Tag Archives: markethive

What are HTML5 and CSS3?

What are HTML5 and CSS3?

by Gary Stevens, contributor, Namecheap Blog

What are HTML5 and CSS3?


Cascading Style Sheets — or CSS —

This is the language web developers and designers use to stylize and format documents that are created in HTML. CSS is what you’d use if you wanted to organize the layout and improve the look and feel of a web page. 

This article will help you learn what HTML5 and CSS3 are and learn about CSS3’s most essential modules and features. We’ll also cover the use and need of CSS3, who is best suited to learning and using CSS3, and how it can accelerate your career growth.

Hedgehog lifting up a website to show CSS code underneath


What Exactly are CSS3 and HTML5?

HTML and CSS are the core language components that are used for the construction of web pages. HTML describes the structure of the pages, primarily in regards to tables, text, headings, and images or graphics. It’s the standard programming language for the overall appearance of web pages. 

CSS, on the other hand, is the language used for describing the presentation of each page, and primarily in regards to the layout, fonts, and colors.   



HTML5 is a revision of the HTML standard. It’s a massive improvement over HTML4 because HTML4 did not allow web developers to add features to their sites that were not HTML-supported. To do so required the use of proprietary technologies and the installation of browser plugins. 

Subsequently, if web users did not have a device that supported the use of those proprietary technologies or plugins either, then they could not access the content. An example is how Safari on mobile Apple devices does not support the use of Adobe Flash.

The main purpose behind HTML5 was to remove the need for proprietary technologies and plugins. You can create offline applications, and include multimedia animations, audio, and video into your web pages without needing to download extra plugins to include said applications or multimedia. 



Web designers and developers use CSS3 and HTML to build and modify content on a web page. CSS lets you choose from different typographies, images, colors, tables, and much more to stylize a web page in a way that’s intuitive for users and aesthetically pleasing. 

Without CSS, we wouldn’t have any way to position different elements on a web page — CSS lets you use values like ‘fixed’ and ‘absolute’ to position a web page’s visual components.

CSS3 is simply the updated version of an earlier version of CSS (CSS2). It has many important improvements and features that help improve your web presence and are now being utilized in modern browsers, including:

  • Allowing third-party videos to be viewed without the installation of third-party plugins
  • Making it easier to install graphics on a web page 
  • Allowing the presentation of content in multiple columns 
  • Enabling a precise positioning of all navigable elements in a web page 
  • Adjusting the white space of a document 

Hedgehog displaying mobile-friendly website


Why is CSS Important for Web Design and Development?

CSS3 makes it viable to create web pages that are interactive and highly responsive. CSS3 is often lauded for the many options it provides web designers who need to make their online pages enjoyable to use. After all, if a customer is checking out products and services that a web page is advertising, the presentation of those products and services should be visually appealing — that’s where CSS comes in.

Another advantage to using CSS3 on top of HTML is that it lets web designers create web content without a lot of code. A great example of CSS’s low-code benefits comes from the important modules that CSS3 delivers, like box models, backgrounds and borders, and different layouts for columns. 

CSS3 allows designers to add text effects, modify a web page’s layout, or stylize numbers, headers, and footers. Things such as drop shadows, gradients, and rounded corners are practically essential to making any web page appear halfway decent.  Once upon a time, these things would have required a web developer to code them from scratch. These days, designers and developers can use CSS3 to consistently create elements for web pages that are precisely positioned while saving time in the process.

You can’t afford to pass on the enhancements in design that CSS3 provides, especially considering that most of your website’s visitors have short attention spans subject to unending cycles of dopamine.

Designers and developers can use CSS3 to consistently create elements for web pages that are precisely positioned while saving time in the process. It’s also a great time to adopt CSS3 into your web development process if you’re getting ready to launch and host a website. Imagine, for example, that you’re setting up a secure cloud hosting solution for your site — you need a way to expedite the rate at which you bring your web pages to life rather than get bogged down by web design. CSS3 is perfect for new websites that need text effects, ways to modify web page layout, and methods that can add numbers, headers, and footers.

It used to be the case that web developers and designers had to turn to complex methods that involved plenty of HTML coding just to create things like drop shadows or rounded corners — no longer is this the case! CSS3 affords us a nearly endless number of ways to include these designs directly and ultimately make your web pages look cleaner and, well, simply better.


Who Should Be Learning CSS3?

Before you consider learning CSS3, it’s a good idea first to have a solid grasp of HTML5. That’s because HTML is the underlying code that creates a web page’s structure and content, whereas CSS is essential to organizing and stylizing that structure. 

So, if you learn HTML fundamentals, you’ll be able to understand how websites are created. Once you understand how HTML works, CSS lets you add many layers of dynamic functionality to the pages you create. Plus, once you learn CSS3 and understand how it interacts with HTML, you’ll then be able to use JavaScript to add even more dynamic functionality to your website. 

If you’re interested in learning CSS3, take comfort in the fact that it’s not difficult to master. Anyone craving a greater level of control over how their web pages look should take the time to learn CSS3 and HTML. If you master these two languages, there won’t be anything stopping you from building modern and classy websites.

Hedgehog working on CSS on computer


How CSS3 Can Accelerate Your Career

No matter how far along you are in your web development career, it’s a good idea to learn CSS3 to accelerate your growth. Web development is a field that’s hotter than ever and is a profession that’s slated to keep growing well after 2025. 

A little-known fact about web development is that CSS, HTML, and JavaScript have been part of the profession for several decades. These three languages form the foundation of web development, and to this day, they form the basis on which new technologies emerge and prosper. If you’ve mastered CSS, you can leverage your skills to pursue web development in other areas, such as mobile app development. 

If you love creating web pages that are responsive and exciting to use, you can apply your knowledge of CSS to learn the Bootstrap CSS framework. You can take many paths once you become proficient in CSS3 to keep accelerating your web development career and earn more than you ever thought possible.

Good places to learn about HTML and CSS online include the following resources:


Become Proficient With CSS3

If you’re a web designer or developer, you must become as proficient with CSS3 as possible. CSS3 is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal when creating web pages, and since its introduction, CSS3 has granted greater control over how you can present web page content. It doesn’t matter which path you take next to keep advancing your web developer capabilities — you’ll always need mastery over technologies like CSS that form the foundation for web development.


New Opportunities Are Emerging For Citizens of The World.

Freedom and democracy may appear to be struggling to stay alive in America, but there may be a knock-out punch ready to be released. The evolution of the blockchain-enabled metaverse is going to enable the 'Citizens of the World' to gain their own Freedom by democratizing power and creating a new world with new rules, new players, and new opportunities. For 99.99% of us, the metaverse will improve our real-world lives by democratizing power and opportunity.

Along with the major long-term trend of society towards decentralization and smaller-scale organizations, there are new opportunities developing to help 'Preparers' in the cryptocurrency sector. Businesses are beginning to issue their own Crypto Coins that can be traded on Cryptocoin Exchanges.

Markethive.com will release its HiveCoin (HIV) in the coming weeks. It has tremendous upside potential that is outlined in a Video by Founder Tom Prendergast, "Entrepreneur Advantage…".

Not only that, if you go to their website and register as a FREE Member, you will be given 500 HiveCoins for "FREE" along with access to several Earning Opportunities and online tools to increase your HiveCoin balance.

Be sure to check it out today – Markethive.com


Tim Moseley

Five Institutions Trying To Wipe Out The Crypto Industry

Five Institutions Trying To Wipe Out The Crypto Industry 

As cryptocurrency adoption continues, the opposition from institutions that control and benefit from the corrupt financial system that cryptocurrency is in the process of replacing also continues. These powerful institutions have significantly increased their efforts to bring down the crypto sector specifically. 

Below are five organizations that have been working hard to regulate, restrict, subvert, and tear down the crypto industry for the last few years, and it's time to call them out by name. So, how are they trying to do it? Will they succeed? And what will it mean for cryptocurrency?

1: The Bank for International Settlements

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is the first institution trying to destroy crypto. This is the self-described bank for central banks. The BIS is based in Basel, Switzerland, and is owned by the 63 central banks that make up its membership. The BIS was founded way back in 1930 and is technically the oldest International financial institution in existence. 

Interestingly, the BIS was supposed to be disbanded in 1944 as part of the Bretton Woods Conference, but it hasn’t happened yet. On its **website, the BIS says this is because the financial elite at Bretton Woods didn't believe the BIS would play a useful role once the IMF and the World Bank had been established. 

**Image source: BIS website

Curiously, however, a memoir by one of the economists present at the Bretton Woods Conference revealed that the institution's intended dissolution was because the BIS had allegedly assisted the Nazis in taking gold and other assets from occupied countries. This was proven true in 2013 when the Bank of England declassified documents about how it helped the BIS and the Nazis take gold from Czechoslovakia. 

Despite this history, the BIS was never disbanded, partly due to influential economists like John Maynard Keynes. Keynes is famous for pioneering so-called demand-side economics; it’s the theory that the demand for goods and services is what causes economic growth and inflation, fundamentally; a view popular with many Central Bankers.

Today, the BIS has undertaken a similarly disturbing role, and that's to assist central banks in developing their respective Central Bank Digital Currencies, or CBDCs. This financial system will give the central banks the power to decide what you can buy, when you can buy it, where you can buy it, how much money you can spend, and even how much you can save. In the words of BIS manager Agustin Carstens, “The central bank will have absolute control…” and “…will have the technology to enforce that control.” 

