Gold silver sell off as USDX rebounds from overnight low

Gold, silver sell off as USDX rebounds from overnight low

Gold and silver prices are lower and nearer their daily lows in midday U.S. trading Monday. The metals are seeing selling pressure as the U.S. dollar index has rallied after trading solidly lower overnight. There are also worries about global demand for metals as unrest in China, the world's second-largest economy, is likely to further squelch that country's economic growth. February gold was last down $11.10 at $1,757.90 and March silver was down $0.474 at $21.135.

The marketplace is very uneasy to start the trading week amid civil unrest in China over its strict zero-Covid policies. Reports said there were demonstrations across China over the weekend. It's the largest show of discontent since the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989. China is the world's second-largest economy and the most populous nation. The geopolitical and economic consequences of a further escalation in protests and any crackdown by Chinese authorities would be huge. However, is this situation escalates, look for better safe-haven demand for gold and silver.

Other big market events this week include a speech by Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell on Wednesday afternoon and the U.S. employment report from the Labor Department on Friday morning.

Silver jewelry demand hits records, makes headlines in high fashion

The key outside markets today see the U.S. dollar index higher after trading solidly lower overnight. Nymex crude oil prices are weaker but well off the 10-month low hit overnight and are trading around $75.75 a barrel. The yield on the benchmark U.S. 10-year Treasury note is presently 3.69%.

Technically, February gold futures prices scored a bearish "outside day" down on the daily bar chart. The gold futures bulls have the slight overall near-term technical advantage but need to show fresh power soon to keep it. Bulls' next upside price objective is to produce a close above solid resistance at the November high of $1,806.00. Bears' next near-term downside price objective is pushing futures prices below solid technical support at $1,700.00. First resistance is seen at today's high of $1,778.50 and then at $1,790.00. First support is seen at $1,750.00 and then at last week's low of $1,733.50. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 5.5.

March silver futures bulls have the slight overall near-term technical advantage. Prices are in a choppy three-month-old uptrend on the daily bar chart. Silver bulls' next upside price objective is closing prices above solid technical resistance at the November high of $22.50. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid support at $19.00. First resistance is seen at today's high of $21.815 and then at $22.00. Next support is seen at $21.00 and then at last week's low of $20.79. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 5.5.

March N.Y. copper closed down 370 points at 359.35 cents today. Prices closed nearer the session high and hit a three-week low today. The copper bears have the overall near-term technical advantage. Copper bulls' next upside price objective is pushing and closing prices above solid technical resistance at the November high of 394.70 cents. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at 330.00 cents. First resistance is seen at Friday's high of 369.35 cents and then at 375.00 cents. First support is seen at today's low of 354.70 cents and then at 350.00 cents. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 4.0.

By Jim Wyckoff

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver


Tim Moseley

Don’t Settle For What Life Gives You

Don't Settle For What Life Gives You



I don’t know what it is that brings on “the gray.” For some people, it comes when they are in their 30s, while others experience it in their 40s or 50s. It may come when you lose a loved one or realize that your friends have moved on from the way things were when you were younger. Maybe it’s triggered by a career change, an empty nest or a divorce. Whatever the cause (and there may be many), I want to share with you what I will never accept as my fate: living a life where I am miserable because of choices made by myself or others around me.

Don’t accept a life in which you are unhappy when you realize that there are ways to change it.

Don’t accept a life in which you are unhappy when you realize that there are ways to change it.

Don’t accept a life where you are not happy, because there are ways to make yourself happier than you have been before.

Don’t accept a life where you are not satisfied with what has happened or who you have become in the past. It is never too late to start doing something different than what has been done before!

Don’t accept a life where you feel like giving up and settling for less than what your heart truly desires—because this will only lead down an empty road filled with regret and disappointment!

Instead of settling for “good enough," strive for greatness by setting goals for yourself and achieving them one step at time (just like those little steps on stairs).

Don’t accept a job that you know will not bring out the best in you.

It is important to be honest with yourself. Don’t accept a job that you know will not bring out the best in you. If a particular job isn’t appealing to you, there must be another one out there waiting for your attention and skill set.

If you are unhappy at work, take action to make it better or find another place of employment where someone will appreciate what they have!

Don’t accept anything less than what you want for your kids, your family and yourself.

Don’t accept anything less than what you want for your kids, family and yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you what you should do and don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do.

Don’t accept that things can never change.

  • Don't settle for what life gives you.

  • Think about what you want from life and go after it. The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is often how they handle disappointment and failure.

  • Successful people always have a plan B, C, D etc., in case their first attempt fails. Unsuccessful people get discouraged when things don’t go their way and give up quickly because they don’t believe anything is possible anymore (see point 1).

Don’t accept explanations from people who say they love you when their words and actions don’t match up.

Don’t settle for someone who says they love you, but then treats you like nothing. Don’t settle for someone who says they love you, but then hurts you. Don’t settle for someone who says they love you and promises to change, but never does. If a person has to tell you that they love you, ask yourself why? Do the words sound genuine? Or are their actions more convincing than their words?

