Friday’s inflation report has investors bracing for volatility

Friday’s inflation report has investors bracing for volatility

Today at 8:30 EDT, the BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics) will release the latest inflation report vis-à-vis the PCE index for September 2022. This will be the most recent data that the Federal Reserve will have on inflation and therefore be a key component to their sealing the fate of the size of the next rate hike at next week’s FOMC meeting.

According to the CME’s FedWatch tool, there is an 88 % probability that the Federal Reserve will raise rates by 75 basis points, this is a decline from yesterday’s 92.5% probability prediction. This would take the Feds benchmark rate to between 375 and 400 basis points at next week’s Federal Open Market Committee meeting.

According to Bloomberg News economists surveyed are predicting that the PCE Index is forecast to show a 6.3% rise in September from a year ago.

“Excluding food and energy, the gauge is expected to have climbed 0.5% from August and 5.2% from September 2021. The elevated projections follow government figures from earlier this month showing a key measure of core consumer prices accelerated in September to a 40-year high.”

In an article penned by Jessica Menton of Bloomberg News, the most pivotal question facing investors and traders is “whether decades-high inflation is nearing a peak or if prices are going to keep rising … Traders are closely watching the Federal Reserve’s preferred measure of inflation — the personal-consumption expenditures price index — because it will help determine if the central bank moves ahead with another 75 basis-point interest-rate increase at its meeting next week.” Although her article was focused on Wall Street and stock investors her statements offer articulate insight into other asset classes including gold and silver.

Thomas Martin, senior portfolio manager at Globalt Investments said, “The Fed is laying the groundwork to stop having outsized rate increases if the inflation data supports that. But if it doesn’t, they’ll be ready to continue with big hikes beyond November.”

As of 5:20 PM EDT gold futures basis, the most active December contract is fixed at $1667.40 after factoring in today’s net decline of $1.80. However, unlike previous trading days, today's dollar strength had a negative correlation with gold prices. The dollar rose by 0.79% with the dollar index currently fixed at 110.42. This means that the fractional decline in gold would’ve been much larger had the dollar not gained approximately 8/10 of a percent of value.

Spot gold is currently fixed at $1663.70 which is also a net decline of $1.80 today. On closer inspection, the Kitco gold index (KGX) reveals that normal trading increased the cost of gold by $11.85, and dollar strength took away $13.65 resulting in today’s fractional price decline.


Market participants are also factoring in how the Federal Reserve will factor in today’s government report that showed that third-quarter GDP rose 2.6% versus the estimate of 2.3%, growing faster than expected. The report revealed that the U.S. economy had its first period of positive growth this year. This caused gold prices to decline after the release of today’s Q3 GDP report. Gold futures traded to a high of $1674.80 today.

Included in today’s Q3 GDP report was the most current data on the annualized federal interest payments indicating that it has increased to $736.5 billion. This set a new record for annual interest payments on our national debt.

According to the US Debt, our national debt is currently above $31 trillion and unsustainable. Higher levels of interest set by the Federal Reserve only exacerbate that problem. However, the current level of national debt and the high cost of servicing just the interest creates extremely bullish market sentiment for gold.

By Gary Wagner

Contributing to

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips

Tim Moseley

Things I Would Have Paid Money to Know Before I Started in Online Marketing

Things I Would Have Paid Money to Know Before I Started in Online Marketing



When I started out in online marketing, I had no idea what I was doing. That's not surprising, given that I was brand new to the field—and particularly given that this is a rapidly changing industry with new trends popping up every day. While I've learned a lot since then, there are still plenty of things that would have been helpful for me to have known before diving into this world:

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important part of online marketing. If you want to be seen, you need to be found. Getting your website ranked highly in search engines is a lot like getting your name out there. The difference is that when someone searches for something on the internet, they are looking for a specific answer or product, and if you provide it, then you can get their business because they already know what they want.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about yet, don't worry—I'll explain! Search engine optimization simply means improving your website's visibility in search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo!. It's one of the most effective ways to get people interested in what you're selling or advertising on Facebook (or other platforms). Some examples include:

  • Writing blog posts about topics related to your niche industry(s)

  • Creating YouTube videos discussing aspects relating to those niches (e-commerce videos would be helpful here!)

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a great way to promote your business. With the right strategy, you can reach a large audience, get people talking about you and your products, and drive more traffic to your website.

In this section we'll take a look at how to use social media for marketing purposes, what it takes to create an effective strategy for Facebook and Twitter, how to measure the impact of that strategy on sales or leads generated from the platform itself (if any), and some tips for using social media effectively in lead generation campaigns.

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Understanding Your Audience

  • Knowing your audience

  • Understanding their needs

  • Knowing what they want

  • Knowing what they are looking for

  • How to reach them, engage them and convert them.

Mobile First

The basics of building a mobile-friendly website:

  • Make it responsive. If you'd like to go the extra mile, hire a developer or use WordPress's built-in tools to create a fully custom responsive theme.

  • Use short sentences and paragraphs. The shorter the sentence, the easier it is for someone to read on their phone! Remember that most people are reading on their phones while they're walking somewhere or otherwise doing something else at the same time—so don't expect them to have much attention to spare when they're reading content online; keep things brief and concise.

  • Use bullet points instead of paragraphs where possible—and if there's room for both, definitely include them! They make everything so much easier for readers who may be skimming through an article quickly (and since we know most readers aren't really reading what we write anyway…).

Visitor Behavior

The visitor behavior of your website's visitors is one of the most important metrics to understand, because it tells you what kind of content you should create in order to get more traffic. If you have an e-commerce store, visitor behavior will determine how often they buy and what they buy.

In this article, we'll look at three things that are important to know about visitor behavior:

  • Visitors aren't all the same; some people need a lot more convincing than others before they commit to buying something.

