When fiction reveals the flaws in well-thought-out plans

When fiction reveals the flaws in well-thought-out plans

In both comedy films and real life, we often encounter situations where meticulously crafted plans fall flat on their faces. This article takes a humorous perspective on the notion that sometimes fiction can be more viable than a supposedly well-thought-out plan. While the focus of this article is the recent decline in gold, it also draws parallels to a comedic dialogue from Men in Black and a plan devised by Chairman Powell to reduce inflation. The common thread is the inherent flaw in assuming success without understanding the full truth behind the processes involved.

Gold has experienced a downward trend over the past two months, culminating in a deep price correction. Currently, gold futures are trading at a low of $1912.30, falling below a critical price support level. The failure to close above the 61.8% Fibonacci retracement suggests a higher probability of gold futures drifting towards $1900 next week, with little support until $1870. This situation highlights the fallibility of well-intentioned plans that overlook critical factors.

A Lesson from The Men in Black

The comedic dialogue in Men in Black's third installment provides an excellent example of the absurd assumptions that can lead to plan failures. When the alpha villain Boris the Animal time travels to Earth seeking revenge, he asks the younger Boris about their plan. The confident response is to prevent the deployment of the ArcNet and eliminate anyone who tries. However, the older Boris humorously points out that despite the seemingly foolproof plan, it ultimately fails. This parallel serve to illustrate the moral of the story—the preposterous assumption that underpinned the plan's flawed nature.

Boris the older animal asks: What's your plan?

The younger Boris responds with absolute certainty saying in a loud and threatening alpha voice… “Prevent the ArcNet from being deployed. Kill anyone who tries!”

It is this response that is overwhelmingly humorous when Boris the Animal says:

The older Boris responds sarcastically saying good plan – didn't work.

Chairman Powell's Plan and Inflation

MarketWatch published an article discussing Chairman Powell's plan to reduce inflation, which, like the fictional dialogue, is riddled with flawed assumptions. While sounding plausible on the surface, the plan lacks the necessary ingredients for success. The article highlights the steps Chairman Powell believes are necessary to address inflationary pressures but reveals that the plan is not yielding the desired outcomes. The flaws in these scenarios arise from incorrect identification of the processes needed to tackle the problems at hand.

The Complex Failure of Well-Thought-Out Plans: Both the fictional dialogue in Men in Black and Chairman Powell's plan exemplify the failure of well-thought-out plans. Despite the initial plausibility, these plans are deeply flawed, leading to improbable outcomes. The article emphasizes the theme of flawed assumptions, which can doom even the most meticulously crafted strategies to failure. While humor in fiction can entertain, it is disconcerting when real-life failures result from incorrect assessments of the problems at hand.

The Federal Reserve's Attempted Solutions

Persistent inflation has prompted global central banks, including the Federal Reserve, to employ interest rate hikes as a means to combat inflationary pressures. However, these rate hikes have failed to achieve their intended effect of lowering core inflation, which remains persistent at levels above 4%. Each rate hike has shown no direct correlation with a reduction in inflation within sectors. The explanation for this planning failure is succinct: "Good plan; didn't work."

In both fictional and real-life scenarios, plans can fall victim to flawed assumptions and incomplete understandings of the underlying processes. The recent decline in gold value serves as a backdrop to highlight the fallibility of well-thought-out plans. By examining the comedic dialogue in Men in Black and Chairman Powell's plan to reduce inflation, we uncover the importance of comprehending the full truth behind a problem before formulating solutions. The failures depicted remind us that the best plans do not always guarantee success when they lack a solid foundation of accurate information and analysis


Gary Wagner

Contributing to kitco.com

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

What’s next for gold price if chances of a recession are ‘slim’ Metals Focus weighs in

What's next for gold price if chances of a recession are 'slim,' Metals Focus weighs in

The resiliency in the U.S. economy is forcing markets to re-price the monetary policy outlook for the rest of the year. And as gold looks to end the month down $65, Metals Focus analyzed how much lower gold can fall in light of stronger-than-expected economic indicators.

Gold is seeing its worst month since February as markets shift expectations, pricing in a nearly 100% chance of a rate hike in July. After kicking off the month above $1,980 an ounce, August Comex gold futures last traded near 3.5-month lows at $1,916.

"After surging to $2,063 in early May, just short of its all-time peak, the yellow metal is now trading closer to $1,900 as some of these expectations have been re-priced," leading precious metals research consultancy Metals Focus said in its latest report.

Central banks worldwide renewed hawkish rhetoric during the first month of the summer, accelerating their inflation fight due to surprisingly strong economic growth, which remained unaffected by the most aggressive hiking cycle in decades.

The latest macro surprise was the final estimate for the U.S. Q1 GDP data that showed the economy growing at 2%, up from the previous estimate of 1.3%.

"The resilience of the U.S. economy so far this year, combined with still sticky core inflation, has led financial markets to re-evaluate both the prospects for the U.S. economy and rates going forward ahead; this, in turn, has triggered a correction in the gold price," said Metals Focus.

Stubborn inflation and a tight labor market mean interest rates could remain high for longer, and rate cuts are likely off the table for this year. This is a key driver for gold for the rest of this year.

The biggest problem with inflation is in the service sector. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell has been raising alarm that the longer inflation remains elevated, the higher the risk of it getting entrenched. "Don't see us getting back to 2% this year or next year," Powell said Wednesday. "The passage of time is not in our favor."

Powell is projecting two or more rate hikes this year, and the markets are starting to get on board, with the CME FedWatch Tool pricing in a nearly 90% chance of a 25-basis-point rate hike in July.

And the Fed is not alone, with the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, and the Swiss National Bank embracing more rate hikes recently. "This highlights that inflation control will remain a priority over economic growth, and so it is unlikely that the Fed will resort to rate cuts aggressively if a recession is avoided," Metals Focus pointed out.

Given the current macro environment, the chances of an outright recession "remain slim," according to the report. The latest leading indicators supporting this view include a tight U.S. labor market and June's consumer confidence data hitting the highest levels since January 2022.

This could spell trouble for gold in the short term, with prices at risk of falling below the $1,900 an ounce level.

"Similar to the boost gold received when interest rate expectations transitioned from a hawkish to dovish stance, we believe that the adjustment to a reality of no cuts for longer will weigh on gold," Metals Focus said. "This has been already evident in the past two weeks as financial markets have completely ruled out rate cuts in 2023, which has seen gold fall below $1,920."

From a technical perspective, gold can drop to $1,730 an ounce, around 10% down from current levels. However, the annual price average for 2023 will likely be at $1,890, Metals Focus added.

The case for holding gold is still intact, the report noted, pointing to geopolitical risks and strong central bank gold demand as drivers limiting the selloff in gold.


Anna Golubova

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

UPDATE: Phase Three of the Markethive Wallet Completed Version Now Installed On Markethive What’s Next?

UPDATE: Phase Three of the Markethive Wallet. Completed Version Now Installed On Markethive. What’s Next?

Since Phase Two of the wallet has been integrated and working successfully since November, it’s time to introduce Phase Three. The completed wallet has been installed on the Markethive site. Phase Three is the final stage of the wallet that is now operational for Entrepreneur One (E1) members in a type of Beta version, if you like, before it officially opens to the Markethive community. 

