Market participants pause as they wait for tomorrow’s inflation report

Market participants pause as they wait for tomorrow's inflation report

It is a given that the potential for inflation to decline in the December report. The assumption that inflation continues to diminish and has for the most part been factored into market pricing. Tomorrow's Consumer Price Index will occur after the strong and hawkish speech by Chairman Powell delivered yesterday at a central bank conference in Sweden.

Powell's speech did not contain new insights or flexibility that was not already addressed. It did serve to reinforce the steadfast commitment that has only strengthened over the last few months. One nuanced topic he has avoided until yesterday was that the Fed must make unpopular decisions to stabilize prices. While the words, for the most part, were different, the message continues to be the same, "The Fed is committed to maintaining interest rates at an elevated level." This idea is etched in stone.

One topic that has been absent until yesterday was that the pressure from politicians will not influence Fed policy. During his speech Chairman Powell said, "The absence of direct political control over our decisions allows us to take these necessary measures without considering short-term political factors".

There has been no change by the Federal Reserve to deviate from its current objective which is to take its benchmark rate to just above 5% and maintain an elevated level throughout the entire year.

This means that regardless of how much headway has occurred between November and December and how deeply inflation has been diminished it seems highly unlikely that it will influence the Federal Reserve to let up on its aggressive monetary policy and rate hikes. The Fed is so overwhelmingly focused on not letting inflation become more entrenched in the economy that it seems that they are not seeing the forest from the trees.

Inflation continues to be extremely persistent with certain sectors that cannot be influenced by the actions of the Federal Reserve. Two of the key troublesome sectors are food and energy, the costs of which are continuing to be persistently higher. The Federal Reserve has no tools or effective means to implement a strategy that would lead to any meaningful price reduction in these two areas which happen to represent a huge portion of the average American's expenditures.

Recently the Federal Reserve Bank of New York forecasted that inflation for December will show it continues to diminish. Expectations are that the CPI will show inflation is easing at approximately 6.5% year-over-year. While many analysts believe that if the actual numbers come in below this forecast it will influence the Federal Reserve to backpedal its stringent commitment to keep interest rate levels elevated throughout the entire year.

If that is true tomorrow's report could have little real impact based on the belief that it will not have any dramatic influence on the current policy. In other words, tomorrow's CPI report will not have an overwhelming impact on future decisions of Federal Reserve members which beckons the question, why are investors so focused upon tomorrow's numbers?

By Gary Wagner

Contributing to

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

Why is a scammer so brilliant in creating fake profiles and websites but be stupid not to know English composition?

Why is a scammer so brilliant in creating fake profiles and websites but be stupid not to know English composition?



The world of online dating is fraught with scams. Scammers are good at what they do and will play on your vulnerabilities, loneliness, desperation and hope. They want your money!

Why do scammers create fake profiles and websites but be stupid not to know English composition especially when they are asking for money?

In order to understand why a scammer is so brilliant with creating fake profiles and websites while being stupid not to know English composition, you need to understand why they are doing that.

There are two reasons:

  • They want your money. If they can fool you into giving them your money without any struggle, they will do it! That's why they create fake profiles and websites. They know the only way to get their hands on your cash is by deceiving you into handing it over yourself—and that's what these scammers excel at doing!

  • Scammers are usually from outside the country where their victims live (in this case America). For example, if someone from Africa wants to scam someone in America who speaks English as his/her primary language (like me), then he must first learn how Americans speak English before he can even begin talking about scams with them or ask for money from them through his fake profile/website because no American would agree with someone who does not speak well enough English for his own good.

How can you tell if its a scammer or not?

In order to avoid scams, you should know the signs of a scammer. The most important thing is that they will never tell you their real name or where they live. They will also not tell you what they do for a living, who their family members are and where they work (if at all). In addition, scammers tend to use fake email addresses and phone numbers. If someone is asking for money from you over email or social media, then it's probably not legitimate.

We need to be careful in giving as well as receiving our hard earned money.

You can avoid being scammed by not giving out personal information to people you do not know. You should also be careful about sending money to people you don't know, especially if they ask for a big sum of money.

It's important that we are careful in giving as well as receiving our hard earned money.

They use fake email addresses and phone numbers.

Scammers are a growing global threat, and are constantly evolving their tactics to take advantage of unsuspecting victims. If you're not careful, you can easily become a target of their malicious activities and suffer devastating financial losses.

With the seemingly endless array of scams out there, it can be difficult to stay one step ahead of scammers. You could be at risk of having your personal information stolen, or being scammed out of your hard-earned money.

