Final Results Of The Assembly (for now)

The United States Biden Administration put forward the information about the proposal above. Although some amendments were approved, some smaller nations took the time to read the proposal and saw it was questionable, so the WHO could not pass the amendments the United States submitted at this stage. 

We can consider it a battle won, but not the war. An international health regulations working group was organized, encouraging all nations to submit their amendments by September 20th, to be considered in November, and to be presented before January 2023 for consideration next May at the Assembly. 

Investigative journalist James Roguski took a deep dive into the conference analyzing the complete live stream over the five days and reporting the results. The video below explains further, and full coverage is on his website LeaveTheWHO.com.


What Can We Do?

So what can we do? Well, these people get the power from us, pure and simple. As long as we keep playing their game, which is based on “divide and conquer,” they will keep doing whatever they want. But we need to remember without our money, our consumption of what they want us to consume, without our silence, and without our obedience, they have nothing.

New world order is necessary, not the one they're planning, but a world that puts the people first. This 1% of wealthy and powerful people will stop at nothing. They own the media (MSM), entertainment industry, most social media platforms, and information and search engine platforms. 

They are censoring anything that contradicts their wishes and agendas, and that is how they think they control the message and are hell-bent on creating the reality they want. This 1% may own significant corporations and the online media giants that have the monopoly for the time being, but they don’t own Markethive

Markethive is the only social media, marketing, and broadcasting platform underpinned by Blockchain technology that is sovereign, built by the people, and for the people. It stands for freedom and liberty with a non-partisan approach, so you’ll never be surveilled or canceled for expressing yourself, thoughts and beliefs. 

It’s the perfect way to get your message out to countless other platforms with the technology to help you “fly under the radar,” so to speak. By sharing any information and raising the issues like the one being told here to the surface, we can counteract their power in attempting to create a sick and dependent society and dystopian reality. 

The only way to defeat their plot is by creating a united world of people who are aware of what's being done and ensuring that people en masse are aware of these crimes and this shadow dictatorship that each day with each play is increasingly coming out of the shadows. 

A united world and the flow of information are their biggest threat. Don't underestimate these so-called overlords or think they care about humanity. But be aware of your personal power and as a collective. Remember, fear is their weapon, and ours is love and unity, and our strength is in numbers and solidarity. You're not alone.

Avi Barak 
James Roguski 
Sarah Westall 

Also published @ BeforeIt’sNews.com:  https://beforeitsnews.com/agenda-21/2022/06/what-has-the-world-health-organization-been-up-to-lately-who-knows-best-3698.html


Tim Moseley

Children Made To Order In Central Europe

Children Made To Order In Central Europe


Before the end of last year, the Ukrainian Ministry of the Interior published a short report that did not even penetrate the Czech media. The police accused six people of a Ukrainian reproduction clinic for the crime of child trafficking. Illegal profit 1-2 million Euro, penalty of 15 years of prison. 


Undisturbed, and originally without the interest of the authorities, capital of Czech Republic Prague has become the center of a lucrative business, which police officers refer to as the cynical production and sale of children.


In the last three years, at least thirty newborns were born in Prague hospitals, who then – and it was only a few days old  babies – continued all over the world.


Slogans from the Ukrainian clinic 

All cases concern the so-called surrogacy: a foreign woman takes away the embryo of real biological parents, the children are born in Prague and here they are also officially transferred to the father – a pre-arranged "buyer" who will take the child.

In this way, foreigners can take a child from the Czech Republic for as little as 60,000 euros, (that is 1,5 million Czech crowns). Among those interested are gay couples and so-called singles, men who have lived without a partner for a long time and state as a motive that their mother wanted a grandson.


The service is provided to clients from all over the world by a private clinic based in Ukraine. According to the findings of the Czech web Seznamzpravy, detectives from the National Headquarters against organized crime have been dealing with this case for three years now. According to the first detected case, when the child was taken to Spain, they named the event Operation Spaniel.



"Children are made to order and for a fee, this is not primarily about providing services for infertile couples who have health complications and cannot have their own children," confirms  spokesman for the National Center against Organized Crime of Czech Republic.


For example, one child born in Prague is later lost somewhere in the United States, and it is still being investigated. With others settled in the so-called eggs for transporting infants, people are leaving Prague that no one has checked whether they can take proper care of the child at all. Or whether they are pedophiles.


The case, as documented and verified by the Czech journalists, clearly shows that "shops" with newborns can take place in Prague for a simple reason: in the Czech Republic – unlike other countries – there are no clear rules for surrogacy.

According to all verified findings there are two central locations. In addition to Prague, the aforementioned Ukraine – specifically Kharkov, where the reproductive clinic of the Doctor Alexander Feskov is located. In Ukraine, Feskov is a recognized expert in the field of infertility treatment, but also an entrepreneur who has built his successful business on, among other things, artificial insemination services.