  • Visitor behavior changes over time; depending on where visitors are in their journey (on your site), different types of messaging may be more effective than others at converting them into customers or leads.

  • Visitor behavior is influenced by many factors—everything from their demographics, location and device type can affect how likely someone is going to convert into a customer (or not).

PPC Advertising

PPC advertising is a quick way to get your business in front of your target audience. It's easy to set up and it can be very effective. You only pay for the ads that are clicked on, so you don't have to worry about wasting money. Skipping over this step can mean missing out on potential customers who might not have seen your ad otherwise!

How to Increase Conversion

Finally, you need to make sure that your landing page is clear and easy to navigate. This will help increase conversions because people will want to stay on the page longer if it's both aesthetically pleasing and easy to use.

Secondly, make sure that what you're selling has a clear value proposition. If you can't explain why someone should buy your product or service in one sentence, then they probably won't buy it at all!

Finally, social proof can be important when used properly because it increases trust when customers see other people using or enjoying the product or service they're thinking about purchasing themselves. The more positive reviews there are for something before someone makes a purchase decision (like seeing number of downloads), the higher their chance of making that decision becomes!

Why Marketing is Essential to Business Growth

If you're reading this article, then chances are you've heard marketing described as a necessary evil—something that's essential to business growth but not something anyone wants to do. While this is true, if you're going to be successful in an online business, it's important to understand what marketing actually is and why it's so important.

The definition most often used by marketers is: "Marketing is the process of identifying customer needs/wants and delivering relevant messages through strategic channels." This means that before your company can deliver a product or service directly to a consumer, you have to first understand what customers want (their needs), how they want it delivered and how much they're willing pay for it.

While Online marketing can be challenging, there are many resources you can use to help you.

While Online marketing can be challenging, there are many resources you can use to help you. One of the most important things to have is a mentor who has been doing what you want to do for many years. This person will tell you about their experiences and give advice on how to succeed in your business. If a mentor is not available then online communities can be helpful as well. There are forums where people ask questions about different aspects of online marketing that others have experience with and it’s a great way for someone just starting out in this field to learn more about what works best for them!

Another resource I would recommend for anyone interested in learning more about SEO or content marketing would be watching YouTube videos! There are so many great tutorials on YouTube by experienced marketers who share their methods with other individuals looking at improving their own personal brand within this industry (and beyond).


Marketing is an extremely challenging and rewarding field. It can be difficult to learn all of the different strategies, but it’s important to remember that there are many resources available to help you along the way. Online marketing is a constantly changing industry, so it’s important for marketers to stay up-to-date on what’s new in their field and what types of changes they should make in order keep up with these trends.

Tim Moseley

Gold has respectable gains but still based on dollar weakness and not buying

Gold has respectable gains, but still based on dollar weakness and not buying

Golf futures basis the most active December 2022 Comex contract is currently up $11.20 and fixed at $1669.70. Noteworthy was today’s intraday high of $1679.40 which came in just below the first level of resistance at $1680. However, once again we can see that while gold’s gains are respectable, they are based entirely upon dollar weakness. Furthermore, market participants bid the precious metal lower.

According to Reuters, “Gold prices rose to a two-week high on Wednesday as the dollar and U.S. bond yields slipped on expectations the Federal Reserve will temper its aggressive rate-hike stance starting December.”

As of 4:05 PM EDT, the dollar index is down 1.290 points or 1.16% and fixed at 109.54. The lack of market participants bidding gold higher can be seen through the eyes of the Kitco Gold Index (KGX). The screen print above of the KGC was taken at 3:53 PM EDT and shows spot gold was currently fixed at $1665 with a net gain of $11.90. However, as we have seen on multiple occasions recently it was dollar weakness that moved spot gold pricing up by $17.20, and selling pressure taking gold lower by $5.30.

This clearly shows that market participants continue to have their primary focus on the pace and magnitude at which the Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates. It is widely accepted that the Federal Reserve will raise rates by 75 basis points in November and for the most part, has already been factored into current market pricing. It is also widely believed that the Federal Reserve will continue to raise rates at the December FOMC meeting.

According to the FedWatch tool there is a 55% probability that the Federal Reserve will raise rates to between 425 and 450 basis points, and a 37.7% probability that they will raise rates to between 450 and 475 basis points in December.

In February 2023 there is no decisive consensus about the size of the rate hike. According to the CME’s FedWatch tool, there is a 26.8% probability that the Federal Reserve’s benchmark rate will be between 450 and 475 basis points, a 42.4% probability that the fed funds rates will be between 475 and 500 basis points, and a 23.7% probability that by the end of the year the benchmark rate will be between 500 and 525 basis points.

The uncertainty in regards to the magnitude of upcoming rate hikes is directly related to anticipating how the Federal Reserve’s will be modified as more data becomes available to them. This week there will be critical reports that will help shape the Federal Reserve’s decision on rate hikes in both November and December.

On Thursday the government will release its data on the third quarter GDP as well as updated figures on the national debt of the United States. On Friday the government will release its report on the core inflation numbers or PCE. This could provide key and important data that will guide what upcoming actions of the Federal Reserve might be.

The most important question is while economists and analysts are expecting to see an economic contraction based upon the rapid rate hikes that began in March. However, how inflationary pressures will react if we don’t see a reduction in inflation following five consecutive rate hikes by the Federal Reserve this year?

The fear remains that after all of the rate hikes by the Federal Reserve Friday’s report reveals it had only a nominal effect on lowering inflation.