Be alert and watch out for signs of a scammer! By staying vigilant and knowing what to look for, you can protect yourself from online fraudsters. Learn how to recognize the common red flags associated with scams so that you can avoid becoming a victim.

Fraudsters are becoming more and more sophisticated, leaving many people vulnerable to scams. It's harder than ever to identify a scammer before it's too late, and the losses can be unbearable.

The financial and emotional toll of falling for a scam is devastating. Even if you don't lose money directly, you could be left feeling embarrassed and betrayed. Don't let yourself become a victim!

Take control of your financial security by learning how to recognize the signs of a scammer. With the right knowledge, you can protect yourself from scammers before it's too late. Get informed today and stay safe!

With fraud and scams on the rise, it’s hard to know how to spot a scammer and protect yourself from being taken advantage of.

Scams can leave you feeling helpless, vulnerable, and robbed of your personal information and hard-earned money. It’s essential to take action now before you become a victim of a scammer.

Find out how to spot a scammer and what steps you can take to protect yourself from potential scams. With the right tools, knowledge, and action plan, you can secure yourself and your finances from scammers. Take action now!

Don't be scammed. Spot the signs

With the rise of online scams, it's important to be aware of the signs that you could be a victim of fraud. It's not easy to recognize these signs, but understanding them can help you protect yourself from becoming a victim.

Scammers often use tactics such as sending unsolicited emails or text messages, offering too-good-to-be-true deals, and requesting personal information. When you receive any kind of communication like this, it's important to be wary and take the time to investigate before you respond.

By recognizing these warning signs and taking steps to protect yourself, you can avoid falling for any scams that may come your way. Don't let yourself be scammed – spot the signs!

I'm aware that there is no way to be 100% safe from scammers, but you can reduce your risk by keeping these things in mind:

  • Never share your personal information with anyone over the internet.

  • Be suspicious of unsolicited emails or phone calls offering you something for free or at a discount rate (this includes financial advice).

  • Report any suspected scams to [USA.Gov/stop-scams-frauds].

Scammers are very good at what they do, and are very patient and persistent in their efforts to separate the vulnerable from their money.

Scammers are very good at what they do. They are patient and persistent in their efforts to separate the vulnerable from their money. Scammers use fake email addresses and phone numbers, which makes it difficult to contact them if something goes wrong. They play on vulnerability, loneliness, desperation, and hope.

Just as a scammer will go to great lengths to make his or her profile believable (e.g., using real photos of attractive people), they will also take time crafting a story that sounds believable or even impossible (e.g., “I was kidnapped by terrorists”).

Scammers often use common names like John Smith or Mary Jones so it is difficult for law enforcement agencies to track the perpetrator down after committing fraud against you unless there is an arrest warrant issued by your local police department for some reason other than identity theft/fraud charges related directly back towards your case/incident(s).

The way you described the person is 100% consistent with how a typical scammer works and applies to male or female scammers. Scammers play on vulnerability, loneliness, desperation, and hope.

The way you described the person is 100% consistent with how a typical scammer works and applies to male or female scammers. Scammers play on vulnerability, loneliness, desperation, and hope. It’s a numbers game for them; they are very good at what they do and have found that it pays off in the end for them financially. They are very patient and persistent in their efforts to separate the vulnerable from their money. For example: if someone really wants to get married but can't find “the one” (or is not ready for commitment), online dating sites provide an easy opportunity where people can meet others who are also looking for love — but not necessarily marriage!

Being distracted by the beauty or “sweetness” that comes from the scammer can be part of the scam also…the he or she will seem to relate, understand, offer solutions and be willing to listen – basically mirroring many of the same characteristics we want in our partners…but it is a facade to obtain trust based on a manufactured persona, not reality.

The person will be charming, sweet and the best listener you have ever had. He or she will be able to relate to you on many different levels and offer solutions to any problems that may have been bothering you.

The scammer is looking for a victim who is vulnerable, trusting and naive so they can gain your trust by showing concern in all areas of your life. They want to get into a relationship with someone who already has financial woes so they can use their “gift” card as an excuse (or the only reason) why they can not spend time together with their new friend/lover/partner.

Women can be aggressive scammers also – but they are not necessarily looking for money as much as they are looking for “love” – but who knows if they have ulterior motives – like phishing information, stealing identities, etc….I’ve seen them also be dangerous when things don’t go their way…they have been known to threaten people with violence or other harm if they do not do what they want.

