Tag Archives: #father’s day 2022

Thoughts on Fatherhood From 15 Celebrity Dads

Thoughts on Fatherhood From 15 Celebrity Dads

by Joyce Chen, a writer, editor, and community builder based in Seattle, Washington


 Thoughts on Fatherhood From 15 Celebrity Dads


Celeb dads, they’re just like us!

Many of the biggest names in music, tech, politics, sports, and Hollywood also happen to be just good ole “Dad” to their kids. These famous fathers have found ways to stay connected to their little (and not-so-little) ones, and can’t help but extoll the wonders of seeing the world through their children’s eyes.

For some of them, fatherhood has meant learning how to slow down and appreciate the little things; for others, it’s required getting more intentional about their careers, so they can maximize time with their kids. But most celebrity dads agree that fatherhood has been humbling — a reminder that their most important job in life is to care for and help raise the next generation of changemakers. Or as Prince Harry put it, “Perhaps it’s the newfound clarity I have as a father, knowing that my son will always be watching what I do, mimicking my behavior, one day maybe even following in my footsteps.” Below, we’ve rounded up 15 other heartwarming quotes about fatherhood, from some of today’s biggest names.


[Parental love] is a different kind of love. It's very pure, it's unconditional, but they haven't earned it yet. They didn't do anything, they just exist and you love them completely, but it's not built on anything other than their existence.
— John Legend


Being a father is the single greatest feeling on Earth. Not including those wonderful years I spent without a child, of course.
— Ryan Reynolds


More than anything you have to make time to be with your children. It’s something I battle a lot because of my career, because as much as it’s nice to be busy and working, ultimately children don’t raise themselves. You’ve got to be there to help them and guide them through it.
— Idris Elba


Love, respect, and hard work, honor, and discipline, all the stuff I learned [being a father]. [Zoë is] amazing, and she’s all the things that I would have hoped for. I’m [her] dad you know, but we’re friends. We’re very close. We talk about everything. We don’t hide things from each other.
— Lenny Kravitz


[Becoming a dad] made me want to work harder and get focused and do the right things, so the right things could happen for me and my kids.
— Mario Lopez


Men should always change diapers. It’s a very rewarding experience. It’s mentally cleansing. It’s like washing dishes, but imagine if the dishes were your kids, so you really love the dishes.
— Chris Martin


I finally understand Game of Thrones. I think about how I would do anything for my daughter, and also my wife. [Fatherhood] gives me this clarity of thought around every decision I make, not just professionally, but personally, and everything else. It just feels really good. It's like a higher level of consciousness.
— Alexis Ohanian (co-founder of Reddit, husband to Serena Williams)


The love I have for my wife is so intense, but nothing prepared me for the love I have for my kids. That feeling is overwhelming. The thought of them being in any trouble, any pain… I would do anything to avoid it.
— Hugh Jackman


It's a full-on assembly line… They harmonize when they cry. When one cries, two cry, then three cry. Chain reaction is a real thing at our house.
— Pharrell


Being present with your child, that’s the greatest gift that you can give to any child, your attention.
— David Beckham


I worry about the future more. When you have something or someone in your life to give the future to, I think it focuses the mind more about what you're giving them. Are you happy that you've done all you can to leave it in a good state?
— Prince William


I’ve been a parent for three weeks. What do I know? I don’t know anything, but it’s kind of part of the beauty of it, honestly. There are a lot of instincts, a lot of things that kind of kick in and switch on. It’s a beautiful experience.
— Adam Levine (shortly after the 2016 birth of his twin daughters Dusty and Gio)


I thought I'd never be that annoying person [who shares pictures of his kids], but as soon as Winnie was born, I was showing iPhone snaps to a cab driver.
— Jimmy Fallon


We pass on the values of empathy and kindness to our children by living them. We need to show our kids that you’re not strong by putting other people down — you’re strong by lifting them up. That’s our responsibility as fathers.
— Barack Obama


My kids are my greatest piece of art. If I can pump them full of amazing stuff and surround them with beautiful art and music, then I’m going to live out my life watching them. They’re already way smarter and just way better than me. God, I love it. It’s beautiful. I want it to be the greatest thing I ever do: Make good humans.
— Jason Momoa


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Tim Moseley