By Gary Wagner

Contributing to

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips

Tim Moseley

Common Questions heard from Affiliate Marketers and some solid trusted realistic advice to increase your promotion results

Common Questions heard from Affiliate Marketers and some solid trusted realistic advice to increase your promotion results


ecosystem for entrepreneurs


You've probably heard these questions before. You might have even asked them yourself. But if you're new to the world of affiliate marketing, then this article will provide you with a few answers and shed light on some common mistakes that other marketers are making — information that can help you start getting results faster!

How Can I Do Better With My Affiliate Marketing?

How Can I Do Better With My Affiliate Marketing?

> Make sure your website is good: You should have a landing page with your affiliate link that converts.

> Make sure you have a good product to promote: If it does not convert, then it will be difficult for you to make money from it.

> Make sure your landing page is mobile friendly so people can see the offer clearly on their phones or tablets and click through to buy the product or service faster than ever before!

What Are Some Things That Will Happen After I Start Doing Affiliate Marketing?

  • You will make money.

  • You will have more time on your hands.

  • You will learn new skills and increase your knowledge base of the world in general.

How Can I Marry Together My Two Affiliate Marketing Niches?

You are probably thinking: “How can I marry together my two affiliate marketing niches?”

You can do this by making sure that you're promoting a product or service that is relevant to both niches. If you have an online business selling products for people who love animals, for instance, then make sure that your internet marketing campaigns are targeted at pet lovers who also love animals. This way, when they search for information on how to care for their pets online, they will see your ads and be interested in clicking through them.

What Keywords Should I Use For My Affiliate Marketing Sites?

There are a lot of people that think that keywords are the most important thing when it comes to affiliate marketing. While keywords are important, they’re not everything. You can have great content, but if your site doesn’t rank well in Google then you won’t get any traffic and the only way you can make money is if people buy your products or services through your affiliate links.

The best way to find out which keywords would work best for your site is by using a tool called SEMrush or Ahrefs (or another one) as these tools will show you exactly how much traffic each keyword gets and what websites rank for those terms. If there isn't much traffic going towards the keyword then chances are no one cares about it so don't waste time trying to rank there because there isn't any money in it anyways!

Another thing I like doing is finding out what questions people have asked before so I can create content around those topics which usually brings back more visitors than just writing articles about things nobody cares about anymore such as "What color shoes should I wear" (which nobody cares because we already know how).


How Long Does It Take To See Results From Affiliate Marketing?

You will never see results from your affiliate marketing efforts if you are not putting in the work. It takes a lot of time and effort to get results, so if you're not seeing any then it's likely that something needs to change.

If after 6 months of working hard at promoting products and services, you still don't have any sales or commissions then it might be time to move on and find something else that works better for you.

What Makes A Good Affiliate Website?

There are a number of different things that can make or break your affiliate website. The first and most obvious thing to consider is the design. A good design should be easy to use, look professional, and make a good first impression on visitors.

A good site layout is another important factor in creating an effective website that converts well. Remember that people are more likely to buy products if they find them quickly and easily — if your website doesn’t have this feature, then your conversion rates will suffer as a result.

The content of your site is also important because it helps you establish credibility in the eyes of potential customers by providing them with relevant information about the niche you sell in. If people don’t trust what they read on your page, then they may not feel comfortable buying from there either!

Is Wealthy Affiliate Legit Or A Scam?

Wealthy Affiliate is a legit company. They have been around for over 15 years, they have a great reputation and they are accredited by the BBB.

They also have an awesome support team that is always willing to help you out with any issues or problems that you may experience along the way.

They also have a great community of users who are always willing to help each other out as well.

How Can I Tell If An Email Is From Amazon Or Just Someone Trying To Commit Fraud?

There are a few key questions you can ask yourself whenever you get an email from Amazon:

  • Does this email address look like it's coming from Amazon? If there are some random letters after the "@" sign, then it may be another domain name altogether. For example, if you receive an email from "" or "", then this is likely not coming from Amazon but rather someone who is trying to commit fraud.

  • Is there any wording that doesn't sound right for what we would expect an Amazon representative to say? For example, if they were asking for your credit card information or password, then this should send up some red flags immediately! If they were asking you to click on links in their emails or access confidential files on their website (which has never happened before), then those are also signs of fraud.

How Do Affiliate Links Work On Facebook?

Now that you have your affiliate links, you can use them to promote your products and services.

To add an affiliate link to Facebook:

  • Go to the page you want to post it on (or create one if you don't already have one).

  • Click on "Create Post" at the top left corner of the screen and select "Link." You should now see a box where you can enter a URL or embed a video from YouTube, Vimeo or another site. If you're adding a URL, make sure it has tracking parameters so that Analytics will pick up traffic from this link!

  • Click on "Use Link" at the bottom of this box; this will take us back into our text editor so we can start writing down what we want our audience members' eyes to see when they click through from Facebook onto our website or landing page (website).

If you follow some basic principles and apply them to your own affiliate marketing campaigns and learn from the successes of others, then you will be well on your way to getting the results that you want.

If you follow some basic principles and apply them to your own affiliate marketing campaigns, then you will be well on your way to getting the results that you want.

  • Be sure that the site has high quality content and a good reputation for providing value. If it does not, then there is no point in promoting it because people will not visit or trust what they find there.

  • Make sure that the product that you are promoting is one that provides value for people who are interested in buying it. You can only make money if someone buys something from your link, so do not waste time promoting products or services that do not provide any real value or solve a problem for the customer using them (or are even seen as harmful).