Often times, the scammer is a man looking to scam money out of you. But other times, it can be a woman who is aggressive in her approach. I’ve seen them also be dangerous when things don’t go their way: they have been known to threaten people with violence or other harm if they do not do what they want.

If this sounds like you are having trouble figuring out what your scammer wants from you, it could be because she has multiple reasons for contacting you. She may be seeking money, but there could also be some other ulterior motive as well – such as phishing information or stealing identities.


So, the next time you receive a nude photo from someone who says they want to meet, remember that most likely all they’re after is your money. There are many ways to spot a scammer and some of these include: poor spelling and grammar; asking for money right away; sending gifts or presents; using fake photos; having an unusual number of profiles on dating sites or social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram etc.

Tim Moseley

Nouriel Roubini says gold may be your best protection as the mother of all debt bombs amp nine other megathreats are looming

Nouriel Roubini says gold may be your best protection as the mother of all debt bombs & nine other megathreats are looming


Ten “megathreats” are hurtling towards the world including war, debt crises, and a demographic “time bomb” will make investors flock to gold, hence causing the yellow metal’s price to rise to $3k by 2028, according to Nouriel Roubini, CEO of Roubini Macro Associates and Professor Emeritus at NYU Stern School of Business.

“Over the next few years, I would expect that gold could have high single-digits into low double-digits rates of return,” he said. “I expect… rates of return around 10 percent per year over the next five years.”

Inflation, stagflation and a trend towards ‘de-dollarization’ will be the main drivers.

“If the rivals of the U.S. have to diversify away from dollar assets because we weaponize the dollar and sanctions can be imposed, then the only international reserve asset that cannot be seized by the U.S. and the West is not the dollar, Euro, yen, or pound,” he said. “It can only be gold.”

He forecast gold to rise by 10 percent per year over five years, resulting in a gold price of over $3,000 per ounce, an overall return of 60 percent.

Roubini, also known as ‘Dr. Doom’ for his grim economic forecasts and for correctly predicting the 2008 financial crisis before it occurred, said that a “stagflationary depression” could begin in 2023, which would cause both stocks and bonds to decline.

“If I am right, that we will have a hard landing, that inflation is going to be persistent, and that central banks are in a dilemma, [then] both equities and bonds will do poorly,” he predicted. “Gold should do better because… it is a hedge against inflation. It is also a hedge against financial instability, and a hedge against social, political, and geopolitical stability.”

Roubini spoke with Michelle Makori, Editor-in-Chief and Lead Anchor at Kitco News.

Geopolitical threats

Roubini said that “revisionist powers” like China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea would challenge the U.S. and Europe for world dominance in the years to come.

He singled out Taiwan, a U.S. ally, as an example. Echoing U.S. navy chief Michael Gilday, he warned that China could attack Taiwan as soon as 2023, causing further tensions between China and the U.S.

“[China’s President] Xi came to power for a third term not because he wants to reform China, but because he wants to pass into history as the president that united mainland China with Taiwan,” Roubini claimed. “Recently, Biden has made statements that if China were either to invade Taiwan, or even impose a naval blockade, the U.S. will directly intervene in that conflict.”

He warned that such a conflict would escalate into a “fully nuclear war between the U.S. and China,” and if the United States were to renege on its commitment to Taiwan, it would lose credibility as a military ally.

“If you lose Taiwan, your credibility of committing to defend your allies like South Korea, Japan, Australia and others in Asia is going to fall,” he observed. “That is why Taiwan is important, not because of Taiwan, but because of the consequences on the hegemonic power of the U.S. in Asia.”

Fed tightening likely to pause

The Federal Reserve raised interest rates by 425 basis points last year in an effort to tame inflation, which reached a peak of 9.1 percent in June 2022.

Roubini said that the Fed would need to raise rates to at least 6 percent, but is unlikely to do so, given that this would cause a “severe” recession and debt implosions. He suggested that the Fed would pivot or pause its tightening cycle.

“You need to raise interest rates at least to six percent in order to push, over time, inflation towards two [percent], but interest rates at six percent are going to led to severe economic contraction,” he observed. “It is going to lead to even more credit distress…. There is so much debt in the system that an attempt to reduce inflation not only causes an economic crash, it causes also a financial crisis. They will feed on each other, and faced with an economic and financial crash, the Fed and other central banks are going to have to wimp out, blink, and not raise interest rates as much.”

However, Roubini said that this monetary policy response would then cause a “de-anchoring of inflation expectations,” leading to inflation of “at least” 5 to 6 percent over the medium term.