This is a culmination of 5 years of intense early work to reach this point, and we are on that cusp. E1s can currently view the new look of the wallet, particularly the Hivecoin Report. Markethive’s engineers are now systematizing the other fundamental components needed for a synchronous and successful wallet launch. These are the Entrepreneur One Exchange, Markethive Premium Upgrade, and the PROMOCODE system, housed in the new capture page for MARKETHIVE.NET and is for E1s only. 

The non-E1 KYC-approved members will see the banner announcement pictured below until its full release. They also have the opportunity to upgrade to Entrepreneur One to gain early access and take advantage of all the benefits offered, including becoming a shareholder by securing the ILP (Incentivized Loan Program), which will pay a monthly dividend on the net profit of Markethive’s revenue. 

Google Authentication – 2FA Is Moving

One specific adjustment that Markethive will apply is the 2FA. Instead of it being required to log in to Markethive, the 2FA will be moved to the wallet. KYC Application has also been relocated to the Security section of the wallet. Soon, you will find 2FA with the KYC Application and Wallet Security housed under the Security Tab listed in the wallet. 

Until you activate 2FA Google Authenticator, access to the different wallet functions will be restricted. Many exchanges operate similarly. However, Markethive is more than an exchange, so Markethive’s commitment to getting the KYC, ILP, and the complete back-end security totally polished is of the highest priority. 

Along with this change, new signups will be able to utilize the Markethive tools for a short time (30 days). In other words, give it a test drive. However, they won’t get the airdrop or qualify for the micropayments until they are KYC’d. They will be prompted to complete the KYC/2FA process immediately upon joining Markethive to activate these incentives and gain access to the Hivecoin wallet. Failing to do so will result in the termination of their account after 30 days. This process will eliminate abandoned accounts. 

On a related topic, another change is that old accounts that have not been logged into for an extended period will not be terminated. 

Markethive is delivering a bank, not an exchange per se. We are an ecosystem with Markethive Credits, ILPs, Markethive Tokens, or MHVs, used internally for micropayments and the Hivecoin (HVC) with a total supply of 45 million. All these components have value and are the DNA of Markethive, so its security is paramount. Markethive is also working on eliminating all 3rd parties that could disrupt the operations of Markethive. We have already relocated to our sovereign cloud systems and servers. 

Ultimately when the new dashboard is integrated, very little of Markethive’s systems will operate until you complete KYC and 2FA. It will be mandatory to carry out the KYC process and be approved to access the wallet. In the near future, only KYC-approved members will have access to all the services in Markethive, including free members. Until KYC is approved, free members can only observe and comment on the main news feed. 

It’s important to remember that in Markethive’s case, KYC is for the community’s benefit of knowing who they are engaging with and not for governmental regulations, unlike exchanges and others.  It assures Markethive members that you are a real person, dedicated to honest and transparent relationships in business and socially. The purpose is to have an active, dynamic, and secure “hive of people.” Note that once KYC is approved, the documents uploaded to attain approval are all deleted; Markethive does not keep these documents. 

The short selfie video required in the Markethive KYC protocol is kept for the purpose of retrieving access to your account. In the event that you lose your device and the 2FA app required to utilize your Markethive wallet or any other service that requires KYC, the admin will be able to verify you with the video they have. All you’ll need to do is make a video requesting access to your account with the reason why you lost access. 

The video prerequisite is another layer of security to prevent your account from getting hacked. It also prevents members who have signed up but are not verified from hacking or spoofing.   

Coin Storage and Reports

The wallet has two coin storage balances: the Hot Wallet Balance and the Cold Storage Balance. The cold storage part of the wallet is a very secure one-way system. It requires a tremendous amount of authentication to retrieve coins from the cold storage balance and transfer them to your hot storage balance.  

Members who are KYC-approved but have yet to upgrade to either the Premium Upgrade (coming soon) or the Entrepreneur One (currently available) will have a limited withdrawal amount of 0.01 HVC from their cold storage per day. There will be no limit to sending HVC from your Hot Wallet to your chosen self-custody wallet. (Exodus, Phantom, Atomic, etc.) 

The amount of HVC that can be transferred from cold storage to the hot wallet will be unlimited for the E1s. Markethive recommends that once you’ve moved your coins from cold storage to your hot wallet, you move them into your personal 3rd party wallet. E.g., Exodus, Phantom, Atomic, et al., or whatever you determine what wallet is best for you. 

Hivecoin (HVC) is a Solana token but has not officially had the name assigned yet. E1s with early access who want to give the system a test run will need to acquire a specific type of wallet, set up the Hivecoin Meta address, and give it the name HIVECOIN to list it in that wallet. 

HIVECOIN's META address is: APRXuct2fy7yXeSPcS5r4pTdh6P34xhqj1Pio1dyc1j6

There is a Beta group of E1s currently testing it. However, there has been some difficulty in achieving this for some, at this time, including myself; however, you can try it. The Phantom wallet is recommended for Beta until we reach the threshold of having HVC officially named and available to list on various self-custody wallets.  To learn more about self-custody wallets, go here

Please be aware that this takes time, but once it’s done, it’s set in stone if you like, so it has to be incredibly secure and compliant. It needs to be streamlined before the floodgates open. 

Projects In The Works

Several projects are now in the works and will be timed to release at the end of the 30-day Wallet launch announcement. 

Markethive.net Website and Promocode

One of the components and fundamentals required before the wallet’s final release is the Markethive.net Promocode website. The comprehensive website includes navigational links to white papers on many aspects of Markethive and is exclusive to the Entrepreneur One Status.  

The white papers listed include the Role of Community, Markethive Broadcasting, Business Liability, Inbound Marketing, The ILP,  and the Traffic Report. The E1 members will be given promocodes for an incentive with an offer of the Markethive products, such as The Boost or Wheel of Fortune, impressions, and tokens.

The countdown ticker on the website homepage will align with the official launch of the wallet and be the focus of a marketing campaign prior to the release. 

The Premium Upgrade

The Premium Upgrade is another component on the table to be released at the end of the 30-day countdown to the final launch of the wallet. It is aimed at free members who want to take advantage of the many features and benefits that will accelerate their earnings and results. The upgrade has five price levels starting at $9.95 per month. You can find out more about the Premium Upgrade here

Notably, the revenue generated from the Premium Upgrade initiative is primarily income, meaning the ILP holders can look forward to the dividends of their ILP shares.

The Entrepreneur One Exchange 

Another project in the works is the E1 Exchange. (E1X) Upon the final launch of the wallet, the Entrepreneur One Upgrade will not be available for any new or free members from the Markethive administration. However, they can be acquired through our E1X. Here are the preliminary specifications for sellers and buyers. 

Seller Specifications

  • The seller must have an active Entrepreneur One or more than one to sell.
  • The seller can only list E1 accounts singularly. Cannot sell E1s in batches of 2 or more.
  • The seller sets a reserve price. If the reserve price is met by bid or offer, the E1 sells.
  • When an E1 account sells, it automatically transfers to the buyer.
  • When an E1 transfers, it does not include the already earned ILPs or coins.
  • When an E1 sells, it does carry the earned months toward the ILP yearly award.
  • The seller decides what currency is accepted.
  • The currency the seller can set is Markethive Credits, Hivecoin, Bitcoin, and Solana.
  • Listed E1s for sale reveal the earned months towards the ILP yearly reward.
  • The seller decides to run an auction, buy it now, or both.
  • The seller decides to set a "reserve" or “Buy It Now” price or no reserve open offer.
  • Auction bids run for seven days.
  • Buy it now runs for ten days.

