Resellers Club Product Of The Day

Resellers Club Product Of The Day

Wow! This baby is selling FAAAAAAAAAST! No wonder! It's the best bargain on the net, bar none!!!



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Tim Moseley

Gold silver rally on safe-haven buying bullish outside markets

Gold, silver rally on safe-haven buying, bullish outside markets

JGold and silver prices are solidly higher and near daily highs in midday U.S. trading Wednesday, on safe-haven demand amid a nervous marketplace as the calendar is set to turn to what can be a tumultuous month of October for stock and financial markets. The U.S. dollar index is trading solidly lower at midday, bond yields have also dropped during today's session, and crude oil prices are solidly higher—all bullish daily outside market elements for the metals markets. Gold prices did drop to a nearly 2.5-year low overnight. December gold was last up $30.00 at $1,666.00 and December silver was up $0.468 at $18.805.

A Barron's headline today reads, "The greenback has gone ballistic." The generally strong U.S. dollar is putting serious pressure on the currencies of many smaller countries, which is very worrisome to those who endured currency crises of past decades. The main concern is a general marketplace contagion developing if secondary currencies dislocations and illiquidity spill over into extreme anxiety and lack of confidence in the global financial transactions system. The Chinese yuan hit a record low against the U.S. dollar today. Major economies have taken steps over the years to prevent another global financial market crisis, but when everyone runs for the exit doors at once, even robust systems can be over-run. Any investment bank or big hedge fund that appears to be in trouble may provide the first clue of a much bigger problem developing. Such a scenario would likely prompt a bigger move into the hard assets, safe-haven gold and silver.

BMO downgrades gold and silver prices for 2023, upgrades uranium outlook

Global stock markets were mostly lower overnight. U.S. stock indexes are higher at midday on short covering. The marketplace was somewhat assuaged overnight when the Bank of England made a surprise announcement that it will begin purchases of U.K. government bonds in order to stabilize the rattled U.K. bond market. The International Monetary Fund said the U.K. government should re-examine its stated plan to stimulate its economy through massive borrowing and bond sales.

Technically, December gold prices hit a nearly 2.5-year low early on today. Prices also scored a bullish "outside day" up today. The gold futures bears still have the solid overall near-term technical advantage. Prices are in a six-week-old downtrend on the daily bar chart. Bulls' next upside price objective is to produce a close above solid resistance at $1,700.00. Bears' next near-term downside price objective is pushing futures prices below solid technical support at $1,600.00. First resistance is seen at today's high of $1,669.40 and then at $1,680.00. First support is seen at $1,650.00 and then at $1,635.00. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 1.5.

December silver futures prices scored a bullish "outside day" up today after hitting a three-week low early on. The silver bears still have the firm overall near-term technical advantage. Silver bulls' next upside price objective is closing prices above solid technical resistance at $20.00. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid support at the September low of $17.40. First resistance is seen at this week's high of $19.045 and then at $19.40. Next support is seen at Tuesday's low of $18.295 and then at $18.00. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 2.5.

December N.Y. copper closed up 735 points at 335.70 cents today. Prices closed nearer the session high today and scored a bullish "outside day" up after hitting a nine-week low early on. The copper bears have the firm overall near-term technical advantage. Prices are in a four-week-old downtrend on the daily bar chart. Copper bulls' next upside price objective is pushing and closing prices above solid technical resistance at the September high of 369.25 cents. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at the July low of 315.55 cents. First resistance is seen at 340.00 cents and then at 348.00 cents. First support is seen at 330.00 cents and then at today's low of 324.30 cents. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 2.5.

By Jim Wyckoff

For Kitco News

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips

Tim Moseley

Three Wise Investing Principles For The Current Times

Three Wise Investing Principles For The Current Times

This article explores the importance of an investment portfolio and the process of setting it up. 

Why Consider an Investment Portfolio?

Perhaps one of the hardest lessons of these last two years is the realization that you can be great at what you do, and yet see all your efforts go up in smoke during economic turmoil. We live in a rapidly changing world and no industry is immune from the potential fallout of economic events.

Certainly the case for having more than one income stream has been underlined in these last two years, and being able to work online from home has taken on a new advantage. For many the idea of having an online business from home solves a lot of issues and generates money in the short term. At the same time it can be overwhelming to be wearing many hats in business without an established team around you. It is important to take a step back and put all of these things in a bigger context in terms of your life aspirations and how money plays its part in that scenario.

The Benefits of An Investment Portfolio?

There are several good reasons to consider an investment portfolio. This is not the same as portfolio income. When approached properly it helps you become proficient in financial literacy which you can pass on to your children. 

Financial investments give you financial assets which can produce cash flow in the medium to long term income. Central to the theme of investments is that money is working for you rather than the other way round. It is a smart move to work in partnership with money, as opposed to simply working for it.

The key is to have a diverse portfolio across several sectors to spread the risk and create good upside potential for profits. This is what Warren Buffet reportedly did so successfully. For many the word investment may sound a bit daunting, and too long term to be a serious consideration.

Image Source: Investment Portfolio

This gives clues as to where to start. Many people are caught up with the immediate short term things, only to regret not taking a more holistic long term view.  Here are three wise principles to apply to investing.