The Kiev Ministry of the Interior says:

"The perpetrators have recruited low-income women to participate in the so-called surrogacy program. The women went to give birth to babies in the Czech Republic… Subsequently, surrogate mothers were forced to pretend to be biological and give up parental rights in favour of foreigners.”

However, according to the findings of Czech police officers, the allegations made in Ukraine did not change much. The business of "producing" children runs as before, albeit on a smaller scale.

Those interested from all over the world can still choose which child they would like in the Kharkov clinic catalog. Race, skin colour, hair colour – nothing is a problem. Not even twins of different genders.


Image Source: Dr. Feskov Clinic Website, https://www.mother-surrogate.com/


The clinic selects a suitable egg donor from its database accordingly. And then, according to Ukrainian police, the organizers recruit a woman to remove the embryo. At the same time, they take advantage of poor women and pay them a reward of $10,000.

These women, surrogate mothers, then move to Prague before giving birth, where they are taken over by a well-organized team: a nanny, an interpreter and a man who can deal with the authorities. They will register a surrogate mother with a doctor and take out insurance for her…

At that time, the "client" – the future father – usually arrives in the Czech Republic for the first time. During the investigation of the case, Czech detectives came across customers from China, the United States, Norway, Sweden, Germany or Greece.


They Pretend To Be A Couple

According to the police, the birth in Prague and the subsequent settlement of official requirements with paternity at the registry office has a reason: the clinic is circumventing Ukrainian law.

In Ukraine the law dictates that the surrogate mother may only take the child to the spouses, provided that the spouses cannot have children and have tried in vain for artificial insemination. Homosexuals are then completely excluded from the possibility of using surrogacy. This is also the answer to why homosexual couples or singles are among the clients of the Kharkov clinic who are "checked in" in Prague.


“Another reason is the relatively high level of healthcare at relatively low prices in Czechia – compared to other countries. After the birth of a child, the mother signs a set of documents in which she waives her rights to the child and consents to his / her travel to the father's country, and at the same time signs the power of attorney so that he can perform all legal acts in relation to the child independently," says a spokesman for the National Headquarters against organized crime.


"Basically, anyone who has enough money can literally get a child to order," says Lukáš Starý, a Czech representative at Eurojust, the European Judicial Cooperation Unit, which helped organize case investigations across different countries.

However, due to midwifery, newborns and their fathers got out of the sight of the authorities. In Ukraine, the clinic hid her surrogate mother, and in the Czech Republic, she was just an ordinary mother in front of doctors.

According to detectives, the group around the Feskov Clinic was well aware that it could easily circumvent strict Ukrainian laws through Prague. The service was not provided by the clinic directly, but through contracts concluded between fathers and foreign companies.


Surrogacy payments then ended up in Cyprus and Swiss accounts belonging to companies that Dr. Feskov does not own on paper, but in fact controls them from the background.

The individual links in the chain, i.e. people at different levels of the group, did not know each other. The organizers also instructed them to remain tacitly silent about the connection with the respected Ukrainian clinic.

Here a comment from the discussion on Czech web:

“It is the culmination of cynicism and parasitism based on corrupt hunger for money, no matter what – morality, society, human beings, children, crazy – all aside when it comes to money, and this is exactly what destroys the world today. Everyone fell ill with money. Corruption in Ukraine is the highest level. 

In terms of corruption, Ukraine is indeed one of the most corrupt countries in the world. The fact is that all the anti-corruption measures that Zelenskyj has taken so far have only been cosmetic…”


Czech police think that the case described could persuade politicians to tie surrogacy to clear rules. So far, such paragraphs have not been written.


Here more sites and videos on this topic:

German Site:



Dr. Feskov speaking



Balance Guarantee Surrogacy Package with Birth of child in Czech Republic



Seznam Zpravy.cz



Tim Moseley

Gold pricing -The dollar gives value and the dollar takes it away

Gold pricing -The dollar gives value and the dollar takes it away

Unquestionably dollar strength or weakness plays an extremely critical role in day-to-day price changes of gold. Intrinsically dollar strength or weakness has an exact correlation to price changes in gold. That is because in North America gold prices are paired against the U.S. dollar. Market sentiment that defines whether traders and investors are bidding gold prices higher or lower is always only partially responsible for gold’s net price change.

Yesterday, market participants were aggressive buyers taking the price of spot gold roughly $24 higher. However, dollar strength played a critical role resulting in a net gain in gold of only $9.10.