“We have inability in the public sector to increase taxes or cut government spending,” he said. “The temptation is going to be to wipe out the real value of long-duration government debt at fixed interest rates, but you can also wipe out the nominal value of private debt through a bout of unexpected inflation. That has already happened last year, and it is going to continue to happen. We’re going to use the inflation tax to deal with excessive amounts of private and public debt.”


In his new book, Megathreats: Ten Dangerous Trends That Imperil Our Future, and How to Survive Them, Roubini identifies debt crises, deglobalization, a demographic time bomb, climate catastrophes, Artificial Intelligence and other factors as “megathreats” which imperil all of humanity, and could lead to a “dystopia.”

A key theme in the book is that fixing one problem can make another one worse. For example, Roubini writes that to fix climate change, massive investments in green energy are required, but such investments would require a reduction in people’s standard of living.

“The economic cycles and the financial cycles, the boom bubbles busting and crashing, are becoming more severe and more frequent for a number of reasons, including toxic leverage of the economy and financial system,” he said. “It’s a very different world from the one I grew up in with these megathreats, which I didn’t even hear about while I was growing up. Now each one of them is a material threat to our prosperity, to peace, and to progress.”

To find out which other investments are likely to withstand Roubini’s ‘megathreats,’ watch the video above

Follow Michelle Makori on Twitter: @MichelleMakori

Follow Kitco News on Twitter: @KitcoNewsNOW

By Cornelius Christian

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

Gold closes at its highest value this year although traders bid it lower

Gold closes at its highest value this year, although traders bid it lower

Gold futures and spot pricing closed moderately higher today. However, traders and investors bid the precious yellow metal lower with dollar weakness accounting for all of today's gains. As of 4:40 PM EST gold futures basis, the most active February contract is currently up $5.80 or 0.32% and fixed at $1875.60. Concurrently, the dollar is trading 0.68% lower on the day with the dollar index currently fixed at 102.945. Simply comparing the percentage gain in gold (+0.32%) against the percentage decline in the dollar (-0.68%) reveals that there was selling pressure in gold futures today.

The same is true for spot or physical gold. According to the KGX, (Kitco Gold Index) spot gold is currently fixed at $1870.80 after factoring in today's gain of $5.10. However on closer inspection dollar weakness resulted in gains of $12.90 per ounce, and selling pressure took gold lower by $7.80 resulting in today's moderate gain.

A case can be made for the selling pressure in gold on a fundamental and technical basis. Reuters News reported a comment made by Mary Daily the president of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank who said, "The Fed should try to bring inflation down "as gently as we can," but it also "absolutely" needs to make sure high inflation does not become embedded."

This suggested that the Fed might raise rates by 50- bps, rather than 25 bps which was the anticipated rate hike that the Federal Reserve would enact at the next FOMC meeting (January 31 – February 1). During a webcast interview with the Wall Street Journal daily she left open that possibility. "I can give you arguments for either side."

She confirmed the current outlook by the Federal Reserve that ultimately interest rates need to go to between 5.00% and 5.25% and remain there to bring inflation to the Federal Reserve's target of 2%.

Traders and investors are viewing the potential for a 50-bps hike as reflected by the selling pressure in both gold futures and spot pricing. However, according to the CME's FedWatch tool, there is a 79.2% probability that the Federal Reserve will raise rates by ¼% and a 20.8% probability that they will raise rates more aggressively by 50 bps.

Market participants will look at the December reading of the CPI (Consumer Price Index) this Thursday to gain more insight into the Federal Reserve's 2023 monetary policy.

Technical studies also suggest that gold prices could correct

Today gold futures traded to an intraday high of $1886 before settling approximately $10 lower at the time of this writing. Our technical studies indicate that gold futures could find potential resistance at $1881 which is based upon a top that occurred at the end of June 2022. Gold futures did trade above that price point but closed below it suggesting possible resistance at the top created in June.

By Gary Wagner

Contributing to

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

The Benefits of Joining Solverescom

The Benefits of Joining

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Business Directory is a free Business Directory and Branding platform that helps small businesses grow.

What the difference between the old concept and new concept?

The old concept is to build your own website, social media accounts and blog posts; you need more time to manage everything! The new concept of is that all these things have been done for you, so you can focus on what matters most: growing your business!

