Gold silver pull back on profit taking and as USDX rebounds

Gold, silver pull back on profit taking and as USDX rebounds

Gold prices are lower and silver well down from its daily high in midday U.S. trading Thursday. Profit taking from the shorter-term futures traders is featured in both metals after gold hit a nine-month high and silver a four-week high overnight. A rebound in the U.S. dollar index today after its pounding Wednesday is also a bearish daily outside market element for the precious metals. Still, both gold and silver are in firm near-term technical control. April gold was last down $10.10 at $1,932.70 and March silver was up $0.036 at $23.65.

The marketplace Thursday was still digesting Wednesday afternoon's FOMC statement and Fed Chair Jerome Powell's press conference. The Fed raised the Fed funds rate range by 0.25%, as widely expected. However, Powell's remarks at his presser led the marketplace to believe the Fed is close to ending its string of interest rate increases. Powell said inflation is receding but needs to pull back farther. He mentioned the word "disinflation" as characterizing the present U.S. economic conditions. Most agreed that in the final assessment, Powell was not nearly as hawkish as he had been in recent FOMC press conferences and left the door open to a Fed "pivot" sooner rather than later.

Gold price gains as Fed Chair Powell talks disinflation but warns it's too early to declare victory

Today was the regular monetary policy meetings of the European Central Bank and the Bank of England, which saw both central banks raise their main interest rates by 0.5%. The moves were not unexpected.

Focus now turns to Friday morning's January U.S. employment situation report from the Labor Department. The key non-farm payrolls number is expected to be up 187,000 jobs, following a rise of 223,000 in the December report.

The key outside markets today see the U.S. dollar index higher but it hit a nine-month low overnight. Nymex crude oil futures prices are a bit firmer and trading around $76.50 a barrel. Meantime, the yield on the benchmark U.S. 10-year Treasury note is presently fetching 3.365%.

Technically, April gold futures prices hit a nine-month high early on today and then reversed course to score a bearish "outside day" down on the daily bar chart. Bulls still have the solid overall near-term technical advantage. A three-month-old uptrend is in place on the daily bar chart. Bulls' next upside price objective is to produce a close above solid resistance at $2,000.00. Bears' next near-term downside price objective is pushing futures prices below solid technical support at $1,900.00. First resistance is seen at $1,950.00 and then at today's high of $1,975.20. First support is seen at $1,925.00 and then at this week's low of $1,915.50. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 8.0

March silver futures prices hit a four-week high early on today. The silver bulls have the overall near-term technical advantage. However, trading has been choppy and sideways at higher levels. Silver bulls' next upside price objective is closing prices above solid technical resistance at the January high of $24.775. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid support at $22.00. First resistance is seen at $24.00 and then at last week's high of $24.415. Next support is seen at this week's low of $23.05 and then at the January low of $22.845. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 6.5.

March N.Y. copper closed down 35 points at 410.75 cents today. Prices closed near the session low and hit a three-week low today. The copper bulls have the firm overall near-term technical advantage but are fading a bit. A four-month-old uptrend on the daily bar chart has stalled out. Copper bulls' next upside price objective is pushing and closing prices above solid technical resistance at the January high of 435.50 cents. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at 395.00 cents. First resistance is seen at 420.00 cents and then at this week's high of 424.90 cents. First support is seen at this week's low of 410.25 cents and then at 405.00 cents. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 7.0.

By Jim Wyckoff

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

Gold price rallies post-FOMC as USDX US bond yields sink

Gold price rallies, post-FOMC, as USDX, U.S. bond yields sink

Gold and silver pricesare higher and near their daily highs in afternoon U.S. trading Wednesday, in the wake of a slight interest rate increase from the Federal Reserve that was widely expected. April gold was up $15.30 at $1,960.40 and March silver was up $0.199 at $24.03.

The U.S. data point of the week is the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting that just ended. The FOMC raised its Fed funds rate range by 0.25%, as expected, following the last meeting’s 0.5% rate hike. The FOMC statement said U.S. inflation has eased a bit but remains too high, suggesting more rate hikes are coming. The press conference by Fed Chairman Jerome Powell saw the chairman maintain his vigilance at stomping out problematic price inflation. Yet during his remarks, the marketplace saw its mood improve markedly as the U.S. stock indexes rallied, the U.S. dollar index tanked, U.S. Treasury yields declined, and gold and silver prices rallied. It could be that the marketplace was just relieved Powell did not sound even more hawkish than he had in his recent remarks. The European Central Bank and Bank of England hold their monetary policy meetings Thursday.