You should not have to rely on people's word alone when it comes to matters of the heart. People can be good at lying and deceiving; however, their words are not always enough evidence to prove whether or not someone truly loves another person. There is no one perfect way of knowing whether or not someone loves us based solely on what they say; rather there are many ways in which this can be determined by observing how a person acts towards us over time – especially under adversity!

Don’t accept a life based on “shoulds,” or on what other people think is best for you.

The word “should” is a trap. It stops you from feeling good about your life and keeps you living a life based on other people's expectations.

Let’s say the boss says to you, “You should be a perfectionist at work, so I can trust you with my company more.” One day, your friend says: “You should go out with me tonight. You don't want to be stuck at home all the time! Don't worry about being tired tomorrow morning because we'll just go for coffee first thing in the morning after work! You need some fun in your life!"

What do these statements have in common? They both tell you what you should do (perfectionism at work and going out) rather than give any logical reasons why it would benefit YOU (job security, making friends). If someone tells us what we "should" do without providing any reasoning behind their statement or telling us how it will benefit US personally then they're basically saying that our feelings don't matter and that there are no other options available besides following through on their demands."

Don’t accept a situation in which someone makes you feel unappreciated or not good enough.

  • You are good enough.

  • You are not unappreciated.

  • You deserve to be treated with respect, and you deserve to be happy.

Never settle in your life!

  • Don’t let your life pass you by

  • Don’t be afraid to take risks

  • Be bold and brave, like the many visionaries in history who changed the world for good, not only for themselves but for everyone else.


You have to be brave and go after the life that you want, because it’s not going to come to you. You have to take responsibility for your own happiness and success by making changes in your life when necessary. Don’t accept a life without fulfillment!

Tim Moseley

Test blog by tom

The Fed is not ready to pivot now, but it might be soon

The gold market continues to hold its own as prices end the week slightly above $1,750 an ounce. The precious metal was once again thrown a lifeline by the Federal Reserve after the minutes from the November monetary policy meeting were deemed to have a dovish tilt.

According to the minutes, a majority of participants judged that a slowing in the pace of increases would likely be appropriate soon. The messaging is helping to solidify expectations that the U.S. central bank will raise interest rates by 50 basis points next month.

Although the gold market is keeping its head above the water, holding critical support levels, investors still appear to be reluctant to make any significant bullish bets. The lack of conviction is not surprising, as other pivot rumors throughout the summer have burned investors.

While the Fed is preparing to slow the pace of its rate hikes, many market analysts have pointed out that this is not a pivot. Markets still see the terminal rate in the Fed Funds above 5% and nobody knows how long rates will be kept at this level.

This will still be a difficult environment for gold. However, even if prices are capped at around $1,800, it is still important to note that despite the strong headwinds, gold continues to outperform the broader market and remains an important portfolio diversifier.

The French bank Société Générale has probably the healthiest outlook on gold. The bank made some significant adjustments to its multi-asset portfolio ahead of the new year. It is now heavily weighted in bonds. At the same time, it has only made a slight adjustment to its gold allocation. It now represents 6% of its portfolio, down from 7%.

Although the bank sees gold prices going lower next year, they still see value in holding the precious metal.

"Systemic risks are a common feature after a round of policy tightening of this kind," the analysts said. "Holding gold and CHF can help stabilize portfolio volatility, in our view."

Gold prices should be closer to $1,614 than $1,750 – Quant Insight

The system risks to the economy only continue to grow. This week Tavi Costa, portfolio manager at Crescat Capital, noted that 70% of the entire U.S. yield curve is now inverted. He added that every time this threshold has been breached, it has soon led to a recession.

Specifically, the yield on two-year notes is now 71 basis points higher than the 10-year yield. This is the widest gap in the inverted yield curve in more than 40 years.

Tavi noted that even if gold prices do go lower, there is solid value and potential in the precious metal that investors can't ignore.

With so much uncertainty in the marketplace, some analysts have said that it is only a matter of time before the Fed's slower tightening turns into outright cuts.

By Neils Christensen

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

The Fed is not ready to pivot now but it might be soon

The Fed is not ready to pivot now, but it might be soon

The gold market continues to hold its own as prices end the week slightly above $1,750 an ounce. The precious metal was once again thrown a lifeline by the Federal Reserve after the minutes from the November monetary policy meeting were deemed to have a dovish tilt.

According to the minutes, a majority of participants judged that a slowing in the pace of increases would likely be appropriate soon. The messaging is helping to solidify expectations that the U.S. central bank will raise interest rates by 50 basis points next month.

Although the gold market is keeping its head above the water, holding critical support levels, investors still appear to be reluctant to make any significant bullish bets. The lack of conviction is not surprising, as other pivot rumors throughout the summer have burned investors.

While the Fed is preparing to slow the pace of its rate hikes, many market analysts have pointed out that this is not a pivot. Markets still see the terminal rate in the Fed Funds above 5% and nobody knows how long rates will be kept at this level.