Image source: Twitter 

Not surprisingly, the BIS is opposed to cryptocurrencies of all kinds, especially stablecoins. This is because cryptocurrency undermines the total control of the currency that its associated central banks are explicitly trying to achieve with their CBDCs, which are essentially direct competitors to stablecoins.

The BIS’s anti-crypto activities have been limited to reports about why cryptocurrencies are bad and why CBDCs are better, as detailed in this article and clearly shows that nobody is buying what they’re selling. Many are skeptical and can see through their agenda; still, the BIS has undoubtedly an incredible amount of influence given its history and the advocacy of central bankers worldwide. 

2: The Financial Action Task Force

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an international organization based in Paris, France, is the second institution trying to stymie crypto. It consists of 40 countries and dozens of other international organizations, including the IMF and World Bank. The FATF was founded in 1989 and was initially established to combat money laundering worldwide. 

Its mandate has since expanded to include anything threatening the system's integrity. It achieves this by issuing so-called recommendations about the kinds of financial regulations that countries should implement. The FATF drafted its first set of 40 recommendations one year after it was founded. 

The most infamous of these recommendations is the so-called travel rule, which requires financial institutions to collect detailed information about anyone sending or receiving more than a certain amount of money, usually around $1000. Although the FATF doesn't have the power to write national laws, any countries that fail to comply with its recommendations often find themselves on its grey list or, worse, its black list. 

Being on the former makes it difficult to interact with the Global Financial System, and being on the latter makes it impossible. That's why more than 200 countries have chosen to comply with the FATF's recommendations. 

Now, if you're wondering who writes the FATF’s recommendations, the answer is nobody really knows. That's because the FATF consists of unelected officials who hold meetings behind closed doors, where they decide what recommendations to pass and which countries land on which list. 

Image source: Islamabad Post

The FATF officials are also effectively “above the law,” thanks to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Intercourse and Immunities passed in 1961. Under the Vienna Convention, folks like FATF officials cannot be arrested or detained, they cannot be charged with a criminal or civil crime, and they do not have to pay taxes. FATF officials are also not subject to pandemic travel restrictions. 

While it's not precisely clear who decides what the FATF does, it's clear that it has strong connections to the United States, specifically, the United States Treasury Department. As recently as 2018-2019, Treasury served as President of the FATF, and two of the three lead authors of the finalized recommendations for cryptocurrency were from the Treasury Department. The document notes that the United States is the primary driver behind compliance with the FATF's recommendations. 
This may explain why the United States isn't on the FATF’s grey list or black list even though up to 40% of all money laundering happens in the USA and why the countries that do end up on the FATF's gray and black lists tend to be at odds with the interests of the United States. 

Given these facts, it looks like the FATF is another financial weapon the United States occasionally uses against its enemies, and it's a weapon that's being used against cryptocurrency as well.  

Having said that, the FATF doesn't actually want to ban cryptocurrency; it just wants no more peer-to-peer transactions and no more privacy and hopes to achieve this by labeling any technology or activity related to these two as high risk. In other words, the FATF wants to turn crypto into another arm of the existing financial system, which the United States, of course, controls. 

However, countries and indeed crypto firms are reticent and slow on the uptake of its crypto recommendations, and it looks like there are a few which might not implement the crypto regulations the FATF wants to impose. This might have to do with the fact that its recommendations don't work in combating illicit Finance. 

The FATF's own statistics suggest it hasn't made a dent in dark money in over 30 years. If this non-compliance by countries continues, it will be difficult for the fat F to achieve its goal in time. After all, if crypto adoption reaches a Tipping Point, it will be impossible for politicians to pass the crypto regulations the FATF wants to see because the people will vote against such politicians. 

It's also possible that by the time compliance starts, the financial system will have fragmented to such an extent that the FATF no longer has any influence. The unprecedented sanctions against Russia have accelerated this fragmentation. 

3: The International Monetary Fund – The World Bank

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank are the third institutions trying to cancel out crypto. The IMF was created as part of the Bretton Woods agreement mentioned above in 1944. The Bretton Woods agreement is where the world decided to make the US dollar the world's reserve currency. More accurately, it's where the world decided that the other currencies would be pegged to the US dollar at a fixed exchange rate, and the US dollar would, in turn, be backed by physical gold. 

The IMF's initial job was to ensure the exchange rates between other currencies and the US dollar remained stable. But after the US dollar officially stopped being backed by gold in 1971, the IMF turned its focus to financial stability worldwide. The IMF achieves this financial stability by issuing loans to countries in crisis to ensure that the situation the country is facing doesn't become an international crisis. 

These loans are known for including all sorts of terms and conditions that benefit certain institutions. Whereas the IMF issues loans, the World Bank provides longer-term financial and technical support to developing countries. You can think of the World Bank as the “unofficial” other half of the IMF, as it was also created as part of the Bretton Woods conference. 

It’s clear that the IMF is firmly aligned with the interests of the United States, simply because the USA has the most voting power of the IMF's 190 member countries. Arguably, the IMF's hatred of cryptocurrency has mostly to do with BTC. That's because Bitcoin is starting to be adopted as legal tender by the kinds of developing countries the IMF is trying to control, notably El Salvador and the Central African Republic. 

Image source: Cointelegraph

This is why the IMF included a clause in its debt deal with Argentina to discourage cryptocurrency adoption. Something that I'm sure is going to become more common as more countries start adopting crypto and BTC in particular. By the way, the clause didn't work, as Argentinians are still adopting BTC and stablecoins to protect themselves from inflation. 

The IMF's report about the decline of the US dollar stated that the IMF knows that central banks around the world are slowly ditching the greenback in favor of alternative currencies and why it's possible other countries could adopt BTC. 

Case in point, the chairman of the Central Bank of Switzerland recently noted that it could hold BTC on its balance sheet once it becomes big enough. At that point, it's only a small step to legal tender status. It's safe to say this is something the IMF doesn't want to see in any developed countries, which is why the institution has seemingly focused its attacks on BTC.

Lately, these attacks have centered around Bitcoin’s energy use, with the IMF claiming CBDCs are superior because they use less energy. What the IMF won't tell you is that Bitcoin’s energy use is negligible in the grand scheme of things. 

4: Wall Street

The fourth institution trying to invalidate crypto is Wall Street, which is more of a collection of established financial institutions rather than a single entity. As almost everyone around the world knows, Wall Street’s power is truly unprecedented, and most of this power resides in a handful of asset managers like BlackRock and Vanguard and mega banks like JPMorgan and Bank of America. 

Notably, the only reason why these asset managers and banks were able to become so prominent is that they're pretty much first in line at the Federal Reserve money printer. They also have unbelievable influence over politics and regulations in the United States and elsewhere.

You may recall that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) allegedly destroyed documents about the 2008 financial crisis when it was supposed to investigate the asset managers and big banks that caused it. 

A 2012 article from The Huffington Post also notes that Wall Street spent more money on lobbying than any other industry between 1998 and 2011. A spending streak that has now been overshadowed by big tech giants like Meta and mega-corporations like Amazon, which are now the biggest lobbyists. 

The IMF even published a paper in 2019 about the regulatory capture of bank lobbying and how it led to the global financial crisis. While the authors argued that regulations resolved these issues, I think it's apparent to the average person that Wall Street has only become more powerful. 

Like the central banks at the BIS, the asset managers and banks on Wall Street do not want to be replaced by cryptocurrency, which is why most of them have historically been anti-crypto. The thing is that the asset managers and banks on Wall Street also don't want to be replaced by Central Bank Digital Currencies either, and these are quickly becoming a more significant threat than crypto. 

Image source: Markets Insider

It’s already been determined that they would effectively cut commercial banks out of the equation. Even though the CBDC Systems proposed by central banks often include commercial banks at the front end, the BIS and its central banks have admitted in multiple reports that it would be next to impossible for commercial banks to remain profitable under such a system. 

Furthermore, the roles asset managers and banks play could easily be filled by companies in the financial technology sector, such as Revolut and PayPal. It's even possible that crypto companies like ConsenSys could play this role. 

Now this leaves only one option for the asset managers and banks: to take control of the crypto industry and leverage its technology to ensure they remain profitable and ideally leverage it to the point that they can continue to compete with fintech companies. So, how can asset managers and banks take control of the crypto industry?

Well, besides investing heavily in centralized projects with close ties to their constituents, asset managers and banks are also trying to control crypto by forcing it to comply with their ESG agenda, which stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance; in other words, total control. 

The inability to control Bitcoin under this framework is ultimately why Wall Street dislikes Proof-of-work. On the other hand, the Proof-of-stake protocol allows them to procure a controlling stake in any crypto project since they have the capital. 

A scary scenario is that they will be able to implement whatever rules they see fit. If everyone ends up using Proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies, the asset managers and mega banks would finally have total control of the financial system, eliminating governance, politicians, and their accountability. 

I think it’s fair to say many crypto companies would oppose such a takeover from the privileged few, but it's essential to be aware of the game being played and the influential people sitting at the table.

5: The World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is the fifth institution trying to eradicate crypto. A non-governmental organization or NGO based in Geneva, Switzerland. Klaus Schwab founded the WEF in 1971, and he has served as its executive chairman ever since. 

 As its website states, the WEF’s purpose is to “ shape global, regional and industry agendas. The WEF has the power to do this because it consists of over 4,000 of the world's most influential individuals and institutions, including all the ones mentioned in this article. 

In a previous article, I explain its plans for the world, and they are intensely at odds with the average person. It has astonishing ideas such as “you’ll own nothing and be happy,” which comes directly from the technocratic brain of Klaus Schwab himself. 