Today’s ADP national employment report for January showed a rise of 106,000 workers, which was below the consensus forecast for a rise of 190,000. Gold prices up-ticked just very slightly following the report. The ADP report is a precursor to the more important employment situation report for January from the Labor Department on Friday morning. The key non-farm payrolls number in that report is forecast to come in at up 187,000 jobs.

 LBMA annual survey sees gold prices averaging the year around $1,859 an ounce, silver to hold around $23.65

The key outside markets today see the U.S. dollar index sharply lower and hitting an eight-month low. Nymex crude oil futures prices are sharply down and trading around $76.75 a barrel. A surprising weekly rise in U.S. liquid energy stocks in the latest reporting week pressured the energy markets today. Meantime, the yield on the benchmark U.S. 10-year Treasury note is presently fetching around 3.404%.

Technically, April gold futures bulls have the solid overall near-term technical advantage. A three-month-old uptrend is in place on the daily bar chart. Bulls’ next upside price objective is to produce a close above solid resistance at $2,000.00. Bears' next near-term downside price objective is pushing futures prices below solid technical support at $1,900.00. First resistance is seen at the January high of $1,966.50 and then at $1,975.00. First support is seen at $1,950.00 and then at today’s low of $1,936.10. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 8.0

March silver futures bulls have the overall near-term technical advantage. However, trading has been choppy and sideways for weeks. Silver bulls' next upside price objective is closing prices above solid technical resistance at the January high of $24.775. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid support at $22.00. First resistance is seen at last week’s high of $24.415 and then at $24.67. Next support is seen at today’s low of $23.44 and then at this week’s low of $23.05. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 6.5.

March N.Y. copper closed down 1,085 points at 411.85 cents today. Prices closed nearer the session low and hit a three-week low today. The copper bulls have the firm overall near-term technical advantage but are fading a bit. A four-month-old uptrend on the daily bar chart has stalled out. Copper bulls' next upside price objective is pushing and closing prices above solid technical resistance at the January high of 435.50 cents. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at 395.00 cents. First resistance is seen at 420.00 cents and then at this week’s high of 424.90 cents. First support is seen at today’s low of 410.55 cents and then at 405.00 cents. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 7.0.

By Jim Wyckoff

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

Power of the Mind in Health and Healing

Power of the Mind in Health and Healing

the mind


Whether you have an illness or are just looking for ways to improve your health and well-being, mindfulness can be one of the best tools that you have. The benefits of mindfulness are wide-ranging, and they can help everyone deal with illness in a more positive way.

Mindfulness helps you focus and prioritize.

Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention to the present moment. When you practice mindfulness, you bring your full awareness to the current moment. You observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them good or bad. Instead of letting your mind wander off into the past or future, you stay focused on what's happening right now in this very moment–and that helps keep stress at bay.

Mindfulness helps improve focus because it trains our brain to stay alert while paying attention to one thing at a time (like driving on autopilot). It also improves concentration by giving us better control over our emotions; when we're feeling stressed out about something in particular that's causing us anxiety, practicing mindfulness can help us deal with those feelings more effectively than if we weren't practicing it regularly at all!

It can help you cope with your illness.

  • Mindfulness can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings.

  • It can help you focus on the present moment, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

  • This can make it easier for you to accept your illness, as well as its limitations and side effects–and it may even decrease anxiety about what might happen in the future (like whether or not treatment will work).

Mindfulness can break harmful habits.

Mindfulness can help you break harmful habits. When you are mindful, you are more aware of your actions and how they affect yourself and others. This awareness can help break bad habits like smoking or overeating by making them less automatic and more deliberate. A mindful approach to eating also helps people lose weight because they're more aware of what they're putting into their bodies and how much they're eating at each meal.

Mindfulness helps you control your stress.

Stress is a normal part of life. It can be good or bad, depending on how you manage it. Stressful situations are unavoidable, but the way we react to them can make all the difference in how we feel about them and whether or not they have long-term effects on our health and well-being.

If you're feeling stressed out and overwhelmed by life, mindfulness may help you manage your stress better by helping you become aware of what's going on in your mind and body at any given moment–and giving yourself space from those thoughts so that they don't control how much energy (or lack thereof) goes into dealing with them.