This will still be a difficult environment for gold. However, even if prices are capped at around $1,800, it is still important to note that despite the strong headwinds, gold continues to outperform the broader market and remains an important portfolio diversifier.

The French bank Société Générale has probably the healthiest outlook on gold. The bank made some significant adjustments to its multi-asset portfolio ahead of the new year. It is now heavily weighted in bonds. At the same time, it has only made a slight adjustment to its gold allocation. It now represents 6% of its portfolio, down from 7%.

Although the bank sees gold prices going lower next year, they still see value in holding the precious metal.

"Systemic risks are a common feature after a round of policy tightening of this kind," the analysts said. "Holding gold and CHF can help stabilize portfolio volatility, in our view."

Gold prices should be closer to $1,614 than $1,750 – Quant Insight

The system risks to the economy only continue to grow. This week Tavi Costa, portfolio manager at Crescat Capital, noted that 70% of the entire U.S. yield curve is now inverted. He added that every time this threshold has been breached, it has soon led to a recession.

Specifically, the yield on two-year notes is now 71 basis points higher than the 10-year yield. This is the widest gap in the inverted yield curve in more than 40 years.

Tavi noted that even if gold prices do go lower, there is solid value and potential in the precious metal that investors can't ignore.

With so much uncertainty in the marketplace, some analysts have said that it is only a matter of time before the Fed's slower tightening turns into outright cuts.

By Neils Christensen

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver


Tim Moseley

Gold needs a new catalyst as prices end the week around 1750

Gold needs a new catalyst as prices end the week around $1,750

The gold market is holding its own at $1,750 an ounce, but analysts are warning investors not to expect a breakout move anytime soon as the precious metal is in desperate need of a new catalyst to drive prices.

According to commodity analysts, the Federal Reserve's aggressive monetary policy stance remains the most significant driver for the gold market. While the U.S. central bank has signed that it could slow the pace of rate hikes in December, investors remain reluctant to jump into the market.

Nicholas Frappell, global general manager at ABC Bullion, noted that gold's rally since the start of the month has been driven mostly by short covering, investors buying gold to cover their short trades. He added that investors are also not buying gold-backed exchange-traded products.

He said it doesn't look like any bullish momentum will last in the current environment.

"Fresh buyers are not motivated in either the Futures or ETF space," he said. "Additionally, the messaging from the Fed is that if anything, rates will stay high for longer and this will help the USD and rates – gold appears to have rallied on a slower path towards high and long."

Markets will be able to hear from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell himself when he speaks next week at an event at the Brookings Institution in Washington DC.

Although markets are looking for the Federal Reserve to slow the pace of its rate hikes to 50 basis points next month, some analysts have said that it is still too early to signal any pivot in the marketplace.

Commodity analysts at TD Securities expect hawkish comments from Powell to weigh on gold as its upside momentum has run its course.

SocGen looks for bonds to outperform equities as Fed pivots in Q2; gold remains a risk hedge

"Considering that we see buying exhaustion across several major global assets, macro headwinds for gold bears already appear to be subsiding. This points to lower risks of an extension in the pain trade for gold, particularly as Chair Powell's speech on Wednesday could provide the hawkish catalyst needed for CTAs to resume selling," the commodity analysts said.

Along with Powell's comments, a busier economic data calendar next week is also expected to add volatility to the marketplace. Economists have said that next week's employment data could impact market expectations on the Federal Reserve's monetary policy.

In recent comments, Powell has said that the labor market has been too tight and the Fed would need to see more slack before it would start to ease back on its aggressive stance.

According to consensus estimates, economists forecast that about 200,000 jobs were created in November.

"Odds are that job gains will still be too high relative to the moderation we're seeking," said Avery Shenfeld, senior economist at CIBC.

Along with the economic data, gold investors will continue to pay close attention to the U.S. dollar. Carley Garner, co-founder of the brokerage firm DeCarley Trading, said that the U.S. dollar index is testing critical support around 106 points. She added that any weakness in the U.S. dollar could end up sending gold prices back above $1,800 an ounce.

Next week's data

Tuesday: U.S. Consumer confidence

Wednesday: ADP private-sector employment, Q3 GDP, pending home sales, JOLTS job opening, comments from Powell

Thursday, UK CPI, U.S. PCE personal income and spending, ISM manufacturing PMI,

Friday, U.S. Nonfarm payrolls

By Neils Christensen

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver


Tim Moseley

The March to Freedom Celebrating Victories

The March to Freedom, Celebrating Victories

At a time in our history when we are witnessing an orchestrated global effort to create a new world order, it may seem like gloom and doom. 

After all, the move to bring in the Central Bank Digital Currencies as a hub piece and part of a plan to programme and control your money while linking it to a social credit score system is nothing short of confirmation of the agenda at play.

However, it is even more important to notice and acknowledge the positive victories that are happening on behalf of humanity as the battle and march for freedom continue. Here are just a few. Feel free to comment on victories you are observing in your county.


Brady Gunn from Sydney, Australia, started off what has become a global movement of peace and unity in the name of truth – A Stand in the Park. This shows how one person can make a difference. 