The WEF is where ESG standards were established. The recent annual meeting in Davos included a few crypto companies and personnel and a series of panel discussions about crypto-related topics. Seemingly, the WEF had cryptocurrency on its radar since 2013, when crypto bull runs started to occur. However, the WEF isn't all that interested in cryptocurrency per se. Its interest is in the powerful technology that cryptocurrencies use. 

A historical example is the WEF’s Tipping Points Report from 2015, highlighting Smart contracts as a point of interest. Note that this report was published not long after Ethereum was created. A more recent example is this year's Davos meeting, where the Metaverse was almost as big a topic as ESG, with multiple discussions and articles produced by the WEF. 

What the WEF wants is to use technology, like Blockchain, Smart contracts, and the Metaverse, to create the dystopia its constituents want. Regarding the Blockchain, the WEF wants to use it for digital ID, social credit scores, and tracking everything and everyone. Also, tokenizing real-world assets so that their ownership can be controlled and engaging in “stakeholder capitalism via proof of stake consensus mechanisms.” 

If you're wondering who the stakeholders will be, Klaus has stated in many interviews and speeches that he created the WEF so that stakeholders could gather. Let that sink in. 

Image Source: World Economic Forum

Now, when it comes to Smart contracts, the WEF wants to use them for things like automated censorship to prevent the purchase of specific goods and services and to create the kinds of incentive structures the WEF wants to see—for example, artificially increasing meat prices to decrease meat consumption.  

When it comes to the Metaverse, the WEF wants to use it to limit population growth, pacify people in developing countries, and in the words of Schwab's closest advisor, Yuval Noah Harari, “…to give all the useless people something to do.” 

Image source: Mind Matters

The 99% Wake Up And Withstand

Fortunately, the world is starting to wake up to what the WEF is trying to do with cryptocurrency and other technologies intended to free rather than enslave the average person. There's no shortage of individuals and institutions starting to push back, including from the world of crypto and the next giants in social and market media, where freedom, liberty, financial sovereignty, and the entrepreneurial spirit are paramount. 

The few that think they have the right to control every living soul are trying their best to extinguish the entrepreneur and oppress their spirit.  A path to self-sovereignty is here with Markethive and brings a whole new level to empower people. Entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of liberty and freedom; liberty and freedom are a gift from God. In today’s world, Markethive is a blessing and unrivaled by any other platform out there today.


Reference: Coinbureau.com



Editor and Chief Markethive: Deb Williams. (Australia) I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech. I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people to accept and move forward with enthusiasm. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.






Tim Moseley

Is the Food Crisis Over or Just Getting Started?

Is the Food Crisis Over or Just Getting Started?

by Chris MacIntosh, contributor, International Man Communique

Is the Food Crisis Over or Just Getting Started?


Are You Hungry?

Good, according to the central planners. The folks over at the UN stopped destroying the world for a brief few minutes to publish a piece (snapshot below) justifying their behavior and explaining the "benefits" of the famine they’ve engineered.

Not making this up.


The article remained on the UN website for a day or so before being deleted after it went viral on social media, with people horrified at the truly unbelievable evil. The good thing about this is that as they continue with their predictive programming and NLP (seriously, look into both and it promises to blow your mind), more and more people wake from their trance. Once woken, they realize the incredible danger they are all in. And that is a good thing because you can’t fight an enemy until you understand one exists.

The "great reset" requires a populace beholden to the government and nobody else. As the central planners pursue their agenda of getting there, this is bound to be fraught with an awakening and a lot of angst.


The Great Awakening of the Average Joe

While Joe Sixpack doesn’t understand most of these, he doesn’t actually need to.

What Joe does care about is when he can’t afford groceries and when his electricity bill now suddenly wipes out his entire annual disposable income.

And that is enough to provide both pushback and an increasing ability to awaken to the horrors of what comes for him if this communist agenda masquerading as a plan to "save us from climate change" is NOT stopped in its tracks.

And with this realization will come politicians — many who themselves are parasites but doing what comes naturally to them: sensing a shift in the winds and rushing to get in front of it, champion it, and gain support.

Here, take a look. According to France24, Giuseppe Conte, the head of Five Star, said:

I have a strong fear that September will be a time when many families will face the terrible choice of paying their electricity bills or buying food. We are absolutely willing to dialogue, to make our constructive contribution to the government, to Draghi, (but) we are not willing to write a blank cheque.

He’s not wrong, of course, but this is a thug who was a massive contributor to the problems our proverbial "Joe" now faces.

Take a look at this.


And as we’ve been continuously saying: energy underpins EVERYTHING, which is why Eurozone CPI looks like it just mainlined viagra.



And this is saying something because as you know the way they measure CPI is, of course, complete hogwash and roughly half the real rate. Check out John Williams’ Shadowstats, where inflation in the US is calculated based on the methodology used back in the ’80s (pre-fraud). It just hit 17.3%. That’s a tad more than the 9.1% print they just tried to trick you with.


The other thing "Joe" cares about is when the government — under the guise of "saving the planet" — begins the process of stealing up to 50% of the farms in the Netherlands.


Reducing Nitrogen Emissions

Under a ridiculous narrative of "reducing nitrogen omissions," the Dutch government is proceeding with a blatant land grab of 30% of the Farmland. It is worth pointing out that air is 78% nitrogen. These morons have literally decided that air is dangerous.

Anyway, the farmers are having none of it and have blockaded roads, airports, and distribution centers. The fishermen have joined in and blocked the ports.

Domestically the Dutch farmers have massive support. Gratefully, people seem to intuitively understand that without them there will be no food. The propaganda is no longer having the desired effect on the populace. What a shame!

Every day a few more people wake to reality, and once you wake, you can’t unsee what you’ve seen. The existing political parties’ credibility is severely damaged. I’ve thought for some years now that if there is to be a shift, it will likely come from third parties. This is true across the Western world, and not uniquely a Dutch thing.

The Farmer–Citizen Movement in the Netherlands is now gaining momentum and size faster than any other.



Over in France, the Marxist agenda gathers momentum.

France plans full nationalization of power utility EDF

France will fully nationalize EDF (EDF.PA), Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne said on Wednesday, in a move that would give the government more control over a restructuring of the debt-laden group while contending with a European energy crisis.




It is at this point that we should review a little history.

The last head of a European government to be killed and eaten by a mob was Dutch Johan de Witt in 1672, who was mutilated, hung, and had his liver roasted and digested by Orangists in the Hague.


Davos man deserves at least as much.

In the meantime, Europeans are going to be cold and hungry. Winter is just a few short months away now which brings us to investment implications. The stampede will begin in earnest for food and all those banned products like fertilizer.


New Opportunities Are Emerging For Citizens of The World.

Freedom and democracy may appear to be struggling to stay alive in America, but there may be a knock-out punch ready to be released. The evolution of the blockchain-enabled metaverse is going to enable the 'Citizens of the World' to gain their own Freedom by democratizing power and creating a new world with new rules, new players, and new opportunities. For 99.99% of us, the metaverse will improve our real-world lives by democratizing power and opportunity.

Along with the major long-term trend of society towards decentralization and smaller-scale organizations, there are new opportunities developing to help 'Preparers' in the cryptocurrency sector. Businesses are beginning to issue their own Crypto Coins that can be traded on Cryptocoin Exchanges.

Markethive.com will release its HiveCoin (HIV) in the coming weeks. It has tremendous upside potential that is outlined in a Video by Founder Tom Prendergast, "Entrepreneur Advantage…".

Not only that, if you go to their website and register as a FREE Member, you will be given 500 HiveCoins for "FREE" along with access to several Earning Opportunities and online tools to increase your HiveCoin balance.

Be sure to check it out today – Markethive.com


Tim Moseley

Tornado Cash Whirlwind: Fed Prohibits US Citizens From Using the Service

Tornado Cash Whirlwind: Fed Prohibits U.S. Citizens From Using the Service.

Cryptocurrency mixing service Tornado Cash has been blacklisted in the U.S. Now, this has created a whirlwind in the crypto community. It is essential to understand exactly what's happening here as it will have important implications for the industry. However, this is not the first time the U.S. government has imposed a ban on crypto-related companies.

Tornado Cash's blacklisting sparks outrage in the crypto community as the U.S. Treasury sanctions the Ethereum hybrid protocol. The developers working on Tornado Cash and the log itself have been removed from the popular code hosting site Github. Vitalik Buterin has publicly admitted that he used the protocol in good faith, and his supporters have condemned censorship as unconstitutional. At the same time, someone started sending illicit Ethereum from Tornado Cash to a range of celebrities, from Jimmy Fallon to Jake Paul.

Tornado Cash is a firm that allows customers to conceal the origin of their cryptocurrency transactions. The U.S. Treasury Department has banned all Americans from using the website because it played a crucial role in laundering billions of dollars worth of cryptocurrencies. It is one of the main tools hackers use, most notably the $625 million breach of Axie Infinity's Ronin network by North Korea's Lazarus Group in March.

Before I go further, let's dive into the ecosystem of Tornado Cash to understand what the network is about and its functionalities.

Image source: Moralis Academy

What is Tornado Cash?

The blockchain transactions of Ethereum and Bitcoin, the two largest cryptocurrencies in the world today, are fully public and visible. Thanks to this high level of transparency, almost anyone can use their public address to track users' spending behavior. If they wish to disclose their transaction history, they only need user data for a single transaction that occurred.