Today, we are seeing the exact opposite reflection with dollar weakness resulting in over half of the gains. As of 4 PM EDT spot gold is fixed at $1870 after factoring in a net gain of $23.50. According to the Kitco Gold Index (KGX), dollar weakness accounts for $14 of today’s move, and market participants bidding gold prices higher accounts for the remaining gain of $9.50.

Gold futures basis the most active August 2022 contract is currently fixed at $1873.50 after factoring in today’s gain of $24.90 or 1.35%. Concurrently the dollar index is fixed at 101.785 after factoring in today’s decline of 0.744 points or 0.73%. As in spot gold, today’s gains in gold futures reflect the same ratio with both market participants actively buying and dollar weakness contributing to the overall gains.

This brings us to our current technical analysis of the dollar. The dollar tends to have multi-year cycles of strength and weakness.

The chart above is a two-week candlestick chart of the dollar index. At the beginning of 2017, the dollar completed a dynamic rally beginning in 2014 when the dollar index was trading at approximately 79. Over three years, the dollar hit an apex just above 103 which was followed by a strong price decline from 2017 until January 2018. This correction took the dollar index from 103 down to 88.23. The relative value of the dollar declined by approximately 16%. Following the correction that concluded in 2018, there was a multiyear rally with the dollar gaining value up until the first quarter of 2020 when the dollar reached an apex of 103 once again. Just as in the top that occurred in 2017 what followed in 2020 was a price correction that lasted approximately a year and ½ resulting in a decline in dollar value of approximately 15%. In other words, historically speaking the dollar tends to have extended periods of strength and extended periods of weakness. The latest top that was achieved in the dollar index in w

hich for the third time since 2017 the dollar index hit a top or apex between 103 and 105. As of today, the dollar index has declined from 105 to 101.76.

This brings us to our observation today which is that the U.S. dollar historically will have extended rallies and extended declines which can last a year or more. While past performance does not guarantee that we will witness the same occurrence once again, it does suggest that we could see a decline in dollar value over this next year or longer. If the dollar continues to have defined longer-term trends, then we may see the dollar index decline in this instance. If that assumption proves to be correct it will have a profound impact on gold creating bullish market sentiment for the precious yellow metal.

By Gary Wagner

Contributing to kitco.com

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips


Tim Moseley

Reason to Invest in Bitcoin on 2022

Reason to Invest in Bitcoin on 2022


The traditional finance industry must embrace cryptocurrencies to continue to function. Your decision to invest in Bitcoin depends on your risk tolerance and perspective on humanity. Russia has stated that it will look into cryptocurrencies as a way to reduce its dependency on the US Dollar. Bitcoin has the potential to completely disrupt the US Dollar and other fiat currencies. Whether not you invest in Bitcoin in 2022 is up to you. Just keep in mind that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and speculative.

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Bitcoin is a safe have

The ongoing coronavirus crisis has rattled the global financial system and caused great turmoil. As people face unprecedented health and economic risks, they are looking for safe-haven assets to invest in. Many people are diversifying their portfolios with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to minimize risk. However, others say Bitcoin is not a safe haven asset. What are the pros and cons of investing in Bitcoin? Let's take a closer look.

It is a store of value

As the world becomes increasingly dependent on oil, whether Bitcoin is a store of value is gaining importance. Oil prices have increased and people have traded their fiat currency for it. People in Russia and Ukraine have been trading domestic fiat for cryptocurrency to hedge against rapid inflation. But is the world ready for Bitcoin? Will it survive the current economic crisis? Or will it be left behind in the long run?

It is volatile

If you are wondering why Bitcoin is so volatile, you are not alone. The price of cryptocurrencies can fluctuate dramatically, reaching a high of $70,000 only a few years after its inception. This phenomenon is often attributed to intense sell-offs that cause the price of cryptocurrencies to plummet. The destabilizing effect of such events on derivatives markets has an adverse effect on other markets as well. Bitcoin has experienced high volatility on Thursdays, and these fluctuations can be seen in the market as a whole.

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

It is a risky investment

While many investors will say that bitcoin is a risky investment in 2022, this is not entirely true. In fact, it's actually a great time to buy cryptocurrency, and a huge boom could occur if the price continues to rise. Currently, there are six major cryptos with high ceilings, with the others having less institutional backing. In addition, there's also the possibility that some countries will ban bitcoin to protect their fiat currency.

It is a high multiple-tech stock

It is hard to make a convincing case for the bullish case for Bitcoin in 2022, but we are not yet out of the woods. Bitcoin is an incredibly cheap stock relative to other high-growth stocks. This bullish case is dependent on innovative tech. The selloff has already priced in the worst-case scenarios. The group itself remains at a decent value relative to other stocks. Moreover, rising interest rates and uncertain economic recovery are headwinds. Lastly, we have the threat of the disruptive Omicron Covid disruption. All of these uncertainties could create a macro growth scare, and that may not be favorable for Bitcoin.