Brady had enough of the corruption affecting all areas of society, and for the sake of his children and future generations, he started inviting people on Facebook to join and create their own groups and simply take a stand in doing so. 

This is a different approach to the mass protests and is as much about celebrating freedom, and all it means, while uniting for peace and freedom for all in the wake of the intended global reset.

A Stand in the Park has grown worldwide, and it is estimated that there are at least 600 stands across various sectors of the globe, particularly in the USA and Europe. Let this inspire you to know that one person can make a difference!

Australia was also one of many countries where thousands took to the streets in protest of the forced mandates. Mainstream media blocked transmission, but drone footage was captured across the world. 

Here is a summary of the global freedom marches worldwide in 2021. The source is anonymous and came from a telegram group.

Image Source:


Jordan Peterson, a Canadian clinical psychologist who regularly features in the media, is using his voice to speak out against censorship and give individuals stepping stones to change their lives.

In fact, he has just spoken in Australia and inspired many in Brisbane. You can view feedback on the Reignite Democracy Australia Youtube channel.

Who can forget the truckers convoy, which appeared to start out of Canada, and then spread to other parts of the world as people took their stand against forced experimental jab mandates and lockdown restrictions? 

Image Source: LA TIMES


The USA also took the baton, a country that seems to be a magnifying glass for the common themes of corruption and centralization of power into the hands of global elites.

Yet rather like the phoenix rising from the ashes of intended destruction, brave doctors are coming together to propose a more sensible route to dealing with viruses, such as the Great Barrington Declaration.

Forensic audits are showing what many thought, that the last election was fraudulently tampered with en masse. The documentary 2000 Mules captured the essence of how this happened. 

In more declassified information, Pfizer has been caught hiding the severity of side effects in their heavily redacted documents.

In a recent big win, the New York supreme court ordered the reinstatement of New York City Department of Sanitation employees who had been fired from their jobs due to declining to take the jab.

The court concluded that the mandate was in breach of the separation of powers doctrine and the equal protection doctrine.

In an attempt to restore independent journalism, transparency, and truth Project Veritas has played a key part in going underground to expose fraud, crime, and many key grave misdemeanors perpetuated by the establishment.

An example in kind was the exposing of the complicity of news media in colluding with the establishment’s false narrative to gain control of the public. 

Brian Stelter was exposed and acknowledged the use of fear and propaganda to get more views,  stating that climate change and related lockdown agendas would be next.

There are many documentaries that have arisen to shed light on what is really going on or what needs to be questioned, quite a few from the USA. Here are some:

Plandemic by Mikki Willis and team. There was more than one series in which Judy Mikovits featured exposing Dr. Anthony Fauci. Also, David Martin was featured. He did an exposé on the patents for several viruses and the fraudulent practice going on.

2000 Mules – Dinesh De Souza documents the exposure of election fraud in the USA.

Watch the Water – Stew Peters and his team featured Dr. Bryan Ardis, who explored the use of water to contaminate populations with viruses.

The video series Fall Cabal is by Janet Ossebaard, from the Netherlands, who has a teaching and research background. It is designed to give an overview of the various themes run by the establishment to control the population. 

She breaks each series down into small segments and is educative in nature, a good place to start for those who are beginning to question the established narrative.

Documentaries are compelling and in-depth alternate media, shedding light on issues that remain unanswered by mainstream media and are educational in nature. These are gathering momentum.

Also gathering momentum are groups arising to advocate and educate about the natural law, common law, and equity so that individuals and groups can start reparation.

In the USA, you have people like David Straight, who has been tirelessly educating people for many years.


In the UK, there was a landmark win for nurses here in the UK who were threatened in a similar vein to those in the New York case and were due to lose their jobs in April of this year if they failed to comply with taking the jab.

Many resigned ahead of this, and in what seemed to be the 11th-hour u-turn, the government revoked the mandates, although they stopped short of apologizing. Many believe this happened due to increasing staff shortages more than anything else.

On the subject matter of human rights, more recently, a landmark legal challenge was issued against the Met Police's discriminatory Gangs Matrix. This is a secretive database of people the force considers to be ‘gang members,’ which means they do not tell you if you are on the list.

This data could be shared with major authorities with possible grave consequences and no right of appeal.

According to Liberty, an organization set up to hold the government accountable on a wide range of human rights matters, the case was scheduled for a hearing in early to middle of November at The Royal Courts of Justice, only for the Metropolitan Police to concede defeat beforehand. They now acknowledge that this is unlawful and breaches human rights.

Similar to David Straight in the USA, we have people like David Adelman of The People’s Lawyer and private member organizations such as Matrix Freedom helping people to free themselves from the enslavement of the establishment. Education and reparation are key themes.


I’m sure you will recall the uprising in Sri Lanka, which peaked on July 9th of this year. This came off the back of the country defaulting on its debt, with inflation soaring at approximately 50%, reflecting a long period of economic hardship.