Of course, the anonymous nature of public addresses doesn't necessarily mean they know users' personal information. Still, this leaves a lot to be desired for more privacy-conscious crypto users. Various privacy-conscious solutions and protocols have been developed to address the "problem" of transparent pseudonyms, but arguably none have been more successful than transaction mixers.

Transaction mixers essentially pool the funds of multiple users with their transactions: before each transaction reaches its intended destination, it is "shuffled." Once this shuffling process happens, it's complicated for anyone to track whose money went where and how much.

In practical use of transaction mixers, the developed protocol increases transaction anonymity by sending numerous random transactions across multiple addresses. However, these transactions can still be tracked in the public ledger, so this is not an entirely successful solution.

Tornado Cash aims to solve the privacy issues of transparent blockchains through private transactions. A fully decentralized, custody-free protocol increases transaction privacy by breaking the chain connection between sender and receiver addresses. To improve privacy, Tornado Cash uses smart contracts to accept ETH and other tokens from one address and allow them to be withdrawn at another.

These smart contracts work as a package, mixing all the deposited funds and generating a private key to prove that you have completed the deposit process. The sender can then use this private key to withdraw the deposited funds to any address at their chosen time. Tornado Cash has grown in popularity due to the rise of cryptocurrency events. It has also become a place to store stolen funds and a haven for many hackers.

Feds Blacklist Tornado Cash

The U.S. Treasury has added Ethereum mixing service to its list of Specially Designated Nationals. In a Press Release published by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the body added the Tornado Cash website and a long list of Ethereum addresses to its list of Specially Designated Nationals and banned U.S. citizens from using the tool or doing business with the firm.

The announcement added that the state-backed North Korean hacking group Lazarus Group used Tornado Cash to launder more than $96 million after it hacked Harmony Bridge in June. It also said criminals used Tornado Cash to launder money, with $7.8 million stolen in the Nomad Bridge hack.

The Treasury Department's announcement lists some Ethereum addresses related to the Tornado Cash community, including addresses where people can donate money. According to Nansen researcher Andrew Thurman, the list of blocked addresses includes addresses that received funds from Gitcoin, an Ethereum-based platform used to fund open-source projects.

The Treasury Department said the measure was taken because criminals used Tornado Cash to launder money. In April, Tornado Cash said it used a tool from blockchain tracking firm Chainalysis to block U.S. government-approved addresses from using privacy apps. This is not good enough for the U.S. authorities. Brian E. Nelson, Treasury Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, added:

"Despite public assurances otherwise, Tornado Cash has repeatedly failed to impose effective controls designed to stop it from laundering funds for malicious cyber actors on a regular basis and without basic measures to address its risks."

Ethereum is the network behind the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, with thousands of tokens running on its blockchain. The native token ETH is trading at just under $1,897 and has a market cap of over $219 billion at the time of this writing.

As a result of this ban, all U.S. individuals and entities are prohibited from interacting with Tornado Cash or any Ethereum wallet addresses associated with the protocol. Anyone who does so faces criminal penalties.

Tornado Cash announced in July that it had fully open-sourced its user interface code as part of its goal of complete decentralization and transparency. Mixer's website includes a compliance tool that allows users to view the source of each transaction.

Image source: Coindesk

Sanctions may not prevent the operation of Tornado Cash itself. Co-founder Roman Semenov explained that the privacy service is designed to work without central control. When he and his team write and release code, the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) must approve any changes.

He told CoinDesk:

"If the DAO doesn't like what we are doing, then we will be forced to change our approach, and we cannot do it in a way that would satisfy the DAO's demands or expectations… The DAO has no way of forcing us to make those changes because our code base runs on a decentralized network where we don't have to talk to anyone else or ask for permission."

Is the U.S. Government in a Crypto War?

Given the ensuing avalanche of blacklists, does that mean Tornado Cash will only be used by criminals to launder money? Due to the transparency inherent in the blockchain, Tornado Cash offers many other less "illegal" use cases that are common when using traditional fiat currencies.

Recently, defenders of Tornado Cash have launched their offensive against the decision in various ways. First, they drew attention to a glaring logical flaw in the decision: anyone interacting with the Tornado Cash contract was illegal. Individual users cannot reject incoming transactions. Small amounts of cryptocurrency have been sent to well-known public wallet addresses – including those associated with Jimmy Fallon and Shaquille O'Neal – a concern that challenges the Treasury to take action to seize the entire Community.

Congress is deliberating a measure that permits the U.S. Treasury broad authority to prohibit or freeze certain digital assets, particularly if they relate to foreign banking institutions, transactions or if one or more types of accounts are of primary money laundering concern.

But the decision has drawn backlash from many in the crypto community, who see it as a government offense that runs counter to its core values ​​of privacy and autonomy. Crypto attorney Collins Belton tweeted:

"arguably the most significant legal action that has occurred in crypto" and warned that it could produce "absolutely gargantuan ripple effects."

However, this action also suggests that OFAC sanctions, which are intended to more broadly push the introduction of cryptocurrencies into the world's financial system as a way to make payments without going through a trusted third-party financial institution should ultimately bypass it.

A bigger fight may be on the horizon: some prominent crypto lawyers have already begun to float the idea of ​​challenging the decision on constitutional grounds. "Banning software publication is banning speech," said Peter Van Valkenburgh, director of research at Coin Center, at a cryptocurrency conference in Las Vegas.

He also said:

"Even laws that unreasonably chill speech are constitutionally suspect and can be challenged even before enforcement."

The sanctions were particularly notable because they were placed not on a person or particular digital wallet address but on the use of a smart contract protocol, which in the most basic form is just information. The precedent set by these actions is not favorable for open source software development in the sector.

Bottom Line

The Feds’ actions shocked the crypto community just as it was starting to relax and enjoy a summer rally led by Ethereum and the promise of its coming upgrade, The Merge.

The news that the U.S. Treasury Department has banned all Americans from using Tornado Cash crypto-mixing service or any Ethereum wallet addresses tied to the protocol after North Korean hackers allegedly used it to launder stolen crypto funds has once again heightened doubts on the stability of the whole sector.

This news highlights the cryptocurrency market's fragility and the regulators' ability to crack down on service providers for various reasons, particularly national security. While general market conditions appear to be slightly improving, despite contrasting economic data, this news casts a shadow over the cryptocurrency market. It may discourage further investments from people fearing their coin may be the next one to be targeted.




About: Prince Chinwendu. (Nigeria) Rapid and sustainable human growth is my passion, and getting a life-changing opportunity into the hands of people is my calling. Empowering entrepreneurs provides me with enormous gratification. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.






Tim Moseley

An Insane – and Dangerous – Lesson in Economics

An Insane – and Dangerous – Lesson in Economics

by Andy Snyder, founder, Manward Financial Digest


An Insane - and Dangerous - Lesson in Economics


Andy Gets Sick in a Bookstore

We've got to stop going where we don't belong.

We spent some time on the campus of a major university this week.

With some time to burn, we figured we'd take a peek in the student bookstore. We wanted to see what the best and brightest are studying.

Holy smokes…

It left us tasting our lunch for a second time.

We thumbed through an economics book – the sort of stuff our graduate career was filled with.

This one must have been popular. It was promoted in a big display right at the end of an aisle.

Skimming the introduction, we saw what we'd feared might be there. Race, sexuality, and global warming were the buzzwords right up front. Money, the authors said, isn't as important as these issues. Our economic choices, therefore, must be weighted in their favor.

Oh boy. Here comes the welfare state.


Ignorance or Deceit?

Forget the dollar going where it's treated best. We apparently now must put it where it will be treated right, just, and fairly.

That's a big swing. And it's a recipe for mighty trouble.

If academia teaches anything but the fact that economics is entirely about self-interest and getting the most for the least, we're doing our students an incredible disservice.

Not only are we lying to them (in the name of silly politics), but we're setting them up for failure and dependency.

Take this recession debate we find ourselves mired in, for instance.

Since last December, we've said a recession would hit this year. Due to inflation, waning consumer savings, and peak employment, a downturn was inevitable.

It happened.

The American economy is smaller now than it was then.

There is no debating the numbers.

But many folks still argue against the idea. The reason is as scary as it is important.


Fueling the Gap

Wealth inequality, as many academics are oh so eager to point out, is greater today than at almost any time in American history.

The rich are getting richer, yes. But it's the dying middle class that's suffering the most.



Image – Share Aggregate Income

Source: Pew Research Center


It’s why the stock market can drop 20% – erasing trillions of dollars of wealth – and the political class can – rightly – say the majority of Americans aren’t feeling it.

Because so many citizens have failed to invest in the greatest wealth-generating machine in human history, our lawmakers (they aren’t leaders) can point to a jobs report filled with news of booming demand for workers who are willing to toil for $12 an hour… and claim economic victory.

But the undeniable truth is these folks are not better off, even if they can have their choice of entry-level, unskilled warehouse jobs.

The upper class is in a serious recession. But the vast majority of Americans are so insulated from it, that they don’t feel it.

The changing definition of mediocrity, we suppose, has its merits.


The Government “Solution”

Things get worse…

The book we thumbed through more than hinted at the power of the government. Reagan was wrong, it claimed. More government is better.

We just need a government the people trust, it said.

We chuckled at the naïveté. Then we cringed in fear that people actually believe such a thing is possible.

It’s tripe.

They believe that the path to economic equality, freedom, and self-preservation comes in the form of some supreme government that has not only all the answers but also an eagerness to dish them all out… without giving themselves just a little (or a lot) more.

That’s insanity.