Buyer Specifications

  • The buyer must be KYC approved.
  • The buyer can bid against others bidding in an auction.
  • The buyer can make an offer if the auction has no previous bids.
  • If the offer meets the reserve or exceeds, the sale occurs.
  • All sales are final.

Site Specifics

  • New sale offers list at the top. Most recent first, oldest last.
  • Listing can be sorted with the lowest price
  • Listing can be sorted with the highest price

As the Markethive community, we must understand that Markethive’s services, vault loads, accounting, security, and privacy, are all found in the wallet. So Thomas has made a draft video for the new up-to-date wallet. 


What’s Next?

  • The "new" News Feed
  • Our own Web Conference Rooms
  • The "new" PageMaker
  • The "new" Dash Board

Markethive’s Proactive Innovation (AI)

On another crucial topic, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become more prominent and prolific recently, with many unwittingly enamored by the concept. However, the reality is, it’s a double-edged sword for humanity that could bring about significant positives and disastrous consequences. The risk of bad actors using it to create chaos, increase the spread of propaganda and untruth, and even seize all computing and weapons systems is very real and extremely dangerous. The threat of AI taking on a life of itself is staggering.  

CEO of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast, expressed that you will not see artificial intelligence at Markethive! In a very heartfelt message, he explained that it is ungodly, threatens your well-being, and seriously violates your privacy and security!

What will you find?

Proactive Innovation.

“Think of it as advanced robotic systems, very complex and sophisticated capabilities controlled by you. Or a limited (AI secured) within the confines of our programming and only developed to produce the results of a well-oiled social network of entrepreneurs who gain and affect the entire Hive. (like our coming NEW newsfeed). 

You will be able to configure and control your algorithm. Your search criteria and activity will never be captured nor sold by us at Markethive. Because you alone control it, and it is yours alone, secured and protected here at the Hive.

This is the message I received in the last few months from prayer, the innovative intuition that has been and will always be the engine at Markethive. Our artificial intelligence is Jesus Christ. Our artificial intelligence environment is the members of Markethive as a community embracing the spiritual solution to the false god of artificial intelligence.  

Hive technology uses the Hive community to shape our technologies to embrace our environment, chart our course and perceptions, and solve our problems with the singular goal of serving the Lord.”

In closing

There will be notifications and floating banners (above) to provide ample awareness of when the 30-day countdown for the official launch of the wallet will commence. That will be your last chance to secure lifetime residual returns with the Entrepreneur One Upgrade with ILP shares. 

All updates and orchestrations are discussed at the Markethive meetings every Sunday at 10 am Mountain Time. (MST)  You can keep yourself up to date with the latest news and developments of Markethive as they happen. To access the meeting room, go to the Markethive Calendar and click on the link provided.

We are so blessed to be part of Markethive as it stands tall and robust, providing a sanctuary for all entrepreneurs in such a dark world. Light will prevail, and Markethive will thrive and prosper to uplift and free every living soul into a life of whole-hearted humanity and abundance on every level. Exciting times are just around the corner. Praise the Lord, our Divine Architect. The fruits of the harvest with the best of humane technology will be at Markethive. You wouldn’t want to be anywhere else! 



Editor and Chief Markethive: Deb Williams. (Australia) I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech. I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people to accept and move forward with enthusiasm. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.





Also published @ BeforeIt’sNews.com; Steemit.com; Substack.com


Tim Moseley

Finding Wholeness in an Overwhelmed World: Tips and Strategies

Finding Wholeness in an Overwhelmed World: Tips and Strategies

Finding wholeness in an overwhelmed world can be challenging, especially in today's fast-paced society where people are constantly bombarded with information and distractions. Many individuals struggle to balance their personal and professional lives, leading to feelings of stress, anxiety, and burnout. However, there are ways to achieve a sense of wholeness and balance in life, even amidst the chaos.

One approach to finding wholeness is to focus on self-care and personal growth. This involves taking time to prioritize one's physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It may include activities such as exercise, meditation, therapy, or pursuing hobbies and interests. By investing in oneself, individuals can improve their overall quality of life and feel more grounded and centered.

Another key aspect of finding wholeness is to identify and align with one's values and purpose. This involves reflecting on what truly matters in life and working towards goals that are meaningful and fulfilling. When individuals have a clear sense of direction and purpose, they are better able to make decisions that align with their values and lead to a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

The Journey Towards Wholeness

Understanding the Concept of Wholeness

Wholeness is a state of being complete or undivided. It is a sense of inner peace and satisfaction that comes from living a life that is true to oneself. To achieve wholeness, one must integrate all aspects of their being, including their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual selves. This involves developing a deep understanding of oneself, identifying one's values, and aligning one's actions with those values.

Wholeness is not a destination but a journey. It is a continuous process of growth and self-discovery. It requires one to be open to change, to embrace challenges, and to learn from experiences. The journey towards wholeness can be challenging, but it is also rewarding. It allows one to live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

The Importance of the Journey

The journey towards wholeness is important because it helps individuals to discover their purpose and aspirations in life. It allows them to live a life that is true to themselves and to their values. It also helps individuals to develop a sense of resilience and inner strength that can help them navigate through difficult times.

The journey towards wholeness can take many forms. It may involve exploring one's spirituality, developing healthy habits, pursuing personal interests, or seeking out new experiences. It may also involve seeking out support from others, such as friends, family, or a therapist.

In conclusion, the journey towards wholeness is an ongoing process that involves integrating all aspects of oneself and aligning one's actions with one's values. It is a journey that requires openness to change, a willingness to learn from experiences, and a commitment to personal growth. The journey towards wholeness can be challenging, but it is also rewarding and can lead to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Overcoming the Overwhelm

Feeling overwhelmed is a common experience in today's fast-paced world. However, it can be challenging to find wholeness when you are struggling with this feeling. In this section, we will explore how to recognize overwhelm and provide six tips to manage it.

Recognizing Overwhelm

The first step in overcoming overwhelm is to recognize it. Overwhelm can manifest in many ways, including feeling stressed out, anxious, or unable to focus. It can also lead to physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and digestive issues.

Recognizing overwhelm is important because it allows you to take action before it becomes too much to handle. Some common causes of overwhelm include having too much on your plate, feeling like you have no control over your life, or trying to meet unrealistic expectations.

Six Tips to Manage Overwhelm

  1. Prioritize: When you have too much on your plate, it can be helpful to prioritize your tasks. Make a list of what needs to be done and then rank them in order of importance. This will help you focus on what is most critical and reduce the feeling of overwhelm.

  2. Practice Self-Care: Taking care of yourself is essential when you are feeling overwhelmed. This can include getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in regular exercise. Self-care can also involve taking breaks throughout the day to relax and recharge.

  3. Set Boundaries: It's essential to set boundaries to prevent overwhelm. This can include saying no to commitments that don't align with your priorities or values. It can also involve limiting your exposure to stressful situations or people.

  4. Simplify: Simplifying your life can help reduce overwhelm. This can include decluttering your space, simplifying your schedule, or reducing your social media use. Simplifying can help you focus on what is most important and reduce distractions.