You may recall seeing videos of crowds of protestors storming the presidential residence on that day, resulting in Gotabaya Rajapaksa reportedly fleeing to the Maldives, according to The Conversation.

He was replaced by former prime minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on 21st July 2022, who then declared a state of emergency and has sought to crack down on protests.

The country has had its fair share of conflicts, notably the civil war in the 1980s and attempts to assassinate anyone who acted for the good of its civilians. There is a commonly held perception that corruption is responsible for the plight of this country.

China features heavily in Sri Lanka in connection with the Belt and Road projects, and the IMF is involved, with public assets being sold presumably to service the debt.

The feeling of the people is one in which they want to disband what they believe to be corrupt parliamentary and government officials in place of a more civilian type of governance structure.

Indeed Counterfire reported back in August that grassroots initiatives are moving away from the centralization of power to help the country recover and restore human rights and fairness.

While the battle is far from over in this country, we caught a glimpse of what happens when a group of people has had enough of corrupt practices. 

Hopefully, they can find a resolution without further civil or other wars.  These themes are not solely isolated to Sri Lanka, as previously reported with reference to the bankruptcy of the world’s nations.


Many positive grassroots initiatives are happening. For example, on a stretch of land between Croatia and Serbia lies a micronation established to restore constitutional principles to its inhabitants.

The 7-kilometer square of land, previously unclaimed, is referred to as Gornja Siga and classed as a sovereign state. Its motto is ‘To Live and Let Live,’ with economic and personal freedom for the people as its stated objectives.

It was declared the Free Republic of Lieberland in 2015, and its principles and criteria can be read in the Montevideo Convention.

This example reminds me of a quote by Buckminster Fuller:

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

I suspect we will see more new models of micronations arising as civilians engage in grassroots movements to reshape society to one of fairness, dignity, and economic restoration for all.


As I write this, in the world of business and commerce, Markethive has its own landmark victory to celebrate. Markethive has just announced the completion of Phase 2 of its own wallet

This is part of a more extensive architecture and ecosystem to create a place where entrepreneurs can build a business and thrive, away from the interference of giant monopolies and centralized control.

More and more people are awakening worldwide to what is happening at humanity's expense. Many are rising in protest and beyond. There are still battles to fight, yet victories are happening and need to be acknowledged.

I leave the final note on the sound of victory to the very brave and courageous Karen Hudes, former World Bank lawyer turned whistleblower. 

She spoke of a transition in power and reminded us of something called the 100th Monkey Effect, which refers to the change in consciousness arising from a small group of people behaving in a certain way. 

When the benefit is observed, this then catches on until a critical mass is achieved, resulting in a tipping point of cultural change.

This finds its roots in a story of a young female monkey on a Japanese island who got fed up swallowing grit from the potatoes she ate. She washed them in a stream before eating—one by one, the other monkeys who had been observing her followed suit. 

Image Source:

After 100 monkeys had copied this, it seemed that every monkey started to behave likewise, demonstrating this critical mass and tipping point theory.

Here at Markethive, as more and more people come on board, we will create a tipping point and cultural shift in the business world. It will also be a cultural shift for freedom.

When it comes to light versus darkness, there is only one winner. The light wins. At the same time, this is a participatory universe, meaning it is incumbent on all of us to find ways in thought, word, or deed to shine that light as a force for good.

There are many examples of individuals and groups creating projects and activities in the name of freedom, so this is a partial account.

May the synopsis of key victories here uplift you so you can rise above any fear perpetrated on the many by the few, and may you take your stand to be a beacon of light in your part of the world for the benefit of all.



About: Anita Narayan. (United Kingdom) My life's work is about helping individuals to greater freedom through joy and purpose without self-sabotage, so that inspirational legacy can serve generations to come. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.





Also published @ BeforeIt’


Tim Moseley

SocGen looks for bonds to outperform equities as Fed pivots in Q2 -gold remains a risk hedge

SocGen looks for bonds to outperform equities as Fed pivots in Q2 – gold remains a risk hedge

A mild recession in the U.S. in 2023 will force the Federal Reserve to pivot in the second quarter of next year, according to market analysts at Société Générale.

The French bank said Thursday that it was making some significant changes to its multi-asset portfolio ahead of the new year and is heavily weighted toward sovereign debt compared to equities and commodities. The bank also said that it is reducing its cash position to zero.

"Overall, expected return should be more positive than in 2022, with particular focus on Treasuries, EM and Credit. U.S. technology remains at risk and Chinese assets uninspiring," the analysts said. "We believe the clear prospect of an imminent Fed pivot offers the opportunity to increase cheap quality credit and strongly re-gear our strategy towards cheap E.M. assets, from unhedged local currency bonds to (mostly) non-China Asian equities."

As to how high the Fed Fund's rate will go, the economists said that market expectations of a terminal rate close to 5% would be appropriate. They added that that would bring real interest rates up to 1.5% to 2%.

"We believe that pivoting before the real Fed fund rate is firmly in positive territory would be a policy error and would trigger much stronger volatility," the analysts said.