The First Investment

Steven Covey, author of ‘The 7 Principles of Highly Effective People’, advocates where life decisions are concerned, that you start with the end in mind and use that as a main reference point. This is all about the context in which all decisions play out.

So you need to start with yourself, and decide what you want your life to be about moving forward and build accordingly.  ‘Know thyself’ is a phrase often read, but how well do you really know yourself?  Take the time to do this and you will reap dividends, pun intended!!

The Second Investment

Once you have done so take the time to invest in your financial education. Financial literacy worldwide is very low, and yet significant money decisions are made everyday. This means there are likely to be far more speculators than investors involved in investing. 

Teach a Man to Fish

There are many experts in investing with free videos on youtube to get you off the mark. Robert Kiyosaki is a well known expert who talks in terms of six basic rules. He uses debt to invest and get rich while reducing or avoiding taxes with this strategy. He walks through the use of other people’s money, the three types of income, financial education, investing for cashflow, risk and raising capital.

On the other hand the investment community I joined teaches the opposite in advocating not to use loans to invest. Only you can decide which path you will take, but know the ‘why’ and the consequence of each decision. Weigh up the pros and cons. This is why it is important to become educated, so you can make informed decisions.

Give A Man A Fish | Teach A Man To Fish

In the community I joined they allow you to partake in their portfolio. At the same time they encourage you to learn how to create your own portfolio, which I have since been doing. It’s a combination of two strategic approaches –  ‘teach a man to fish’ and ‘give a man a fish’.

I learned about 8 Rules to govern my investment practice. I share them here in slightly paraphrased fashion so you can use these as guidance by way of developing your own portfolio.

  • Know what financial independence and financial freedom specifically mean to you. In other words what figures would equate to financial independence and freedom from your perspective.
  • The second rule references 5 commandments to follow. Firstly put 10% of your income aside for the purposes of investing. Always control revenue and expenditures. Protect your money from losses. Learn to invest. Learn to earn more.
  • Choose your financial plan and stick to it.
  • Don’t put all your eggs in one basket so to speak. Learn to diversify.
  • Always keep investment discipline.
  • Greed and laziness leads to bankruptcy and ruin.
  • Always study investing.
  • Always increase your investment deductions.

By having the above structure I was able to start developing my own portfolio. One of the key things in addition is to know your risk profile. In other words, how much are you prepared to risk when investing in something?

A positive way to rephrase this would be the price you are willing to pay for your education and research concerning that investment.  For example I decided to do a certificate of deposit strategy on a new project, but since this was new, I was very risk averse, and took a conservative approach.

I put $16 in and was able to 10x it into $160 in 1.5years. I was happy because the key objective was to get some wins from sound practice rather than simply hope I would rake in a lot of money. I was able to add to this after.

One of the first things taught in investment is not to put in anything you are not prepared to lose, and yet you see many doing the opposite. For example the enticement of short term and lucrative income pulls many a speculator in, only to see a rug pull happen quite suddenly. One thing the above two approaches agree on is the importance of financial education and investing for the long-term, not just the short-term.

The Third Investment

Source Image: Wisdom

This may present controversy for some but warrants serious consideration, and that is the wisdom of ethical investing. With everything that is currently going on in the world, what principles drive your investment strategy.?

I for one will not invest in Big Pharma because their profits depend on people being sick and therefore there is both an orchestration and a monopoly to dominate the markets so that people buy their stuff. There are people whose mindset is solely on what will make them money regardless of consequences. That may be driven by a survival mentality, impatience, greed or lack of education regarding alternative and lucrative choices.

Catherine Austin Fitts is an investment banker and former US Secretary of Housing during the Bush Administration. She is the creator of the Solari Report, which is an advisory publication for investors. In many of her talks she puts investment within the context of what has been going on in the world from a political and economic standpoint. She gives a comprehensive educational assessment from an aerial viewpoint with regards the plan of the globalists and its relationship to investing.

While she is not a fan of cryptocurrency for valid reasons, her core message is an important consideration in choosing investments, because what you invest in does not just shape your life, but also impacts the political and economic landscape. The bottom line of her message is that since the globalists such as the W.E.F. and their associates are wanting to enslave us, it is incumbent that we do not ‘build their prisons for them’ because they intend to put us in them!

You don’t have to invest in the Monsanto’s of this world for example. You can invest ethically and profit while changing the structures of society for the better. In doing so you stop feeding the beast so to speak.

Types of Investment

With the above three investment tips in mind, when it comes to what to invest in, that depends on you, your educational assessment and your life governing ethical principles, as to what you choose and prioritize. 

Traditionally there are different sectors such as technology, advertising, property, money, real estate to name a few. You can invest in property, technology, media, precious metals, restaurants, start up companies or already established companies. Basically any financial vehicle which creates cash flow can be considered an asset for the purpose of investing. Make sure to create your own investment criteria, by which you select or deselect investments.

As far as company investments are concerned, look at the company's vision, community, financial assets and projections, along with market statistics when assessing viability. Is it a liquid or illiquid asset? Who are the owners? Is there an advisory board?  What is the benefit to society?