  5. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness can help you manage overwhelm by bringing your attention to the present moment. This can include meditation, deep breathing, or simply taking a few moments to focus on your surroundings.

  6. Seek Support: Finally, it's essential to seek support when you are feeling overwhelmed. This can include talking to a trusted friend or family member, seeking professional help, or joining a support group.

By recognizing overwhelm and implementing these six tips, you can manage the feeling of overwhelm and find wholeness in an overwhelmed world.

The Role of Mind, Body, and Spirit

In today's fast-paced and overwhelming world, finding wholeness can be challenging. However, it is essential to balance the mind, body, and spirit to achieve a happy and fulfilled life. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in achieving overall wellness.

Mind: The Power of Focus

The mind is a powerful tool that can either work for or against an individual. It is essential to cultivate a positive mindset and focus on the present moment. This can be achieved through mindfulness practices such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga. By focusing on the present moment, an individual can reduce stress and improve their mental well-being.

Body: Physical Health and Energy

The body is the physical vessel that carries an individual through life. Taking care of the body is essential to achieve overall wellness. This can be achieved through regular exercise, a healthy diet, and adequate sleep. Exercise not only improves physical health but also releases endorphins that boost mood and energy levels. A healthy diet provides the body with the necessary nutrients to function optimally, while adequate sleep allows the body to rest and recharge.

Spirit: Finding Peace and Joy

The spirit is the essence of a person's being, and it is essential to nurture it to achieve overall wellness. This can be achieved through spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, and gratitude. By cultivating a sense of peace and joy within, an individual can reduce stress and improve their mental and emotional well-being.

In conclusion, achieving overall wellness requires a balance of the mind, body, and spirit. By focusing on mindfulness practices, physical health, and spiritual practices, an individual can achieve wholeness in an overwhelmed world.

Emotional and Social Aspects of Wholeness

Understanding Your Emotions

Emotions play a crucial role in our daily lives. Understanding your emotions is a vital aspect of finding wholeness in an overwhelmed world. It is essential to acknowledge and accept your emotions, whether positive or negative, to achieve emotional completeness. Suppressing emotions can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

To understand your emotions, you need to identify them and express them in a healthy way. You can do this by journaling, talking to a trusted friend or family member, or seeking professional help from a therapist. Once you have identified your emotions, you can work on managing them through techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and deep breathing exercises.

Building Healthy Relationships

Building healthy relationships is another crucial aspect of finding wholeness in an overwhelmed world. Social support is essential for emotional well-being and can help reduce stress levels. Healthy relationships can provide a sense of belonging, love, and support, which are necessary for emotional completeness.

To build healthy relationships, you need to be open and honest with your loved ones. Communication is the key to any healthy relationship. It is essential to express your thoughts and feelings in a constructive way and to listen actively to your loved ones. Building trust and respect is also crucial for healthy relationships. You can do this by being reliable, keeping your promises, and respecting your loved ones' boundaries.

In conclusion, finding wholeness in an overwhelmed world requires a focus on emotional and social aspects. Understanding your emotions and building healthy relationships are essential for achieving emotional completeness. By acknowledging and expressing your emotions in a healthy way and building healthy relationships, you can achieve a sense of balance and harmony in your life.

The Importance of Self-Care and Discipline

Finding wholeness in an overwhelmed world can be challenging. This is why it is important to prioritize self-care and discipline. Self-care is the practice of taking care of one's physical, emotional, and mental health. Discipline is the ability to consistently adhere to a set of rules or principles. Together, self-care and discipline can help individuals achieve a greater sense of well-being and balance.

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Practicing Self-Care

Self-care is essential for maintaining good health and preventing burnout. It involves taking time to prioritize one's physical, emotional, and mental needs. This can include activities such as exercise, meditation, spending time in nature, or simply taking a break to relax and recharge. By prioritizing self-care, individuals can reduce stress, improve their mood, and boost their overall sense of well-being.

Developing Discipline

Discipline is another important aspect of finding wholeness in an overwhelmed world. It can be challenging to consistently adhere to a set of rules or principles, but doing so can help individuals achieve their goals and maintain a sense of balance. Developing discipline can involve setting clear goals, creating a routine, and holding oneself accountable for following through on commitments. By developing discipline, individuals can build resilience and increase their ability to handle stress.


Rest is another essential component of self-care and discipline. It is important to take breaks, get enough sleep, and allow oneself time to relax and recharge. Rest can help individuals reduce stress, improve their mood, and increase their overall sense of well-being. By prioritizing rest, individuals can increase their productivity and reduce the risk of burnout.

In conclusion, finding wholeness in an overwhelmed world can be challenging, but prioritizing self-care and discipline can help. By practicing self-care, developing discipline, and prioritizing rest, individuals can achieve a greater sense of balance and well-being.

Dealing with Disappointment and Criticism

Handling Disappointment

Dealing with disappointment can be challenging, especially in an overwhelmed world. Disappointment can lead to feelings of sadness, loss, and discomfort. It can create a painful gap between our expectations and reality [1]. However, it is important to learn how to handle disappointment in a healthy way to avoid negative consequences.

One way to handle disappointment is to acknowledge and accept the feelings associated with it. It is okay to feel disappointed, and it is important to allow yourself to feel the emotions associated with it. It is also helpful to reframe the situation and look for the positive aspects. For example, if someone did not get a job they were hoping for, they can focus on the skills and experience they gained through the interview process [1].

Another way to handle disappointment is to practice self-care. This can include activities such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones. It is important to take care of oneself both physically and mentally to avoid falling into a negative spiral of disappointment.

Responding to Criticism

Criticism can also be difficult to handle, especially if it is unfair or unjustified. However, it is important to learn how to respond to criticism in a healthy way to avoid negative consequences. One way to respond to criticism is to listen carefully to the feedback and try to understand where it is coming from. It is important to avoid becoming defensive and instead try to see the situation from the other person's perspective [3].

Another way to respond to criticism is to use it as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Criticism can be a valuable tool for learning and development. Instead of taking it personally, it is important to try to learn from it and use it to improve oneself or one's work [2].

It is also important to set boundaries when responding to criticism. It is okay to respectfully decline criticism that is hurtful or unfair. It is important to communicate clearly and assertively to ensure that one's boundaries are respected [3].

In conclusion, dealing with disappointment and criticism can be challenging, but it is important to learn how to handle them in a healthy way. By acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, practicing self-care, listening carefully to feedback, using criticism as an opportunity for growth, and setting boundaries, one can learn to respond to disappointment and criticism in a positive way.


  1. Psychology Today
  2. The Ladders
  3. Indeed

Strategic Planning for Wholeness

Setting Realistic Expectations

When it comes to finding wholeness in an overwhelmed world, setting realistic expectations is crucial. Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment, frustration, and even burnout. It is important to understand that finding wholeness is a journey, and it takes time and effort.

One way to set realistic expectations is to start small. Instead of trying to change everything at once, focus on making small changes that can lead to big results over time. For example, start by incorporating mindfulness practices into your daily routine, such as taking a few minutes to meditate or practicing deep breathing exercises.

Another way to set realistic expectations is to be kind to yourself. Recognize that you are doing the best you can, and that it is okay to make mistakes. Remember that finding wholeness is not about being perfect, but about making progress and learning from your experiences.