  • Make sure that the website where customers can buy these products has trust signals such as SSL certificates installed properly on their servers; otherwise customers may hesitate before making a purchase decision based on perceived risk factors like poor security controls being placed at risk due to lack of proper research into how reputable companies manage their e-commerce websites – especially when considering sensitive financial information such as credit card details being transmitted across insecure networks without encryption applied beforehand by using HTTPS protocol instead of HTTP protocol whenever possible; this would increase costs significantly but could save thousands (or even millions) over time by preventing breaches due to hacking attempts – especially since hackers tend not  to target small businesses which have less resources available than larger corporations with teams dedicated specifically towards cybersecurity


I hope that this post has helped answer some of the questions you have about affiliate marketing and how it can help you achieve your goals. If there’s anything else you would like to know about this topic or if there are any other questions that I haven’t covered in this post, please leave them in the comments below so we can discuss them!

Tim Moseley

Gold’s tepid response to dollar weakness and geopolitical uncertainty

Gold’s tepid response to dollar weakness and geopolitical uncertainty

One might think that with the increased geopolitical uncertainty and recent dollar weakness that gold would have strong gains. However, that is absolutely not true in trading today. As of 5:15 PM EDT, the most active December contract of gold futures is currently up only $3.30 or +0.20% and fixed at $1657.40.

Fractional gains in gold today have occurred with extreme dollar weakness. The U.S. dollar index is currently down -1.02% and fixed at 110.77. To illustrate gold’s weakness in light of dollar weakness we simply need to compare spot gold pricing and dollar weakness through the eyes of the Kitco Gold Index (KGX). Currently, spot gold is fixed at $1653.10 which is a net gain of $3.40. On closer inspection, we can see that dollar weakness has added +$16.80, and normal trading has resulted in a decline of -$13.40 resulting in today’s tepid gains.

Geopolitical uncertainty escalates to an exceedingly high level

On top of today’s weak U.S. dollar which has added significant value to gold, the world is facing an escalating level of geopolitical uncertainty in both North Korea as well as the war in Ukraine.

On Tuesday the President of South Korea Yoon Suk-Yeol said that North Korea has completed its initial preparations for its seventh nuclear test. As reported by Bloomberg News the president of South Korea told his Parliament on Tuesday, “We assess that it has already completed preparations for a seventh nuclear test”.

The threat of nuclear tests by North Korea is only part of a much more complex geopolitical framework. The article in Bloomberg News articulated the complexities of the current geopolitical environment saying, “The US push to isolate Russia over Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine, coupled with increasing animosity toward China, has allowed Kim to strengthen his nuclear deterrent without fear of facing more sanctions at the UN Security Council”.

There are also reports that Russia is planning a false flag attack. On Monday Putin and the Kremlin claimed that Ukraine was planning to use a radioactive “dirty bomb” against Russian forces. Putin has used “false flags” before as a rationale to escalate

Russia’s military operations. This has raised concern that the Russian president is creating a narrative in which he will escalate the war in Ukraine to include tactical nuclear weapons or a dirty bomb to preempt Ukraine from using a “dirty bomb”.

On Tuesday Air Force Brigadier General Patrick Ryder said, “From a US standpoint, the allegations that Ukraine is building a dirty bomb are false.”

Today President Biden said that Russia would be making a “serious mistake” by launching a “false flag” nuclear attack in Ukraine and that it’s unclear if such an operation was underway.

With today’s backdrop of extreme dollar weakness giving up more than 1%. As well as an extreme escalation of geopolitical uncertainty from North Korea and the fact that gold is only up $3 clearly illustrate that gold is currently not reacting as a safe haven asset.

By Gary Wagner

Contributing to

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips


Tim Moseley

What Is An Autoresponder How It Works

What Is An Autoresponder How It Works



An autoresponder is a tool used to automatically send emails when you're not available to respond to inquiries. It's used for marketing, sales and customer service. These automated emails can be sent out at specific times or triggered by actions that customers take on your website. You can also use an autoresponder to deliver content such as monthly newsletters or discounts—or even post updates about your business on social media channels like Facebook and Instagram. An autoresponder allows you to build relationships with customers and helps them become more informed about your business offerings without having to devote time from other priorities in order to do so yourself. That's why it's important for businesses not only large but small as well

Down to $9.9 Shopping Day @

What Is An Autoresponder?

An autoresponder is a tool that allows you to send a series of emails to your subscribers. It's like an email assistant that helps you build relationships with your customers, and it's used by many businesses to send out marketing emails or other messages.

Autoresponders are also commonly called "auto-responders" or "auto-responders," which is why you might sometimes see them abbreviated as such (e.g., AARs).

What Can An Autoresponder Do For Your Business?

An autoresponder is a program that allows you to send out a series of emails to your leads or customers. The emails are sent automatically, so they can be used as a marketing tool.

The most common use for an autoresponder is when you have collected the emails of potential buyers and need to keep in touch with them. This could be an offer for something like freebies or services, which will be delivered at a later date. A product launch would also benefit from this kind of system because it allows you to build lists and promote new products on them without having any human interaction involved in the process (other than when you first set up the list).

How Does An Autoresponder Work?

An autoresponder is a system that sends emails to your subscribers automatically.

You can use autoresponders to:

  • Build relationships with your customers. Autoresponders are used to send out newsletters, promotions, and other info related to your business. These messages often include a link back to the site or landing page where users can purchase products or services that you offer. The idea here is that people receive these emails when they're most likely interested in what you have to say and when they're most likely going to be ready to buy from you (i.e., if they've just signed up for something).

  • Generate leads from potential customers who don't know about your product yet but would be interested in it if given the chance (i.e., if someone signs up for one of the things mentioned in an email).

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

The Benefits of Autoresponders

Here’s what you need to know about autoresponders and why they can help your business:

  • They can help you build trust with your customers by giving them a feeling of “being in the loop.”

  • They can help build relationships with your customers over time, which makes them feel more comfortable doing business with you.

  • They can increase sales by providing a consistent message that goes out every time someone signs up or buys something from you, without any additional work on your part.