As SocGen increases its exposure to government and corporate debt, it is also slightly reducing its commodity holdings to 9%, down from 10% in September. Gold still makes up the biggest portion of its commodity position, but has been reduced to 6%, down from 7% in September.

The analysts said they continue to see gold as a hedge against risks.

Investors thankful spot gold prices holding above $1,750

"Systemic risks are a common feature after a round of policy tightening of this kind," the analysts said. "Holding gold and CHF can help stabilize portfolio volatility, in our view."

Although the bank continues to maintain a solid position in gold, it remains fairly bearish on the price next year. The French bank sees gold prices falling to an average of $1,500 an ounce by the third quarter of next year. However, prices are expected to recover and average around $1,650 an ounce by the fourth quarter.

The French bank sees continued improvement in gold through 2024, projecting an average annual price of around $1,800 an ounce. The analysts forecast prices to rise to $1,900 by 2025.

By Neils Christensen

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

Gold price firms after FOMC minutes lean a bit dovish

Gold price firms after FOMC minutes lean a bit dovish

Gold and silver prices are higher and hit daily highs in afternoon U.S. trading Wednesday. The U.S. data point of the week saw the FOMC meeting minutes tilt slightly dovish on U.S. monetary policy. December gold was last up $5.70 at $1,745.50 and December silver was up $0.381 at $21.43.

The just-released minutes from the last FOMC monetary policy meeting showed FOMC members saying it would soon be appropriate to slow the pace of U.S. interest rate increases. However, they also see a higher terminal Fed funds rate than they had earlier expected. Some Fed officials were worried the Fed could be tightening monetary policy more than necessary. As always, traders were looking at the minutes to see if they contain any new clues on the future path and timing of Fed monetary policy.

Most global stock markets were slightly up overnight. U.S. stock indexes are higher in afternoon trading, following the dovish FOMC mintues. The marketplace remained tentative at mid-week as Covid-19 cases in China continue to rise and are crimping the world’s second-largest economy. Newswire reports this morning quoted Chinese officials as saying they will further ease China’s monetary policies in an effort to produce more economic growth.

Gold prices should be closer to $1,614 than $1,750 – Quant Insight

The key outside markets today see the U.S. dollar index sharply lower. Nymex crude oil prices are also sharply lower and trading around $77.50 a barrel. The yield on the benchmark U.S. 10-year Treasury note is presently around 3.71%.

U.S. markets are closed on Thursday for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Technically, the gold futures bulls and bears are on a level overall near-term technical playing field. A fledgling price uptrend on the daily bar chart has been negated. Bulls’ next upside price objective is to produce a close above solid resistance at the November high of $1,791.80. Bears' next near-term downside price objective is pushing futures prices below solid technical support at $1,675.00. First resistance is seen at this week’s high of $1,755.00 and then at $1,770.00. First support is seen at $1,725.00 and then at today’s low of $1,719.00. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 5.0.

The silver bulls have the slight overall near-term technical advantage. Prices are in a choppy 2.5-month-old uptrend on the daily bar chart. Silver bulls' next upside price objective is closing prices above solid technical resistance at the November high of $22.38. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid support at $19.00. First resistance is seen at $22.00 and then at $22.38. Next support is seen at $21.00 and then at this week’s low of $20.60. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 5.5.

December N.Y. copper closed up 80 points at 362.25 cents today. Prices closed near mid-range. The copper bears have the overall near-term technical advantage. A six-week-old uptrend on the daily bar chart has stalled out. Copper bulls' next upside price objective is pushing and closing prices above solid technical resistance at the November high of 396.00 cents. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at 330.00 cents. First resistance is seen at this week’s high of 366.90 cents and then at 370.00 cents. First support is seen at this week’s low of 354.75 cents and then at 350.00 cents. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 4.0.

By Jim Wyckoff

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver


Tim Moseley

Gold silver slightly up amid weaker USDX higher crude oil

Gold, silver slightly up amid weaker USDX, higher crude oil

Gold and silver prices are slightly higher but well off daily highs in midday U.S. trading Tuesday. The metals are getting a slight lift from a lower U.S. dollar index and higher crude oil prices on this day. U.S. Treasury yields have down-ticked today and that's also limiting selling interest in the safe-haven metals. December gold was last up $2.20 at $1,741.80 and December silver was up $0.178 at $21.05.

Global stock markets were mixed overnight. U.S. stock indexes are higher at midday. Risk appetite remains subdued so far this week as Covid cases surge in China. News reports are calling China's largest city, Beijing, a "ghost town." Some analysts are saying 20% of China's economy is being negatively impacted by the Covid lockdowns.

Wednesday will be the busiest day for U.S. economic data, including the minutes from the last FOMC monetary policy meeting, to be released in the early afternoon. A Barron's headline today reads: "Don't tune out for the holidays; the Fed minutes will be a must watch." The minutes may contain fresh clues on the future path and timing of Fed monetary policy.