Strategic Planning for Success

Strategic planning can help you achieve your goals and find wholeness in an overwhelmed world. One way to create a strategic plan is to start by defining your goals. What does wholeness mean to you? What specific areas of your life do you want to improve?

Once you have defined your goals, create a plan of action. Break your goals down into smaller, manageable steps, and create a timeline for achieving them. Consider using a planner or calendar to help you stay organized and on track.

It is also important to identify potential obstacles and develop strategies for overcoming them. For example, if you struggle with finding time for self-care, consider scheduling it into your daily routine or enlisting the help of a friend or family member.

By setting realistic expectations and creating a strategic plan for success, you can find wholeness in an overwhelmed world. Remember to be kind to yourself, and celebrate your progress along the way.

The Role of Personal Development

In an overwhelmed world, finding wholeness can be challenging. Personal development is an essential tool that can help individuals achieve balance and harmony in their lives. Personal development involves self-assessment and growth, celebrating successes, and continuous learning.

Self-Assessment and Growth

Personal development starts with self-assessment. Individuals need to take the time to reflect on their strengths, weaknesses, values, and goals. Self-assessment helps individuals identify areas in their lives that need improvement and areas that they excel in. It also helps individuals set realistic goals and develop a plan to achieve them.

Growth is an essential aspect of personal development. Individuals need to be willing to learn and grow continuously. Personal growth involves stepping out of one's comfort zone, taking calculated risks, and embracing new challenges. Growth is a continuous process that requires commitment, dedication, and hard work.

Celebrating Successes

Celebrating successes is an essential part of personal development. Individuals need to acknowledge and celebrate their achievements, no matter how small they may be. Celebrating successes helps individuals build confidence, motivation, and a sense of accomplishment. It also helps individuals stay focused and motivated to achieve their goals.

Celebrating successes can take many forms, such as treating oneself to a favorite meal, taking a day off, or sharing the achievement with loved ones. Celebrating successes helps individuals appreciate their hard work and motivates them to continue working towards their goals.

In conclusion, personal development is an essential tool that can help individuals find wholeness in an overwhelmed world. Self-assessment and growth, celebrating successes, and continuous learning are essential aspects of personal development. By committing to personal development, individuals can achieve balance, harmony, and success in their lives.

Conclusion: Finding Balance and Harmony

In an overwhelmed world, finding balance and harmony can be a challenging task. However, it is essential for achieving wholeness and well-being.

Balance refers to the state of equilibrium between different aspects of life, such as work and personal life, physical and mental health, and social and individual needs. Achieving balance requires prioritizing self-care and setting boundaries to avoid burnout.

Harmony, on the other hand, is the state of complete agreement and cooperation between different elements. It involves finding common ground, resolving conflicts, and embracing diversity. Achieving harmony requires open-mindedness, empathy, and effective communication skills.

Complete harmony is the ultimate goal of finding wholeness. It involves integrating all aspects of life into a cohesive and meaningful whole. This requires self-awareness, self-acceptance, and a willingness to grow and change.

To find balance and harmony, one must start by identifying their values, priorities, and goals. Then, they can create a plan that aligns with their vision of wholeness. This plan may include self-care practices, boundary-setting, conflict resolution strategies, and communication skills training.

It is important to remember that finding balance and harmony is a continuous process. It requires ongoing self-reflection, self-correction, and self-improvement. However, with dedication, patience, and the right mindset, anyone can achieve wholeness and well-being.

Tim Moseley

How to Reverse Self-Doubt: Understanding What Makes Us Doubt Ourselves

How to Reverse Self-Doubt: Understanding What Makes Us Doubt Ourselves

Self-doubt is a common feeling that many people experience at some point in their lives. It can be triggered by a variety of factors, including past failures, negative self-talk, and a lack of confidence. Self-doubt can be a significant obstacle to personal growth and success, as it can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

Psychologists suggest that self-doubt can be caused by a lack of confidence in one's abilities or a fear of failure. When individuals doubt their abilities, they may avoid taking risks and pursuing opportunities that could lead to personal growth and success. Over time, this can lead to a downward spiral of negative self-talk and feelings of inadequacy.

Fortunately, there are several strategies that individuals can use to overcome self-doubt and build confidence. These strategies include cultivating self-worth, building on one's strengths, and using positive self-talk. By learning to recognize and challenge negative self-talk, individuals can begin to build a more positive and confident mindset. With time and practice, individuals can develop the skills and confidence they need to overcome self-doubt and achieve their goals.

Understanding Self-Doubt

Self-doubt is a common experience that can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background. It is a feeling of uncertainty or lack of confidence in oneself and one's abilities. Understanding the origins of self-doubt and its various manifestations can help individuals overcome this challenging emotion.

Origins of Self-Doubt

Self-doubt can have its roots in childhood experiences, where negative feedback or criticism from a parent or authority figure can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. Past experiences of failure or rejection can also contribute to self-doubt, creating a self-fulfilling cycle of negative thoughts and beliefs.

Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is a type of self-doubt that is characterized by feelings of inadequacy and a fear of being exposed as a fraud. It is common among high-achieving individuals who doubt their own abilities and feel like they don't deserve their success. Imposter syndrome can be particularly challenging to overcome, as it often involves deeply ingrained beliefs and thought patterns.

Fear and Uncertainty

Fear and uncertainty are also common triggers for self-doubt. Fear of failure or rejection can lead individuals to doubt their abilities and avoid taking risks. Uncertainty about the future or a lack of control over a situation can also contribute to feelings of self-doubt.

Overall, understanding the origins of self-doubt and its various manifestations can help individuals overcome this challenging emotion. By identifying the root causes of self-doubt and challenging negative thoughts and beliefs, individuals can learn to trust in their abilities and regain their confidence.

Effects of Self-Doubt

Self-doubt can have a significant impact on an individual's mental health, performance, success, and relationships. In this section, we will explore the effects of self-doubt in more detail.

Effects on Mental Health

Self-doubt can lead to a range of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Individuals who experience self-doubt may constantly worry about their abilities, leading to feelings of inadequacy and negative self-talk. This can create a cycle of self-doubt and negative thoughts, which can be difficult to break.

Impact on Performance and Success

Self-doubt can also impact an individual's performance and success. When an individual doubts their abilities, they may be less likely to take risks or pursue opportunities that could lead to success. This can limit their potential and prevent them from achieving their goals.

Influence on Relationships

Self-doubt can also have an impact on an individual's relationships. When an individual doubts themselves, they may struggle to form connections with others or maintain healthy relationships. This can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, which can further exacerbate their self-doubt.

In summary, self-doubt can have a range of negative effects on an individual's mental health, performance, success, and relationships. It is important to address self-doubt and work to build confidence and self-esteem to overcome these challenges.

Identifying Self-Doubt

Self-doubt can be a hindrance to personal growth and success, but it can also be an opportunity for growth and self-improvement. Identifying self-doubt is the first step in overcoming it. This section will explore some of the ways to recognize self-doubt.

Recognizing Negative Self-Talk

Negative self-talk is a common form of self-doubt. It can take many forms, such as criticizing oneself, dwelling on past mistakes, or focusing on perceived flaws. Negative self-talk can be a vicious cycle that reinforces feelings of self-doubt. Recognizing negative self-talk is the first step in breaking the cycle. One way to do this is to pay attention to one's thoughts and feelings and notice when they are self-critical or negative.