  • They also improve customer retention by increasing engagement and providing value to each customer, so they feel like they got their money's worth when working with you."

You can convert more leads into customers with this tool.

An autoresponder is a tool that helps you to send emails in a sequential manner. You can use this tool to send an email to your customer on a regular basis, and it will also help you to convert more leads into customers. For example, if you want to promote your product or service, then the autoresponder will be useful for you because it allows users to send emails regularly without being distracted by other tasks or activities.

However, if you want to improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaign using an autoresponder service then it's important that you understand how this tool works and how it can help generate more revenue for your business


Now you know what an autoresponder is and how it works. As you can see, this tool is a great way to grow your business and convert more leads into customers. If you’re ready to take advantage of its many benefits, then sign up for for a free autoresponder and many other free marketing tools free today!

Up to 70% OFF For Winter Sale

Tim Moseley

Market participants continue to be headlined driven as seen in gold on Friday

Market participants continue to be headlined driven as seen in gold on Friday

Gold investors and traders are reacting strongly to any shift in the Federal Reserve’s narrative concerning upcoming interest rate hikes. This was seen on Friday when a single article published by the Wall Street Journal resulted in strong gains for gold. On Friday Mary Daly the president of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank said, “I think the time is now to start talking about stepping down – the time is now to start planning for stepping down,”.

While the consensus amongst investors and economists is that the Federal Reserve will raise rates by 75 basis points at the FOMC meeting in November, we saw a dramatic shift in market sentiment for the December rate hike as seen through the eyes of the CME the FedWatch tool.

On Friday the FedWatch tool predicted that there is a 46.3% probability that the Fed funds rate will be between 450 and 475 basis points by the end of 2022. This greatly differs from last Thursday’s prediction which indicated a probability of 75.4 %. Today the FedWatch tool is predicting that there is a 53.7% probability that the Fed’s benchmark by year-end will be between 450 and 475 basis points.

What caused the dramatic shift in Fed funds futures contract pricing on Friday was speculation amongst Federal Reserve officials as to whether or not to begin to decrease the size of the rate hike in December.

It is quite plausible that market participants looked closer at statements by Mary Daly who qualified her statements “that slowing down was not the same as stopping rate hikes” and that the Federal Reserve benchmark rate will ultimately rise to “4 ½ or 5%” which is “a very reasonable estimate of where we’ll need to go”.

Today gold futures pricing is down slightly after trading to its highest value since the beginning of October. Gold futures traded to a high of $1675.50 today before moving lower on the day. As of 5:40 PM EDT, the most active December contract is currently fixed at $1654.10 after factoring in today’s decline of $2.20 or 0.13%.

On Friday gold traded to its lowest value this month matching the lows achieved during the last week of September at $1622. However, following the release of the Wall Street Journal article on Friday which highlighted Mary Daly’s comments about upcoming rate hikes gold rallied strongly closing at $1656. Today’s fractional decline of $2.20 is impressive considering that Friday’s gains were based on a single Federal Reserve member's narrative. Earlier in the week two Federal Reserve presidents

Bullard & Kashkari said and confirmed that the Fed can’t pause hikes. It seems as though market participants want to react to any Fed statements that are more dovish than the recent extremely strong hawkish statements made earlier. What can be construed from this is that markets are pricing in more the more hawkish scenario of two more 75 point hikes this year.

By Gary Wagner

Contributing to

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips

Tim Moseley

Why is Quality Content so Important for your Website and Blog

Why is Quality Content so Important for your Website and Blog



Content is the fuel that powers your website and blog. However, it can also be a double-edged sword if it's not "quality" content. If you want to attract new visitors and keep them engaged with your brand, then you need to provide high-quality content that keeps readers coming back for more. Here are some reasons why good content matters

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Before you can provide content that attracts and retains the attention of your audience, you need to know what they are looking for.

Before you can provide content that attracts and retains the attention of your audience, you need to know what they are looking for.

Research is a critical part of creating high-quality digital content. You will need to understand who your target audience is, what their interests and preferences are, and how best to reach them. You should also be sure to keep up with changes in technology or trends that might affect your ability to attract readers in the future.

When you know why your audience want to buy your products and services, then it's up to you to provide it.

It's not enough to know that your audience wants to buy your products and services. It's up to you to provide the information they need in order for them to make a smart decision. It's up to you to give them the information they need in order for them to solve their problems. You can't just tell them what you have and expect them to buy on impulse—you have an obligation as a business owner or marketer (or both) is providing value and helping people solve their issues in an understandable way.

It's all about providing value with content that solves problems, so when someone lands on your website or blog, they are immediately able to see how it could help them with something specific from themselves or from someone else who has read it before.*

The right content will tell them how your product or service satisfies their needs.

The right content will tell them how your product or service satisfies their needs. In other words, it will help them answer the question: “What problem does my product or service solve?”

But if you don’t know what your target audience’s needs are, how can you create content that addresses those needs? That's where keyword research comes in handy.

Quality content also provides buyers with everything they need to make a decision.

Quality content is key to providing your users with all of the necessary information they need to make a decision. If you have good, relevant content on your website, then visitors will be more likely to buy from you.

This is especially true when it comes to buying products and services online. If a customer visits your site and finds that there are no in-depth reviews of the product or service he wants or if there aren't any helpful videos showing how the product works, he may assume that there is something wrong with it or that you're hiding something from him.

The right information will help buyers make smart decisions.

If you want to attract new buyers and keep them coming back, you need to provide them with the information they need to make smart decisions.

When people are buying a product or service, they want to know:

  • The benefits of your product or service over other similar ones available on the market

  • The drawbacks of your product or service compared to others in its class

  • What they're actually getting for their money—what does it do? how does it work? what are the specifications? etc.