Tim Moseley

Extreme dollar strength limits the price gains in gold today

Extreme dollar strength limits the price gains in gold today

A substantial move in the dollar nullified market participants from bidding the precious yellow metal substantially higher in trading today. As of 6:30 PM EDT gold futures basis, the most active August 2022 contract is fixed at $1849.70. The gains in gold today were largely muted by extreme dollar strength. The dollar gained 0.80%, or 81 points taking the dollar index to 102.58.

The significance of dollar strength can be best illustrated by viewing spot gold pricing through the eyes of the Kitco gold index, which separates the effect of dollar strength or weakness and market participants actively buying or selling gold. In the case of today, spot gold is currently fixed at $1846.70. This screen-print below is of the Kitco Gold Index taken at approximately 5 PM EDT. It has the current spot price of gold fixed at $1846.50, normal trading took gold pricing higher by $22.90 and dollar strength took away $13.80 of those gains resulting in today’s $9.10 price increase.

Both dollar strength and gains in gold pricing today were the byproducts of the market sentiment shifting its focus from inflation rather than raising rates today. It was this market sentiment that resulted in bidding the U.S. dollar higher and also being supportive of gold pricing. Typically, gold and the dollar move in an inverse direction rather than in tandem, as witnessed today.

According to Reuters, “Gold prices rose from a two-week low on Wednesday as investors looked toward the safe-haven metal amid worries over an increase in inflation primarily due to rising fuel prices, although a stronger dollar and higher U.S. yields kept gains in check.”

In a Reuters article penned by Seher Dareen, the author cited oil prices strengthening today after European Union leaders agreed to a partial and phased ban on Russian oil as a major force that will keep inflation at current levels. This article quoted Edward Moya, senior analyst with OANDA as saying, “Investors now are desperate for more safe havens than just treasuries and that is why you are seeing gold outperforming.” Adding that “Inflation cannot really drop if these energy costs are that elevated. So I think the risk of much more aggressive tightening globally could really fuel the gold trade,”

This is precisely why the Federal Reserve’s plan to raise interest rates considerably over the next few FOMC meetings will not impact inflationary pressures brought about by the consistently high cost of energy. Without energy costs subsiding the Federal Reserve will have a difficult task at best at having a real impact on lowering inflationary pressures.

By Gary Wagner

Contributing to kitco.com

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips


Tim Moseley

Gold declines almost 1 flirting with the 200-day Tuesday May 31 2022 18:06

Gold declines almost 1%, flirting with the 200-day Tuesday May 31, 2022 18:06

Today's price decline results in the second consecutive month of lower prices. On a technical basis, the fact that gold tested and briefly dipped below its 200-day moving average brings up a realistic probability that the long-term market sentiment for gold is neutral to bearish.

As of 4:30 PM, ET. August gold is trading near its low today of $1837.60, and the 200-day moving average is currently fixed at $1846.90. Gold prices hit a low two weeks ago of $1792.80 before recovering and trading back above the 200-day moving average last week. Today gold opened at $1856.50 and traded to a high of $1867.90 before moving lower and breaking below the widely accepted long-term market sentiment study (200-day moving average) on an intra-day basis.

President Biden meets with Chairman Powell and U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Yellen

Today President Biden met with Jerome Powell and Janet Yellen. This is their first meeting since Chairman Powell was confirmed for a second term by the Senate earlier this month. Before the meeting, President Biden made a brief remark stating that this meeting was to "discuss my top priority, and that is addressing inflation."

The obvious agenda was to discuss the extremely high level of inflation. With inflation still at levels not seen for over 40 years.

"My meeting with the Chairman today and Secretary Yellen is to discuss my top priority, and that is addressing inflation in order to transition from historic recovery to a steady growth that works for American families. And my plan is address inflation starts with simple proposition; Respect the Fed, Respect the Fed's independence, which I have done and will continue to do."

White House National Economic Council Director Brian Deese called it, "very constructive ,,, We have run this first leg of the race at a very rapid clip that has put us in the strong position relative to our peers, but this is a marathon and we have to move and shift to stable resilient growth. We can actually take on inflation without having to sacrifice…all of those (labor market) gains."

It has been actions by the Federal Reserve's monetary policy that has resulted in higher yields in U.S. Treasuries and dollar strength. Those factors have pressured gold lower over the last two months. While higher levels of inflation typically result in bullish market sentiment for gold, higher interest rates and dollar strength have the opposite effect. Therefore, market participants have witnessed the pendulum shifting from bullish market sentiment in gold as inflation rose, and bearish market sentiment as interest rates and the dollar moved higher.