Maybe you decide to do a safe haven play and invest in gold as an inflation hedge. Now it is easier to liquidate gold too. Study the precious metals and decide what best fits your needs. There may be certain companies you like which you could invest in. Maybe you choose to invest in projects that you are interested in such as cryptocurrency. Currently this is like the wild west and a very volatile market. So you need to have a firm sense of how risk averse you are, while keeping a very disciplined mindset. Maybe you go for projects that have real utility or are tied to real world assets.

Exploration of Investments

You might wish to look into legacy projects that are trying to improve the world we live in. Markethive is an obvious example of investing in a company that is building an ecosystem for the entrepreneur to thrive. Constellation DAG is an example of a blockchain that is fast and feeless in response to the issues with other blockchains such as ethereum etc.

Image Source: Constellation DAG

Qortal is a project that is building a new internet built around privacy and accessibility. Debtbox on the other hand is a project tied to real world investments using innovative scanning technology, for example. Bobcoin is tackling unemployment in Africa and pollution with its cryptocurrency based project.

None of the above are recommendations, but hopefully will stimulate critical thinking. Know your values, develop an investment mindset, otherwise you are effectively gambling. Also think about the world you wish to create through your investment choices.

For me I am looking to bring balance to my investments to include those I wish to see become part of our future such as Markethive, and technologies that allow me to create my own banking system as part of a parallel society to the one we are currently living in. 

Image Source: Markethive

Words of Wisdom

The Chinese bamboo tree has much to teach us about abundance in the long term. In the first four years there is no visible sign of growth. Yet in the 5th year when it breaks through the surface of the ground, it grows significantly to 90 feet tall within 5 weeks. So the question is posed – did it take 5 weeks or 5 years to grow 90 feet tall?

The answer is the latter because had it not been consistently watered and nurtured on a daily basis the growth spurt could not have happened. So be encouraged even if you have yet to start an investment portfolio.  It is never too late to do the right thing by you, especially if it creates a legacy that will inspire others beyond your life. 

Can you imagine the world we would live in if more did that, and what would happen if we started to thrive through making wise, ethical investments? This is how you change the world, one step at a time. Hold that thought, and live it out.



About: Anita Narayan. (United Kingdom) My life's work is about helping individuals to greater freedom through joy and purpose without self-sabotage, so that inspirational legacy can serve generations to come. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.







Tim Moseley

Gold’s weakness remains as the dollar dominates with more upside potential

Gold's weakness remains as the dollar dominates with more upside potential

Although gold is trading fractionally higher today, by no means can we say that a rally has begun or that this is the beginning of a potential pivot and key reversal from bearish to bullish. The fate of gold pricing remains intrinsically tied to dollar strength or weakness. In the current economic scenario, it is dollar strength that is overwhelmingly moving gold to lower pricing. The dollar has been moving in a near parabolic manner and today is fractionally higher following exceedingly strong upside moves of 1% each day for the last two trading days.

As of 4:50 PM EDT, the dollar index is up 12 points or 0.11% and is currently fixed at 114.14. The chart above is a weekly chart of the dollar index in which we have added a Fibonacci extension. This extension was created over two weeks ago and currently, the dollar index is just below the forecast created from the extension.

According to Investopedia, "Fibonacci extensions are a tool that traders can use to establish profit targets or estimate how far a price may travel after a pullback is finished. Extension levels are also possible areas where the price may reverse.

They're created from three price points marking price levels of key tops and bottoms. In essence, a Fibonacci extension will forecast how far the next price wave or rally could move before finding resistance. In the case of the chart above, we used a weekly chart beginning at 88.095 the low achieved during the beginning of 2018 as the first price point. The second price point occurred in April 2020 when the rally that began in 2018 concluded with the dollar index at 104.825. The third price point is based upon the correction from the termination of the rally in April 2020 at 104.825 to the conclusion of the correction in January 2021 when the dollar corrected to 89.175.

From these three price points, we then do a price extension and in the case of a strong rally, we will look for the rally to move as high as 1.618% of the price differential between the first two price points. In the case of the Fibonacci extension study above a 1.618 extension occurs at 114.497. Today the dollar continues to move fractionally higher trading to a high of 114.425 and is currently fixed at 114.13. In other words, the Fibonacci extension was able to forecast the first level at which the dollar might encounter some resistance.

Fibonacci extensions can be created from different time cycles or using different tops and bottoms. The second chart is also a Fibonacci extension from a weekly chart. However, we are using a much longer time sequence beginning at a low that occurred during the first quarter of 1995 when the dollar index concluded a correction at 79.921. The rally that followed lasted until 2002 when the dollar index reached 121.144. The third price point is the conclusion of the correction that began at 121.144 and occurred at 70.993. In this study, we are looking at the potential for the Fibonacci extension to go to either 1.23% which occurs at 121.696, or 1.382% which occurs at 127.962.

In other words, based on these technical studies the dollar index may find fractional resistance at its current pricing of 114.49. However, any correction will probably be shallow and short-lived and the dollar will return to its upward trajectory reaching 121.70 at minimum.