It can change how you experience pain.


Mindfulness can help you understand pain.

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to your thoughts and feelings in the present moment, without judgment. When you're mindful, you're aware of what's going on around you–and inside of you–without judging it or trying to change it. It's about being nonjudgmental about yourself and others rather than reacting emotionally based on past experiences or expectations for how things should be in the future.

Mindfulness can help ease your discomfort with chronic pain by allowing yourself time to process what is happening physically as well as mentally so that instead of getting caught up in worrying about how much it hurts or how long this episode will last (or both), instead turn toward being present with whatever sensations may arise during these times: throbbing aches; sharp jabs; dull aches; tingling numbness…whatever! By giving yourself space between physical sensation and emotional reaction, mindfulness allows us room for growth through reflection and understanding rather than dwelling on negativity which only serves further exacerbate our suffering over time!

Mindfulness will help you understand yourself better.

Mindfulness can help you understand yourself better. It will help you become aware of your thoughts, feelings and emotions. This can be a useful tool for anyone who wants to make changes in their life but has difficulty identifying what needs changing or how they might go about doing so.

Mindfulness also allows us to observe our reactions without judgement; it helps us see things objectively without getting caught up in the story we have created around an event or situation. This allows us time to think before reacting which may lead to better decision making when dealing with stressful situations (e.g., work).

Mindfulness has been found useful for managing pain because it teaches us how not only accept but also tolerate discomfort without trying desperately avoid it through distraction or focus on physical sensations such as breathing patterns rather than focusing exclusively on thoughts about pain itself

It can improve the way that you relate to others.

Mindfulness can help you improve the way in which you relate to others. It helps you be more present with others and less judgmental, as well as helps improve your understanding of them. This leads to greater empathy and less reactivity.

Mindfulness can help you sleep better.

Mindfulness can help you sleep better.

It can help you relax and reduce stress, which will allow you to drift off into a deep and restful slumber. It also teaches you how to let go of thoughts that keep you awake, so that when your body is ready for sleep, it will be able to do so without the interference of busy brain activity or racing thoughts. Finally, mindfulness gives us an opportunity to connect with our bodies by recognizing when we're tired–so if your mind keeps telling itself "I'm not tired yet!" but your body feels like it could use some shut-eye? Mindfulness gives us permission not only accept this feeling but act on it as well!

Everyone can benefit from being more mindful, especially when they have an illness or chronic pain to deal with.

Mindfulness is a way of living in the present moment. Mindfulness can help you deal with stress, sleep better and cope with illness. It's also great for breaking harmful habits like smoking or overeating.

Mindfulness will help you understand yourself better by helping you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and surroundings as they happen in each moment–not judging them as good or bad but simply observing them without judgment so that they pass through your awareness without leaving any residue behind that might disturb your peace of mind.


In conclusion, mindfulness can be a powerful tool in your quest to live a better life. It's not just about health and healing–it can help you live more fully in all areas of your life, from relationships with others to how you manage stress or pain. The benefits of mindfulness are wide-ranging and well-documented by science. The only thing holding you back is yourself!



#purpose  #purpose  #driven life  #motivation  #the purpose driven life review #the purpose driven life audiobook  #life purpose  #inspirational

Tim Moseley

Gold silver up after traders buy the early price dips

Gold, silver up after traders buy the early price dips

Gold and silver prices are firmer in midday U.S. trading Tuesday, as traders stepped in to do some perceived bargain hunting on early-session price pullbacks. Trading action is more subdued just ahead of this week’s monetary policy decisions by major central banks. February gold was last up $7.10 at $1,930.00 and March silver was up $0.057 at $23.795.

The U.S. data point of the week is the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting that began Tuesday morning and ends Wednesday afternoon with a statement. Most believe the Fed will raise the key U.S. interest rate by 0.25%, following the recent 0.5% rate hikes. Trading in stock and financial markets may be more muted just ahead of the FOMC statement and press conference by Fed Chairman Jerome Powell Wednesday afternoon. The European Central Bank and Bank of England hold their monetary policy meetings Thursday.