Acknowledging Insecurities

Insecurities are another common source of self-doubt. Everyone has insecurities, but they can be particularly damaging when they are allowed to control one's thoughts and actions. Acknowledging one's insecurities is an important step in overcoming self-doubt. One way to do this is to make a list of one's insecurities and examine them objectively. It can also be helpful to talk to a trusted friend or therapist about one's insecurities.

Noticing Procrastination

Procrastination is often a symptom of self-doubt. When one doubts one's abilities, it can be tempting to put off tasks or projects. Noticing when one is procrastinating can be a clue that self-doubt is at play. One way to combat procrastination is to break tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. This can help build confidence and reduce feelings of self-doubt.


Overachievement can also be a sign of self-doubt. When one doubts one's abilities, it can be tempting to try to compensate by overachieving. Overachievement can be a way to prove one's worth, but it can also be a form of self-sabotage. Noticing when one is overachieving can be a clue that self-doubt is at play. One way to combat overachievement is to set realistic goals and celebrate small victories along the way.

In summary, identifying self-doubt is an important step in overcoming it. Recognizing negative self-talk, acknowledging insecurities, noticing procrastination, and overachievement are all signs that self-doubt may be at play. By paying attention to these clues, one can begin to break the cycle of self-doubt and move towards personal growth and success.

Psychological Aspects of Self-Doubt

Self-doubt is a common psychological phenomenon that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. It can be triggered by various factors, including anxiety, depression, social media, and comparisons with others. Understanding the psychological aspects of self-doubt can help individuals identify the root causes of their self-doubt and take steps to overcome it.

Role of Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental health issues that can lead to self-doubt. Anxiety can cause individuals to doubt their abilities, decisions, and actions, while depression can make them feel worthless and incapable of achieving their goals. These negative thoughts can create a vicious cycle of self-doubt that can be difficult to break.

Impact of Social Media

Social media has become an integral part of modern life, but it can also contribute to self-doubt. Social media platforms are often filled with images of perfect lives, perfect bodies, and perfect relationships, which can make individuals feel inadequate and inferior. The constant comparison to others can lead to self-doubt and a negative self-image.

Effects of Comparison

Comparison is a natural human tendency, but it can also be a significant source of self-doubt. When individuals compare themselves to others, they often focus on their perceived flaws and shortcomings, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. It is essential to remember that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and comparing oneself to others is not a fair or accurate measure of one's worth.

In conclusion, self-doubt can be a challenging issue to overcome, but understanding the psychological aspects of self-doubt can help individuals identify the root causes of their self-doubt and take steps to overcome it. By recognizing the role of anxiety and depression, the impact of social media, and the effects of comparison, individuals can develop a more positive self-image and improve their self-confidence.

Overcoming Self-Doubt

Self-doubt can be a significant obstacle to achieving success. However, it is possible to overcome it with the right strategies. In this section, we will discuss some effective ways to reverse self-doubt and move forward with confidence.

Building Confidence

One of the most important steps in overcoming self-doubt is building confidence. Confidence is the belief in one's abilities and qualities. To build confidence, one must focus on their strengths and accomplishments. It is essential to recognize and celebrate small victories along the way.

Another way to build confidence is through positive self-talk. Negative self-talk can be a significant contributor to self-doubt. Instead, one should focus on positive self-talk, which involves replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. This can be accomplished by creating positive affirmations and repeating them daily.

Setting and Achieving Goals

Setting and achieving goals is another effective way to overcome self-doubt. Goals give direction and purpose, and they help to measure progress. When setting goals, it is important to make them specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. This is known as the SMART goal-setting framework.

Once goals are set, it is essential to break them down into smaller, more manageable tasks. This makes it easier to achieve them and builds confidence along the way. Celebrating small victories can also help to keep motivation high.

Embracing Mistakes and Setbacks

Mistakes and setbacks are a natural part of the learning process. Embracing them can help to overcome self-doubt. When mistakes are made, it is essential to learn from them and move forward. This helps to build resilience and confidence.

It is also important to remember that setbacks are not failures. They are merely challenges that need to be overcome. When setbacks occur, it is essential to evaluate what went wrong and create a plan to move forward.

By embracing mistakes and setbacks, one can learn from them and become a better version of themselves.

In conclusion, overcoming self-doubt is possible. By building confidence, setting and achieving goals, and embracing mistakes and setbacks, one can move forward with confidence and achieve success.

Strategies to Combat Self-Doubt

Self-doubt can be debilitating and hinder one's ability to achieve their goals. Fortunately, there are strategies that can help combat self-doubt and promote a positive mindset.

Positive Affirmations and Mindset

One effective strategy to combat self-doubt is to practice positive affirmations and cultivate a growth mindset. Positive affirmations are statements that reinforce positive beliefs and can help to rewire negative thought patterns. By repeating positive affirmations, one can begin to shift their mindset towards a more positive outlook.

Additionally, cultivating a growth mindset can help individuals view challenges as opportunities for growth and development. This mindset emphasizes the belief that one's abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. By focusing on growth and progress, individuals can combat self-doubt and build self-confidence.

Exercise and Well-being

Physical exercise has been shown to have numerous benefits for mental health and well-being. Regular exercise can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and boost self-esteem. By incorporating regular exercise into their routine, individuals can combat self-doubt and improve their overall well-being.

Additionally, practicing self-care and prioritizing one's own well-being can help to combat self-doubt. This can include activities such as meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature. By taking time to care for themselves, individuals can build resilience and improve their ability to cope with self-doubt.

Therapy and Professional Help

In some cases, self-doubt may be a symptom of an underlying mental health condition such as anxiety or depression. In these cases, seeking professional help from a therapist or mental health professional may be necessary.

Therapy can provide individuals with tools and strategies to combat self-doubt and improve their overall mental health. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one approach that has been shown to be effective in treating self-doubt and negative thought patterns. By working with a therapist, individuals can gain a better understanding of their self-doubt and develop strategies to overcome it.

Overall, there are a variety of strategies that can help individuals combat self-doubt and build self-confidence. By practicing positive affirmations, prioritizing their well-being, and seeking professional help when necessary, individuals can overcome self-doubt and achieve their goals.

Maintaining Confidence and Growth

To overcome self-doubt, it's important to maintain confidence and growth. This involves continuously learning and practicing self-compassion, embracing challenges, and dealing with criticism.

Continuous Learning and Self-Compassion

Continuous learning is essential for growth. Learning new skills and knowledge can boost confidence and help individuals feel more capable and competent. It's important to set realistic goals and work towards them step by step. Celebrating small successes along the way can help build confidence and motivation.

Self-compassion is also important for maintaining confidence and growth. Individuals should treat themselves with kindness and understanding, just as they would treat a friend. This involves recognizing and accepting personal limitations and mistakes, and learning from them without judgment.

Embracing Challenges

Embracing challenges is another way to maintain confidence and growth. Taking on new challenges and stepping out of one's comfort zone can help build resilience and self-confidence. Individuals should focus on the process rather than the outcome, and view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

Dealing with Criticism

Criticism can be difficult to handle, especially when it's directed towards oneself. However, learning how to deal with criticism is essential for maintaining confidence and growth. Individuals should try to view criticism as constructive feedback, and use it as an opportunity to learn and improve. It's important to remain open-minded and not take criticism personally.