By Gary Wagner

Contributing to kitco.com

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips



Tim Moseley

Police State in Slo-Mo


Police State in Slo-Mo

by Jeff Thomas, International Man Communique




For many years, I’ve forecasted that the US will evolve into a police state; that it will begin slowly; then as more and more freedoms are removed, the creation of the police state will accelerate.

We’re now seeing that acceleration, as more and more Americans are detained, questioned, and having their property confiscated than ever before.

As an example, in 2016, some 20,000 travelers in and out of the US were stopped, often at random. Typically, their baggage was searched, their documents photocopied, access codes to their electronic devices demanded and their files copied. In most cases, no explanation was given, but they were advised that if the search was refused, they would be detained indefinitely.

The following year, in 2017, the number of people detained rose by 50%, to 30,000.

It’s important to note that the travelers were not threatened with arrest, which suggests that the authorities were working on the basis that the Patriot Act of 2001 allows all of the above activities—without cause being given, without a warrant being obtained, without access to a phone call or legal representation being allowed, and that the individuals in question may be detained, indefinitely.

This, of course, is in direct violation of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, which states that people have the right "to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures."

However, they are particularly vulnerable when they travel, so the travelers in question are extremely unlikely to refuse. They understand that "indefinitely" means, "until a Supreme Court ruling is passed, overturning the Patriot Act as unconstitutional." If it hasn’t happened yet and isn’t under consideration, it’s safe to say that the level of police state allowed under the Patriot Act is permanent.

Police States have been implemented countless times throughout history. They tend to be most prominent where collectivism has already been instituted.

Wherever collectivism is already firmly established, new crackdowns are generally introduced suddenly. In Germany, in 1938, under existing Nazi rule, Kristallnacht took people by complete surprise. Later, in 1961, under existing Soviet rule, the Berlin Wall went up with no previous announcement. In both cases, the collectivist tyranny was already in place and the people had already successfully been subjugated. These events were merely further losses of freedom.

But what of a country that still enjoys a few of its former freedoms and is in the process of being transformed into a full-blown collectivist state? Well, in such cases, the loss of freedoms is often done in slo-mo.

Another way of describing this is the old adage of boiling a frog. Since a frog will jump out of a pot of hot water, place him in a pot of lukewarm water and slowly turn up the heat. Before he knows it, he’s being boiled to death.



At present, a majority of Americans appear to now understand that they’ve experienced a significant loss of their "guaranteed" freedoms. They’re now worried and, at each new stage of oppression they tend to say, "I’m not happy about this, but I can probably live with it… and, besides, they say that they’re doing it for my own safety."

Likewise, when the intention is to convert a country to collectivism, make the early changes in stages. Get the people to accept that the losses of freedom are for the benefit of their safety. Then, the further along you go, the more you can accelerate the process.

However, I think that it’s safe to say that a family returning from a holiday that’s just been isolated from each other, interrogated separately, frisked, had all their belongings pored through and copies of their papers and electronic files taken, without even being told the reason, does not feel as though it’s been done for their safety.

Remember, the 30,000 above were just hoping to reach their destination with no trouble from anyone. A generation ago, they never would have tolerated such a violation of their rights. But now, they submit and accept whatever they’re told to do.

But, upon release, they most likely assumed that the authorities had been looking for something specific. They were not. In recent years, there have been very few actual prosecutions from such Gestapo-like shakedowns, in spite of the copying of documents and confiscation of minor items. The object here is not to prosecute anyone; it is to teach people to submit.

This will be important later on.

What we’re witnessing is a loss of freedom in slo-mo. Just as Germans stood by and accepted Kristallnacht; just as they stood by and watched the Berlin Wall be built that would close off their freedom of migration, the great majority of Americans ultimately will stand by and watch the last of their freedoms be removed, because they’ve already been trained to submit to whatever indignities and restrictions are placed upon them.

After World War II, Lutheran Pastor Martin Niemöller was questioned as to how he and other Germans could possibly have simply stood by and watched as freedoms were removed, resulting eventually in total domination of the German people. He said,

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Pastor Niemöller was able to make the above statement in 1976, as he was one of the few survivors of the concentration camps.

But, in addition to the above insight, there’s another very significant lesson to be learned here. Historically, whenever a government is instituting the transition into a collectivist state, one of the early warnings is a limitation on travel outside the country (getting the people used to the idea that they don’t have a right to leave). The US has now reached that point. The next development will be to teach them that, by traveling outside of the country, they are automatically suspect. The implication will be money laundering, drug trafficking, or terrorist activities.