Turkey, Uzbekistan continue to buy gold, speculation grows that China is buying anonymously

The key outside markets today see the U.S. dollar index lower on a corrective pullback from solid gains posted Monday. Nymex crude oil prices are firmer and trading around $81.50 a barrel. The crude oil market was roiled Monday by reports Saudi Arabia is contemplating raising its crude oil production—only to have Saudi officials deny the report. Oil prices fell to an 11-month low shortly after the news reports hit the wires. The yield on the benchmark U.S. 10-year Treasury note is presently 3.773%.

Live 24 hours gold chart [Kitco Inc.]

Technically, the gold futures bulls and bears are on a level overall near-term technical playing field. A fledgling price uptrend on the daily bar chart has stalled out. Bulls' next upside price objective is to produce a close above solid resistance at the November high of $1,791.80. Bears' next near-term downside price objective is pushing futures prices below solid technical support at $1,675.00. First resistance is seen at this week's high of $1,755.00 and then at $1,770.00. First support is seen at this week's low of $1,733.90 and then at $1,725.00. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 5.0.

The silver bulls have the slight overall near-term technical advantage. Prices are in a choppy 2.5-month-old uptrend on the daily bar chart. Silver bulls' next upside price objective is closing prices above solid technical resistance at the November high of $22.38. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid support at $19.00. First resistance is seen at today's high of $21.37 and then at $21.80. Next support is seen at this week's low of $20.60 and then at $20.00. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 5.5.

December N.Y. copper closed up 525 points at 362.40 cents today. Prices closed near mid-range. The copper bears have the overall near-term technical advantage. A six-week-old uptrend on the daily bar chart has stalled out. Copper bulls' next upside price objective is pushing and closing prices above solid technical resistance at the November high of 396.00 cents. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at 330.00 cents. First resistance is seen at today's high of 366.90 cents and then at 370.00 cents. First support is seen at this week's low of 354.75 cents and then at 350.00 cents. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 4.0.

By Jim Wyckoff

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver


Tim Moseley

The Markethive Wallet Phase Two Complete

The Markethive Wallet Phase Two Complete

Phase Two of the Markethive internal wallet is complete, a considerable milestone for the company and the Markethive community. The impending release of the wallet is a pivot point for Markethive to secure its future as a completely decentralized social media broadcasting and marketing platform the world so desperately needs for these significant times: The End Times.

About The Wallet – Phase Two

The Markethive wallet is not just an ordinary wallet: It’s a transactional interface that services and keeps track of all your accounting and transactions, including your loans to Markethive and interest paid by Markethive to you via the ILP. 

With Phase Two now in operation, you can access and set up your personal requirements and view your status in The Vault, Hive Rank, Staking, KYC Application, ILP Report, payments, and Markethive Credit threshold and balance. Plus, you can now transfer Markethive Credits to other members within Markethive. 

Note that full access to all of the Markethive systems requires complete KYC documentation and an Entrepreneur One membership. The Markethive platform, with its general newsfeed, is free to use; however, the marketing systems and aspects thereof within Markethive will be limited, including Hivecoin transactional activity and micropayments of MHV. 

Once the Markethive wallet is fully operational and launched, the Premium Upgrade will be introduced, which offers additional features and benefits to achieve a significant presence online for your marketing efforts and business growth, especially with the upcoming unique dashboard interface. It will be beyond anything else out there today. 

KYC Application (Know Your Customer)

KYC Application is now functional in your wallet. It is required for you to have access to the Hivecoin Wallet and use inbound marketing tools. You will need to be KYC verified to receive Markethive Tokens (MHV) via registration, tips, and bonuses and to activate the first-level micropayment earnings.  

The reason for this is for the community’s benefit by knowing who they are engaging with and not for governmental regulations. It assures Markethive members that you are a real person, dedicated to honest and transparent relationships in business and socially. The purpose is to have an active, very dynamic, and secure “hive of people,” unlike Twitter, which has been plagued with bots. Also note: Once KYC is approved, the documents uploaded to attain approval are all deleted. We do not keep these documents. 

Once you’re KYC verified, the documents you upload are transferred and kept in your wallet, not on the Markethive system. This ensures third parties or government authorities do not gather your information. There will be a small charge for the KYC process for the purpose of credit card information and verification. 

The Vault, Markethive Credits, And Staking

The vault is now operational in your wallet. This means you can buy Markethive Credits to set up or manually fund your subscriptions, transfer to other members, and activate your threshold and auto fund. Once you purchase Markethive Credits, they can be used to purchase services from Markethive and trade goods and services with other members. 

Markethive Credits are not cryptocurrency coins and cannot be used to purchase other cryptos from Markethive, including Hivecoin. MH Credits also cannot be transferred to a crypto wallet or exchange. Markethive Credits facilitate commerce for any business and can be built into a storefront for your marketing co-op campaigns. 

The vault funding threshold is the mechanism you use to maintain a viable Markethive Credit balance. Keeping a balance in the vault is like a bank account; you can accumulate interest on that balance. The higher the ratio, the more interest you earn, which is paid in credits. 