Global stock markets were mostly lower overnight. U.S. stock indexes are higher at midday. Another tamer U.S. inflation report this morning mildly boosted trader and investor sentiment. The U.S. fourth-quarter employment cost index rose just 0.1% and was up 5.1%, year-on-year. The U.S. stock indexes are still in price uptrends on the daily bar charts and the stock index bulls have the overall near-term technical advantage.

 Gold is vulnerable to a pullback as Powell prepares to signal 'seriousness', but will hit an all-time high in 2023 – Adrian Day

The key outside markets today see the U.S. dollar index a bit weaker. Nymex crude oil futures prices are up and trading around $78.75 a barrel. Oil traders are awaiting an OPEC-plus cartel meeting Wednesday. Meantime, the yield on the benchmark U.S. 10-year Treasury note is presently fetching 3.523%.


Technically, February gold futures bulls have the solid overall near-term technical advantage. A three-month-old uptrend is in place on the daily bar chart. Bulls’ next upside price objective is to produce a close above solid resistance at $2,000.00. Bears' next near-term downside price objective is pushing futures prices below solid technical support at $1,885.00. First resistance is seen at this week’s high of $1,933.60 and then at the January high of $1,949.80. First support is seen at last week’s low of $1,912.50 and then at $1,900.00. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 8.0

March silver futures bulls have the overall near-term technical advantage. However, trading has been choppy and sideways for weeks. Silver bulls' next upside price objective is closing prices above solid technical resistance at the January high of $24.775. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid support at $22.00. First resistance is seen at $24.000 and then at last week’s high of $24.415. Next support is seen at last Friday’s low of $23.39 and then at today’s low of $23.05. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 6.5.

March N.Y. copper closed up 110 points at 421.25 cents today. Prices closed nearer the session high today. The copper bulls have the solid overall near-term technical advantage. A four-month-old uptrend is in place on the daily bar chart. Copper bulls' next upside price objective is pushing and closing prices above solid technical resistance at 440.00 cents. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at 400.00 cents. First resistance is seen at this week’s high of 424.90 cents and then at last week’s high of 430.25 cents. First support is seen at today’s low of 411.85 cents and then at 405.00 cents. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 7.5.

By Jim Wyckoff

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

Gold silver tread water just ahead of FOMC meeting

Gold, silver tread water just ahead of FOMC meeting

Gold prices are modestly down and silver slightly up in midday U.S. trading Monday. Gold is seeing a mild corrective pullback and a bit of profit taking from futures traders after prices last week hit a nine-month high, and just ahead of this week’s highly anticipated monetary policy meeting of the U.S. Federal Reserve. February gold was last down $6.00 at $1,923.40 and March silver was up $0.123 at $23.75.

The U.S. data point of the week is the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting that begins Tuesday morning and ends Wednesday afternoon with a statement. Most believe the Fed will raise the key U.S. interest rate by 0.25%, following the recent 0.5% rate hikes. Trading in stock and financial markets early this week may be more muted ahead of the FOMC statement and press conference by Fed Chairman Jerome Powell Wednesday afternoon.

Global stock markets were mixed overnight. U.S. stock indexes are lower at midday, on downside corrections. Still, the U.S. stock indexes are in price uptrends on the daily bar charts and the stock index bulls have the overall near-term technical advantage.

 Stock markets are set to crash 37% as 'sucker's rally' ends, gold and silver to 'take off' – Chris Vermeulen

The key outside markets today see the U.S. dollar index firmer. Nymex crude oil futures prices are down and trading around $78.75 a barrel. Oil traders are awaiting an OPEC-plus cartel meeting this Wednesday. Meantime, the yield on the benchmark U.S. 10-year Treasury note is presently fetching 3.557%.

Technically, February gold futures bulls still have the solid overall near-term technical advantage. A three-month-old uptrend is in place on the daily bar chart. Bulls’ next upside price objective is to produce a close above solid resistance at $2,000.00. Bears' next near-term downside price objective is pushing futures prices below solid technical support at $1,885.00. First resistance is seen at today’s high of $1,933.60 and then at the January high of $1,949.80. First support is seen at last week’s low of $1,912.50 and then at $1,900.00. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 8.0

March silver futures bulls have the overall near-term technical advantage. However, trading has been choppy and sideways for weeks. Silver bulls' next upside price objective is closing prices above solid technical resistance at the January high of $24.775. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid support at $22.00. First resistance is seen at $24.400 and then at last week’s high of $24.415. Next support is seen at Friday’s low of $23.39 and then at $23.26. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 6.5.