Your content should educate your audience and help them solve their problems.

The most important thing to remember is that your content should be helpful and informative. If you can provide information that helps your audience solve their problems, make decisions, understand your product or service, or better understand your brand, then you’re doing great!

Providing high-quality content that is relevant to their interests is a great way to keep your customers engaged with your brand.

In order to keep your customers engaged with your brand and increase conversions, providing high-quality content that is relevant to their interests is a great way to do so. High-quality content can help them solve their problems, educate them on topics they are interested in, or just make them feel good about the company they do business with.

By providing more than just the basics of information (i.e., a short description of what you do), but rather providing helpful information (i.e., tips on how to use our product), you show that you care about your customers and want to provide them with valuable information. This will often lead consumers towards making purchases from you instead of another competitor because they know that this company cares about its customers and has their best interests in mind when producing products or services for sale on their website/blog/social media page

Good content helps convert audiences into buyers, and high-quality content helps retain those buyers for the long term

Good content helps convert audiences into buyers, and high-quality content helps retain those buyers for the long term.

Why is quality content so important? It’s simple: quality information is a great way to keep customers engaged with your brand. When you provide it in an interesting, engaging format (like video), it can even help buyers make smart decisions that lead them to becoming loyal customers.


In conclusion, we hope that this blog has helped you gain a better understanding of why quality content is so important for your website and blog. We've covered some of the most common reasons why people turn away from poorly written content and how to avoid them by creating better-quality content. If you're looking for more tips on how to create quality content, then be sure to check out our other articles!

Tim Moseley

Gold price erosion continues amid strong US dollar higher bond yields

Gold price erosion continues amid strong U.S. dollar, higher bond yields

Gold and silver prices are again lower in early U.S. trading Friday, with gold hitting a three-week low. The seemingly relentless appreciation of the U.S. dollar on the foreign exchange market and the resulting rise in U.S. Treasury yields continue to undermine the precious metals markets. December gold was last down $11.50 at $1,625.20 and December silver was down $0.434 at $18.255.

Global stock markets were mixed to lower overnight. U.S. stock indexes are pointed to lower openings when the New York day session begins. The marketplace late this week is more risk averse and focused on the march higher in U.S. Treasury yields. The U.S. 10-year note yield is presently fetching 4.278%, which is the highest level since 2008. The Federal Reserve is hellbent on taming problematic inflation and is willing to let the U.S. economy stall out to get the job done more quickly. This scenario is bearish for stocks, bonds and commodity markets, but bullish for the U.S. dollar.

Goldman Sachs sees a scenario where gold rally's sharply to $2,250 by 2025

The key outside markets today see the U.S. dollar index solidly higher. Nymex crude oil prices are near steady and trading around $84.50 a barrel.

There is no major U.S. economic data due for release Friday.

Technically, the December gold futures bears have the solid overall near-term technical advantage. Bulls’ next upside price objective is to produce a close above solid resistance at $1,700.00. Bears' next near-term downside price objective is pushing futures prices below solid technical support at $1,600.00. First resistance is seen at $1,650.00 and then at Wednesday’s high of $1,659.80. First support is seen at $1,615.00 and then at $1,600.00. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 1.0

September silver futures bears have the solid overall near-term technical advantage and have momentum. Silver bulls' next upside price objective is closing prices above solid technical resistance at $20.00. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid support at the September low of $17.40. First resistance is seen at today’s high of $18.625 and then at $19.00. Next support is seen at $18.00 and then at $17.40. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 2.0.

By Jim Wyckoff

For Kitco News

Time to buy Gold and Silver on the dips

Tim Moseley

Cryptocurrency Decentralization: What Does It Take To Become Fully Decentralized? Which Crypto Projects Meet The Criteria?

Cryptocurrency Decentralization: What Does It Take To Become Fully Decentralized?  Which Crypto Projects Meet The Criteria? 


What differentiates cryptocurrency from traditional finance technologies? Crypto is decentralized, whereas the financial system we have been locked into is centralized. It has undoubtedly been a hot topic since the first bitcoin block was mined in 2009, and now with regulators worldwide converging on the crypto industry, decentralization is more critical than ever. This article explains what decentralization means and looks at the different layers of decentralization in cryptocurrency and which cryptos are the most decentralized.

Decentralization Defined

What is decentralization, and why is it so important? According to this dictionary,  decentralization is the process of shifting control from one main group to several smaller ones. In business, decentralization describes a structure that distributes control among many smaller groups or locations rather than giving that power to a single, central organization. In government, decentralization is often thought of as a way to move power into the hands of individual citizens.

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As it happens, decentralization is a political philosophy that emerged in the aftermath of the French Revolution. Decentralization fits under the broader umbrella of Libertarianism, another political philosophy associated with the French Revolution, which puts Liberty Above All Else. Liberty is what cryptocurrency is all about; hence, the blockchain networks underpinning crypto are often designed with decentralization as a focal point.

However, it's not just decentralization at the blockchain level that matters. In many cases, being centralized at other levels makes decentralization at the blockchain level irrelevant. Complete decentralization is of the utmost importance, primarily for two reasons. 

  1. Security: When a cryptocurrency is decentralized from top to bottom, it’s almost always highly secure because there's no single point of failure. It also creates censorship resistance, as no central authority can decide what you can and can't do with your digital property. 
  2. Crypto Regulations: A genuinely decentralized cryptocurrency is next to impossible to regulate as there's no identifiable individual or institution that can be coerced or sanctioned. In other words, if a cryptocurrency is truly decentralized, it's challenging, if not impossible, for a central authority to shut it down.