As long as the Dollar remains strong and moves to higher ground, which is likely as the Federal Reserve continues to raise rates which will increase the yields on U.S. debt instruments that will lead to more dollar strength, gold will continue to remain under pressure.

By Gary Wagner

Contributing to

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips

Tim Moseley

More price pressure on gold silver as USDX bond yields spike up

More price pressure on gold, silver as USDX, bond yields spike up

Gold and silver prices are lower in midday U.S. trading Monday. Gold prices hit a nearly 2.5-year low and silver a more-than-two-week low today. Rising government bond yields and a very strong U.S. dollar index are the main bearish factors pushing the precious metals markets down. October gold was last down $12.70 at $1,632.80 and December silver was down $0.17 at $18.73.

The global marketplace experienced rough waters Monday, in a continuation of keener risk-off trading attitudes seen late last week. U.S. and/or global economic recession worries are rising rapidly. Global stock markets were mostly lower overnight. U.S. stock indexes are mixed at midday but not far above last week's three-month lows. The Wall Street Journal today reported this year has been the worst year since 1930 for a "buy-the-dips" strategy in U.S. stock trading and investing. FOREX volatility and rising government bond yields are in the spotlight Monday.

The U.K.'s big plan to sell more government bonds in an effort to finance better economic growth has helped to prompt a rout in global government bond markets. "The bond vigilantes are back and the British pound is the target," read a Barron's headline today.

Broker SP Angel in an email dispatch this morning said gold saw a "minor flash crash" overnight. "The metal continues to get hammered" by the U.S. dollar. Foreign exchange volatility is rising, with the British pound passing its record low in 1984 and presently trading around $1.04 to the dollar. The Chinese yuan is nearing 2008 lows. "Traders are ramping up short positions on gold, with fund managers more bearish on the metal than any other time over the past four years, according to a Bloomberg report. Rising U.S. Treasury yields have been a major headwind to the gold and silver markets. "Gold ETF outflows continue, with holdings near their 2-year lows," said the broker.

Despite its losses, the gold market continues to outperform most other major assets – WGC

The key outside markets today see Nymex crude oil prices weaker, hitting a seven-month low and trading around $78.00 a barrel. The U.S. dollar index is higher and pushed to another 20-year high today. Meantime, the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note is rising and presently fetching 3.771%. The 2-year Treasury note yield is 4.74%.

Technically, October gold futures prices hit a nearly 2.5-year low today. The gold futures bears have the solid overall near-term technical advantage. Prices are in a six-week-old downtrend on the daily bar chart. Bulls' next upside price objective is to produce a close above solid resistance at $1,700.00. Bears' next near-term downside price objective is pushing futures prices below solid technical support at $1,600.00. First resistance is seen at the overnight high of $1,646.40 and then at $1,652.00. First support is seen at today's low of $1,624.40 and then at $1,615.00. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 1.0

December silver futures prices hit a two-week low today. The silver bears have the firm overall near-term technical advantage. Silver bulls' next upside price objective is closing prices above solid technical resistance at $20.00. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid support at $18.00. First resistance is seen at today's high of $19.045 and then at $19.40. Next support is seen at today's low of $18.435 and then at $18.00. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 2.0.

December N.Y. copper closed down 375 points at 330.50 cents today. Prices closed near mid-range today and hit a nine-week low. The copper bears have the firm overall near-term technical advantage. Prices are in a four-week-old downtrend on the daily bar chart. Copper bulls' next upside price objective is pushing and closing prices above solid technical resistance at the September high of 369.25 cents. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at the July low of 315.55 cents. First resistance is seen at 340.00 cents and then at 347.25 cents. First support is seen at 325.00 cents and then at 315.55 cents. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 2.0.

By Jim Wyckoff

For Kitco News

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips

Tim Moseley

Challenging The Crypto Winter’s Devastating Effects Safeguard Your Portfolio and Hang In There

Challenging The Crypto Winter’s Devastating Effects. Safeguard Your Portfolio and Hang In There

Bitcoin and Ethereum prices are down more than 50% this year as inflation and rising interest rates prompt investors to seek safe-haven assets. CNBC confirms that cryptocurrencies have lost more than $2 trillion since their 2021 highs, and not everyone thinks the bear market will end anytime soon. In 2017, the crypto industry witnessed exponential growth. Many crypto enthusiasts saw it as a way to save money and make transactions more secure. 

However, some investors were skeptical of the space when prices were skyrocketing. They believed prices would continue to rise and that many people would profit from cryptocurrency investments. Nonetheless, there were still areas of great concern about the asset. Many have struggled with crypto losses in recent months. Is the crypto winter here to stay?

Many investors became cautious when the crypto market began to decline earlier this year. Prices had dropped considerably from their all-time highs. Some people even believed the market was crashing, leading to mass sell-offs. This led to a massive reduction in the overall cryptocurrency market cap. Although the market has shown signs of recovery, prices are still lower than at the beginning of the year.