March N.Y. copper closed down 310 points at 419.15 cents today. Prices closed nearer the session low today. Profit taking was featured. The copper bulls still have the solid overall near-term technical advantage. A four-month-old uptrend is in place on the daily bar chart. Copper bulls' next upside price objective is pushing and closing prices above solid technical resistance at 440.00 cents. The next downside price objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at 400.00 cents. First resistance is seen at today’s high of 424.90 cents and then at last week’s high of 430.25 cents. First support is seen at last week’s low of 417.20 cents and then at 411.05 cents. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 7.5.

By Jim Wyckoff

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

Will the Fed stop gold’s run? Gold price sees longest weekly winning streak since the summer of 2020

Will the Fed stop gold's run? Gold price sees longest weekly winning streak since the summer of 2020

Gold is looking to close Friday with its sixth weekly gain — the longest winning streak since the summer of 2020 when gold hit new record highs above $2,000 an ounce. But the question is whether the precious metal can maintain its rally as analysts see inevitable profit-taking in the short term.

One argument analysts raise for next week is why wouldn't gold investors take some profits off the table after seeing stellar gains this January.

Earlier this week, gold was up more than 6% year-to-date — the best start to the year since 2012 — as the precious metal hit a fresh nine-month high at around $1,949. At the time of writing, February Comex gold futures were last at $1,930 an ounce, up 0.10% on the week.

"With big data points coming in, the market will back off, and you will take profits off that table," Walsh Trading co-director Sean Lusk told Kitco News Friday.

The top event to watch next week is the Federal Reserve meeting on February 1, followed by central bank Chair Jerome Powell's press conference.

There is a lot of noise regarding the pace of rate hikes potentially slowing down, Lusk said. But the Fed could still surprise with a hawkish stance.

Markets are currently pricing in a 98.9% chance of a 25-basis-point hike next week, according to the CME FedWatch Tool. But Lusk is not ruling out a 50-basis-point move. "I don't think the Fed will be less aggressive as they are looking at the long term," he said. "With China opening up, there will be more demand. The Fed could keep its foot on the pedal here."

Lusk warned that a move below $1,917 an ounce could trigger a drop to $1,920, and then the market is at risk of re-testing $1,890 and $1,860 levels. "I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a wipeout. We had a big rally since early November," he said.

The market believes the Fed is close to being done, OANDA senior market analyst Edward Moya told Kitco News. However, with too much inflation in the system, the Fed could signal that more needs to be done. "The Fed is sticking to the dot plot — 25 bps, 25 bps, and 25 bps," Moya said.

The Fed's preferred measure of inflation — the core PCE index — told an interesting story Friday, Moya added. "It showed that annual inflation is still more than twice the Fed's target. And the month-on-month basis, it rose and snapped a streak of declines," he noted. "Gold will be a tough trade going into the Fed. And what it does after will be key."

Many analysts see gold as overbought at current levels. TD Securities noted that gold had been driven by massive Chinese purchases leading up to the Lunar New Year.

"Even more important than the Fed meeting will be the first signs whether massive Chinese buying is continuing post-Lunar holidays. This is one of the larger drivers for gold," TD Securities senior commodity strategist Daniel Ghali told Kitco News.

Longer-term, the majority of analysts are bullish on gold. "The upward trend is still intact," RJO Futures senior market strategist Frank Cholly told Kitco News. "I am disappointed the market hasn't managed to get above $1,966. We had quite a run, and the market is getting a breather," Cholly said.

Once gold can get above $1,966 an ounce, prices will shortly see the $2,000 an ounce level, Cholly added.

Data to watch next week

Another key event to keep a close eye on next week is the U.S. jobs report from January. Markets expect to see additional 185,000 positions added, with the unemployment rate climbing to 3.6% from 3.5%.

"Employment creation remains strong for now, but job lay-off announcements are coming in thick and fast," ING's chief international economist James Knightley said. "We expect to see a softer nonfarm payrolls increase than seen in recent months, but it is still likely to be well above 100k given the large number of job vacancies that remain."

Also on the radar next week are the European Central Bank and Bank of England monetary policy meetings.