Whether it’s accomplished through the use of a physical barrier, such as a wall, or through the intimidation of random searches and interrogations, as is presently underway in the US, or whether it’s simply the appearance of armed guards in ports of exit (like the armed guard in the photo above), the objective is not to obtain copies of your emails to your friends or to go through socks in your luggage. It’s to teach you that your rights have been lost and you are expected to submit to any and all indignities and restrictions imposed on you.

Historically, the end-product is always the same. The final acceptance that you’ve waited too long to leave the increasingly oppressive country—and that you’ve been successfully locked in.


New Opportunities Are Emerging For Citizens of The World.

Freedom and democracy may appear to be struggling to stay alive in America, but there may be a knock-out punch ready to be released. The evolution of the blockchain-enabled metaverse is going to enable the 'Citizens of the World' to gain their own Freedom by democratizing power and creating a new world with new rules, new players, and new opportunities. For 99.99% of us, the metaverse will improve our real-world lives through the democratization of power and opportunity.

Along with the major long-term trend of society towards decentralization and smaller-scale organizations, there are new opportunities developing to help 'Preparers' in the cryptocurrency sector. Businesses are beginning to issue their own Crypto Coins that can be traded on Cryptocoin Exchanges.

Markethive.com for example will be releasing its HiveCoin (HIV) in the coming weeks. It has tremendous upside potential that is outlined in a Video by Founder Tom Prendergast, "Entrepreneur Advantage…".

Not only that, if you go to their website and register as a FREE Member, you will be given 500 HiveCoins for "FREE" along with access to several Earning Opportunities and online tools to increase your HiveCoin balance.

Be sure to check it out today – Markethive.com


Tim Moseley

Gold prices stuck in no-mans land holding support at 1850 on quiet US holiday

Gold prices stuck in no-mans land holding support at $1,850 on quiet U.S. holiday

Gold prices have dropped from their overnight highs but continue to hold support above $1,850 an ounce; Commodity analysts note that the market generally lacks conviction in any direction as U.S. markets are closed for the Memorial Day long weekend.

Spot gold prices are trading in neutral territory Monday morning, last trading around $1,856 an ounce.

Analysts note that the precious metal is trading in the middle of its broader long-term range. Although gold prices continue to benefit from a weaker U.S. dollar, rising risk sentiment, helping to boost equity markets, is taking some shine off the yellow metal's safe-haven allure.

However, some analysts have said that the jump in the S&P 500 last week was a classic bear market. Analysts have said that rising fears of an impending recession will continue to weigh on equity markets.

"There could still be more pain to come," said Craig Erlam, Senior European Market Analyst at OANDA. "But at these levels, it's only natural that the vultures are circling. There isn't a huge amount to be excited about on inflation, interest rates and the economy but that doesn't mean there isn't value out there."

Friday, commodity analysts at Bank of America warned that oil prices, being driven by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, could push the global economy into a 1980s-style recession.

"For next year, we believe oil demand could approach pre-Covid levels but only if Russian liquids production holds near 10mn b/d and OPEC+ supplies increase. With our $120/bbl Brent target now insight, we believe that a sharp contraction in Russian oil exports could trigger a full-blown 1980s style oil crisis and push Brent well past $150/bbl," said Francisco Blanch, Global Research head of global commodities and derivatives research at Bank of America Securities.

Market analysts have said that these fears will continue to support gold prices.

"Recent data has shown that the world's largest economy is cooling rapidly, raising fears of a hard landing in the near term. This situation has led traders to price in a less aggressive tightening cycle over the forecast horizon, pulling down Treasury rates of late," said Diego Colman, Market Analyst, in a note published Saturday.

"In terms of technical analysis, gold is stuck between support at $1,840 and resistance at $1,870. A decisive move outside of these levels is required for near-term guidance, but if prices break out on the topside, buyers could become emboldened to launch an attack on $1,895," he added. "If XAU/USD resolves to the downside and breaches the $1,840 area, where the 200-day simple moving average is currently located, selling pressure could accelerate, paving the way for a drop towards $1,785."

However, not all analysts are convinced that gold prices are ready to move higher or that the U.S. dollar has peaked.

In a recent note to clients, Bart Melek, head of commodity strategy at TD Securities, said that he still prefers to sell rallies in the gold market.

"Given that [gold's] positioning is still tilted to the long end of exposure, any signs that inflation will remain stubbornly high, or data pointing to a steadfast economy due to higher wages and the spending of savings, as seen today, Fed Funds estimates could easily move back to the highs seen at the start of Mayor even higher," he said. "…Repositioning could easily force gold to trend down to $1,840/oz and then to just below $1,800/oz. It should be noted that specs have plenty of room to take on new short exposure and reduce long positions."