As many investors lost faith in cryptocurrencies, many companies suffered as well. Many businesses stopped accepting crypto as payment for goods and services. This left many companies unable to pay their bills and operate normally. Some small businesses even went bankrupt due to a lack of bill payments. Additionally, government agencies began reducing their services for crypto businesses; some even stopped accepting applications from local businesses. All those working in the crypto space saw a drastic drop in their income after January prices.

Fortunately, many people have turned to cryptocurrencies to save money. Typical banks give meager amounts of interest on savings accounts. However, several banks now offer accounts with 0% monthly fees. Some people have even turned to cryptocurrency as an alternative form of investment. Although the market is far from optimal, it's working for those in need of protection against loss of income.

The crypto winter is still prevalent worldwide. Prices remain lower than they were at the start of this year. Several companies have cut jobs and services due to decreased revenue. Chances are that things may become much more alarming than they are already.

What Caused the Crash?

The cryptocurrency market crash began earlier this year as rampant inflation prompted the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates and cool the economy. Despite being a hedge against inflation, cryptocurrencies are more closely correlated with tech stocks than gold prices. The rapid decline of the tech industry has accelerated the collapse of cryptocurrencies.

Algorithmic stablecoins are the next victim. Its sister coin, Luna, fell to zero as investors began dumping TerraUSD (UST), the stablecoin shedding the dollar. While Terra-based Defi protocols like Anchor and Astroport died instantly, leveraged hedge funds holding Luna were the most prominent victims.

For example, Three Arrows Capital (3AC) lost $600 million in the UST/Luna collapse. The hedge fund also had a $1.2 billion highly leveraged position in the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, the value of which fell to $550 million. Unsurprisingly, it defaulted on Voyager Digital's $650 million loan and went bankrupt.

The bankruptcy of 3AC had a domino effect on the entire industry. The hedge fund's creditor list brought not only Voyager Digital out of business but also Genesis Trading, CoinList, DeFiance Capital, and FalconX. The companies are still solvent, but massive losses could force them to scale back their growth plans and ambitions.

The collapse of UST and the bankruptcy of 3AC caused many investors to withdraw their funds from the crypto ecosystem. Unfortunately, many Defi protocols rely on two-way liquidity to function and run into problems. Celsius' stETH, in particular, started trading at a discount, making it difficult for the group to raise funds for redemption.

Meanwhile, several high-profile hacks have accelerated those losses and dented consumer confidence. Crypto startup Nomad, for example, lost about $200 million and did not disclose whether customers would receive refunds if funds were not recovered. The robbery comes just a month after Harmon Horizon lost about $100 million to a similar bridge attack.

Potential Long-term Effects

What does crypto winter mean for mainstream crypto adoption? Will this accelerate or impede the efforts of the industry players to make digital assets a standard payment method? The industry has beheld new ways for consumers to pay with cryptocurrencies instead of fiat, suggesting the answer may be uncertain.

The crypto winter has led to a crisis of confidence among retail and institutional investors. For example, Coinbase saw a sharp drop in trading volume and had to cut 18% of its workforce to cut costs. At the same time, many crypto miners are experiencing profitability problems due to the low prices of many tokens.

The good news is that FTX's Sam Bankman-Fried has become a JPMorgan-like figure, bailing out cryptocurrency projects and helping the market stabilize in the short term. For example, he provided a $250 million loan to bail out crypto lender BlockFi and a $200 million line of credit to Voyager Digital through his Alameda research.

The bad news is that the crash negatively affected many people. For example, Morgan Stanley predicts that VC funding for cryptocurrency companies could drop by 50% due to the poor macroeconomic outlook and the crypto winter. A lack of new funding could force many unprofitable projects to scale back or shut down entirely.

Investors may also have lesser interest in crypto assets. Unsurprisingly, retail interest in crypto assets has fallen with prices, and it may take some time to recover. As a result, demand for cryptocurrency exchange-traded funds and other financial assets is likely to decline, while the diversification advantages of the asset class are questioned.

Finally, the crypto industry may also have to deal with structural changes. For example, algorithmic stablecoins may need to reconsider whether they need tangible reserves to back their value. Meanwhile, regulators may use the crypto winter to regulate banking-like decentralized finance (Defi) applications or monetary-like stablecoins.

Safeguard Your Portfolio

Crypto traders and investors have a variety of ways to hedge their portfolios through the crypto winter. While some have exited the market entirely, there is always a chance that they will miss out on an excellent opportunity to re-enter the market. Finally, a lot of market timing research shows that investors tend to sell after a dip and miss out on buying at the bottom.

Some strategies and best practices to consider are:

Dollar-Cost Averaging – Over time, investors may want to continue to buy small amounts of cryptocurrencies, thereby reducing their cost base when the price of cryptocurrencies falls. In the case of a recovery, they can make more profits.

Tax-Loss Harvesting – Investors can sell losing positions to realize the current tax period loss, offsetting their ordinary income and capital gains. Since cryptocurrencies are not subject to wash sale rules, investors can quickly buy back and maintain their asset allocation.

Diversification – Investors should consider holding a more comprehensive range of assets rather than a few risky projects to reduce the risk of a single project disrupting their entire portfolio.

