Tag Archives: Connect Coin

Connect Coin

Connect Coin

Connect Coin

Connect Coin, built by people for the people connect social, is a social network, a shopping platform, and a video content platform that pays our ambassadors or our users for their consumer data to most big tech companies whose platforms you are using every day.

You are the product, you are building their platforms for free, you are referring users and you are creating content. They are selling your consumer data to make billions of dollars with connect social. You are not our product, you are our partner. Connect social pays you to help our Network grow.

We pay you to produce content and we pay you for shopping with our Merchants. You get paid and connect coins, our very own cryptocurrency. When you acquire connect coins, you can use them like cash to spend and connect social Merchants. You can save them and let them grow in value or you can sell them on the connect exchange for your local currency. We'll connect coins to grow to ten dollars.

Per coin, or eventually, one hundred dollars per coin, we hope so the more connect ambassadors we have, the more consumers, save money and get paid for their data. We will have. This will translate into a higher coin price. Only time will tell how valuable connect coins will become. Connect coins are a centralized cryptocurrency and they are only used inside of the connect social economy.

Join, connect, social and start earning connect. Coins today connect social. It pays to be connected. https://iamconnect.com/referral/f868c6e38ec24a219d2f5a61e4cde009/4971


Tim Moseley