Regulations will destroy crypto projects that are not truly decentralized, and they are the ones that are really not all that different from existing financial technologies. Below, we look at the five layers of cryptocurrency and how important decentralization is at each layer. coined the names depicting the various layers for simplicity.

Image source: Coin Bureau

Layer 1: Decentralization At The Developer Layer

The developer layer involves the individuals and institutions that create the crypto project. Arguably, decentralization at this level means the more unaffiliated individuals and institutions a cryptocurrency has, the more decentralized this layer is. Decentralization is vital at the developer layer for a few reasons. The first is regulation; you may know that the SEC uses the Howey Test to determine what cryptos to track. 

In short, this means that if the SEC can identify an individual or institution creating the expectation of profit you have when you invest in a particular coin or token, then that cryptocurrency is a security subject to strict regulations. 

So, what does the SEC think about cryptocurrencies with multiple individuals and institutions creating profit expectations for a particular coin or token? According to the now-famous 2018 speech by SEC director Bill Hinman, he stated that Ethereum wasn't a security because it's “sufficiently decentralized.” 

The second reason why decentralization is essential at this layer is longevity. Simply relying on a small group of individuals or institutions for development means there’s a high risk a crypto project will sink if the core team disbands. One example is the recent departure of the DeFi star developer Andre Cronje, with many of the crypto projects he left behind now facing severe uncertainty. 

The security of the cryptocurrency is the third reason decentralization is important at the developer layer. This is simply because relying on a small group of individuals or institutions for security is much more likely to be compromised by either internal or external actors. A recent example is the hack of Axie Infinity’s Ronin side chain, where the hacker managed to take control of the private keys belonging to Ronin's validators by hacking Sky Mavis, the company behind Axie Infinity and Ronin. 

Layer 2: Decentralization Of A Coin Or Token

The second layer, which is coin or token decentralization, ties in with the first, specifically the distribution of a particular coin or token. The coin or token layer is where the definition of decentralization becomes exceptionally nuanced. It varies from crypto to crypto, along with the effects of centralization at this layer on a cryptocurrency’s market cap, governance structure, and blockchain security.

For all cryptocurrencies, the distribution of a coin or token must be decentralized. In other words, evenly spread out because if a handful of whales hold most of the supply, they can easily manipulate the price. For coins or tokens used in voting for changes to a cryptocurrency’s project, blockchain, or protocol, centralization at the coin or token level means that a handful of token holders can easily monopolize significant decisions about the project. 

For coins belonging to a proof-of-stake cryptocurrency blockchain, if a handful of wallets hold most of that coin supply, they pose a security threat to that cryptocurrency’s blockchain. Although many have come close, there’s yet to be a proof-of-stake cryptocurrency subject to this type of corruption. That’s why Solana actively monitors how much its largest validators are staking to ensure their blockchains remain secure. 

Note that decentralization at the coin or token layer is also essential for proof-of-work cryptocurrency coins because of the price manipulation factors. If too much of the supply of a proof-of-work coin is held by a handful of whales, they could crash the price below the point where it would still be profitable for miners to process transactions on its blockchain. 

Layer 3: Infrastructure 

The third layer of decentralization in cryptocurrency is the infrastructure layer. This refers to the different technologies you use to interact with or access cryptocurrency blockchains. Although many may think crypto wallets, cryptocurrency exchanges are arguably first on the list in any cryptocurrency infrastructure. That’s because it's challenging and sometimes impossible to acquire a coin or token without using a centralized exchange. 

It may seem a bit of a paradox, but for quite a while, centralized cryptocurrency exchanges were surprisingly decentralized as many didn't have an official headquarters. Sometimes, even the company running the exchange didn't even exist. It was just a series of subsidiaries registered in countries with little to no regulation. 

Often, these subsidiaries were established by various individuals or institutions where the people and the physical infrastructure were spread out worldwide in mostly unknown locations. However, this isn’t the case today, as most cryptocurrency exchanges have been forced to register with regulators and impose KYC on their users. The KYC aspect isn’t necessarily bad but leads to centralization as the non-compliant exchanges are shut down. 

Decentralization at the infrastructure layer has also been problematic for some of the most significant crypto projects. It’s an issue for Ethereum because many of Ethereum’s applications rely on Infura for infrastructure to interact with the Ethereum blockchain, including the Meta Mask browser extension wallet. 

As a result, many of Ethereum's services go offline whenever Infura has an outage. It’s only happened twice in the last few years, but it continues to be a wake-up call for the Ethereum community.  Another big wake-up call has been in Infura’s recent decision to begin blocking access to any services using its technology where the end user lives in a sanctioned country. 

Layer 4: The Blockchain Layer 

The fourth layer of decentralization in cryptocurrency is the Blockchain layer. It’s often the layer that's referred to when you hear or see anything related to decentralization in cryptocurrency. Similarly to the coin or token layer, decentralization at the blockchain layer can look very different depending on the cryptocurrency in question; in some cases, the number of nodes doesn't necessarily matter.

Algorand is an excellent example of this, as its blockchain has thousands of participation nodes involved in consensus. However, all transactions on Algorand are processed by a smaller group of 120 relay nodes, most run by the entities behind Algorand and its affiliates. Some would argue that Algorand is technically decentralized because its relay nodes don't participate in consensus, but others disagree. 

Solana, whose mandate is to support its blockchain's decentralization, security, resilience, and adoption, has over 3,400 validator nodes across six continents, including over 1900 consensus nodes, according to its first-ever “Validator Health Report.” Furthermore, an average of 95 consensus nodes and 99 RPC nodes have joined the network every month since June 2021. A large, diverse set of validator operators are essential to maintain a resilient, distributed and credibly neutral network for global usability.