Please note before implementing these strategies, it is best to consult with your financial and tax advisor to discuss how they may affect your overall portfolio. For example, the timing of certain sales may affect your marginal tax rate, or diversification into certain crypto assets may change the risk level of your overall portfolio.

The Bottom Line

The crypto winter has been emotionally and practically challenging for fans of cryptocurrencies. However, lower prices may help cryptos reach new users and create legal channels for investors to interact with projects appropriately. Thus, enthusiasts should be patient as regulators and consumers generally adopt cryptocurrency use.

Prominent cryptocurrencies have all traded sharply lower since the beginning of the year. As a result, retail investors have scaled back their trading activity, miners struggled to make a profit, and institutional investors were reluctant to back up new projects or add crypto assets to their portfolios.

The current crypto winter won’t end the industry, given its explicit goal to become a new monetary system and a much-needed one. With the macroeconomic factors at play, it may take a while for the market to recover and rebuild confidence. Therefore, some cryptocurrencies and projects may offer discounts on their current valuations. Ideally, search out transparent crypto projects with a purpose and utility behind them.

Crypto experts have repeatedly stated that crypto winters are good for Bitcoin. The who’s who of the industry express that bear markets are actually healthy for the crypto industry, as it removes speculators and scams while providing space to build real products and services that assist in creating a sustainable global economy. 

So, all these factors are contributing to a more robust, healthier cryptocurrency industry where genuine projects and communities will flourish. Therefore, all investors, particularly retail and those new to the industry, should look at the bigger picture and understand why crypto is poised to liberate us from a failing traditional financial system. Companies are working hard to make this a reality, and a Parallel Economy is starting to take shape that will eventually become mainstream by the Grace of God. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs


About: Prince Chinwendu. (Nigeria) Rapid and sustainable human growth is my passion, and getting a life-changing opportunity into the hands of people is my calling. Empowering entrepreneurs provides me with enormous gratification. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.






Tim Moseley

Traffic Techniques For Network Marketers

Traffic Techniques For Network Marketers

Traffic Techniques for Network Marketers

If you're looking to generate traffic to your network marketing website, there are several proven techniques that you can use. These techniques include newsletters, classified ad sites, Traffic exchanges, and SEO software. By using these techniques, you'll be able to generate a steady stream of traffic to your site and increase sales.

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Classified ad sites

There are a number of reasons to use classified ad sites as traffic techniques for network marketing. They allow you to target specific demographics and interests. Additionally, they give you the opportunity to control the placement of your advertisements. For example, if your audience is interested in outdoor sporting goods, you may want to place your ads on websites that cover such topics. However, if your audience is more interested in political news, you may want to post them on websites pertaining to that topic.

Traffic exchanges

Traffic exchanges are a powerful way to get your name out there. A traffic exchange will allow you to display your ads to a large audience, and you will earn credits for each view of your ad. The best traffic exchanges have hundreds of thousands of members, but you can also find smaller exchanges with only two or three thousand members.

There are many benefits to using a traffic exchange, but there are also some disadvantages. First, you have to do the groundwork. Some traffic exchanges have bots, so you will need to filter them. Secondly, you will need to make sure your traffic exchange is hosted with a quality provider.

Traffic exchanges can be an excellent way to get your name out there without spending a lot of money. These sites are comprised of many other internet marketers that are looking for traffic and willing to visit other people's sites to earn credits. They work on a credit system, where visitors receive credits in a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio, or at a 1:1 ratio.


Newsletters are a great way to increase your brand visibility. They also have the advantage of addressing users' email inboxes. Newsletters should be designed to meet the needs of the user, whether that be a mobile user or a desktop user. If your newsletter does not meet these needs, consider developing a responsive design.

Newsletters can be a great way to introduce your staff, announce a webinar, and offer exclusive deals. For example, Vacasa has a newsletter aimed at vacation rental clients in Portland, Oregon. Their newsletters feature travel information and travel tips. They also build trust between your subscribers and your business. Newsletters can help increase your sales and drive traffic to your website.

Another way to increase the reach of your newsletter is to add social media buttons to your website. This will allow readers to share your content with friends and family. Increasing your social media presence can also help increase your SEO ranking. Make sure your social media buttons are easily noticeable. Using contrasts will help them stand out.

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

SEO software

Network marketers have a variety of options when it comes to SEO software. These tools can help them manage their link partners, analyze their search performance, and plan keyword campaigns. In addition, many solutions will track the inbound and outbound links to their websites and spot broken links. These tools also offer important insights into competitor website's search rankings and help network marketers plan their keyword campaigns around them.

Choosing the right software for your needs is the most important part of SEO marketing. While there are many solutions on the market, it's important to look for one that has the features you need and one that won't break the bank. Many of these tools can be web-based or integrated with your website platform. A great tool should also have an intuitive user interface and easy navigation.

SEO tools analyze individual web pages and entire websites to determine the best keywords for each website. They can also suggest keywords related to the niche of your website. In addition, these tools can generate reports that measure key metrics. These reports can be sent to key stakeholders regularly. They can also analyze competitors' landing pages to determine which routes to take when it comes to PPC bids.


ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Tim Moseley

Price pressure on gold silver as government bond yields USDX soar

Price pressure on gold, silver as government bond yields, USDX soar

Gold and silver prices are solidly lower in early U.S. trading Friday. Gold prices scored another nearly 2.5-year low. Soaring government bond yields and a very strong U.S. dollar index are bearish elements that are punishing the precious metals markets at present. October gold was last down $24.80 at $1,646.50 and December silver was down $0.532 at $19.08.

Global stock markets were mostly lower overnight. U.S. stock indexes are pointed to solidly lower openings and three-month lows when the New York day session begins. Risk aversion remains keen late this week after Russian President Putin earlier this week said he will mobilize more troops to fight his war with Ukraine, and also implied he could use his nuclear weapons if Russia's integrity is threatened. Many pundits are saying Putin has been pushed into a corner and has become an even more dangerous man.

Don't be surprised if gold prices make a solid rebound by the end of today, heading into an uncertain weekend that sees global markets in turmoil and a Russian President who the world views as losing a war with a small country. Gold has a recent history of showing good strength when the going in the marketplace gets really rough.

U.S. and/or global recession worries have increased this week, following downbeat comments on U.S. economic prospects from Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell on Wednesday and as major central banks this week tightened their monetary policies to tamp down surging inflation. In overnight news, the U.K. announced a major tax cut and deficit spending to try to jumpstart its economy. That news helped to spike global government bond yields. Meantime, the Euro zone manufacturing and services purchasing managers indexes dropped in September and are suggesting both sectors are contracting.

'Long, dark period ahead of us' as Putin escalates in Ukraine and the Fed hikes another 75 bps – Art Laffer

The key outside markets today see Nymex crude oil prices solidly lower, hitting a seven-month low and trading around $80.50 a barrel. The U.S. dollar index is solidly higher and pushed to another 20-year high in early U.S. trading. A Barron's headline this morning reads: "The dollar is crushing its rival currencies." It's important to point out that price trends in the currency markets tend to be stronger and longer-lasting than price trends in other markets. Thus, the surge in the greenback may continue to for quite some time. Meantime, the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note is rising and presently fetching 3.771%and at an 11-year high. The 2-year Treasury note yield is 4.205%.

U.S. economic data due for release Friday includes the U.S. flash manufacturing and services purchasing managers indexes.

Technically, the October gold futures bears have the solid overall near-term technical advantage. Prices are in a downtrend on the daily bar chart. Bulls' next upside price objective is to produce a close above solid resistance at $1,700.00. Bears' next near-term downside price objective is pushing futures prices below solid technical support at $1,600.00. First resistance is seen at the overnight high of $1,674.50 and then at this week's high of $1,687.00. First support is seen at today's low of $1,638.80 and then at $1,625.00. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 1.0

September silver futures bears have the overall near-term technical advantage. Silver bulls' next upside price objective is closing prices above solid technical resistance at $20.00. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid support at $18.00. First resistance is seen at the overnight high of $19.745 and then at $20.00. Next support is seen at $19.00 and then at $18.77. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 2.5.

By Jim Wyckoff

For Kitco News

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips

Tim Moseley

GoldSilver – What the heck is going on?

Gold/Silver – What the heck is going on?

I probably received that question 100 times on Friday from traders and investors speculating in a wide range of asset classes. Everything from agriculture, crypto, energies, foreign currencies, indices, precious metals, and softs sold off. Two primary drivers causing the sell-off are the Federal Reserve's stance on inflation, indicating that only a recession will bring it down, and the British government's decision to announce a mix of tax cuts and incentives, triggering a complete collapse of the British Pound. The Pound reached the lowest level since 1985, and the Dollar posted fresh 22-year highs. Remember, the British Pound is 11.9% inversely correlated to the U.S. Dollar, which may sound insignificant; however, it was the gas on the fire that these markets needed to cause an outright panic. To give you an inside look at the note we publish on the latest market news, check out the Morning Express. We provide actionable technicals, fundamentals, market bias, and proprietary levels for the most actively traded futures and commodity markets, including Gold and Silver. Register here: The Blue Line Express Two-Week Free Trial Sign up.

How to play these markets?

Given the current sell-off and that Gold and Silver are both in bearish trends, I have found that it is best to use a calculated risk Options strategy in deeply oversold markets that haven't solidified a technical bottom. An options bull call spread is a trading strategy aiming to capitalize on an increase in the price of a given market or asset during times of high volatility or for counter-trend trades. The option strategy consists of two call options that create a range that outlines a lower strike point and an upper strike point. The bullish call spread strategy helps to cap your max loss if the price of an asset drops. However, the strategy also limits the potential gains in case of a price increase. Bullish investors often use this when trading futures as a calculated risk debit spread.

February 2023 Gold Options Trade

We use the February 2023 Gold futures contract in this bull call spread example. We are buying 1 February Gold 1750 call at $45 as our long call. We then simultaneously sell 1 February Gold 1850 call at $22 as our short call. This action creates our premium, which is $23. We then multiply that by $100 to account for Gold's multiplier (Gold is a 100-ounce contract) to get $2,300, or our total premium paid (plus any commissions or clearing fees).