Network Marketing – Old Concept Vs. New Concept

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  • Tools To Build Your Business: These are useful resources for building your business through networking with others online or offline at events like conferences where you might meet potential customers face-to-face. They include education tools like webinars (online seminars) where experts teach you how best practices work within different industries; articles written by professionals who have experience working with different types of businesses; white papers which explain concepts using easy language so anyone can understand them without getting bogged down by technical jargon – all these things help build credibility while making sure they're not too complicated so readers won't get confused when reading them either! In addition there are various promotional materials available including promotional items such as pens/magnets/posters etc., banners which allow users display ads promoting their products/services directly onto their websites without having any knowledge about HTML code etcetera…

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Tim Moseley

The Top Marketing Trends of 2023: What You Need to Know

The Top Marketing Trends of 2023: What You Need to Know



The digital world has changed the way we do business. For some companies, this means adapting to new trends that can help them reach their target audience while creating brand loyalty. For others, it means falling behind or struggling to keep up with competitors. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the biggest marketing trends for 2023 and how you can use them to your advantage.

Why traditional marketing models are broken

Traditional marketing models are broken. It’s no surprise that digital marketing is more effective than traditional marketing, but it’s also more cost-effective. Digital has a much higher return on investment (ROI) and can be used to scale your business beyond what you would have been able to do with traditional methods.

The benefits of digital marketing don't stop there though; these days, we're seeing that companies who invest in new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) will thrive while their competitors falter behind them because they're not keeping up with the times.

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Here are some reasons why:

  • Traditional Marketing Is Not Scalable – Social media allows you to reach thousands of people at once using just one post—and you don't need an army of employees or expensive equipment! You can also use social media apps such as Snapchat where your audience is younger than Instagram's average viewer age (25–34 years old).

  • Traditional Marketing Is Not Measurable – There's no way for you to know exactly how well your ad campaigns are doing unless someone comes back later saying "hey thanks for advertising my business!" This makes it hard for marketers because they don't know if anyone saw their content before deciding whether or not it was worthwhile giving money away by creating ads in order promote themselves; thus making purchasing decisions based only on gut feeling instead of actual data points collected from research surveys completed by previous customers could cause companies lose money unnecessarily over time due misalignment between expectations/needs versus reality which leads down path towards bankruptcy within five years after launch date originally planned out ten years ago when first meeting took place between stakeholders during annual planning process conducted quarterly throughout year prior launch date set back then moved forward several months earlier due unforeseen circumstances developed leading up until today–things happen faster now than ever before so plan accordingly."

What marketing trends will dominate this year?

AI-Driven Marketing

We're no longer in the digital marketing world of 2017, where a website and an email list are all you need to get started. If you're not already incorporating AI into your marketing strategy, it's time to start. AI can drive personalized experiences for customers and help them achieve their goals across channels—not just one channel at a time. It also helps reduce repetitive tasks so that you have more time to focus on growing your business while AI takes care of the rest.

Customer experience (CX)

Customer experience (CX) is the new marketing. It's more than just a buzzword or phrase—it's the focus of your marketing strategy in 2023. Customer experience is not just about acquiring customers, it's about keeping them. In the past few years, marketers have shifted their focus from attracting new customers to retaining existing ones through improving CX and increasing loyalty.

The reason why this shift has happened is simple: consumers are demanding more from businesses than ever before. As technology continues to advance at an exponential rate, our expectations as consumers increase as well. We want products that are customized to suit our needs and desires; we want services that go above and beyond what was promised; we expect companies to be responsive when something goes wrong; we expect brands to understand who they're selling too based on their previous interactions with them online…and so on!

Omnichannel marketing

Ominchannel marketing is the future of marketing. It's a multi-channel approach to marketing, where your customers can interact with your brand across all channels—social media, email, email newsletters and print publications.

Omnichannel marketing requires a seamless experience for customers: They shouldn't have to jump in and out of different websites or apps to get what they need from you. In addition, omnichannel marketers must be able to manage customer interactions across these channels in real time so that if something goes wrong (for example, if there's an issue with an order) it can be fixed immediately without much disruption for the customer.


Customer-centricity is the new marketing.

It’s the best way to build your brand, and it is a key factor in building customer loyalty.

Customer-centricity is about achieving customer satisfaction through a holistic approach that includes understanding the needs of customers, meeting those needs with products and services that are unique to their needs, and engaging with them as individuals in order to build trust over time.

