Things I Would Have Paid Money to Know Before I Started in Online Marketing

When I started out in online marketing, I had no idea what I was doing. That's not surprising, given that I was brand new to the field—and particularly given that this is a rapidly changing industry with new trends popping up every day. While I've learned a lot since then, there are still plenty of things that would have been helpful for me to have known before diving into this world:
Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important part of online marketing. If you want to be seen, you need to be found. Getting your website ranked highly in search engines is a lot like getting your name out there. The difference is that when someone searches for something on the internet, they are looking for a specific answer or product, and if you provide it, then you can get their business because they already know what they want.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about yet, don't worry—I'll explain! Search engine optimization simply means improving your website's visibility in search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo!. It's one of the most effective ways to get people interested in what you're selling or advertising on Facebook (or other platforms). Some examples include:
Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is a great way to promote your business. With the right strategy, you can reach a large audience, get people talking about you and your products, and drive more traffic to your website.
In this section we'll take a look at how to use social media for marketing purposes, what it takes to create an effective strategy for Facebook and Twitter, how to measure the impact of that strategy on sales or leads generated from the platform itself (if any), and some tips for using social media effectively in lead generation campaigns.

Understanding Your Audience
Knowing your audience
Understanding their needs
Knowing what they want
Knowing what they are looking for
How to reach them, engage them and convert them.
Mobile First
The basics of building a mobile-friendly website:
Make it responsive. If you'd like to go the extra mile, hire a developer or use WordPress's built-in tools to create a fully custom responsive theme.
Use short sentences and paragraphs. The shorter the sentence, the easier it is for someone to read on their phone! Remember that most people are reading on their phones while they're walking somewhere or otherwise doing something else at the same time—so don't expect them to have much attention to spare when they're reading content online; keep things brief and concise.
Use bullet points instead of paragraphs where possible—and if there's room for both, definitely include them! They make everything so much easier for readers who may be skimming through an article quickly (and since we know most readers aren't really reading what we write anyway…).
Visitor Behavior
The visitor behavior of your website's visitors is one of the most important metrics to understand, because it tells you what kind of content you should create in order to get more traffic. If you have an e-commerce store, visitor behavior will determine how often they buy and what they buy.
In this article, we'll look at three things that are important to know about visitor behavior:
Visitors aren't all the same; some people need a lot more convincing than others before they commit to buying something.
Visitor behavior changes over time; depending on where visitors are in their journey (on your site), different types of messaging may be more effective than others at converting them into customers or leads.
Visitor behavior is influenced by many factors—everything from their demographics, location and device type can affect how likely someone is going to convert into a customer (or not).
PPC Advertising
PPC advertising is a quick way to get your business in front of your target audience. It's easy to set up and it can be very effective. You only pay for the ads that are clicked on, so you don't have to worry about wasting money. Skipping over this step can mean missing out on potential customers who might not have seen your ad otherwise!
How to Increase Conversion
Finally, you need to make sure that your landing page is clear and easy to navigate. This will help increase conversions because people will want to stay on the page longer if it's both aesthetically pleasing and easy to use.
Secondly, make sure that what you're selling has a clear value proposition. If you can't explain why someone should buy your product or service in one sentence, then they probably won't buy it at all!
Finally, social proof can be important when used properly because it increases trust when customers see other people using or enjoying the product or service they're thinking about purchasing themselves. The more positive reviews there are for something before someone makes a purchase decision (like seeing number of downloads), the higher their chance of making that decision becomes!
Why Marketing is Essential to Business Growth
If you're reading this article, then chances are you've heard marketing described as a necessary evil—something that's essential to business growth but not something anyone wants to do. While this is true, if you're going to be successful in an online business, it's important to understand what marketing actually is and why it's so important.
The definition most often used by marketers is: "Marketing is the process of identifying customer needs/wants and delivering relevant messages through strategic channels." This means that before your company can deliver a product or service directly to a consumer, you have to first understand what customers want (their needs), how they want it delivered and how much they're willing pay for it.
While Online marketing can be challenging, there are many resources you can use to help you.
While Online marketing can be challenging, there are many resources you can use to help you. One of the most important things to have is a mentor who has been doing what you want to do for many years. This person will tell you about their experiences and give advice on how to succeed in your business. If a mentor is not available then online communities can be helpful as well. There are forums where people ask questions about different aspects of online marketing that others have experience with and it’s a great way for someone just starting out in this field to learn more about what works best for them!
Another resource I would recommend for anyone interested in learning more about SEO or content marketing would be watching YouTube videos! There are so many great tutorials on YouTube by experienced marketers who share their methods with other individuals looking at improving their own personal brand within this industry (and beyond).
Marketing is an extremely challenging and rewarding field. It can be difficult to learn all of the different strategies, but it’s important to remember that there are many resources available to help you along the way. Online marketing is a constantly changing industry, so it’s important for marketers to stay up-to-date on what’s new in their field and what types of changes they should make in order keep up with these trends.

Tim Moseley