The terminology used for this is called Staking. Staking your MH Credits balance allows you to earn additional credits based on your number of credits and your level of activities within Markethive. These activities are reflected in your Hive Rank, also located in your Markethive wallet. Note that joining a Markethive loyalty program and even just logging in every day adds to your staking interest.

ILP Reports 

Thomas has updated the tracking of the ILPs acquired through Entrepreneur One by adding up all monies spent between January 1st, 2019 to December 1st, 2021. All ILPs acquired through the Entrepreneur One Program are now reflecting the true result of all monies spent. 

In December 2022, all E1s that have been active with their subscriptions for 12 consecutive months will receive the promised bonus of 0.5 ILP. Also, a little birdie told me that something big is planned for members who upgrade to E1 upon the announcement of the 30-day cut-off. Stay tuned.


Now that Phase Two is operational check it out and navigate around the wallet. It’s intuitive, comprehensively explained, and very easy to manage. It’s important to know that the mechanisms behind all the applications in the wallet are fully functional on Markethive’s development site, including a Solana wallet assets interface.

Our Markethive wallet also displays the wallets of four crypto coins, Hivecoin, Solana, Bitcoin, and Elrond. The coin price comparison reports powered by Coingecko are now active in the wallet (except Hivecoin), so we are close to Phase Three, the final stage before launching. The dynamic free market value will be operative when Hivecoin is listed on coin exchanges.  

When we announce that the full wallet release will be in 30 days, we will also have built an Entrepreneur One exchange for current active owners so that they can sell their E1s and others can buy them in an auction platform within Markethive. So to summarize, we are now preparing the four wallets (Hivecoin, Bitcoin, Solana, and Elrond) to be active with 2FA verification and required to send any of the coins from your wallet and the E1 exchange. When these are ready with 2FA in place, then the 30-day final launch of the wallet will be announced.

Once the 30-day period is over, anyone desiring an E1 subscription will only be able to acquire one through other E1 associates via the E1 Exchange. It is fundamentally an open market, and the seller will determine the acquisition price of the E1 subscription. Once purchased, it is required and in your interest to continue with the monthly payments. E1 upgrades will no longer be available through Markethive, the company. 

The E1 Advantage. The Incentivized Loan Program (ILP)

Apart from all the other benefits you receive as an E1 associate, you are essentially a shareholder as you acquire 1/10th of an ILP per year, providing you are current with your monthly subscription of US$100/month. 

The ILPs are essentially a loan to Markethive for a 20-year promissory note which you can recoup with a principal balloon payment at the end of 20 years. You also have the option to roll it over or reactivate it. This window of opportunity is precious as the ILP represents 20% of the net revenue of Markethive, so let’s crunch some numbers. 

The projection of a member base of 500 million will yield a monthly income of $5.6 billion. 20% equals $1.2 billion allocated for the ILPs, divided by the maximum of 1000 ILPs or shares, and returns a $1.2 million payment per ILP. 1/10th of that ILP, earned via the E1 upgrade per year, produces a monthly income of $120,000. 

Markethive is a grassroots project owned by the community, not wealthy venture capitalists. When committing to an Entrepreneur One membership or purchasing an ILP outright, you are effectively a virtual owner of Markethive; it's your company where you receive valuable tools and considerable returns from the ILP. 

The great news is that you can now purchase ILPs with the Markethive Token (MHV) in anticipation of the wallet's launch. Click on the rocket icon in the tray at the top of the home page and follow the prompts. If you have MHVs, now is an excellent time to invest in the next-generation social market network, as Markethive is now coming into its own. 

Once the wallet is complete, the next important step is to build a Markethive coin exchange. Unlike various exchanges currently operating, the Markethive exchange will have a community, enhancing the ability to become successful and profitable. 

Crypto projects and exchanges that have utilized their crypto coin, along with robust communities, tend to weather the storm, the bear markets, and the like. We see many prominent exchanges failing, particularly centralized ones, due to being affiliated with nefarious actors and agendas. 

Markethive’s mission is complete decentralization and distribution worldwide and the perfect armor to circumvent the chaos of these dark times. Markethive’s vision is to provide a sanctuary for the people and those hurt by the events, the evil and tyrannical pressure by the elites of big tech, NGOs, and governments. 

Markethive is building a system outside of the traditional elite economy. We are building an ecosystem that works regardless of what’s happening worldwide. Although Markethive will accept fiat payments with credit cards, the whole nature of how our system will work is based on Hivecoin and Markethive credits. As Markethive grows, it allows us to develop an even more powerful ecosystem. 

Be sure to attend the meetings on Sundays at 10 am Mountain Time. (MST). All updates and orchestrations are discussed at the Markethive meetings, with the latest news and developments of Markethive as they happen. To access the meeting room, go to the Calendar and click on the link provided. 

I will keep you updated with further articles on Markethive’s progress in its monumental project to deliver financial sovereignty, freedom, and liberty. The world needs what we are building. 



Editor and Chief Markethive: Deb Williams. (Australia) I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech. I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people to accept and move forward with enthusiasm. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.






Tim Moseley

The Artist that came out of the Winter