History proves the notion is impossible. As the original sin in Eden illustrates, humans do not have the ability to govern without succumbing to corruption.

Just look at the news… and then read a history book (preferably one that’s been banned from a college campus).


Bring Back Sanity

If we want all those noble things so many folks are begging our keepers for, we need to not just understand the facts… but also take a strong reality check.

This world is tough – bordering on evil in many corners. We’ve seen it.

We can’t afford to gild the rules of the economy with gold that isn’t there. We need the truth.

We need to focus on independence, freedom from an all-powerful government, and the preservation of the self.

The rest will come on its own. We promise.

We didn’t have to finish the book to know how it ends.

If these agenda-driven scholars have their way, everybody will have less money… but the government will have more.

Sorry, but that never ends well.

Kids… don’t go to college.

Don’t feed those animals.


New Opportunities Are Emerging For Citizens of The World.

Freedom and democracy may appear to be struggling to stay alive in America, but there may be a knock-out punch ready to be released. The evolution of the blockchain-enabled metaverse is going to enable the 'Citizens of the World' to gain their own Freedom by democratizing power and creating a new world with new rules, new players, and new opportunities. For 99.99% of us, the metaverse will improve our real-world lives by democratizing power and opportunity.

Along with the major long-term trend of society towards decentralization and smaller-scale organizations, there are new opportunities developing to help 'Preparers' in the cryptocurrency sector. Businesses are beginning to issue their own Crypto Coins that can be traded on Cryptocoin Exchanges.

Markethive.com will release its HiveCoin (HIV) in the coming weeks. It has tremendous upside potential that is outlined in a Video by Founder Tom Prendergast, "Entrepreneur Advantage…".

Not only that, if you go to their website and register as a FREE Member, you will be given 500 HiveCoins for "FREE" along with access to several Earning Opportunities and online tools to increase your HiveCoin balance.

Be sure to check it out today – Markethive.com


Tim Moseley

3 Things Most People Don’t Know About Gold Bitcoin and Money

3 Things Most People Don't Know About Gold, Bitcoin, and Money

by Nick Giambruno, International Man Communique


3 Things Most People Don't Know About Gold, Bitcoin, and Money


Bitcoin Has Been Likened To The Platypus…

The platypus is a strange duck-billed mammal with webbed feet and a furry body like a beaver. It has characteristics of birds, mammals, and reptiles. Females lay eggs but also nurse their young with milk. Males produce a potent venom.

When Europeans discovered the platypus in Australia in 1798, they wrote letters to folks at home to describe this bizarre new animal. People thought the platypus was a joke or a hoax—because it didn’t fit into the classification of animals at that time.

But it was a real animal.

People just didn’t understand it because it was a new thing that didn’t fit into the established paradigms.

Bitcoin is much the same. It doesn’t fit into the framework of traditional financial analysis metrics.

There is no P/E (price-to-earnings) ratio because Bitcoin has no earnings.

There is no P/B (price-to-book) ratio because Bitcoin has no book value.

Bitcoin has no CEO, no marketing department, and no employees.

Bitcoin is an entirely new asset people are adopting as money because of its superior monetary properties, namely its resistance to inflation.

The monetization of a new global money is genuinely unlike anything anyone alive has ever seen before. There is nothing else comparable.

Like the platypus, Bitcoin is an entirely new animal. That’s why Bitcoin confuses many people, including prominent investment professionals.

It’s not uncommon for it to take years for someone to really get Bitcoin. It requires an understanding of economic incentives, technology, cryptography, financial markets, and other fields.

But, by far, the most important way to understand Bitcoin is first to understand money, which anyone can do.

Fortunately, it no longer takes years to understand Bitcoin. There is a wonderful body of knowledge that connects the dots in a way that wasn’t available in the early years. I believe that anyone who does the homework to really understand Bitcoin will reap significant dividends in the future.

I think Bitcoin has revolutionary implications, as much or more than the printing press, the invention of gunpowder, the Internet, and other historical innovations that overturned established paradigms.

I’ll take you down the Bitcoin rabbit hole and show you where I think it goes.

It is essential to start with the basics as a sound foundation and build from there in understanding Bitcoin. Doing it any other way will likely end with confusion or faulty conclusions.


What Is Money?

Although people use money daily, few consider what it actually is or what makes for good money.

Asking people, "what is money?" is like asking a fish, "what is water?"

The fish probably doesn’t even notice the water unless it becomes polluted or something is wrong.

Money is a good, just like any other in an economy. And it isn’t a complex notion to grasp.

It doesn’t require you to understand convoluted math formulas and complicated theories—as the gatekeepers in academia, media, and government mislead many folks into believing.

Understanding money is intuitive and straightforward.

Money is simply something useful for storing and exchanging value. That’s it.

Think of money as a claim on human time. It’s like stored life or energy.

Unfortunately, today most of humanity thoughtlessly accepts whatever their government gives them as money. However, money does not need to come from the government. That’s a total misnomer that the average person has been hoodwinked into believing.

It would be similar to transporting yourself back in time and asking the average person in the Soviet Union, "Where do shoes come from?"

They would say, "Well, the government makes the shoes. Where else could they come from? Who else could make the shoes?"

It’s the same mentality here regarding money today—except it’s much more widespread.

The truth is money doesn’t need to come from the government any more than shoes do.

People have used stones, glass beads, salt, cattle, seashells, gold, silver, and other commodities as money at different times.

However, for over 2,500 years, gold has been mankind’s most enduring form of money.

Gold didn’t become money by accident or because some politicians decreed it. Instead, it became money because countless individuals throughout history and across many different civilizations subjectively came to the same conclusion: gold is money.

It resulted from a market process of people looking for the best way to store and exchange value.

So, why did they go to gold? What makes gold attractive as money?

Here’s why.

Gold has a set of unique characteristics that make it suitable as money.

Gold is durable, divisible, consistent, convenient, scarce, and most importantly, the "hardest" of all physical commodities.

In other words, gold is "hard to produce" relative to existing stockpiles and the one physical commodity most resistant to inflation of its supply. That’s what gives gold its monetary properties.

Bitcoin shares many of the same attributes as gold that make it attractive as money. That’s why it is often referred to as "digital gold."

Like gold, Bitcoin does not have counterparty risk, and nobody can arbitrarily inflate the supply.

At this point, some people might say, "wait, Bitcoin doesn’t have intrinsic value or industrial use. It’s more like fiat money. So how can it even be compared to gold?"

Before we go further, it’s important to make three clarifications to address common misunderstandings.

There is No Such Thing as Intrinsic Value

One of the first—and most important—things free-market Austrian economics teaches is that all value is subjective.

There is no such thing as inherent or intrinsic value.

Something only has value because individuals subjectively determine it has value to them.

For example, when people didn’t understand what crude oil was, they’d find it in their backyards and think it was waste. So they’d pay to have it removed from their property.

Later, once people understood the economic potential of crude oil, it was transformed from unwanted waste into a lucrative commodity.

The oil didn’t change; it was still the same oil. What changed was how people valued it.

Marxists differ in that they falsely believe that labor has inherent or intrinsic value. But this ridiculous notion is easily debunked.

The great economist Murray Rothbard explains this by asking people to try to make and sell mud pies—not chocolate desserts, but pies literally made of dirt.

According to the Marxists, the pies have objective and intrinsic value because of the labor someone put into making them. But good luck getting someone to pay for them voluntarily.

The concept that all value is subjective applies to all goods, including monetary goods like gold and Bitcoin.


Bitcoin is Not Fiat Money

Bitcoin is a free-market form of money.

Over 114 million people worldwide have subjectively determined that Bitcoin has value to them. They voluntarily chose to exchange other forms of value for Bitcoin. They did not choose Bitcoin because legal tender laws or government decrees forced them to, as they do for fiat money.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines fiat money as "inconvertible paper money made legal tender by a government decree."

Bitcoin is clearly not fiat money.


Industrial Use Doesn’t Make a Good Money

According to the latest annual data from the World Gold Council, total gold demand is broken down into the following uses: jewelry (55%), investment (25%), central banks (12%), and industrial (8%).

According to the latest annual data from The Silver Institute, total silver demand is broken down into the following uses: industrial (51%), jewelry (17%), investment (27%), silverware (4%), and hedging (1%).

Indians, Chinese, and other Asians account for a large portion of global gold jewelry demand. While there isn't any precise data, I estimate that many people also use gold jewelry as a store of value—a monetary use.

Putting it all together, I estimate that monetary uses are responsible for around 86% of gold’s demand. Industrial and non-monetary uses account for a relatively small part (14%).

Silver is the opposite. Industrial and non-monetary uses account for about 73% of its overall demand, with monetary use making up 27%.

Finally, Bitcoin is a purely monetary good; it has no industrial or non-monetary utility.

Some people incorrectly reason that Bitcoin can’t be good money because it doesn’t have any industrial use or non-monetary utility.

However, that is not needed to make something money. The use of something as money itself is sufficient for it to be money.

The fact that gold has some industrial use doesn’t give it its superior monetary properties.

People value gold as money primarily because it’s the one physical commodity most resistant to inflation—not because it’s used in dentistry, electronics, or other industries.

On the contrary, I’d argue that gold’s relatively small industrial uses do not enhance its monetary characteristics. If they did, then why aren’t metals with more industrial use—like copper or nickel—more desirable as money?

When it comes to money, I’m only interested in its ability to store and exchange value. I’m not interested in something whose value is hostage to the whims of ever-changing industrial conditions.

This is why industrial use is not a monetary benefit but, in fact, a potential detriment.