Tuesday: U.S. CB consumer confidence

Wednesday: Fed meeting, U.S. ADP nonfarm employment, U.S. ISM manufacturing PMI

Thursday: ECB meeting, BoE meeting, U.S. jobless claims, U.S. factory orders

Friday: U.S. nonfarm payrolls, U.S. ISM services

By Anna Golubova

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

Webtalk News amp Product Updates

 RJ Garbowicz

Founder, CEO and Chairman at Webtalk

Webtalk News & Product Updates

Webtalk was just accepted into the next NewChip Accelerator class to help the company raise another $5MM in our late seed funding round.

As mentioned, we are going to be making some major product enhancements with the new funds.

What will be upgraded:

1. Onboarding

We will be removing the use of affiliate links and all invites will need to be via phone number and email so we can not only track referrals better, we will also be able to customize the experience more.

Ie. You will be able to send invites with prelabled contact management recommendations(John has recommended you as his lawyer at ABC company. {Accept Recommendation}

We will be adding 2FA for more security, mobile onboarding, and SMS onboarding

2. New Subscription | Webtalk Verify

We will be adding a new subscription called Webtalk Verify that will verify each member’s identities, employment history, income, education and references.

The service will be built on the blockchain and Verify members will receive a WebID API that you can use for any online platform to create an account (online banking, crypto wallets, loan applications, job applications, etc.) whereever the API is accepted.

Verifed members will receive a host of benefits to be discovered for more opportunities including:

*Featured on the top of member searches
*Content featured on the top of Discover searches
*Recommendations featured on the top of profiles and recommendation searches
*Featured on the top of matchmaking results
*Featured on the top of job application submissions
*Unlimited peer-to-peer messaging to non-connections
*Earn up to 3 verifed badges for each verification step that will be displayed with your name and avatar

3. Rewards Enhancements

A. Only verifed members will be eligible to earn rewards

B. Refer 3 verifed members and get your verifed subscription for FREE

C. Non-verifed members will have rewards displayed and held for a calendar month but rewards will be removed if verification is not completed within a single calendar month.

D. Ad rewards will be updated to provide a fixed cash payout per every 1,000 views based on where you reside, which will include charts for every newsfeed post you make and your profile views.

This will make your ad rewards 100% transparent.

4. New Credits Platform

We will be removing annual prepayments and replacing it with a new credits platform that will offer discounts on larger credits purchases.

Credits will be redeemable for subscription purchases and advertising purchases.

Credits will be transferrable if you would like to gift or sell your credits.

Rewards payouts will be able to purchase Credits.

Webtalk Credits will also be able to purchase Webtalk shares when available.

5. New Marketing Campaigns

As we introduce the new services, we will be pivoting our messaging to the world

“Join the world’s most trusted community of verified members.

-Real People
-Real Credentials
-Real References

“Find and make trusted relationships faster”

“Find, validate, organize, manage and grow relationships in Webtalk, the world’s only all-in-one networking community offering due diligence-on-demand”

6. Become a Webtalk Investor

If you would like to participate in our funding round and become a Webtalk investor you can do so with as little as $100 by visiting

Lastly, when Webtalk Verify is launched, it has the ability to become the most valuable database of people and businesses in the world, both to Webtalk and to its members.

Think about how much faster you will be able to make new relationships for new friendships, new romantic relationships, new job opportunities, new hiring opportunities, new partner opportunities, new cofounder opportunities and all other types of relationships… knowing all of the data a person shares about themselves is real and verified.

A recent study revealed that 80% of all user profile data online was either inaccurate, misleading, or completely falsified. This makes it impossible to trust anything you read about someone.

Webtalk is setting out to solve this problem!

Join us in helping to make the world safer and more prosperous for all.

Tim Moseley

Gold declines in light of the report that revealed inflation continues to decline

Gold declines in light of the report that revealed inflation continues to decline

As of 6:00 PM EST, the February contract of gold futures has fallen for the second time in the last seven trading days. Currently, gold futures are fixed at $1927.60, a decline of $2.40 or 0.12%. Gold traded to a high of $1935.40, and a low of $1916.50.

The key takeaway from today’s PCE inflation index report was that the core PCA index declined in December by 0.3%. The preferred inflation index used by the Federal Reserve was at 4.7% year-over-year in November and declined to 4.4% year-over-year last month.

Both reports will influence decisions made by the Fed at next week's FOMC meeting.