Knowing our premium paid, we can calculate our potential max profit simply by taking the difference in our strike prices ($1850 – $1750), which in this case is $100, then we multiply $100 by $100 because this is a futures contract. That gives us a total of $10,000 as our max gross profit, minus our $2,300 premium, leaving us with a max net profit of $7,700 (less any commissions or clearing fees).

December Silver Options Trade

If you prefer Silver, we are looking at a similar strategy that involves buying 1 December Silver $18.50 call at 75 cents as our long call. We then simultaneously sell 1 December Silver $19.00 call at 60 cents as our short call. This action creates our premium, which is 15. We then multiply that by $50 to account for Silver's multiplier to get $750, or our total premium paid (plus any commissions or clearing fees).

Knowing our premium paid, we can calculate our potential max profit simply by taking the difference in our strike prices ($19.00 – $18.50), which in this case is 50 cents, then we multiply 50 by $50 because this is a futures contract. That gives us a total of $2,500 as our max gross profit, minus our $750 premium, leaving us with a max net profit of $1,750 (less any commissions or clearing fees). If you have never traded futures or commodities, I just completed a new educational guide that answers all your questions on transferring your current investing skills into trading "real assets," such as the 10 oz Gold futures contract. You can request yours here: Trade Metals, Transition your Experience Book.

By Phillip Streible

Contributing to

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips

Tim Moseley

Pound Plunges By The Most Since March 2020 Versus US Dollar

Pound Plunges By The Most Since March 2020 Versus US Dollar

The pound plunged by the most since March 2020 and hit the lowest in 37 years against the dollar, as the UK government unveiled a fiscal stimulus package that threatens to fuel inflation and stoke the nation’s ballooning debt.

Sterling fell by as much as 3.7% to $1.0840 on Friday, triggering talk among investors about parity with the euro and the dollar and drawing comparisons with emerging markets as the country’s bonds also tumbled.

Investors are questioning how Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng will fund the most radical package of tax cuts for the UK since 1972, saying the move would fuel even-higher inflation and force the Bank of England into more aggressive tightening. The reduction in levies both on worker pay and companies will cost as much as £161 billion over the next five years.

“It’s hard to imagine a worse setup for the pound,” said James Athey, investment director at abrdn. “As ever in such EM-esque situations the worry is that once this cat is out of the bag even a return to orthodoxy might not quell the investor rush for the exit.”

That means an end to the pound’s rout may not be in sight. Bloomberg’s options pricing model now shows a one-in-four chance the pound will reach parity with the dollar in the next six months, up from 14% on Thursday. Risk reversals, a barometer of market positioning and sentiment, show that traders see the greatest downside risks for the sterling over the medium term in two years.

Ten-year gilt yields posted their biggest one-day jump on record in Bloomberg data going back to 1989, closing 33 basis points higher on the day at 3.83%.

Bluebay Asset Management LLP chief investment officer and senior portfolio manager Mark Dowding said he’s been short on the pound for “awhile now” and only added to that position Friday.

“We think the government plans will challenge finances and that this will continue to weigh on UK gilts and the pound,” he said, adding the pound can reach parity versus the US dollar and the euro.

The UK’s Debt Management Office increased its gilt sales plan for the fiscal year 2022-23 by £62.4 billion ($69.8 billion) to £193.9 billion to fund the spending. That compares to an estimated £60 billion increase expected by eight banks surveyed by Bloomberg.

Trouble Brewing

The last time the pound was this weak was in 1985. Back then, a strong dollar was again putting pressure on global currencies, prompting major economies to reach an agreement to stabilize the foreign exchange market with the Plaza Accord. While a strengthening dollar is again responsible for some of the pound’s decline, many of the currency’s problems today have also been self-inflicted.

Stephen Gallo, head of European FX strategy and Bank of Montreal, said that the pound’s problems “have been brewing for years.”

“In 2020 and 2021 the dollar was clobbered by risk on and Fed stimulus, as well as huge fiscal stimulus just about everywhere,” he said. “Now those factors have gone into reverse and they have been exacerbated by the war in Europe. But as far as G-10 currencies go, the GBP has not had strong currency fundamentals for a long time.”

For Citigroup Global Markets, shorting the pound against the US dollar “is the A trade” as the Federal Reserve pushes rates higher, fueling the dollar. Also the UK’s wide current account deficit calls for a weaker currency, according to the bank.

“The UK has jumped further down the fiscal rabbit hole in the same week the BoE announced active gilt sales. This is GBP bearish,” Citi strategists including Jamie Fahy wrote in a note on Friday.

Meanwhile, JP Morgan Chase & Co. currency analysts Meera Chandan and Patrick Locke lowered their cable target to $1.05 from $1.10 and are recommending shorts on the pound against the dollar and the Swiss franc.

“It makes me very sorry to say, but I think the UK is behaving a bit like an emerging market turning itself into a submerging market,” former US Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers told Bloomberg Television on Friday. “I think Britain will be remembered for having pursued the worst macroeconomic policies of any major country in a long time.”

©2022 Bloomberg L.P.

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips

Tim Moseley

The Artist that came out of the Winter