Image source: Solana

There are 1,900 block-producing nodes on the Solana network, but that doesn’t mean all 1,900 are separate entities running each of these nodes. Several companies have built businesses off of running multiple validators on multiple chains. However, it’s critical for the health of the blockchain that no single entity builds up too much control over the validator network of the chain, even if their running multiple validators.

The Solana Foundation has verified that of 1,915 consensus-producing validators, at least 1,688 (88.14%) are run by independent entities. The remainder may also be independent of each other, but it has yet to be verified. 

The other critical issue is centralized Cloud Computing Services, and almost every cryptocurrency uses servers like Amazon Web Services (AWS) for their Blockchain operations.  The decentralized exchange (DEX) protocol, dYdX, went down during the AWS outage last December, and a handful of other cryptocurrencies were also affected. 

Some crypto projects took the AWS outage as a sign that they must ensure all their validator nodes aren't all relying on the same centralized infrastructure. Others have gone as far as integrating with decentralized cloud providers, like Akash Network.

On another note, AWS and Azure have been guilty of banning or suspending newly established free-speech platforms from their hosting services, leading to some forward-thinking crypto social network platforms building their own independent cloud servers. 

Another centralization issue at the blockchain layer for many crypto projects is the storage of their complete transaction histories. You could have a blockchain with thousands of validators leveraging all kinds of computing services, but if only a handful of them have access to the entire transaction history, it’s possible it may result in transaction manipulation, so it would be difficult to determine that the Blockchain is decentralized. 

Only a few crypto projects have been transparent about how their full transaction history is being stored. One of them is Bitcoin, whose full nodes store its full transaction history. There are currently around 15,000 Bitcoin nodes worldwide, arguably making it the most decentralized at the blockchain layer. 

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Layer 5: The External Layer 

The fifth and final layer of cryptocurrency decentralization is the external layer. As the name suggests, the external layer is everything cryptocurrencies rely on that isn't necessarily exclusive to cryptocurrency. This is where the definition of decentralization gets complicated because the external layer includes websites, internet service providers, and in some cases, financial institutions. 

Websites for almost every crypto project are hosted on a centralized service. Although some crypto projects are okay with it, it creates a real problem for decentralized applications and other interactive Web3 technologies. The world’s leading decentralized exchange, Uniswap, was forced to delist 100 tokens from its interface, which calls its purported decentralization into question. This has prompted other DeFi protocols like Aave to migrate their front ends to decentralized storage solutions, like the Interplanetary File System. (IPFS)

It gets interesting with internet service providers (ISPs) mainly because banning ISPs from allowing their users to access cryptocurrency-related websites, albeit limited to select countries, has proven that it’s possible. Although it’s presumably unlikely to be enforced elsewhere, the worst-case scenario is that we could see governments dictate that ISPs stop serving cryptocurrency miners and validators. Fortunately, Blockchain projects are hoping to decentralize the internet itself using peer-to-peer signals on open-source infrastructure.

Banks also fit into the external layer with their defacto digital dollars. These are the Stablecoins like USDT, USDC, and BUSD and have some of the largest market caps in cryptocurrency. This is because there's always demand for stablecoins, regardless of market conditions. Also, most of the crypto market's trading volume involves stablecoins. And that means they are one of the core technologies that make most of the cryptocurrencies possible in their current form.

This is why a stablecoin crackdown is one of the biggest threats to the crypto industry. All regulators would have to do is restrict access to the reserves backing the stablecoins in circulation, which centralized financial institutions hold. In fact, most of the reserves backing the USDC stablecoin are in the custody of the world's largest asset manager, Blackrock. More about that in a forthcoming article. 

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Which Cryptos Are The Most Decentralized?

According to a survey conducted by Cointelegraph of various experts in the crypto industry, there aren’t any cryptocurrencies that come close to Bitcoin's overall decentralization. Bitcoin is leading the charge because dozens of individuals and institutions are building on Bitcoin. Also, BTC supply is broadly distributed, there's no shortage of infrastructure available to interact with the Bitcoin blockchain, and the Bitcoin blockchain has over 15,000 full reachable nodes. 

Considering the five layers explained above, no cryptocurrency has yet scored ideally on all criteria. Even Bitcoin falls short at the external layer. Also, some believe Ethereum’s decentralized applications are more critical as users can participate in fully-fledged economies, whereas that’s not possible with Bitcoin. 

So we could say Ethereum is a runner-up, along with Monero, but as mentioned above, Ethereum decentralization still seems to be lacking on some layers. As for Monero (XMR), it’s constantly at risk of getting delisted from centralized exchanges due to unreasonable crypto regulations.

It’s evident that most of the more decentralized cryptocurrencies have been around for a long time, and many believe that it’s ultimately ‘time’ that has allowed Bitcoin to decentralize so much. However, technology is evolving at a much faster pace today, and it looks like Solana and Cardano may well be the next runners-up. 

A Lifeline For Emerging Decentralized Social Media and Marketing Platforms.  

This is good news for other sectors like social media, marketing, and digital broadcasting. With all the events and censorship issues around social media and tech giants, given their propensity to ban or suspend their services to individuals and companies that go against their narrative, a decentralized blockchain that can handle large crypto-based communities and be part of a parallel economy is of the utmost importance. 

The crypto and blockchain projects that uphold the interests of entrepreneurs and advocate for free and critical thinking are paving the way. They will ensure that individuals and the developing ecosystems will have the financial freedom, liberty, and sovereignty that is fundamentally our right of passage, which seems to be all but forgotten by the monopolies and so-called authorities and their over-zealous regulations. 



Editor and Chief Markethive: Deb Williams. (Australia) I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech. I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people to accept and move forward with enthusiasm. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.






Also published @ BeforeIt’; Steemit.


Tim Moseley

The Artist that came out of the Winter