By Neils Christensen

For Kitco News

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips


Tim Moseley

Bitcoin Is Freedom’s First Line Of Defense

Bitcoin Is Freedom’s First Line Of Defense

by Mickey Koss 


On Memorial Day, we remember fallen soldiers and their sacrifice made toward protecting freedom. Like Bitcoin, freedom requires proof of work.

Mickey Koss is a West Point graduate with a degree in Economics. He  4 years in the Infantry before transitioning to the Finance Corps.

In my first article, I compared Bitcoin to the U.S. Constitution and spoke to the characteristics of the asset that made it such a great fit for service members. On this Memorial Day, I would like to take a moment to explain what the day is all about. More than just another federal holiday marking great sales on refrigerators and mattresses, it is a day meant to remember those who have fallen while in service to the country. Certainly a solemn tone, but I think a day best served with a cold beer and some friends. The service members I knew would have appreciated that.

The U.S. military is the last line of defense for freedom, defending the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic; Bitcoin can serve as a first line of defense for freedom — a nonviolent tool which can disincentivize violence and control. It is not only a hedge against currency devaluation, but a hedge against tyranny as well.

Freedom As Responsibility And A Moral Imperative

Owning bitcoin allows you to be your own bank, and much like maintaining freedom, it’s a hefty responsibility. Ironically, on this hallowed day, the banks we rely on to hold our money for us are typically closed for the day, extending those weird and inconvenient weekend hours, keeping us from what we own. Bitcoin never sleeps. It trades 24/7/365 on a network that is more reliable than the Federal Reserve's own wire system.

While it may be far too easy to leave your coins on an exchange, if you simply buy bitcoin but never take custody, you are leaving yourself open to a multitude of attacks. One of the most insidious, in my eyes, is the potential for a self-custody ban or some sort of regulatory capture of the exchanges, effectively turning bitcoin into another meme stock that must be held by a third-party custodian. In the process, the peer-to-peer decentralized nature of the network gets degraded for millions of potential users across the country, if not the whole world.

The Freedom Convoy trucker protest in Canada was a starting illustration of something along these lines. Protestors' bank accounts were frozen and wallets were flagged, making living everyday life nearly impossible. Furthermore, ancillary individuals who donated as little as $50 saw their accounts frozen as well. Some were doxxed and even lost their jobs.

You see, when you have your money in banks and investment accounts, it’s not really yours. It belongs to the banks — the custodians — and it’s granted access to you at the behest of them and the government. To these custodians, granting you access to your money is an inconvenient privilege that can be rescinded at a moment's notice. It’s a testament to how powerful western nations have become and a cautionary tale for what could happen if you ever see yourself in the outgroup in the event of a heated disagreement.

While the First and Fourth Amendments of the Constitution guarantee freedom of speech and protect against unwarranted searches and seizures, these things are still a possibility and are largely the purpose of the legal and court system. Even if you are well within your rights, it could cost you months if not years of court cases and millions of dollars in lawyer fees to see justice brought to bear.

Anarcho-capitalists to Communists alike, whatever your views, whatever your political proclivities, Bitcoin has your back. It is a completely voluntary system of censorship-resistant, peer-to-peer, electronic money. It is a digital bearer instrument if you use it correctly. It is simply a tool; a tool that does not discriminate and does not care who you are or what you believe. Bitcoin is a tool that just is; a tool that just does. It exists everywhere and nowhere, simultaneously. All you need to do is learn.

While the Second Amendment types will tell you that it exists to protect all the other rights through the implicit threat of violence, Bitcoin is fundamentally different. It actually disincentivizes violence because it cannot be coerced out of the population at scale. Large-scale search-and-seizure becomes prohibitively expensive. It is perhaps the largest peaceful protest in the history of mankind, and it is your best way to preserve freedom. Loss of freedoms typically require violence to reinstate; opt in to peace through buying and holding bitcoin.

Freedom Requires Proof of Work

One does not simply buy bitcoin and HODL through the roller coaster ride. About a month after my wife and I decided to start saving our money in bitcoin, we experienced a pretty nasty crash. The most interesting part of the crash was not the fear and uncertainty that I was experiencing, but rather the excited indifference of my wife, suggesting that we should buy some more.

When I first pitched the idea to her, she had her reservations to say the least. She pushed back, asked great questions and made me dig. I researched more, we dug together and after doing the work, we were able to make the decision together. This was a necessity to build the conviction and trust to hold though the storms and build the base of freedom. I could not have done it without her skepticism. I would not have been able to hold on without her support.

If you can’t orange-pill your wife, you probably don’t understand bitcoin enough to hold on through the storm. You will inevitably sell during the times of peak opportunity whether out of your own fear, or theirs, locking in losses and sealing your fate. You have to do the work first and build conviction if you want it to last, if you want to become your own bank. Better yet, if you are married, it’s probably best for you to do it together.