Here’s the bottom line.

Bitcoin is misunderstood by almost everyone. But that’s actually a huge blessing in disguise.

This information asymmetry gives us a rare chance to make smart speculations before the crowd figures out what is really happening.

However, historically, Bitcoin’s biggest moves to the upside happen very quickly…

That's why many miss out on making fortunes from Bitcoin… and live to regret it.

I think the next big move could happen imminently.

Those who simply buy Bitcoin should do well.


New Opportunities Are Emerging For Citizens of The World.

Freedom and democracy may appear to be struggling to stay alive in America, but there may be a knock-out punch ready to be released. The evolution of the blockchain-enabled metaverse is going to enable the 'Citizens of the World' to gain their own Freedom by democratizing power and creating a new world with new rules, new players, and new opportunities. For 99.99% of us, the metaverse will improve our real-world lives by democratizing power and opportunity.

Along with the major long-term trend of society towards decentralization and smaller-scale organizations, there are new opportunities developing to help 'Preparers' in the cryptocurrency sector. Businesses are beginning to issue their own Crypto Coins that can be traded on Cryptocoin Exchanges.

Markethive.com will release its HiveCoin (HIV) in the coming weeks. It has tremendous upside potential that is outlined in a Video by Founder Tom Prendergast, "Entrepreneur Advantage…".

Not only that, if you go to their website and register as a FREE Member, you will be given 500 HiveCoins for "FREE" along with access to several Earning Opportunities and online tools to increase your HiveCoin balance.

Be sure to check it out today – Markethive.com


Tim Moseley

One of the Biggest Threats in the World Today

One of the Biggest Threats in the World Today

by Jeff Brown, editor, The Bleeding Edge


The China and Taiwan conflict.


Last week, Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan put the tensions in that region of the world back in the spotlight.

China and Taiwan sit within 200 kilometers of each other… And China has long claimed Taiwan as part of its territory despite Taiwan’s independent governance.



And there’s one critical reason this dispute should get everyone’s attention… Taiwan is the epicenter of the most advanced semiconductor manufacturing in the world.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company – abbreviated as TSMC produces the most advanced semiconductors in the world, working years in advance. It is the most important company on the planet, but very few people even know it exists.

If China were to take control of Taiwan, it would create a massive global crisis.

Taiwan-based chipmakers like TSMC are responsible for the semis in almost all of our electronics – from medical devices and home appliances to our cars and phones… and beyond.

This would give China the ability to control, alter, allocate, or completely stop the supply of key semiconductors in electronics that we use and need every day.


Military Protection Isn’t Enough

Now, some believe that Taiwan is fine. It's very hard to land there… We've got all of these military installments… China can't possibly breach Taiwan…



But when we think like a military strategist, we get a very different view:



A million troops versus Taiwan's 88,000. Destroyers – 32 versus 4. 1,600 fighters versus Taiwan's 400. And China has 450 bombers in attack planes, whereas Taiwan has zero.

That doesn't look too good…

But this is also a mistake.

The reality is that China is already there.


A Different Kind of Attack

China has been in Taiwan for decades. And they've been slowly building administrative control over Taiwan… just as they did for Hong Kong.

Hong Kong was handed over from the British to China. The move was already in the works for decades. Many were fearful of what might come once the handover was complete.

Ironically, they were correct in their concerns. But they were wrong about the timeframe. China took more than two decades to slowly and methodically take complete control. This is a slow, methodical process that continues to unfold today.

China is brilliant at playing the long game. So it's already happening in Taiwan whether we realize it or not.

It’s now just a matter of time until it asserts control. Any military presence will largely be just for show, and it will make for flashy headlines in the media.

But executives in the industry have known this, and they’ve been taking action.

Last year, Intel announced a new $20 billion investment in Arizona to build two semiconductor plants.

And at the start of this year, it said it’s making a $100 billion investment in Ohio – the heartland. They want to build the world's largest semiconductor manufacturing facility in cornfields.

This is not happening in Silicon Valley. This is extraordinary – and it’s the most exciting thing I've seen from Intel in a decade.

Likewise, Intel is also planning to build a $19 billion mega factory in Europe.

And Intel isn’t acting alone…

Samsung is planning to construct a $17 billion chip plant in Texas by 2024.

And returning to TSMC – it’s in the process of building a $12 billion in Arizona.

Why is TSMC building in the United States? Why would they do that?

Because they're scared that they're going to be taken over when China asserts control. They have to diversify their supply chain. They've got to bring its manufacturing onto soil where they know they can keep producing semiconductors and then ship them elsewhere.

It's a serious problem. It’s also why TSMC is in discussions to build a multibillion-dollar manufacturing plant in Singapore, and another in Japan.

Another company, Micron, is looking to spend as much as $40 billion in either Arizona or Texas.

ON Semiconductor, GlobalFoundries, and Akoustis – among others – are likewise making moves to expand and upgrade their facilities.

And the good news is that these semiconductor companies are finally getting some legislative support…


Incentivizing the Right Behavior

Policy and legislation are finally moving in the right direction on this subject.

Both the House and the Senate approved the CHIPS Act at the end of July. This will be a boon for U.S. manufacturing, as it offers great incentives for expansion and research.

This bill is long overdue. As we’ve just seen, the global architecture for manufacturing has been shifting from centralized to decentralized for years now, and the pace is picking up.

The cost advantages of manufacturing in mainland China have narrowed. And the importance of secure supply chains for critical components has never been better understood than it is today.

And the CHIPS Act isn’t the only potential legislation to move us in the right direction…

Another group of policymakers has proposed the FABS Act, which would offer tax credits for constructing and upgrading semiconductor manufacturing equipment. This is actually smart legislation – and it incentivizes the right behavior.

But the key point is, that all of those announcements – for the investment I mentioned above – happened before the government offered up anything.

The industry has been on top of this for the last decade.

China still poses a big threat to Taiwan – and through it, a threat to the world.

But as we can see, the industry – and now the government – isn’t sitting on its heels. We’re going to see more announcements of new fabs in the U.S. and around the world in the near future.

While it will take time for the industry to adjust to this new dynamic and build out the necessary infrastructure, we’re on the right track.

And in the meantime, the money flowing toward the semiconductor industry will prime a number of our investments in this space going forward…


New Opportunities Are Emerging For Citizens of The World.

Freedom and democracy may appear to be struggling to stay alive in America, but there may be a knock-out punch ready to be released. The evolution of the blockchain-enabled metaverse is going to enable the 'Citizens of the World' to gain their own Freedom by democratizing power and creating a new world with new rules, new players, and new opportunities. For 99.99% of us, the metaverse will improve our real-world lives by democratizing power and opportunity.

Along with the major long-term trend of society towards decentralization and smaller-scale organizations, there are new opportunities developing to help 'Preparers' in the cryptocurrency sector. Businesses are beginning to issue their own Crypto Coins that can be traded on Cryptocoin Exchanges.

Markethive.com will release its HiveCoin (HIV) in the coming weeks. It has tremendous upside potential that is outlined in a Video by Founder Tom Prendergast, "Entrepreneur Advantage…".

Not only that, if you go to their website and register as a FREE Member, you will be given 500 HiveCoins for "FREE" along with access to several Earning Opportunities and online tools to increase your HiveCoin balance.

Be sure to check it out today – Markethive.com


Tim Moseley

Ethereum 20 and the Merge: What You Need to Know About the Transition

Ethereum 2.0 and the Merge: What You Need to Know About the Transition.

The Ethereum Merge has been one of the hottest topics in the cryptocurrency community lately. In this article, you will get to know about it and when Ethereum 2.0 will appear. Ethereum, the most popular altcoin and second most traded cryptocurrency, is planning a major software update that could affect your crypto investments.

After years of being the #1 smart contract blockchain, Ethereum is transitioning to a less energy-intensive technology. You may have heard of the planned update for Ethereum 2.0 or Eth 2.0, but the Ethereum Foundation is now calling it the Ethereum merger.

The move is expected to reduce Ethereum's power consumption by 99% while reducing the net issuance of the asset. Many expect the issuance of ETH to be a net negative, earning it the nickname "ultrasound currency."

The following focuses on the details of the merger, some brief technical details, and a timeline, and debunks some of the most common misconceptions.

What is The Merge?

As mentioned above, "The Merge" describes Ethereum's transition from a proof-of-work consensus algorithm to a proof-of-stake algorithm.

Ethereum gives a precise definition of the term here:

"The Merge represents the joining of the existing execution layer of Ethereum (the mainnet we use today) with its new proof-of-stake consensus layer – the Beacon Chain."


Source: Ethereum.org

This is to handle the energy-intensive mining process while securing the network with staked ETH. The move aims to ensure greater security, sustainability, and scalability for the Ethereum network.

Let's dig deeper into the technical aspects for greater clarity and understanding.

Beacon Chain: ETH 2.0 Processing Engine

The Beacon Chain is the important feature of the Ethereum 2.0 architecture. It exists and operates in parallel as an independent blockchain of the Ethereum network. It does not process transactions on the main network but achieves consensus on its own. This is done by agreeing on active checkers and their account balances.

Unlike the Ethereum network, which still operates through proof-of-work, the signal chain is powered by a consensus algorithm. It was developed on December 1, 2020.

In short, the Beacon Chain has so far served as the de facto testnet for Ethereum 2.0, but all of this will change with the merger.

As shown in the diagram above, the merger represents the moment when two systems (Ethereum mainnet currently running on PoW and the beacon chain running on PoS) come together. This merge will replace the PoW consensus algorithm with Proof-of-Stake (PoS).