They will be critical components used by the Federal Reserve next week and will most likely strengthen the conviction of hawkish Fed officials to maintain their extremely aggressive monetary policy. Currently, the Federal Reserve’s forward guidance is composed of additional rate hikes and maintaining elevated rates for a longer time.

The most likely outcome is that the Fed will raise the rate by ¼% at the next two meetings. The Federal Reserve has stated they continue to work to reach its inflation target of 2%. A vast majority of market participants continue to believe that the Fed will backpedal on its commitment to keep rates elevated through 2023.

I will be speaking at the VRIC 2023 (Sunday, January 29-30) at the Vancouver Convention Center. Both Kitco News and I wish to welcome you if you're available.

By Gary Wagner

Contributing to

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

Expert Bitcoin Price Predictions

Bitcoin Price Predictions by Experts


Bitcoin, the world's largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, has been one of the most talked-about topics in the financial world. Despite its ups and downs, it has shown tremendous growth over the past few years, making it an attractive investment option for many. With the increasing popularity of Bitcoin, several experts have shared their price predictions for the future of this digital currency.

Tom Lee, the founder of Fundstrat Global Advisors, is one of the most vocal Bitcoin bull. He predicts that Bitcoin's price could reach $100,000 by 2024. Lee is bullish on Bitcoin's future because he believes that the increasing institutional adoption of the cryptocurrency and its scarcity, which is capped at 21 million coins, will drive its value higher.

Another well-known expert, Anthony Pompliano, the co-founder of Morgan Creek Digital, believes that Bitcoin will reach $500,000 within the next decade. He is optimistic about the future of Bitcoin due to its decentralization and scarcity, which make it a valuable asset for investors. Pompliano also believes that the increasing institutional interest in Bitcoin will drive its price higher.

Cameron Winklevoss, co-founder of Gemini exchange, has also made his predictions about Bitcoin's future. He believes that Bitcoin will reach a price of $500,000 within the next decade. Winklevoss is optimistic about Bitcoin's future due to its decentralization, scarcity, and security. He believes that the increasing institutional interest in Bitcoin will drive its price higher.

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

However, not all experts are bullish on Bitcoin's future. Nouriel Roubini, also known as Dr. Doom, is a well-known cryptocurrency critic. He believes that Bitcoin is a bubble that will eventually burst, and that its price will fall to zero. Roubini believes that Bitcoin's decentralization and anonymity make it an attractive option for illegal activities, and that its price is driven by speculation rather than actual use cases.

In conclusion, Bitcoin's future remains uncertain, and its price will likely continue to be driven by a combination of factors, including institutional adoption, regulatory developments, and market sentiment. While some experts are bullish on Bitcoin's future, others are more skeptical. However, one thing is for certain, the future of Bitcoin will be exciting to watch, and it will continue to be one of the most talked-about topics in the financial world.

In conclusion, the expert opinions on Bitcoin's price range widely, but the majority of the experts are optimistic about its future. The increasing institutional adoption, scarcity, and security of Bitcoin are factors that are expected to drive its price higher. While no one can accurately predict the future, it is important to keep an eye on the developments in the cryptocurrency world and make informed investment decisions.

Tim Moseley

Gold consolidating gains above 1900 into Fed week

Gold consolidating gains above $1900 into Fed week

The gold price is up over $100 in the first month of 2023, its best start to the year since 2012. After a false breakout to the downside during the final quarter of 2022, gold has zoomed $332 an ounce from its November low at $1618. This now 20% rally over the past three months has technically placed the safe-haven metal in a bull market, suggesting further gains ahead.

Since a triple-bottom in its monthly chart was completed in November, gold has advanced for five straight weeks and in 10 of the past 12. The safe-haven metal has virtually been a one-way trade, with every U.S. dollar and Treasury yield dip becoming an opportunity to bid bullion higher. And with the S&P 500 remaining entrenched in a bear market that began at the start of 2022, the gold complex has quietly outperformed stocks since its early Q4 2022 low.

Strategas Research Partners' technical and macro research team, headed by Chris Verrone, points out that this is the first time in the past 50 years that the S&P has lagged the gold price coming off a market bottom. From the March 2020 lows, stocks outperformed gold, rising 36.3% to the latter's 13.2% over the next three months. And from the December 2018 low, the gap was 20.6% to 2.1% in favor of U.S. equities.