Reviving The Dream: Bitcoin And The American Spirit

It’s no secret that, to many, the American dream feels harder and harder to attain. Millennials especially are feeling the squeeze as they delay milestones like marriage, having children or buying their first home. I see it every day with friends and coworkers.

Buying bitcoin can and will help you move closer to your goals. It just takes some work and requires work — proof-of-work — to hold on long enough to make a difference. So where to start? Do your homework. I like to recommend Bitcoin-only companies now to help stave off marketing and trickery. River Financial and Swan Bitcoin are two of the best. I also like BlockfFi’s credit card along with Lolli and Fold to get bitcoin back on money I was going to spend anyways. An example would be buying Amazon gift cards through Fold with my BlockFi card, stacking cash back at a 3% total bitcoin-back rate on all our Amazon purchases.

Another challenge I have for you is to build a habit of historical and financial literacy. Once you build your baseline, you can graduate to holding your own keys. BTC Sessions taught me everything I know about that and has helped me help others do the same. Only after holding your own keys and understanding the past will you truly be able to HODL through the storms and become a sovereign and free individual, making it that much harder for your freedoms to be eroded over time.

Every purchase you make is a vote for the future that you want. Through buying and holding bitcoin, holding your keys and taking back your self-sovereignty, you move the country back toward a sound money standard that can do much to fix our divisive problems. Furthermore, you are making it harder for tyranny and government overreach to take hold. You are sowing the seeds for a better tomorrow. You are revitalizing the American dream.

Tim Moseley

If gold is not the best inflation hedge then what is? Nancy Davis

If gold is not the best inflation hedge, then what is? Nancy Davis

Gold and oil are not ideal investments for those seeking inflation hedging, according to Nancy Davis, Founder and Managing Partner of Quadratic Capital Management. Davis spoke with David Lin, Anchor and Producer at Kitco News.


Stock and Bond Market

Davis commented on the recent stock market selloffs. She attributed the fall in prices to companies facing higher costs.

“This is a little bit of a wakeup call,” she said. “…Investing is risky and, you know, especially when you’re buying corporate securities, whether it’s their stocks or their bonds, if that corporation has higher costs, maybe in the form of labor costs, more supply side disruptions in the form of, you know, all the things that are happening around the world from a geopolitical and COVID perspective, coupled with consumer confidence in this country is at lows from 2008.”

Davis also said that markets have “priced in” the Federal Reserve’s projected interest rate hikes. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell recently raised interest rates.

“Now I think it’s really important for investors to realize that the rate hikes from the Fed have already been priced in,” she remarked. “The Fed has only hiked 75 basis points so far, but the interest rate markets have moved with the Fed’s forward guidance. So… we have about six months left in the year in 2022, and the rates market has priced in 175 basis points. So, if the Fed does not hike 175 basis points, they’re actually going to be easing rates.”

Inflation and CPI

Davis said that the Fed has not lost credibility with investors.

“I know the Fed has gotten a lot of critics saying they’re not credible and all those things,” she mentioned. “I am not one of those. I think the Fed is doing the best job they can with the tools they have available… I think using the balance sheet more as a tool to fight inflation is prudent… [It] seems like they’re going to be using that in addition to hiking policy rates.”

Davis also said that the Consumer Price Index is not the only way to calculate inflation.

“The big problem I see with CPI alone is that a third of the index, approximately 33 percent, is what they call ‘shelter,’ and it’s actually owner-occupied rent,” she said. “… Year over year, rent increases are up about 1.5 percent, whereas home ownership prices are up closer to 20 [percent].”


Do Gold and Commodities Hedge Against Inflation?

Davis’s company, Quadratic Capital, has a fixed-income IVOL ETF that protects against inflation. According to Davis, “85 percent of the portfolio” is composed of Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS).

“But then we try to fix the problems that exists with TIPS alone… [We] actually try to profit when long-dated yields move higher, which would likely happen in a stagflationary or inflationary environment… And the other really attractive thing in my opinion for investors is we own options. And whenever you own options… you’re long volatility on the underlying asset class… So we actually own fixed-income volatility, which is a nice potential diversifier.”

She added that real assets, such as energy and gold, are not the best inflation hedges.

“I personally think, you know, energy and gold and all these real assets may not be the best inflation asset because… they don’t pay any coupons so there’s no monthly distribution at all,” said Davis. “They do have carry costs… Gold is not an inflation hedge, in my opinion, it’s a currency trade. It has no yield, it has no carry.”

For more information on inflation hedging, watch the video above.

By Kitco News

For Kitco News

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips



Tim Moseley

The Artist that came out of the Winter