This holds up some substantial implications for the network, but the crucial considerations include:

  • No history will be lost
  • Funds are safe
  • No more mining of ETH

When Will the Merge Happen?

It's worth noting that Ethereum 2.0 has been in development for years, and the exact date of the "merger" always looks like something might happen in the not-too-distant future.

All of the delays ended on July 14, 2022, when a member of the Ethereum Foundation shared a timeline showing what came to be known as a "soft" timetable for the merger.

The Superphiz timeline shared on Twitter includes a specific client release date and the so-called The Merge date. Despite the date, Superphiz also stated that "this merger timeline is not final," The developer stressed that people should "consider it as a planning timeline, and keep an eye out for any official announcements. The call, titled "PoS Implementers' Conference Call" Document #91 – 2022-07-14" states that the "proposed" timeline for discussion is as follows:

  • Goerli/Prater client releases 27th or 28th of July.
  • Announce 28th/29th.
  • Prater Bellatrix on the 8th of August
  • Goerli Merge on the 11th.
  • ACD 18th August plan mainnet Merge:
  • Bellatrix early September;
  • Merge two weeks later (week of Sept 19th).

As shown above, the merger is scheduled to take place on September 19, 2022, barring unforeseen events, including "the Goerli merger won't blow up." That date is not set in stone, though; delays may occur if complications arise.

Get Ready for The Merge?

This is one of the most significant events in the entire history of the cryptocurrency industry, so many bad actors will likely try to take advantage of it and scam innocent people.

Hence, it is essential to know that ETH users and holders do not need to do anything with their funds or wallets before merging.

The entire history of Ethereum – dating back to its creation, will remain unchanged and intact after the transition to PoS. Even after the merger, all funds in the wallet will still be accessible, and there is no need to upgrade on behalf of users and holders. 

Moreover, as part of the preparation for regular traders, it’s imperative to know that you are not expected to take any action for the upgrade. Beware of scammers who would want to rip you off your coins.

Ethereum Network After the Merge

One of the major promises of Ethereum 2.0 is that of scalability, and Vitalik Buterin claimed that the network would be able to process 100,000 transactions per second. However, The Merge is just the first stage of five from the protocol’s incoming development. These phases will see ETH 2.0 evolve into a full-fledged platform capable of handling millions of daily users.

It means there will be many more potential uses for the cryptocurrency than just smart contracts, like an app store or even gambling sites. If the Ethereum developers want ETH 2.0 to become one of the significant blockchains used worldwide, they need to ensure that the tech is scalable enough to handle all the projects on their roadmap.

The five developmental stages are as follows:

The Merge
This is the proof-of-work to proof-of-stake conversion discussed hereafter, merging Ethereum's current mainnet with the beacon chain.

The Surge
At this stage, this is what sharding brings to the protocol. A scaling solution divides the network into separate partitions called "shards" to spread workloads across the main network.

The Verge
This phase refers to the introduction of the so-called "Verkle tree." It includes an upgrade to Merkle Proofs designed to optimize data storage for Ethereum nodes.

The Purge 
Also, this upgrade affects validator data storage and reduces the disk space required by validators, optimizing network congestion.

The Splurge
This is the last upgrade in the pipeline and is intended to provide various progress updates to ensure the network's overall smooth operation.

Misconceptions About the ETH 2.0

As with all highly anticipated major events, the cryptocurrency community has had many common misconceptions floating around for some time now. Below are five of the most common.

It needs to stake 32 ETH to run a node
There are two kinds of nodes on the Ethereum network – the ones that can propose blocks and those that cannot. Those not required to commit ETH do not propose blocks, but they are also an integral part of network security, as they hold all block proposers accountable.

Gas fees will be reduced after the merger
The merger will change the general consensus algorithm and will not increase network capacity – and, therefore, will not result in lower gas tariffs. However, scaling solutions are being developed to do this, most of which are layer 2.

Transaction speed will be greatly improved
Transaction speeds on the merged mainnet will remain relatively unchanged, albeit with some minor changes.

Consolidation will cause downtime for the entire network
Merge upgrades are designed to avoid downtime. The network should always behave as expected except for minor issues, which are usual with software installation.

All staked ETH will be withdrawn after the transition
Validators leaving the network are rate limited. This is for security reasons. There is a limit to allow withdrawals of around 43,200 ETH per day. As of this writing, more than 13 million ETH has been staked in ETH 2.0.


All in all, The Merge is undoubtedly one of the most important moments in the history of cryptocurrencies, as one of the greatest protocols is about to undergo a huge change. Now that the timetable is in place, all of this has been tightened considerably, albeit "softly." However, there are still many details we don't know yet, and no doubt they will be revealed in due course, so it's best not to get too excited or nervous yet.




About: Prince Chinwendu. (Nigeria) Rapid and sustainable human growth is my passion, and getting a life-changing opportunity into the hands of people is my calling. Empowering entrepreneurs provides me with enormous gratification. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.







Tim Moseley

MARKETHIVE THRIVES – Announcements Forthcoming

MARKETHIVE THRIVES – Announcements Forthcoming

Markethive will soon make history with the impending wallet release and the cessation of the Entrepreneur One (E1) upgrade subscription to new members. The current E1s will continue as usual and receive one-tenth or 0.1 ILP every year when completing 12 consecutive monthly payments per year. 

Acquiring the ILP entitles you to 20% of Markethive’s net revenue per month. You are considered an early adopter and shareholder in the company, which is the first of its kind to integrate blockchain technology and cryptocurrency micropayments, thereby creating an ecosystem for the entrepreneur.  

In other words, Markethive is not just a social media site where people gather. It’s not just an inbound marketing or broadcasting platform where the marketer or creative pays for its services. Blockchain and cryptocurrency have enabled Markethive to offer its users many opportunities to create an income, the most lucrative being the ILP. 

By upgrading to Entrepreneur One, not only are you supporting and assisting in building the monolithic project of a Web 3 Social Market Media, you are essentially the venture capitalists. You are the organic element in Markethive, the Ecosystem for Entrepreneurs, and creating a legacy financially for yourself and your loved ones. 

As an incentive and because the Entrepreneur One upgrade will end soon, all who upgrade and maintain their monthly subscription for 12 months this year will receive a half or 0.5 ILP. 

The Premium Upgrade will also launch once the wallet is released, with many benefits for Markethive members. It increases your earning potential and allows you to monetize the initiatives Markethive has implemented. Click here to preview the features of the Premium Upgrade.

Watch this video of Thomas Prendergast, the CEO of Markethive, explaining in depth the benefits of the E1 upgrade and the opportunity of the ILP as he crunches the numbers. Markethive is a Divine Vision of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and Tom’s mission to bring it to ‘we the people” so that we may enjoy financial sovereignty, freedom of speech, liberty, and peace of mind in this uncertain world. 

The Entrepreneur One ILP special offer, features, and benefits are detailed in this article. The Entrepreneur One ILP Special 

About The Wallet

The Markethive Wallet, as detailed in this article, is now on the Solana Blockchain and is currently being BETA tested on the Markethive Development Site. The image below demonstrates a behind-the-scenes look at the blockchain working and transferring our token to a Solana wallet. The next step is to delegate a chosen BETA group of members who are Entrepreneur Ones to transact (send and receive) the coin via a Solana wallet. 

These people will promote Hivecoin (HVC) by asking their contacts to receive a chosen amount of coins, essentially sending the coin back and forth to people who accept your offer. These people can be users of Bitcoin Forum, Reddit, Telegram, or any site that you are affiliated with. The goal is to create transactional activity in the thousands.

It’s important to be active on the sites mentioned above, as the next step will be engaging five coin exchanges to list HVC on their platforms. The exchanges will do their due diligence and see that Markethive ranks very high in traffic, which will bode well for listing the coin, so it’s critical to have as much interest and activity as possible. 

Being listed on five coin exchanges is significant as it helps create stabilization and equilibrium, whereby a Moving Average or Mean can be calculated.  Moving averages are typically shown as a line on a chart, showing a mean of a previous set of periods. Because they are the mean (or average) of the data, they help to show the general trend and can then be used to map the direction of the coin visually. 

About Markethive’s Coin

The current Markethive Token (MHV) has a total supply of 8.8 billion and is only used internally. As we move forward, our cryptocurrency coin, HIVECOIN, will be the coin of Markethive that will be traded on the open market in crypto exchanges. The coin will replace the Markethive Token and have a total supply of 45 million. A much more realistic figure for the coin’s price action, supply, and demand.  

Phase one of the wallet is about to be released with a new vault and processor. The new hub will produce the new Markethive Credit, replacing the old Markethive Coin used internally. The Markethive Credit can be used to purchase the many services in Markethive and will also have a new staking advantage.

We are not staking the old Markethive Coin, as that is considered a violation of federal regulations that continue to evolve; however, there are ways around it. Our new Markethive Credit is not considered a Security as it can only be transacted one way. You can buy it within Markethive, but you can’t sell it on exchanges.   

You buy Markethive Credits to purchase services and for the purpose of staking, where you receive monthly interest on any given amount. There will also be significant incentives for all members to buy the new Markethive Credits. 


Wrap Up

Markethive has a fully operational inbound marketing system and social interface that is being uniquely enhanced with the new dashboard while simultaneously concentrating on the crypto side of things to get our coin up and running on the open market.  

So, it is almost “all systems go,” and you could help by supporting Markethive to expedite this humongous undertaking, not owned by the elite but by “we the people” so that every individual has a safe haven online. 