In summary, maintaining confidence and growth involves continuous learning and self-compassion, embracing challenges, and dealing with criticism. By practicing these skills, individuals can overcome self-doubt and build a strong sense of self-confidence and self-worth.


Self-doubt is a common experience that affects people from all walks of life. It can hold individuals back from achieving their full potential and lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. However, there are ways to overcome self-doubt and build confidence.

One of the most important steps to overcoming self-doubt is to identify the beliefs that underpin it. By examining the negative thoughts and assumptions that contribute to self-doubt, individuals can challenge and reframe them. This can involve questioning the evidence for negative beliefs, looking for alternative explanations, and focusing on strengths and accomplishments.

Another effective strategy for overcoming self-doubt is to take action towards one's goals. This can involve breaking down larger goals into smaller, more manageable steps, and celebrating progress along the way. By taking action, individuals can build confidence and develop a sense of mastery over their lives.

In addition to these strategies, individuals can also benefit from seeking support from others. This can involve reaching out to friends, family, or a professional therapist for guidance and encouragement. By connecting with others, individuals can gain perspective, receive feedback, and build a sense of community.

Ultimately, overcoming self-doubt requires persistence, patience, and a willingness to take risks. It involves challenging negative beliefs, taking action towards one's goals, and seeking support from others. By doing so, individuals can build confidence, achieve success, and live a more fulfilling life.

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Tim Moseley

Bearish technicals limit buying interest in gold silver

Bearish technicals limit buying interest in gold, silver

Gold and silver prices are modestly down in midday U.S. trading Wednesday, with gold notching a 3.5-month low overnight. A lack of markets-moving fundamental news at mid-week has traders focused more on the analytical charts for the precious metals, which are leaning bearish. August gold was last down $3.50 at $1,920.30 and July silver was down $0.095 at $22.865.

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde, Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey and Bank of Japan Governor Kazuo Ueda took part in a panel discussion at an ECB forum on central banking that took place in Portugal today. The central bankers made no surprising comments that were significant markets-movers.

Asian and European stock markets were mixed overnight. U.S. stock indexes are mixed at midday. Risk aversion has eased at mid-week following the weekend insurrection in Russia that was quickly quelled. Quieter summertime trading ahead of the major U.S. Independence Day holiday next Tuesday seems to the feature at present.

  State Street Global Advisors sees healthy demand for gold and investors are getting younger

The key outside markets today see the U.S. dollar index solidly higher. Nymex crude oil prices are solidly up and trading around $69.50 a barrel. Meantime, the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury note yield is presently fetching 3.731%.

Technically, August gold futures prices hit a 3.5-month low today. Bears have the overall near-term technical advantage. Prices are in a seven-week-old downtrend on the daily bar chart. Bulls’ next upside price objective is to produce a close above solid resistance at $2,000.00. Bears' next near-term downside price objective is pushing futures prices below solid technical support at $1,900.00. First resistance is seen at $1,930.00 and then at this week’s high of $1,943.40. First support is seen at today’s low of 1,911.40 and then at $1,900.00. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 4.0.

July silver futures bears have the overall near-term technical advantage. A choppy, seven-week-old price downtrend is in place on the daily bar chart. Silver bulls' next upside price objective is closing prices above solid technical resistance at $24.00. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid support at $21.00. First resistance is seen at this week’s high of $23.15 and then at $23.50. Next support is seen at this week’s low of $22.435 and then at the June low of $22.14. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 4.0.

July N.Y. copper closed down 470 points at 372.35 cents today. Prices closed nearer the session low today and hit a three-week low. The copper bears have the overall near-term technical advantage. Copper bulls' next upside price objective is pushing and closing prices above solid technical resistance at the June high of 396.70 cents. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at the May low of 354.50 cents. First resistance is seen at today’s high of 278.10 cents and then at this week’s high of 383.60 cents. First support is seen at today’s low of 369.60 cents and then at 365.00 cents. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 4.0.


Jim Wyckoff

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

US durable goods beat expectations in May gold price erases early-morning gains

U.S. durable goods beat expectations in May, gold price erases early-morning gains

The gold market erased its early-morning gains after the newly released data showed that orders for long-lasting U.S. factory goods were up 1.7% in May versus the expected decrease of 1%.

The monthly increase in durable goods orders was $4.9 billion and was largely driven by transportation equipment that was up for the third consecutive month, the U.S. Census Bureau said in the report.

The core durable goods section, which excludes the volatile transportation sector, was up 0.6% in May versus the expected drop of 0.1%. Excluding defense, new orders rose 3%.

The government’s durables report covers items with an expected life of at least three years, such as kitchen appliances, computers, furniture, autos, and airplanes. Economists carefully watch the data for signs of where the economy might be heading.

Despite the stronger-than-expected report, analysts still see weakness in investment to come.

“The wider evidence still suggests that business equipment investment has further to fall,” said Capital Economics deputy chief U.S. economist Andrew Hunter. “While the drag from higher rates on residential investment appears to be fading, we still think the hit to business investment has further to run.”

Following the release, gold declined, with upbeat economic data confirming the Federal Reserve's potential 25-basis-point rate increase in July. August Comex gold futures last traded at $1,933.70, down 0.01% on the day.


Anna Golubova

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

Gold silver see mild safe-haven demand after Russia revolt

Gold, silver see mild safe-haven demand after Russia revolt

Gold and silver prices are higher, with silver solidly up, in midday U.S. trading Monday. Some safe-haven buying is featured following an aborted insurrection in Russia over the weekend that has left the nuclear armed nation’s military destabilized and has the rest of the world wondering what happens next. August gold was last up $5.50 at $1,935.20 and July silver was up $0.521 at $22.875.

Geopolitics is back on the front burner of the marketplace following the weekend coup attempt in Russia that has at least temporarily been averted. Still, risk aversion is a bit higher to start the trading week. It’s apparent to most that Russian President Putin has seen his once-powerful authoritarian grip on his country loosened significantly, which has likely destabilized the Russian military. The marketplace will continue watching this situation very closely as its geopolitical implications are huge.

Global stock markets were mostly lower overnight. U.S. stock indexes are mostly weaker at midday.

The key outside markets today see the U.S. dollar index slightly weaker. Nymex crude oil prices are firmer and trading around $69.75 a barrel. Meantime, the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury note yield is presently fetching 3.719%.

Technically, August gold futures were up $6.30 at $1,936.00 in afternoon trading and near mid-range. Short covering was featured after prices hit a 13-week low last Friday. Bears have the slight overall near-term technical advantage. Prices are in a six-week-old downtrend on the daily bar chart. Bulls’ next upside price objective is to produce a close above solid resistance at $2,000.00. Bears' next near-term downside price objective is pushing futures prices below solid technical support at $1,900.00. First resistance is seen at $1,950.00 and then at $1,960.00. First support is seen at last week’s low of 1,919.50 and then at $1,910.00. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 4.5.

July silver futures were up $0.523 at $22.88 at midday and near the session high. Short covering was seen after prices hit a three-month low last Friday. The silver bears still have the overall near-term technical advantage. A choppy, six-week old price downtrend is in place on the daily bar chart. Silver bulls' next upside price objective is closing prices above solid technical resistance at $24.00. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid support at $21.00. First resistance is seen at $23.00 and then at $23.23. Next support is seen at today’s low of $22.435 and then at the June low of $22.14. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 4.0.