The closest spread was from the October 1990 lows, when stocks rose 6.2% to gold's 1.7% in the subsequent three months. Gold's outperformance, relative to stocks, suggests that the expectations of future Fed easing are less than bullish for equities, and that smart money rotation into the gold space has quietly begun.

Gold Futures are beginning to resemble an identical trend seen during the first quarter of 2020, just before prices skyrocketed to new all-time highs. In February 2020, Gold Futures reached a low of $1626 an ounce, roughly the same level bullion hit in November last year. Three months later, gold prices have come just $51 from a headline attention grabbing $2000 per ounce on Thursday, despite Chinese gold markets being closed for the “Golden Week” holiday.

Moreover, daily trading volumes in CME's micro contracts for gold, which it uses as a proxy for retail activity, are currently up 93% year on year. That is almost three times higher than in 2020. This continued bullish momentum suggests a healthy pullback in overbought Gold Futures may not begin in earnest until the key $2000 level has been tested.

With policymakers being set to move forward with raising borrowing costs by 25 bps during the FOMC meeting next Wednesday, bond markets have been pricing in the move for weeks and Fed officials have not pushed back. Fed Chair Jerome Powell and his colleagues were also signaling a ¼ point raise in advance to avoid surprises before this week's official "blackout" period.

This morning's Personal Consumer Expenditures (PCE) index report for December showed core inflation rose 4.4% on the year, in line with economist expectations. Core inflation has dropped compared to November's rise of 4.7%, while core PCE is the Federal Reserve's preferred inflation gauge.

Fed-funds futures are pricing in a final quarter-point hike in March and a peak of 4.75% to 5%, while the most recent set of Fed projections from December point to a median fed-funds peak of 5.1% by the end of 2023. Yet, the sharp fall in bond yields has brought the benchmark 10-year Treasury down from 4.25% last October to 3.49% on Thursday, suggesting interest-rates topping at 5% with cuts starting later this year.

Over the past few weeks, the gold price has been sniffing an end to rate hikes by gearing up for its third attempt at the all-time high resistance zone as it approaches $2000. The third attempt at a major resistance level is typically not successful. But following a likely pullback from $2000-$2100, gold should make a fourth and successful break to new all-time highs. Once gold broke out above the psychological $1000 level after its fourth try in mid-2009, the price had nearly doubled by late 2011.

The $2000 level may then attempt to become the new floor, as opposed to very strong 13-year overhead resistance. On the downside, if support at $1900 is broken, there is more support at $1875.

A monthly close in Gold Futures above $1950 on Monday would be extremely bullish in the near-term, while an eventual break above $2100 would be a very bullish signal for the gold market in 2023, with targets of $2500-$3000.

Meanwhile, weakness continues to be bought in select quality junior gold stocks, with capital markets improving recently. There have been several bought-deal financings announced in the junior space this week, along with private placement activity heating up since the start of the new year as well.

The GDXJ closed above formerly strong resistance at $37 to begin 2023, which is a level that has become important support. On the upside, a back-test of the key $2000 level in gold would likely fill an open weekly downside gap in GDXJ at $45, which has become resistance. This gap in the Junior Miner ETF was created back in April, ushering in a devastating capitulation phase in a sector that remains deeply undervalued in relation to metals prices.

After a significant 7-year bottom was reached late last year, the mining complex is experiencing an impulsive rally with multi-day to multi-week sideways price congestions. Since bottoming last September, both GDX and GDXJ have had two such pullback/consolidations, between 5 to 8%, and have been currently experiencing a third for the past three weeks.

Once a $2000 per ounce gold price that has been strong resistance for over a decade becomes a floor, a speculative frenzy in junior mining stocks may already be in progress. Before this relatively tiny sector comes back into favor, it is best to accumulate full positions in select quality juniors on weakness ahead of the coming herd of momentum trader's and institutional investors.

Many of the best in breed junior gold stocks have been popping higher one by one from 4 to 6-month basing patterns since late Q4. During the second half of 2022, the Junior Miner Junky (JMJ) newsletter carefully constructed a concentrated portfolio of exceptional junior resource stocks with 3x-10x upside potential to hold for long-term gains during the current up-leg in the mining space.

If you require assistance in accumulating quality precious metals related juniors, and would like to receive my research, newsletter, portfolio, watch list, and trade alerts, please click here for instant access.

By David Erfle

Contributing to

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

The Artist that came out of the Winter