Voice search optimization (VSO)

Voice search optimization is the practice of optimizing your website for voice search and making it easy for users to find the information they want. By 2023, it's expected that 50% of all searches will be performed using voice input. This means that optimizing your website for voice searches is more important than ever!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in advertising and marketing

AI is a powerful tool to help marketers. It can automate tasks, improve efficiency and save time. With AI, you can optimize your marketing campaigns better than humanly possible. For example, if you want a campaign that targets customers based on their behavior or interests, it's easy with AI.

AI also allows marketers to create more personalized experiences for their customers (via machine learning). For example, if someone browses your website but doesn't buy anything yet, an AI bot could send them an email about another product that might be useful for them based on what they've been browsing before (and possibly other data points).

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is a great way to reach your target market and gain brand awareness. Here are some ways influencers can help you do that:

  • They have large social media followings, so they can use their platforms to promote your business.

  • They're often experts in their niche, which means they know what people are looking for and can help you fill those needs.

Now that we've covered how influencers can benefit your business, let's talk about how to find the right ones for you. First things first; make sure that the person has an audience that aligns with yours (i.e., if they're catering towards women who wear size seven shoes but own cats named Smudge, it's probably not going to work out). It's also important to note that there isn't one type of influencer—there are many different types of influencers who specialize in different things: travel bloggers, fashion bloggers, food bloggers…the list goes on! The main thing is finding someone who fits into one of these categories because those are usually where most brands look when searching for new talent. If you're still unsure about partnerships but want something similar without actually paying anyone anything upfront – try doing some co-branding campaigns instead! These require less investment because anyone involved benefits from increased brand awareness regardless if any money exchanges hands or not."

Brand video content/storytelling

Brand video content/storytelling

Video is the most engaging form of content, with more than 95% of viewers preferring interactive video over static images. And with advances in AI, the line between what's real and what's fictional has become increasingly blurry. The result? Video becomes a vehicle for brands to tell their stories in new, exciting ways that can change how customers perceive them—and therefore how they feel about purchasing from them. For example, in 2023 when you want to buy an expensive piece of furniture from Ikea (which will still be around), it won't just be about making sure that specific model fits into your living room; it'll also be about how well its story fits into yours—whether through its design aesthetics or its environmental sustainability initiatives or both!

In addition to telling immersive brand stories through video content creation tools like animated GIFs or 3D models that allow users to zoom in on details (like those used by Google Maps), marketers can now create animated characters based on their own faces using artificial intelligence technology like [Amazon Rekognition]( This allows companies like Uniqlo Japan which launched an online fashion show starring virtual versions of themselves earlier this year using Amazon Rekognition technology as well as Apple’s Memoji feature available within Apple Music app for iPhone users worldwide since June 2019!

Content marketing trends and tools to adopt in 2023

Content marketing is a long-term strategy. It takes time and effort to build a loyal audience that trusts your brand, but the payoff is worth it. By creating relevant content that’s valuable for your customers, you can build trust with them (which leads to conversions) and generate more traffic back to your website.

Content marketing tools:

  • Infographics – A great way to communicate complex ideas in an easy-to-read format

  • Videos – Video content has been shown to increase engagement by 80% compared with text content alone

  • Podcasts – Podcast listeners tend to be very loyal, so building a podcast following will help you attract new clients over time

Online courses – Online courses are a great way to teach your audience what you know and build trust with them. Interviews – Interviewing influencers in your field can help you build relationships that lead to opportunities down the road. White papers – These are dense but valuable documents that share research on a specific topic. They’re especially useful if you have a long sales cycle and need something to give potential clients right away.

Invest in the right digital resources to increase your ROI.

One of the most important things you can do to improve your digital marketing strategy is to invest in the right digital resources.

It’s easy to get caught up in social media, but there are so many other tools out there that can help you increase your ROI. One way of doing this is by using A/B testing tools like Optimizely and Unbounce, which allow you to test different versions of a landing page or email campaign against each other and see which one performs best before making a final decision.


With the right tools, content, and strategies, you can increase your ROI and engage with more customers. Branding is always important but it's even more so in today's world of instant gratification where consumers expect a personalized experience at every touchpoint.


Tim Moseley

Gold price surges back to 6-month highs on mixed US data focus shifts to inflation next week

Gold price surges back to 6-month highs on mixed U.S. data, focus shifts to inflation next week

The latest macro data out of the U.S. pushed gold back to six-month highs after the U.S. economy and employment showed signs of cooling.

The gold market was at one point just $25 away from its key $1,900 an ounce level on Friday, with February Comex gold last at $1,873.40, up 2.4% on the week.

The biggest macro event of the week showed that the U.S. job growth slowed modestly in December, with U.S. nonfarm payrolls rising by 223,000 last month. The November data was revised down to 256,000 positions added.