Make sure you upgrade to Entrepreneur One before the opportunity ends, and remember that you get a bonus of 0.5 ILP this year for the full 12 months. The Entrepreneur One opportunity for new members ends when the wallet is released.

Be sure to come to the meeting on Sunday at 10 am MST to hear the latest updates. You’ll find the link to the meeting room in the Markethive calendar. And stay tuned; the Markethive wallet is about to be announced. Praise the Lord! 



Editor and Chief Markethive: Deb Williams. (Australia) I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech. I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people to accept and move forward with enthusiasm. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.







Tim Moseley

Markethive’s Premium Platform Explained

Markethive’s Premium Platform Explained

Entrepreneur One To Be Phased Out – Premium Upgrade To be Phased In 

As Markethive moves forward, our Entrepreneur One Loyalty upgrade (the ultimate loyalty program for Markethive’s early adopters) will be phased out and unavailable to new members. However, this makes way for our next phase, the Premium Upgrade, which is in preparation for launch and will be released about the same time the Markethive wallet is integrated. 

Currently, the Entrepreneur One Upgrade (E1) is still available to new members. There will be a countdown ticker badge of 30 days placed on the Markethive home page for you to view, giving you ample notification of its cessation to new members. 

There is also a moratorium for canceled or lapsed E1 accounts, starting simultaneously with the countdown badge. This allows former Entrepreneur One members to resume their membership as though they never left. The months that lapsed will be compressed to show a continuation of a paid year to date. 

Once this 30-day period has ended, the wallet and Premium Upgrade will be released. We have a lot going on now; it’s thrilling that Markethive is coming out of BETA with this launch. The innovative visions and tireless work of the Founders’ are coming to fruition for all of us. 

Premium Upgrade Illustrated 

The Premium Upgrade will include everything stated below. This is the first and basic draft, so there might be a few additions and may be subject to change, but this is primarily the features.  

1. The first is the large wallet transfer/transactions. There's no limit for the Entrepreneur One member; however, the Premium Upgrade will be the second-largest wallet transfer. So the number of MHV coins you can transfer out with this wallet will be substantial. 

2.  You will enjoy a matching bonus when you refer new members, just like Entrepreneur One has a matching bonus. This consists of a 100% matching bonus on the first three that sign up with you, which is 50% more than a free member, and then 25% on each subsequent sign-up for the duration of your active membership.

For example, if the new sign-up airdrop is 100 MHV, you will get 25 coins for as long as you are active in the Premium Upgrade. 

3. You get the entire inbound marketing system. All the features and functions will be available, except for the email broadcasting system, which is limited. You can email your associates (sign-ups) and your group members, but not your friends you have accumulated on Markethive; that is only available to Entrepreneur One associates. 

4. You will have access to total data on the first 16 visitors. This includes their other social media accounts, phone number, and email address. This means you'll get access to the first 16 people who visit your Markethive profile and be able to see who they are. You can contact and reach out to them because they are obviously interested in you, as they came to see you.

5. Access to a friend’s “Friends List” gives you access to your friends’ list, similar to LinkedIn and Facebook.

6.  Automatic video and blog posts to the news feed. Coming very soon is the four different types of newsfeed that are four different types of feeds. As a Premium Upgrade, you will have access to the first three.

  1. First is the general newsfeed, similar to a Twitter/Facebook feed.
  2. The second is the blogging system, which will display your blogs in that feed. 
  3. The third is the video feed, where you can upload organic videos to the Markethive Video Channel and your videos from 3rd party video platforms. All the videos you upload will be shown in your video newsfeed. 
  4. The fourth newsfeed is the curation newsfeed limited to Entrepreneur One members only. 

7. Increased Limits On your Video Uploads. Notably, with YouTube, you need to be qualified to be able to upload unlimited videos. If you do not pass their qualifications, they limit the size of your video uploads. As an Apprentice Upgrade, there is no limit to the size, length, or number of videos you can upload.

8. 10% Discounts on Services, such as Press Releases, Banner Impressions rebate, Boost, Video Ads, etc. E1s get more discounts; however, free members must negotiate with either Entrepreneur One or Premium level and pay them to acquire any of these services or purchase them at full price from Markethive, the company.     

9. Upgrade activities interest (staking) on the Vault.  As a Premium Upgrade, you will receive an increase in micropayments for all your activities in Markethive. Plus, any Markethive Credits you hold in the Vault will be paid interest. 

10. KYC (Know Your Customer). All Premium level and Entrepreneur One associates will have a blue verification checkmark on their profile. So your KYC verification steps will be a lot easier to do as an upgrade than they would be if you were a free member.

11. Newsfeed Rich Text Formatting. You will be able to highlight with bold, italics, or underline in your newsfeeds as a Premium Upgrade. This makes your posts stand out a lot more. 

12. Fully Functioning Storefronts. It is also known as Groups but with the added advantage of monetizing it with capture pages, custom Splash pages, videos, co-ops, shopping carts, etc. You create a complete campaign with a capture page that lands on the splash page built into the group. Essentially, this is a Storefront where people can visit and buy your products listed via your shopping cart.

So you can essentially turn your group into a landing page that allows you to communicate with those in that storefront group, much like a forum. It really is an innovation that takes the whole thing and turns it into a turnkey Marketing System.

A free membership gets the group, but you’re getting a storefront when you upgrade to Premium or Entrepreneur One.

13. Group/Storefront posts in profile feed option.  So whenever you post in your group newsfeed, you have the opportunity to post into your profile feed automatically.

14. Full Video Channel System is a complete YouTube-like video system where followers, friends, and associates can subscribe to your channel. They can comment on your videos, and all the features on YouTube will also be in the myhive.tube video system. 

The other great thing about the entire video channel system is that as an Upgrade, the system will ask if you have accounts on other video platforms whenever you upload your video. (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo, Daily Motion, Facebook, Twitter) You'll be able to link to all of these 3rd party video platforms. 

So you upload your videos into Markethive, which will also upload your thumbnail to those videos and remotely publish out to all the other video accounts you may have so you get extensive video distribution.

It’s worth noting that when videos are posted on another platform, only a snippet of the video can be viewed. Users will be directed back to the Markethive platform to watch the whole video. This is a huge advantage considering YouTube’s predilection to censorship.

15. Full Conference Room Channel. All members will have access to Markethive’s free conference rooms; however, they will be limited according to your membership level. Free members will have two seats (you and a guest). Premium will have ten seats, and the Entrepreneur One Upgrade will have unlimited seats.  

Our conference room system is integrated into inbound marketing, calendars, and timers, making it a very sophisticated system.

16. Bookmark Newsfeed Management. If there are posts in the news feed that you like or want to remember, you will be able to bookmark them if you’re going to reference them again, creating easy access to them in the future. 

17. Self Deleting Posts (Set timer option) Like Snapchat, you will be able to send a message to someone or make a post, then set a timer for it to self-delete. This is an excellent option if you have a time-sensitive message or post. 

18. Send Messages to anyone in Markethive. (Limited to ? per month) The number of people you can message is still yet to be determined. However, as an upgrade, you will be able to message any member, no matter their level. You can send a message to them if you see their profile page or a post they did. 

Once this feature is in place, nobody else can send messages to anybody unless their first-level friends.

19. Markethive sub ROKU Channel. Markethive already has a Roku Channel, and we can build Roku sub-channels into it. What this means is, as a Premium or E1, you will be able to have your own sub-channel, which will be named, yourusername.markethive.  

So when you upload a video into Markethive, you can designate to upload it as well to your Roku sub-channel. 

Premium Platform Plan Proposal

So there you have it. This is an impressive menu of options for the Premium Upgrade, which can be paid in part using MHV along with BTC or credit/debit card. The subscription prices are not set in stone as yet; however, a mock-up of the various plan options proposal is pictured below. The MHV is based on the value of one penny in the image. However, the coin price will fluctuate when listed on the exchanges, so the amount of MHV will be adjusted accordingly. 

**Note that the Markethive coin (MHV) will be renamed to Hivecoin (HVC) once we list it on coin exchanges. The total coin supply will be drastically reduced, which will only benefit the coin's price. 



Markethive built this system to lift you up financially while giving you a mighty broadcasting Social Network. Our foundation is built upon the precept that freedom and liberty are very much at the forefront and our main product. Upgrading to Premium Level gives you additional leverage and greater power to broadcast your message while supporting our mission to lift up the entrepreneurial spirit found in all of us. 


Still Time To Secure Your Entrepreneur One Upgrade

And of course, there is still time to upgrade to the ultimate loyalty program, The Entrepreneur One, for US$100 per month, which includes a 1/10th ILP after 12 months of consecutive payments. Essentially you have shares in the company! This is a golden opportunity; think of the Web 2.0 social media platforms like Facebook et al., when they were looking for funding; they engaged affluent Venture Capitalists. The difference here is you are the VCs without needing the capital, and you will reap the rewards as Markethive becomes the next tech giant of Web 3.0. 


Stay up to date with the progress by attending the Markethive meetings on Sundays at 10 am Mountain Time. Come with us as we make our way through the final stages of BETA, where the full potential of Markethive will be realized, creating more leverage, opportunities, and the ability for you to achieve your personal and professional goals. The link to the meeting room can be accessed in the Markethive calendar. 


 ecosystem for entrepreneurs


Editor and Chief Markethive: Deb Williams. (Australia) I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech. I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people to accept and move forward with enthusiasm. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.





Tim Moseley