July N.Y. copper closed down 215 points at 378.20 cents today. Prices closed nearer the session low today and hit a two-week low. The copper bulls have lost their overall near-term technical advantage. A four-week-old uptrend on the daily bar chart has been negated. Copper bulls' next upside price objective is pushing and closing prices above solid technical resistance at 410.00 cents. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at the May low of 354.50 cents. First resistance is seen at today’s high of 383.60 cents and then at Friday’s high of 389.10 cents. First support is seen at today’s low of 376.30 cents and then at 373.00 cents. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 5.0.


Jim Wyckoff

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

Gold will rise with dollar as ‘violent’ global debt crisis unfolds de-dollarization will take at least a decade – Brent Johnson

Gold will rise with dollar as 'violent' global debt crisis unfolds, de-dollarization will take at least a decade – Brent Johnson

The dollar will gain strength relative to other currencies, along with gold, as a "violent" global debt crisis unfolds. That is according to Brent Johnson, Founder and CEO of Santiago Capital.

Johnson, who created the Dollar Milkshake Theory, said that "there is no alternative to the dollar" when it comes to international trade and debt agreements.

"I think that in that scenario [a global sovereign debt crisis], despite all the protestations to the contrary… the dollar will be seen as the cleanest dirty shirt," he told Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News. "Investors and entities around the world will seek out dollars as a safe haven in that environment."

Johnson said that a global sovereign debt crisis is highly likely given "the growth of debt in the world," and the aftermath of a credit crunch.

He claimed that the combination of low global economic growth, high interest rates, significant debt burdens, and high inflation could trigger the crisis.

"Once a credit contraction takes place, then it can feed on itself, and you can get into a situation like we had in 2008," he suggested.

To find out when Johnson forecasts the global sovereign debt crisis taking place, watch the video above.


The dollar's share in global reserves has fallen from 73 percent in 2001 to 58 percent today, according to the Royal Bank of Canada.

The trend toward de-dollarization is compounded by the BRICS alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), which is meeting in South Africa this August to unveil plans for a reserve asset to rival the dollar.

The Western response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022, which included banning Russia from the SWIFT international payments system, caused chills around the world. Many feared the "weaponization of the dollar," following these sanctions.

Although he agreed that there is a trend toward de-dollarization, Johnson forecast that it would take "at least" ten years for it to play out completely.

"I am not of the belief that the dollar gets inflated away and the dollar index falls versus foreign fiat currencies, and we go into a hyperinflation and the rest of the currencies stay strong," said Johnson.

He added that although foreign political leaders would seek to de-dollarize and negotiate bilateral trade agreements, there would be "pushback" from business leaders.

"Most of them [businessmen] want to be paid in dollars," he observed. "The dollar's purchasing power is better than the Brazilian real's purchasing power, or the Kenyan shilling's purchasing power, or the Turkish lira's."


As the dollar rises against other currencies, so will gold, according to Johnson.

"I think the dollar is going to get so strong that it wrecks the current [global monetary] system," Johnson predicted. "As the dollar rises, and the system comes under threat, and we have all this chaos and a new monetary system is proposed, gold will be trading at $5,000 or $8,000… Gold will go much higher as this chaos ensues."

To find out whether Johnson is adding more gold to his portfolio, watch the video above.

  Gold will reach $3k in market 'melt up' with S&P 500 up at least 36% by Q4 2023 – David Hunter


Cornelius Christian

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

Will jobs and inflation data confirm the Fed’s stance on two more rate hikes? This is what gold price is watching

Will jobs and inflation data confirm the Fed's stance on two more rate hikes? This is what gold price is watching

Gold is seeing its worst week since February as the Federal Reserve's outlook of two more rate hikes weighs on the precious metal. But some analysts don't see the macro picture supporting that hawkish view.

The gold market is down around $40 on the week, with August Comex gold futures last trading at $1,931.30 an ounce.

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell remained fully committed to two more rate hikes during his testimonies before the U.S. Congress this week. And the gold space started to price out potential rate cuts at the end of this year.

Other central banks also joined Powell's hawkish stance. The Bank of England surprised by raising its main interest rate to 5% from 4.5% Thursday. Norway's central bank hiked by 50 basis points. And the Swiss National Bank raised rates to 1.75% from 1.5%.

Analysts pointed out that this renewed global hawkish stance could make the U.S. dollar a more attractive safe haven asset than gold.

"Gold prices have come under pressure following the June central bank decisions," said Standard Chartered precious metals analyst Suki Cooper. "The market is now expecting additional hikes, and macro headwinds have arisen as the USD has also strengthened again."

Gold's technical positioning is not looking good

On top of the macro picture, gold's technical position is not looking great after prices fell below their 100-day moving average of around $1,940 an ounce.

"Gold falling below its 100-day moving average is a signal that we still have lower to go," Gainesville Coins precious metals expert Everett Millman told Kitco News. "Aside from macro drivers pushing momentum against gold, the technicals are deteriorating."

The new resistance level is $1,940 an ounce, and support is at $1,900 and then $1,880, Millman added.

A lot of long positions also got out as rate cuts now seem off the table, said Phoenix Futures and Options LLC president Kevin Grady. "Gold is waiting to see the language from the Fed that they will back off. That is when bulls will come in," Grady told Kitco News.

ETF outflows have accelerated in June, and tactical positioning scaled back, Cooper pointed out.

"While we continue to believe there is an appetite for gold, price action is typically less supportive during a seasonally slow period for consumption," she said. "Net fund length was at its lowest – with the deepest net short positioning since 2018 – in September 2022; positioning is still relatively elevated compared to nine months ago, but overall investor interest is at its lowest since 2018."

This highlights a shift in sentiment, with summer known to be a seasonally slower period for demand, according to analysts.

Some view gold as close to a bottom at current levels. "The $1,900 to the downside is an important level to watch," TD Securities senior commodity strategist Daniel Ghali told Kitco News.


Can the Fed's hawkish view last?

In the next few weeks, the gold market will carefully monitor whether the macro data, especially labor and inflation reports, support the Fed's view of two more rate hikes.

"We think the data won't corroborate Fed's expectations to hike rates further," Ghali said Friday. "We see a good chance that the Fed concluded the hiking cycle last May."

The data to pay close attention to include jobless claims and employment reports, he added. "We expect a recession in the fourth quarter. And gold can rally towards $2,100 by early next year," Ghali noted.

Once the data starts to deteriorate, the market will price in a higher likelihood of cuts over the next 12 months. And since gold is a forward-looking financial asset, new investor flows will come in, supporting higher prices, the analyst explained.

It is reasonable to expect a pause until further notice, with options of hiking or cutting both on the table depending on the economic data, Millman added. Two more rate hikes are not "etched in stone like Powell has us believe," he said.

Also, it is historically uncommon for the Fed to raise rates after a pause. "After a pause, there has always been a cut. Even when Paul Volcker was the head of the Fed," Millman said.


Next week's data

Tuesday: U.S. durable goods orders, CB consumer confidence, new home sales,

Thursday: U.S. GDP Q1, jobless claims, pending home sales

Friday: U.S. PCE price index


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