One of the gold-positive drivers from the report was wage pressures coming down, which is a sign that inflation is cooling. Year-over-year average hourly earnings rose 4.6% last month. This was below markets' expectations of 5% and followed November's downwardly revised gain of 4.8%.

"Overall [the report] showed an economy slowly moderating with inflation coming down and labor market still strong. There is simply nothing recessionary about this report, but it was also a mixed report that had something for everyone," said MKS PAMP's head of metals strategy Nicky Shiels.

Also, the U.S. service sector contracted for the first time in 30 months in December, with the Services Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) reading coming in at 49.6%. The 6.9 percentage-point decline surprised to the downside as market consensus calls were looking for the index to come in at 55%.

"While recent tracking suggests that GDP growth held up much better than expected in Q4 last year, this decline in the ISM services will raise concerns that the economy was losing momentum quickly and could have started 2023 on a soft footing," said CIBC Capital Markets senior economist Andrew Grantham.

Gold surged in response to both data releases, hitting a daily high of $1,875.20 — the highest level since June. "Gold knee-jerked higher," said Shiels. "The steep declines in business activity and orders that, if sustained, creates concerns about the demand outlook."

Next week's performance is key

What gold does next will be vital in determining whether the precious metal can sustain its rally, Shiels added.

"Depending on whether gold can hold its weekly gains (which is looking increasingly likely), it solidifies the offensive way gold has been trading since it established a mild bull trend since early November – always looking for reasons to rally," she said Friday. "There's a decent amount of bullish 'pent-up' demand that has been rolled over from last year and can get ignited on the right data point (CPI & PCE) will be far more telling," Shiels said.

Gold began to show signs of a bullish pattern in the fourth quarter of 2022 on expectations of a pivot by the Federal Reserve.

The next target that gold needs to breach is around $1,896.50, which is the 61.8% retracement of the losses since last March's peak near $2,070, Bannockburn Global Forex managing director Marc Chandler told Kitco News.

"I am not convinced it makes it up there as momentum indicators are getting stretched, and I think the risk is greater than the around 1-in-3 chance that the Fed funds futures are pricing in of a 50 bp hike at the FOMC meeting that concludes on Feb 1," Chandler stated. "That said, as long as the yellow metal holds above the $1,825-$1,830 area, the upside looks favored."

After Friday's data, markets started to price in a 74.2% chance of a 25-basis-point rate hike in February, according to the CME's FedWatch Tool.

Gold has been anticipating and pricing in a slowdown in rate hikes by the Fed, but the ETF investors still need some convincing before the rally can really kick off, said Commerzbank analyst Barbara Lambrecht.

"Its upswing is presumably due primarily to more optimism among speculative financial investors, who are generally more fickle," Lambrecht wrote Friday. "However, any lasting recovery of prices on the gold market will require, above all, a shift in sentiment among ETF investors, who are still exercising caution. They appear to be waiting for the U.S. rate hike cycle to come to an end. In the short term, we envisage, if anything, a risk of setbacks on the gold market."

Data to watch

Inflation is one of the key reports that gold will pay close attention to next week, especially after the Fed minutes from the December meeting showed that U.S. central bank officials feel that more work needs to be done to battle price pressures.

"Federal Reserve officials remain concerned that policy needs to be more restrictive and to stay restrictive for a long period of time to ensure that demand moves into balance with the economy's supply capacity and price pressures subside," said ING chief international economist James Knightley.

Market consensus calls are looking for the annual inflation number to slow to 6.5% in December from November's 7.1% print.

Tuesday: Fed Chair Jerome Powell speaks on 'Central Bank Independence'

Thursday: CPI, U.S. jobless claims

Friday: Michigan consumer sentiment

By Anna Golubova

For Kitco News

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

Is it worth investing in pay-per-click advertising campaigns for lead generation goals?

Is it worth investing in pay-per-click advertising campaigns for lead generation goals?


Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can be a worthwhile investment for lead generation goals, as it allows you to target specific keywords and demographics, and only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This can be particularly effective if you are targeting a specific group of people who are more likely to be interested in your products or services.

Here are some advantages of PPC advertising for lead generation:

  1. Targeted reach: PPC campaigns allow you to target specific keywords, locations, and demographics, which means you can reach a highly targeted audience. This can be particularly useful if you are trying to reach a specific group of people who are more likely to be interested in your products or services.

  2. Measurable results: PPC campaigns provide detailed analytics, which means you can track the performance of your ads and see exactly how many leads they are generating. This can help you optimize your campaign and make sure you are getting the best return on investment.

  3. Quick results: Unlike organic search engine optimization, which can take time to see results, PPC campaigns can start generating leads almost immediately. This can be particularly useful if you need to generate leads quickly.

However, it's important to carefully consider your budget and goals before investing in PPC advertising. PPC campaigns can be more expensive than other forms of advertising, and it's important to make sure you are getting a good return on your investment. It's also important to carefully choose your keywords and create targeted ad copy to make sure you are reaching the right audience.

Overall, PPC advertising can be a useful tool for lead generation, but it's important to carefully consider your goals and budget before deciding if it's the right fit for your business.


Tim Moseley

Gold moves lower temporally halting rally on Fed clarifications of inflation concerns

Gold moves lower temporally halting rally on Fed clarifications of inflation concerns

Breaking four consecutive days of gains, gold prices declined today by $20 as market participants reacted to data revealing that the U.S. labor market is tighter than previously perceived. A tight labor market raises the expectations that the Federal Reserve will maintain the elevated interest rates for a longer period. The expectations that the Fed will continue its extremely hawkish monetary policy throughout the entire calendar year have diminished the hope of easing by the Federal Reserve.

The vast majority of gold’s price decline today was directly attributable to dollar strength. The U.S. dollar index is currently up 0.85% and fixed at 104.91. Considering that gold is trading 1.11% lower indicates mild selling pressure combined with dollar strength led to gold’s first daily price decline this year.

Minutes released by the Fed earlier this week cemented sentiment by Federal Reserve officials who unanimously agreed that the central bank should slow the pace of rate hikes while maintaining the current elevated level. While there is very little hope that the Federal Reserve will reduce rates according to the minute's released rate hikes should be limited to their upper target of approximately 5.1% vis-à-vis its benchmark Fed funds rate.

As of 4:15 PM EST gold futures basis the most active February contract is currently fixed at $1838.50 after factoring in today’s decline of 1.10.%. Silver futures sustained a deeper decline giving up 2.48% with the most active March contract currently fixed at $23.37.

Price levels for gold

he two most recent tops occur at $1823 (August 2022) and $1791 (November 2022) which continue to be technical levels of support. Noteworthy is the fact that the support trendline covering recent lows from November to current pricing remains intact.

Major resistance still occurs at $1881.50 which is based on two tops that occurred in mid-November and mid-June 2022. However, yesterday’s intraday high of $1870 now becomes the next level of resistance for gold to take out.

By Gary Wagner

Contributing to

Time to Buy Gold and Silver

Tim Moseley

10 Essential Tips to Get Your Website Quickly Indexed in Google

10 Essential Tips to Get Your Website Quickly Indexed in Google


ecosystem for entrepreneurs


Here are some essential tips to get your website quickly indexed in Google:

  1. Create a sitemap: A sitemap is a file that lists all the pages on your website. It helps Google discover and crawl your website's pages. You can use a tool like XML Sitemap Generator to create a sitemap and submit it to Google through Search Console.

  2. Use Google Search Console: Google Search Console is a free tool that helps you monitor, maintain, and improve your website's presence in Google search results. You can use it to submit your sitemap and individual pages to Google for crawling.

  3. Use internal linking: Internal linking is the practice of linking to other pages on your website from within your website's content. This helps Google discover and crawl your website's pages and can also improve the website's overall structure and navigation.

  4. Use external linking: External linking is the practice of linking to other websites from your website. This helps Google understand the relevance and authority of your website's content.

  5. Use social media: Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn can help drive traffic to your website and improve its visibility in Google search results.

  6. Use keywords in your content: Use relevant keywords in your website's content to help Google understand what your website is about. This can improve your website's ranking in Google search results for those keywords.

  7. Use alt tags for images: Alt tags are a text description of an image. They help search engines understand the content of images and improve the accessibility of your website.

  8. Use a mobile-friendly design: More and more people are using their phones to search the web, so it's important to have a website that is mobile-friendly. Google favors websites that are mobile-friendly in its search rankings.

  9. Use a fast-loading design: Google favors websites that load quickly in its search rankings. You can use tools like PageSpeed Insights to test your website's loading speed and get recommendations for improvement.

  10. Use a secure design: Google favors websites that are secure in its search rankings. You can use tools like SSL Server Test to check if your website is secure and get recommendations for improvement.

Tim Moseley

The Artist that came out of the Winter